1,314 research outputs found

    Universal fluctuations in growth dynamics of economic systems

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    The growth of business firms is an example of a system of complex interacting units that resembles complex interacting systems in nature such as earthquakes. Remarkably, work in econophysics has provided evidence that the statistical properties of the growth of business firms follow the same sorts of power laws that characterize physical systems near their critical points. Given how economies change over time, whether these statistical properties are persistent, robust, and universal like those of physical systems remains an open question. Here, we show that the scaling properties of firm growth previously demonstrated for publicly-traded U.S. manufacturing firms from 1974 to 1993 apply to the same sorts of firms from 1993 to 2015, to firms in other broad sectors (such as materials), and to firms in new sectors (such as Internet services). We measure virtually the same scaling exponent for manufacturing for the 1993 to 2015 period as for the 1974 to 1993 period and virtually the same scaling exponent for other sectors as for manufacturing. Furthermore, we show that fluctuations of the growth rate for new industries self-organize into a power law over relatively short time scales.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Mitofusins and OPA1 Mediate Sequential Steps in Mitochondrial Membrane Fusion

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    Mitochondrial fusion requires the coordinated fusion of the outer and inner membranes. Three large GTPases—OPA1 and the mitofusins Mfn1 and Mfn2—are essential for the fusion of mammalian mitochondria. OPA1 is mutated in dominant optic atrophy, a neurodegenerative disease of the optic nerve. In yeast, the OPA1 ortholog Mgm1 is required for inner membrane fusion in vitro; nevertheless, yeast lacking Mgm1 show neither outer nor inner membrane fusion in vivo, because of the tight coupling between these two processes. We find that outer membrane fusion can be readily visualized in OPA1-null mouse cells in vivo, but these events do not progress to inner membrane fusion. Similar defects are found in cells lacking prohibitins, which are required for proper OPA1 processing. In contrast, double Mfn-null cells show neither outer nor inner membrane fusion. Mitochondria in OPA1-null cells often contain multiple matrix compartments bounded together by a single outer membrane, consistent with uncoupling of outer versus inner membrane fusion. In addition, unlike mitofusins and yeast Mgm1, OPA1 is not required on adjacent mitochondria to mediate membrane fusion. These results indicate that mammalian mitofusins and OPA1 mediate distinct sequential fusion steps that are readily uncoupled, in contrast to the situation in yeast

    Security for the Industrial IoT: The Case for Information-Centric Networking

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    Industrial production plants traditionally include sensors for monitoring or documenting processes, and actuators for enabling corrective actions in cases of misconfigurations, failures, or dangerous events. With the advent of the IoT, embedded controllers link these `things' to local networks that often are of low power wireless kind, and are interconnected via gateways to some cloud from the global Internet. Inter-networked sensors and actuators in the industrial IoT form a critical subsystem while frequently operating under harsh conditions. It is currently under debate how to approach inter-networking of critical industrial components in a safe and secure manner. In this paper, we analyze the potentials of ICN for providing a secure and robust networking solution for constrained controllers in industrial safety systems. We showcase hazardous gas sensing in widespread industrial environments, such as refineries, and compare with IP-based approaches such as CoAP and MQTT. Our findings indicate that the content-centric security model, as well as enhanced DoS resistance are important arguments for deploying Information Centric Networking in a safety-critical industrial IoT. Evaluation of the crypto efforts on the RIOT operating system for content security reveal its feasibility for common deployment scenarios.Comment: To be published at IEEE WF-IoT 201

    How Deep is Your Syntax? Heritage Language Filler-Gap Dependencies

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    This paper explores transfer of parasitic gap (p-gap) constructions from English into German by heritage speakers in Wisconsin. Kathol (2001) argues that German lacks ‘true’ p-gap constructions compared to English. Engdahl (1983:73/2001) introduces an accessibility hierarchy of domains in which p-gaps are accepted: (1) Engdahl’s accessibility hierarchy for occurrence of MGCs (partial) most accessible least accessible manner adv. \u3e temp. adv. \u3e purpose clauses \u3e that, than \u3e when, because \u3e relative clause [untensed domains] [tensed domains] The licensing of p-gaps may thus be variable in several regards, including across complement vs. relative vs. adjunct clauses, and more basically between tensed and untensed domains. We probe whether the licensing strategies for p-gaps of a dominant L2 (English) can affect an incompletely-acquired L1 (German) that does not license such gaps and, if so, whether such strategies follow Engdahl’s hierarchy. The presence of p-gaps would support the work of Grosjean (2008), whose view predicts that English syntax may surface (i.e., ‘seep through’) in spoken German if English has become the dominant language for an individual. Our results support the theory of ‘grammatical seeping’, and our speakers in general behave in accordance with the predictions of Engdahl’s hierarchy. They produce p-gaps in English-to-German translations relatively frequently in manner clauses, often in temporal clauses and rarely in relative clauses. In temporal clauses we find considerable syntactic restructuring. In the least accessible context, relative clauses, speakers restructure more fundamentally, in order to eliminate the gapping environment altogether

    Statics and dynamics of single DNA molecules confined in nanochannels

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    The successful design of nanofluidic devices for the manipulation of biopolymers requires an understanding of how the predictions of soft condensed matter physics scale with device dimensions. Here we present measurements of DNA extended in nanochannels and show that below a critical width roughly twice the persistence length there is a crossover in the polymer physics

    SupSiam: Non-contrastive Auxiliary Loss for Learning from Molecular Conformers

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    We investigate Siamese networks for learning related embeddings for augmented samples of molecular conformers. We find that a non-contrastive (positive-pair only) auxiliary task aids in supervised training of Euclidean neural networks (E3NNs) and increases manifold smoothness (MS) around point-cloud geometries. We demonstrate this property for multiple drug-activity prediction tasks while maintaining relevant performance metrics, and propose an extension of MS to probabilistic and regression settings. We provide an analysis of representation collapse, finding substantial effects of task-weighting, latent dimension, and regularization. We expect the presented protocol to aid in the development of reliable E3NNs from molecular conformers, even for small-data drug discovery programs.Comment: Submitted to the MLDD workshop, ICLR 202

    A narrative review on endopancreatic interventions: an innovative access to the pancreas

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    The natural connection between the duodenum and the pancreatic duct enables a minimally invasive access to the pancreas. Endoscopically this access is already regularly used, mainly for diagnostic and even for certain therapeutic purposes. With per-oral pancreatoscopy the endopancreatic approach allows the direct visualization of the pancreatic duct system potentially improving the diagnostic work-up of pancreatic cystic neoplasms, intrapancreatic strictures and removal of pancreatic duct stones. However, the endopancreatic access can equally be applied for surgical interventions. The objective of this review is to summarize endoscopic and surgical interventions using the endopancreatic access. Endopancreatic surgery stands for a further development of the endoscopic technique: a rigid endoscope is transabdominally introduced over the duodenum and the papilla to enable resections of strictures and inflamed tissue from inside the pancreas under visual control. While the orientation and localization of target structures using this minimally invasive approach is difficult, the development of an accurate image guidance system will play a key role for the clinical implementation and widespread use of endoscopic and surgical endopancreatic interventions

    Reproducibility of the heat/capsaicin skin sensitization model in healthy volunteers

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    INTRODUCTION: Heat/capsaicin skin sensitization is a well-characterized human experimental model to induce hyperalgesia and allodynia. Using this model, gabapentin, among other drugs, was shown to significantly reduce cutaneous hyperalgesia compared to placebo. Since the larger thermal probes used in the original studies to produce heat sensitization are now commercially unavailable, we decided to assess whether previous findings could be replicated with a currently available smaller probe (heated area 9 cm(2) versus 12.5–15.7 cm(2)). STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: After Institutional Review Board approval, 15 adult healthy volunteers participated in two study sessions, scheduled 1 week apart (Part A). In both sessions, subjects were exposed to the heat/capsaicin cutaneous sensitization model. Areas of hypersensitivity to brush stroke and von Frey (VF) filament stimulation were measured at baseline and after rekindling of skin sensitization. Another group of 15 volunteers was exposed to an identical schedule and set of sensitization procedures, but, in each session, received either gabapentin or placebo (Part B). RESULTS: Unlike previous reports, a similar reduction of areas of hyperalgesia was observed in all groups/sessions. Fading of areas of hyperalgesia over time was observed in Part A. In Part B, there was no difference in area reduction after gabapentin compared to placebo. CONCLUSION: When using smaller thermal probes than originally proposed, modifications of other parameters of sensitization and/or rekindling process may be needed to allow the heat/capsaicin sensitization protocol to be used as initially intended. Standardization and validation of experimental pain models is critical to the advancement of translational pain research

    The assembly and alignment of the 4MOST Wide Field Corrector

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    The 4-metre Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope (4MOST) is a fibre-fed multi-object spectrograph for the VISTA telescope at the ESO Paranal Observatory in Chile. The goal of the 4MOST project is to create a general-purpose and highly efficient spectroscopic survey facility for astronomers in the 4MOST consortium and the ESO community. The instrument itself will record 2436 simultaneous spectra over a ∼4.2 square degree field of view and consists of an optical Wide-Field Corrector (WFC), a fibre positioner system based on a tilting spine design, and three spectrographs giving both high and low spectral dispersion. The WFC comprises of 6 lenses grouped into 4 elements, 2 of which are cemented doublets that act as an atmospheric dispersion corrector (ADC). The first lens element is 0.9m in diameter whilst the diameter of the other elements is 0.65m. For the instrument to meet its science goals, each lens needs to be aligned to ∼50µm – a major challenge. This is achieved using contact metrology methods supplemented by pencil beam laser probes. In particular, a novel off-axis laser beam system has been implemented to test the optics’ alignment before and after shipment. This paper details the alignment and assembly methods and presents the latest results on the achieved lens positioning and projected performance of the WF

    Coverage versus supply cost in facility location:physics of frustrated spin systems

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    A comprehensive coverage is crucial for communication, supply, and transportation networks, yet it is limited by the requirement of extensive infrastructure and heavy energy consumption. Here, we draw an analogy between spins in antiferromagnet and outlets in supply networks, and apply techniques from the studies of disordered systems to elucidate the effects of balancing the coverage and supply costs on the network behavior. A readily applicable, coverage optimization algorithm is derived. Simulation results show that magnetized and antiferromagnetic domains emerge and coexist to balance the need for coverage and energy saving. The scaling of parameters with system size agrees with the continuum approximation in two dimensions and the tree approximation in random graphs. Due to frustration caused by the competition between coverage and supply cost, a transition between easy and hard computation regimes is observed. We further suggest a local expansion approach to greatly simplify the message updates which shed light on simplifications in other problems
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