281 research outputs found

    Generative Design in Minecraft (GDMC), Settlement Generation Competition

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    This paper introduces the settlement generation competition for Minecraft, the first part of the Generative Design in Minecraft challenge. The settlement generation competition is about creating Artificial Intelligence (AI) agents that can produce functional, aesthetically appealing and believable settlements adapted to a given Minecraft map - ideally at a level that can compete with human created designs. The aim of the competition is to advance procedural content generation for games, especially in overcoming the challenges of adaptive and holistic PCG. The paper introduces the technical details of the challenge, but mostly focuses on what challenges this competition provides and why they are scientifically relevant.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Part of the Foundations of Digital Games 2018 proceedings, as part of the workshop on Procedural Content Generatio

    Optimization of in vivo cell tracking methods with long-lived radionuclides for PET imaging

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    Stem cell transplantation and cell therapy are the standard treatments for many diseases; however, many suffer from complications, and the therapeutic efficiency can be challenging to predict. The off-target accumulation of the transplanted cells can cause some of these shortcomings. Tracking of infused cells with PET and SPECT imaging can provide the information to understand better the cells’ behaviour in vivo to predict and possibly reduce the risk of complications. Standard cell administration via intravenous or intraarterial injection risks the accumulation of cells in the lungs and the liver. An alternative intra-arterial catheter delivery system enables direct delivery to the target site, reducing off-target accumulation while potentially increasing treatment efficiency. This technique is more invasive; hence, the procedure’s safety must be validated. The focus of Paper I was to develop protocols to synthesise the PET tracers [89Zr]Zr-(oxinate)4 and [89Zr]Zr-DFO-NCS, followed by a proof of concept labelling of cells. Both radiotracers were produced in less than two hours with limited toxic chemicals and RCY >95% without purification. Both radiotracers labelled cells with high efficiency. Our new protocols improved the feasibility of these radiotracers. Further evaluation regarding cellular toxicity and in vivo stability is needed. In Paper II, we evaluated [89Zr]Zr-(oxinate)4 and [89Zr]Zr-DFO-NCS for cell tracking in rats using PET imaging. Cells labelled with [89Zr]Zr-(oxinate)4 show significantly higher uptake in the liver, while cells labelled with [89Zr]Zr-DFO-NCS had a high signal in the lungs. Concluding that [89Zr]Zr(oxinate)4 provides a more accurate view of the cells’ location, further studies are required to determine the location of the [89Zr]Zr-DFO-NCS labelled cell. In Paper III: A final evaluation of the leakage of [89Zr]Zr-(oxinate)4 and the location of [89Zr]Zr-DFO-NCS labelled cells. The cellular proliferation, viability and radioactive leakage were established in vitro. The protocols were adjusted accordingly: adding a 30-minute wash step after labelling with [89Zr]Zr-(oxinate)4 and reducing the DFO-NCS concentration by 400 fold. The location of the cells was confirmed with flow cytometry ex vivo. Most of the [89Zr]Zr-(oxinate)4 leakage occurred within one hour after labelling and was shown to be reduced by the addition of a longer wash step. High concentrations of DFO-NCS disrupt cell migration in vivo. Paper IV: Administrating cells via intra-arteria catheter was evaluated in two steps. First, in vitro, mimicking the transplantation procedure of [111In]In-(oxinate)3 labelled macrophages through a catheter, and assessing the procedures’ influence on the cells by flow cytometry. Secondly, administer radiolabelled macrophages via intra-arteria catheter delivery into rabbit brain. The procedure’s safety was observed by angiography, MRI and SPECT imaging. Unactivated macrophages are too sensitive and unsuitable for such rough handling. The activated macrophages show fewer adverse effects and are a more appropriate choice. There were no signs of tissue damage or thromboembolic events caused by the cell administration and no lingering accumulation of cells in the brain. Cell administration through the intra-arteria catheter is a prominent administration technique for cell transplantation

    Konsumtionsbeskattning av elektronisk handel - En komparativ studie av systemen i EU och USA

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    Resumé: Uppsatsen behandlar konsumtionsbeskattning av elektronisk handel. Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva de konsumtionsskatterättsliga problem som kan uppstå till följd av e- handelns karaktär samt om och i så fall hur man avser att lösa dessa problem. Vilka problem kommer att uppstå på grund av att företag blir mer lättrörliga och på ett enkelt sätt kan sälja sina produkter till näringsidkare och konsumenter runt om i världen? Hur skall de olika nationella skattemyndigheterna kontrollera att reglerna efterföljs? Vilka möjligheter finns att driva in mervärdesskatten över nationsgränserna? Kommer karaktären och skattesatsen för varor och tjänster påverkas av att de levereras digitalt? Perspektivet är såväl nationellt som internationellt och då utvecklingen är just i sin linda behandlas lagstiftningen ur både ett de lege lata och ett de lege ferenda perspektiv. Internationellt koncentrerar vi oss framförallt på EG:s regelverk och OECD:s riktlinjer samt de förslag till förändringar som dessa planerar att genomföra. Även amerikansk rätt på konsumtionsskatteområdet kommer att behandlas. Uppsatsen är till stor del en komparativ studie av världens två största marknader EU och USA. Områden som är centrala i uppsatsen är klassificeringen av elektroniskt levererade produkter samt om dessa produkter skall beskattas och i så fall var och hur. Centralt är också hur beskattningen inom EU och USA överensstämmer med de internationella riktlinjer som har lagts upp för den elektroniska handeln. Uppsatsen behandlar främst elektroniskt levererade produkter (d v s produkter som levereras digitalt över nätet) men när det är av intresse för uppsatsens problemområde tas också hänsyn till fysiskt levererade produkter. Sökord: Mervärdesskatt, moms, konsumtionsskatt, elektronisk handel, digitaliserade produkter

    More Than Just a Pretty Face? Dataset

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    This study explores the use of Twitter and Instagram by fashion models and the extent to which social media use is empowering for these individuals. The dataset consists of tweets, Instagram posts and photographs of eight different models; a content analysis was carried out on this information. Building off of Erving Goffman's work on Gender Advertisements, the prevalence of visually subordinating cues such as the feminine touch, relative size, aversion, and the ritualization of subordination was examined. The thesis for this project is: Female fashion models' social media profiles are a careful blend of agency and constraint

    Über die Prognose der Studiennenrasthenie.

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    Impacts of a Web-based System on a Distributed Clinical Community of Practice

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    SOMWeb is a Web-based system designed to support a clinical community of practice. Their collaboration centers on the discussion of oral medicine cases at monthly telephone conferences. SOMWeb facilitates the collaboration by, e.g., providing forms for entering case data and by providing easy access to current and previous cases. Through interviews, log analysis, and analysis of cases several impacts on the collaboration can be identified. These include the impact on membership, case submission, chairpersonship, and the community of practice as a whole. Further, it can be concluded that the rhythm provided by the telephone conferences ensures that the system has regular use