439 research outputs found

    Hasil Tangkapan Pancing Tonda yang Didaratkan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Ambon

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    Hasil tangkapan pancing tonda yang di daratkan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Ambon sangat sedikit informasinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan: jenis, komposisi ukuran dan jumlah hasil tangkapan pancing tonda di PPN Ambon. Penelitian dilakukan selama 6 bulan sejak bulan Mei-Juli mewakili musim Timur dan Barat (OktoberDesember). Penelitian menggunakan metode sampling langsung di PPN. Analisis data scara deskriptif selanjutnya disajikan dalam bentuk tabel, grafik dan histogram. Hasil penelitian terungkap 7 jenis ikan yakni: tuna madidihang (Thunnus albacares), cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis), lemadang (Coryphaena hippurus), sunglir (Elagatis bipinnulata), tongkol abuabu (Thunnus tonggol), setuhuk hitam (Makaira indica), dan layaran (Istiophorud platypterus). Komposisi ukuran dan jumlah hasil tangkapan mewakili musim timur yaitu: Tuna madidihang dengan panjang 30-70 cm dan berat 1.000-4.800 g, Cakalang 24-63 cm (1.000-4.500 g), Lemadang 120-140 cm (1.000-8.900 g), Sunglir 32-85 cm (1.000-3.100 g), Tongkol Abuabu 38-49 cm (1.000-1.200 g), Layaran 115-125 cm (8.400-8.700 g), dan Setuhuk Hitam 100-123 cm (8.100-8.500 g). Hasil tangkapan pada musim barat yaitu: Tuna madidihang 30-59 cm dan 1.000-4.800 g, Cakalang 30-71 cm (345-8.155 g), Lemadang 45-66 cm (190-2.655 g), Sunglir 45-59 cm (1.256-1955 g), dan Setuhuk Hitam 91-100 cm (7.100-8.100 g). Pada musim timur dijumpai jumlah, jenis dan ukuran lebih banyak serta beragam dibandingkan dengan musim barat. Informasi penelitian ini penting untuk pemanfaatan sumber daya perikanan Perairan Maluku, sehingga dapat dikelolah secara bertanggungjawab dan berkelanjutan


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    Marine fish supply chain is an integrated process that combines production until shipping, as well efforts to cut coasts through shipping so as to provide consumers with good service. Eri’s fish landing center is one of the contributors to the stock availability of layang fish in the Ambon. The purpose of the research is to analyze the supply chain layang fish and the level of efficiency. Data were collected by purposive sampling with primary and secondary data from September-December 2019. The results of the study obtained three supply chains with four actors involved in it. Strategies to reduce margins and shorren supply chains by involving key players at high prices, namely papalele and the government at low prices, It is hoped that this alternative is one of the supporting the national fish barn


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    Ikan layang cukup melimpah dan memberikan kontribusi bagi perkembangan ekonomi masyarakat Kepulauan Banda. Kelimpahan sumberdaya ikan layang, mendorong perusahaan membangun pendingin (cold storage) dan meningkatkan upaya penangkapan jaring bobo (mini purse seine), dengan melibatkan tenaga kerja lokal. Namun tingginya upaya pemanfaatan tersebut, belum diimbangi dengan pengelolaan secara berkelanjutan berdasarkan aspek biologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui aspek biologi ikan layang yang meliputi: hubungan panjang-bobot, nisbah kelamin, faktor kondisi, tingkat kematangan gonad (TKG), indeks kematangan gonad (IKG), ukuran pertama kali matang gonad (UPMG) dan fekunditas. Selanjutnya aspek biologi tersebut dikaitkannya dengan implikasi manajemen perikanan tangkap.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama enam bulan yakni Juni-November 2022 dengan total sampel sebanyak 1500 ekor yang dikoleksi dari cold store di Banda. Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik simple random sampling. Sampling dilakukan setiap minggu dengan mengukur panjang total dan bobot tubuh ikan, kemudian ikan dibedah untuk pengamatan nisbah kelamin,TKG, IKG dan fekunditas di Laboratorium Perikanan Universitas Banda Naira. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan ikan layang jantan maupun betina memiliki pola pertumbuhan allometrik positif,nisbah kelamin tidak seimbang. Faktor kondisinya berfluktuatif setiap bulan pada kisaran 0,99-1,03.  Sebaran TKG dan IKGmengindikasikan ikan layang memijah sepanjang tahun dengan puncaknya pada bulan Juli-Agustus.UPMG ikan jantan 24,14 dan betina 23,74 cm mengalami penurunan 1-2 cm selama 10 tahun terakhir. Fekunditas total sebesar 524-41.720 butir,fekunditas tertinggipada bulan Agustus. Aspek biologi ini, berimplikasi pada manajemen perikanan tangkap ikan layang di kepulauan Banda supaya dapat diatur waktu dan kuota penangkapan  untuk menjamin keberlanjutan pemanfaatannya


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    This research was carried out in the waters of Tulehu, Ambon Island between February and April 2020 to study the reproductive aspects of dark-banded fusilier (Pterocaesio tile) which covers sex ratio, gonad maturity level, gonado somatic index, and first maturity size. Dark-banded fusilier samples were collected on weekly interval from gill net fishers operating in the waters of Tulehu village. The fish samples collected were separated by sex, weighed and measured for its total length. All samples collected were then dissected to take the gonads, determined the gonad maturity stage (GMS) and weighed. The Chi Square test (χ2) with p=0.05 was used to analyze whether there is difference between the ratio of male and female. Gonadal maturity level was determined morphologically based on standard literature, while gonad somatic index was determined based on proportion of gonad weight and fish body weight. The length at first maturity was determined by using logistic curve. The results showed that the ratio between males and females was 1:1 in March and April while in February the ratio was 1≠1. Totally, gonad maturity level of female fish was dominated by GMS IV (52.1%) and the lowest was GMS I (5.9%), while for male fish the lowest GMS was GMS V (3.9%) and the highest was GMS IV (27.9%). The highest gonado somatic index value for male and female fish was owned by GMS IV in April, while the lowest occurred in February for GMS I. The length at first maturity of female and male fish was 20.1 cm.   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di perairan negeri Tulehu, Pulau Ambon pada bulan Februari hingga April 2020 untuk mengkaji aspek reproduksi ikan lalosi (Pterocaesio tile) yang meliputi rasio kelamin, tingkat kematangan gonad, gonado somatik indeks dan ukuran pertama kali matang gonad. Sampel ikan lalosi dikumpulkan setiap minggu dari nelayan jaring insang yang beroperasi di perairan negeri Tulehu. Sampel ikan yang terkumpul dipisahkan menurut jenis kelaminnya, ditimbang beratnya dan diukur panjang totalnya. Semua sampel yang dikoleksi kemudian dibedah untuk diambil gonadnya, ditentukan tingkat kematangan gonadnya (TKG) dan ditimbang beratnya. Untuk menganalis apakah ada perbedaan yang nyata antara rasio ikan jantan dan betina digunakan uji Khi Kuadrat (χ2) dengan p=0,05. Tingkat kematangan gonad ditentukan secara morfologis berdasarkan standar literatur, sedangkan gonado somatik indeks ditentukan berdasarkan proporsi berat gonad dan berat tubuh ikan. Panjang pertama kali matang gonad ditentukan menggunakan kurva logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa rasio antara jantan dan betina adalah 1:1 pada bulan Maret dan April sedangkan pada bulan Februari rasionya 1≠1. Secara keseluruhan, tingkat kematangan gonad ikan betina didominasi oleh TKG IV (52,1%) dan terendah TKG I (5,9%), sedangkan untuk ikan jantan TKG terendah adalah TKG V (3,9%) dan tertinggi TKG IV (27,9%). Nilai gonado somatik indeks tertinggi untuk ikan jantan dan betina dimiliki oleh TKG IV pada bulan April sedangkan terendah terjadi pada bulan Februari untuk TKG I.  Panjang pertama kali matang gonad untuk ikan betina dan jantan adalah 20,1 cm. Kata Kunci:   Ikan lalosi, rasio kelamin, tingkat kematangan gonad, gonado somatik indeks, panjang pertama kali matang gonad &nbsp


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    The implementation of fisheries management in Indonesia is guided by EAFM concept. Aru Islands, an area in WPPNRI-718 that contributes fishery production in Maluku and Indonesia significantly. Fishery activities dynamic in this region are high, requiring the strengthening of management capacity. Fisheries managers in this area do not yet have a strong understanding and capacity in implementing EAFM. Strengthening fisheries managers capacity was mandated by the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regulation Number 9 of 2015, as well as responding to the need for EAFM competency standards. The activity was attended by 14 participants from 11 institutions in Dobo. Five stages process including: pretest; presentation of introductory material and the six EAFM domains as well as discussions; field trip and data collection; analysis, results presentation, formulation of recommendations; and post test. The results showed an increase in EAFM knowledge around 92.86%, with the level of understanding change of 71.43

    The therapeutic potential of Rho GTPase intervention

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    Small GTPases of the Rho family are well established regulators of critical cellular functions including cytoskeletal remodeling, motility, vesicle trafficking and cell cycle control. Additionally, aberrant signaling and/or regulation of Rho proteins have been implicated in various human pathologies. For these reasons, there is increasing interest in Rho GTPases as targets for therapeutic intervention. In the current study, we aim to understand Rho GTPase involvement in neuronal degeneration associated with clinical cisplatin use. Using a mouse model of cisplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) and a primary neuronal culture system we investigated how RhoA pathway suppression concomitant with cisplatin could prevent neuronal damage. Additionally, in order to fill a large gap in the field of Rho GTPase study and to allow us to further understand Rho GTPase cross regulation, we sought to identify and characterize novel small-molecule inhibitors of the Rho family member Cdc42.   Using our CIPN mouse model, we examined RhoA pathway suppression with LM11A-31, a p75 neurotrophin receptor ligand mimetic, on both RhoA signaling and neuronal damage associated with cisplatin application. We determined that cisplatin-induced decreases in peripheral nerve sensitivity and abnormal peripheral nerve morphologies could be prevented with concurrent use of LM11A-31 and cisplatin. Additionally, cisplatin-induced increases in RhoA activity and expression could be inhibited by LM11A-31. Furthermore, in vivo and in vitro studies demonstrate that cisplatin can also reduce SHP2 phosphorylation, which in turn, can be alleviated by LM11A-31. These studies demonstrate the importance of RhoA signaling in the development of CIPN and highlight its usefulness as a potential therapeutic target.   To discover potential specific Cdc42 inhibitors, we applied high-throughput screening to identify compounds that are able to target the interaction between Cdc42 and its specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor, intersectin. ZCL278 was found to inhibit Cdc42 activity, expression, and directly bind to Cdc42. Additionally, ZCL278 inhibits Cdc42-mediated microspike formation, and disrupts GM130-docked Golgi structures. ZCL278 also suppresses Cdc42-mediated neuronal branching as well as cell motility and migration without disrupting cell viability. Therefore, ZCL278 is a novel small-molecule modulator of Cdc42 that will open the door to further study of Cdc42-mediated signaling pathways.  Ph.D

    Karakteristik Ikan Pelagis Kecil Yang Dipasarkan Di Pasar Arumbai, Kota Ambon

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    Small pelagic fish play a crucial role in the marine food chain and have significant economic value, yet information about them remains scarce. This research aims to map the origin and characteristics of small pelagic fish marketed at Arumbai Market in Ambon City. The study was conducted over six months, from May to October 2023, at Arumbai Market. The research utilized survey methods and interviews, and the data were analyzed descriptively. Observations were made on the quantity and size structure of four dominant fish species from five different fish landing locations: Hila, Tulehu, Laha, Hitu, and Latuhalat. The results of this research revealed variations in the composition of dominant small pelagic fish species sold, from the highest to the lowest, namely Decapterus sp, Rastreligger sp, Selar sp, and Auxis sp. The contribution of the five fish landing locations is as follows: Hila (31%), Hitu (24%), Tulehu (18%), Laha (15%), and Latuhalat (12%). Differences in the composition of the quantity and size marketed are suspected to be due to variations in seasons, fishing tools, and capture areas


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    Flying fish Cypselurus poecilopterus is a small pelagic fish resource that plays an important ecological and economic role. However, information regarding the structure of its stock in East Indonesian waters is still limited. This study aims to identify stock structure based on morphometric, meristic approaches, and associated with environmental factors. Fish samples were taken during one fishing season (June-September) in 2015 and 2021 in the waters of West Papua and East Seram where the Lydakker line passes, using the method of observation and purposive sampling, then the data were analyzed descriptively and t-test. The results of observations on 23 morphometric characters and 5 meristic features showed a significant difference, so it is estimated that flying fish stocks are composed of 2 sub-populations. Differences in morphometric and meristic parameters are affected by different environmental conditions in the two waters. This information is expected to be useful for the management and sustainable use of flying fish resources


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    Hasil tangkapan jaring insang dasar di Dusun Seri Pulau Ambon belum pernah dilaporkan. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah menganalisis hasil tangkapan bottom gill net berdasarkan waktu penangkapan yang berbeda. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara eksperimental fishing dan wawancara. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan bantuan program Exel. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa Jumlah hasil tangkapan umum waktu penangkapan pagi dan malam sebanyak 96 dan 173 individu, jenis hasil tangkapan umum waktu penangkapan pagi dan malam sebanyak 91 dan 158 individu, dan ukuran pada waktu penangkapan pagi dan malam berkisar antara 29.2 cm dan 29 cm.  Jumlah hasil tangkapan dominan waktu penangkapan pagi dan malam sebanyak 63 dan 91 individu, jenis hasil tangkapan dominan yakni Priachantusteyunus sp,  Priacanthus sp, Chirocentrus sp dan Abudefduf sp. Dengan rata-rata ukuran tubuh berturut-turut  17.05 cm, 23.10 cm, 18.10 cm dan 14.65 cm

    The Evolving Role of Taxanes in Combination With Cetuximab for the Treatment of Recurrent and/or Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck : Evidence, Advantages, and Future Directions

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    The addition of cetuximab to platinum-based chemotherapy (cisplatin or carboplatin plus 5-fluorouracil [5-FU]), followed by maintenance cetuximab until disease progression (EXTREME), resulted in the first regimen to yield significantly improved survival outcomes in the first-line treatment of patients with recurrent and/or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (R/M SCCHN) in over 30 years. Currently, the EXTREME regimen is a guideline-recommended treatment in the first-line R/M setting, and, therefore, it is used as a control arm in all new first-line, phase 3 immunotherapy trials. More recently, new checkpoint inhibitor approaches have emerged and are changing the treatment landscape for PD-L1\u2013positive patients with R/M SCCHN. Additionally, alternative chemotherapy backbones in R/M SCCHN are continually investigated. Replacing 5-FU with a taxane in the EXTREME regimen seeks to take advantage of the potential immunogenic and proapoptotic synergy between cetuximab and docetaxel or paclitaxel. These cetuximab-, platinum-, and taxane-based treatments have demonstrated promising survival results and cytoreductive properties in single-arm studies. Thus, these combination treatments may be of importance to patients with high tumor burden and dangerous site involvements (e.g., causing bleeding, suffocation, dysphagia, or ulceration), in whom symptom relief is a key treatment goal. TPExtreme is the first large, randomized trial comparing a cetuximab, platinum, and taxane combination regimen with EXTREME. Currently, the substitution of 5-FU with a taxane is a feasible and clinically beneficial option for patients with contraindications to 5-FU. The TPEx regimen appears to be a new option in first-line R/M SCCHN, with a shorter time on CT and significantly lower toxicity than the EXTREME regimen. For patients with R/M disease in whom further cisplatin- or carboplatin-based treatment is unsuitable, or whose disease has already progressed on first-line R/M therapy, treatment options such as cetuximab plus a taxane, which capitalize on the combinative ability of the 2 agents, can be considered. Notably, it is as of yet unknown what second-line treatments may be suitable to follow a checkpoint inhibitor-based first-line therapy
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