1,792 research outputs found

    A longitudinal study of risk factors for the occurrence, duration and severity of menstrual cramps in a cohort of college women

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    To describe how menstrual cramps vary from cycle to cycle within a woman over time. To examine the influence of weight and lifestyle factors on occurrence, duration, and severity of menstrual pain. Design A one-year prospective menstrual diary study. Participants One hundred and sixty-five women aged 17 to 19 years entering a local university in 1985. Main outcome measures The occurrence, length, and maximum severity of pain during a menstrual period. Results Menstrual pain occurred during 71.6% of observed menstrual bleeds, most commonly beginning the first day of menses. The median duration was two days. Sixty percent of women reported at least one episode of severe pain, while 13% reported severe pain more than half the time. Earlier age at menarche and long menstrual periods increased the occurrence, duration and severity of pain. In smokers, cramps tended to last longer. Being overweight was an important risk factor for menstrual cramps and doubled the odds of having a long pain episode. Frequent alcohol consumption decreased the probability of having menstrual cramps, but in women who had pain it increased duration and severity. Physical activity was not associated with any pain parameter. Conclusions Women who have pain lasting three days are an important target group for prophylactic therapy. The occurrence and severity of menstrual cramps is influenced by potentially modifiable characteristics including weight, smoking, and alcohol consumption. Doctors may wish to counsel women presenting with dysmenorrhoea about the importance of healthy lifestyles and about the inefficacy of alcohol consumption as a treatment for dysmenorrhoea.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73220/1/j.1471-0528.1996.tb09597.x.pd

    Functional polymorphisms in the P2X7 receptor gene are associated with stress fracture injury

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    Context: Military recruits and elite athletes are susceptible to stress fracture injuries. Genetic predisposition has been postulated to have a role in their development. The P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) gene, a key regulator of bone remodelling, is a genetic candidate that may contribute to stress fracture predisposition. Objective: To evaluate the putative contribution of P2X7R to stress fracture injury in two separate cohorts, military personnel and elite athletes. Methods: In 210 Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) military conscripts, stress fracture injury was diagnosed (n=43) based on symptoms and a positive bone scan. In a separate cohort of 518 elite athletes, self-reported medical imaging scan-certified stress fracture injuries were recorded (n=125). Non-stress fracture controls were identified from these cohorts who had a normal bone scan or no history or symptoms of stress fracture injury. Study participants were genotyped for functional SNPs within the P2X7R gene using proprietary fluorescence-based competitive allele-specific PCR assay. Pearson Chi-square (χ2) tests, corrected for multiple comparisons, were used to assess associations in genotype frequencies. Results: The variant allele of P2X7R SNP rs3751143 (Glu496Ala- loss of function) was associated with stress fracture injury, while the variant allele of rs1718119 (Ala348Thr- gain of function) was associated with a reduced occurrence of stress fracture injury in military conscripts (P<0.05). The association of the variant allele of rs3751143 with stress fractures was replicated in elite athletes (P<0.05), whereas the variant allele of rs1718119 was also associated with reduced multiple stress fracture cases in elite athletes (P<0.05). Conclusions: The association between independent P2X7R polymorphisms with stress fracture prevalence supports the role of a genetic predisposition in the development of stress fracture injury

    Six-dimensional (1,0) effective action of F-theory via M-theory on Calabi-Yau threefolds

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    The six-dimensional effective action of F-theory compactified on a singular elliptically fibred Calabi-Yau threefold is determined by using an M-theory lift. The low-energy data are derived by comparing a circle reduction of a general six-dimensional (1,0) gauged supergravity theory with the effective action of M-theory on the resolved Calabi-Yau threefold. The derivation includes six-dimensional tensor multiplets for which the (anti-) self-duality constraints are imposed on the level of the five-dimensional action. The vector sector of the reduced theory is encoded by a non-standard potential due to the Green-Schwarz term in six dimensions. This Green-Schwarz term also contains higher curvature couplings which are considered to establish the full map between anomaly coefficients and geometry. F-/M-theory duality is exploited by moving to the five-dimensional Coulomb branch after circle reduction and integrating out massive vector multiplets and matter hypermultiplets. The associated fermions then generate additional Chern-Simons couplings at one-loop. Further couplings involving the graviphoton are induced by quantum corrections due to excited Kaluza-Klein modes. On the M-theory side integrating out massive fields corresponds to resolving the singularities of the Calabi-Yau threefold, and yields intriguing relations between six-dimensional anomalies and classical topology.Comment: 55 pages, v2: typos corrected, discussion of loop corrections improve

    Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor and probable sudden unexplained death in epilepsy: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>This is the first report of the case of a patient with a natural history of dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor associated with probable sudden unexplained death in epilepsy. These tumors are benign, arising within the supratentorial cortex. Over 100 cases have been reported in the literature since the first description by Daumas-Duport in 1988.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 24- year-old Caucasian woman had a long period of intractable complex partial seizures, sometimes with tonic-clonic generalization and neuropsychological abnormalities. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a cortico-subcortical parietal tumor with all the characteristics of these types of tumors. After 14 years of evolution, our patient died suddenly during sleep.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of probable sudden unexplained death in symptomatic epilepsy due to dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor with natural history. Early and complete excision, with functional studies before and during the surgery, leads to better control of seizures, avoiding neuropsychological changes and the risk of death. Patients with refractory epilepsy should be evaluated for any sleep disorders and should have complete cardiology assessments including electrocardiographic evaluation of cardiac rhythm disturbances.</p

    Defective Gpsm2/G alpha(i3) signalling disrupts stereocilia development and growth cone actin dynamics in Chudley-McCullough syndrome

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    Mutations in GPSM2 cause Chudley-McCullough syndrome (CMCS), an autosomal recessive neurological disorder characterized by early-onset sensorineural deafness and brain anomalies. Here, we show that mutation of the mouse orthologue of GPSM2 affects actin-rich stereocilia elongation in auditory and vestibular hair cells, causing deafness and balance defects. The G-protein subunit Gαi3, a well-documented partner of Gpsm2, participates in the elongation process, and its absence also causes hearing deficits. We show that Gpsm2 defines an ∼200 nm nanodomain at the tips of stereocilia and this localization requires the presence of Gαi3, myosin 15 and whirlin. Using single-molecule tracking, we report that loss of Gpsm2 leads to decreased outgrowth and a disruption of actin dynamics in neuronal growth cones. Our results elucidate the aetiology of CMCS and highlight a new molecular role for Gpsm2/Gαi3 in the regulation of actin dynamics in epithelial and neuronal tissues

    Automated Analysis of Risk Factors for Postictal Generalized EEG Suppression

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    Rationale: Currently, there is some ambiguity over the role of postictal generalized electro-encephalographic suppression (PGES) as a biomarker in sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). Visual analysis of PGES, known to be subjective, may account for this. In this study, we set out to perform an analysis of PGES presence and duration using a validated signal processing tool, specifically to examine the association between PGES and seizure features previously reported to be associated with visually analyzed PGES. Methods: This is a prospective, multicenter epilepsy monitoring study of autonomic and breathing biomarkers of SUDEP in adult patients with intractable epilepsy. We studied videoelectroencephalogram (vEEG) recordings of generalized convulsive seizures (GCS) in a cohort of patients in whom respiratory and vEEG recording were carried out during the evaluation in the epilepsy monitoring unit. A validated automated EEG suppression detection tool was used to determine presence and duration of PGES. Results: We studied 148 GCS in 87 patients. PGES occurred in 106/148 (71.6%) seizures in 70/87 (80.5%) of patients. PGES mean duration was 38.7 ± 23.7 (37; 1–169) seconds. Presence of tonic phase during GCS, including decerebration, decortication and hemi-decerebration, were 8.29 (CI 2.6–26.39, p = 0.0003), 7.17 (CI 1.29–39.76, p = 0.02), and 4.77 (CI 1.25–18.20, p = 0.02) times more likely to have PGES, respectively. In addition, presence of decerebration (p = 0.004) and decortication (p = 0.02), older age (p = 0.009), and hypoxemia duration (p = 0.03) were associated with longer PGES durations. Conclusions: In this study, we confirmed observations made with visual analysis, that presence of tonic phase during GCS, longer hypoxemia, and older age are reliably associated with PGES. We found that of the different types of tonic phase posturing, decerebration has the strongest association with PGES, followed by decortication, followed by hemi-decerebration. This suggests that these factors are likely indicative of seizure severity and may or may not be associated with SUDEP. An automated signal processing tool enables objective metrics, and may resolve apparent ambiguities in the role of PGES in SUDEP and seizure severity studies

    Coevolved mutations reveal distinct architectures for two core proteins in the bacterial flagellar motor

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    Switching of bacterial flagellar rotation is caused by large domain movements of the FliG protein triggered by binding of the signal protein CheY to FliM. FliG and FliM form adjacent multi-subunit arrays within the basal body C-ring. The movements alter the interaction of the FliG C-terminal (FliGC) "torque" helix with the stator complexes. Atomic models based on the Salmonella entrovar C-ring electron microscopy reconstruction have implications for switching, but lack consensus on the relative locations of the FliG armadillo (ARM) domains (amino-terminal (FliGN), middle (FliGM) and FliGC) as well as changes during chemotaxis. The generality of the Salmonella model is challenged by the variation in motor morphology and response between species. We studied coevolved residue mutations to determine the unifying elements of switch architecture. Residue interactions, measured by their coevolution, were formalized as a network, guided by structural data. Our measurements reveal a common design with dedicated switch and motor modules. The FliM middle domain (FliMM) has extensive connectivity most simply explained by conserved intra and inter-subunit contacts. In contrast, FliG has patchy, complex architecture. Conserved structural motifs form interacting nodes in the coevolution network that wire FliMM to the FliGC C-terminal, four-helix motor module (C3-6). FliG C3-6 coevolution is organized around the torque helix, differently from other ARM domains. The nodes form separated, surface-proximal patches that are targeted by deleterious mutations as in other allosteric systems. The dominant node is formed by the EHPQ motif at the FliMMFliGM contact interface and adjacent helix residues at a central location within FliGM. The node interacts with nodes in the N-terminal FliGc α-helix triad (ARM-C) and FliGN. ARM-C, separated from C3-6 by the MFVF motif, has poor intra-network connectivity consistent with its variable orientation revealed by structural data. ARM-C could be the convertor element that provides mechanistic and species diversity.JK was supported by Medical Research Council grant U117581331. SK was supported by seed funds from Lahore University of Managment Sciences (LUMS) and the Molecular Biology Consortium

    The host metabolite D-serine contributes to bacterial niche specificity through gene selection

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    Escherichia coli comprise a diverse array of both commensals and niche-specific pathotypes. The ability to cause disease results from both carriage of specific virulence factors and regulatory control of these via environmental stimuli. Moreover, host metabolites further refine the response of bacteria to their environment and can dramatically affect the outcome of the host–pathogen interaction. Here, we demonstrate that the host metabolite, D-serine, selectively affects gene expression in E. coli O157:H7. Transcriptomic profiling showed exposure to D-serine results in activation of the SOS response and suppresses expression of the Type 3 Secretion System (T3SS) used to attach to host cells. We also show that concurrent carriage of both the D-serine tolerance locus (dsdCXA) and the locus of enterocyte effacement pathogenicity island encoding a T3SS is extremely rare, a genotype that we attribute to an ‘evolutionary incompatibility’ between the two loci. This study demonstrates the importance of co-operation between both core and pathogenic genetic elements in defining niche specificity