947 research outputs found

    Regional Cultures and the Psychological Geography of Switzerland: Person-Environment-Fit in Personality Predicts Subjective Wellbeing.

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    The present study extended traditional nation-based research on person-culture-fit to the regional level. First, we examined the geographical distribution of Big Five personality traits in Switzerland. Across the 26 Swiss cantons, unique patterns were observed for all traits. For Extraversion and Neuroticism clear language divides emerged between the French- and Italian-speaking South-West vs. the German-speaking North-East. Second, multilevel modeling demonstrated that person-environment-fit in Big Five, composed of elevation (i.e., mean differences between individual profile and cantonal profile), scatter (differences in mean variances) and shape (Pearson correlations between individual and cantonal profiles across all traits; Furr, 2008, 2010), predicted the development of subjective wellbeing (i.e., life satisfaction, satisfaction with personal relationships, positive affect, negative affect) over a period of 4 years. Unexpectedly, while the effects of shape were in line with the person-environment-fit hypothesis (better fit predicted higher subjective wellbeing), the effects of scatter showed the opposite pattern, while null findings were observed for elevation. Across a series of robustness checks, the patterns for shape and elevation were consistently replicated. While that was mostly the case for scatter as well, the effects of scatter appeared to be somewhat less robust and more sensitive to the specific way fit was modeled when predicting certain outcomes (negative affect, positive affect). Distinguishing between supplementary and complementary fit may help to reconcile these findings and future research should explore whether and if so under which conditions these concepts may be applicable to the respective facets of person-culture-fit

    Kiri Karl Morgensternile, Dresden

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    Coloquio "Experiencias del sistema electoral. Evaluación y perspectivas"

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    Y nadie sabe quién es su legislador... es el título que se dio a la publicación del coloquio "Experiencias del sistema electoral. Evaluación y perspectivas", actividad celebrada el 20 de septiembre de 1986. Sus diferentes expositores analizan el devenir del sistema electoral dominicano desde la caída del régimen dictatorial trujillista y los problemas que el mismo evidenciaba a mediados de la década de los 80. De este modo, es planteada la cuestión relativa a la fuerte polarización entre fuerzas tradicionales de carácter rural y elitista y fuerzas emergentes de eminente carácter urbano y correspondientes a las clases media y baja. Asimismo, se discute aquí el alto índice de conflictividad que las elecciones generaban tanto en el periodo previo como en el periodo inmediatamente posterior, así como el papel que en ello jugaba una ley electoral que, al haberse limitado exclusivamente a servir de marco regulativo de las relaciones entre los partidos, se habría olvidado de realzar y de dar verdadero poder al voto ciudadano individual