9,973 research outputs found

    Dilatons in Dense Baryonic Matter

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    We discuss the role of dilaton, which is supposed to be representing a special feature of scale symmetry of QCD, trace anomaly, in dense baryonic matter. The idea that the scale symmetry breaking of QCD is responsible for the spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry is presented along the similar spirit of Freund-Nambu model. The incorporation of dilaton field in the hidden local symmetric parity doublet model is briefly sketched with the possible role of dilaton at high density baryonic matter, the emergence of linear sigma model in dilaton limit.Comment: 7 pages, no figure

    Electrical Conductivity of Rocks and Dominant Charge Carriers

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    The prevailing view in the geophysics community is that the electrical conductivity structure of the Earth's continental crust over the 5-35 km depth range can best be understood by assuming the presence of intergranular fluids and/or of intragranular carbon films. Based on single crystal studies of melt-grown MgO, magma-derived sanidine and anorthosite feldspars and upper mantle olivine, we present evidence for the presence of electronic charge carriers, which derive from peroxy defects that are introduced during cooling, under non-equilibrium conditions, through a redox conversion of pairs of solute hydroxyl arising from dissolution of H2O.The peroxy defects become thermally activated in a 2-step process, leading to the release of defect electrons in the oxygen anion sublattice. Known as positive holes and symbolized by h(dot), these electronic charge carriers are highly mobile. Chemically equivalent to O(-) in a matrix of O(2-) they are highly oxidizing. Being metastable they can exist in the matrix of minerals, which crystallized in highly reduced environments. The h(dot) are highly mobile. They appear to control the electrical conductivity of crustal rocks in much of the 5-35 km depth range

    Recent Legal Litertature

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    Freund: The Police Power, Public Policy and Constitutional Rights; Parsons: The Law of Contracts; Baldwin: American Railroad Law; Gilbert (ed.): Street Railway Reports, Annotated, reporting the electric railway and street railway decisions of the Federal and State Courts in the United States, from April 1, 1903

    Gerhard Ertl: Congratulations!

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    An analog of Karmarkar's algorithm for inequality constrained linear programs, with a "new" class of projective transformations for centering a polytope

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    Bibliography: p. 12.Research supported in part by ONR contract N00014-87-K-0212.by Robert M. Freund

    In memoriam H. Bohl

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    Am 15. September 2006 verstarb mit 75 Jahren Direktor und Professor Dr. Hansjürgen Bohl, der frühere stellvertretender Leiter des damaligen Instituts für Fangtechnik an der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei in Hamburg. Er hinterlässt seine Frau, zwei Söhne und eine Tochter sowie 4 Enkelkinder, denen unser herzliches Mitgefühl gilt

    Single spin asymmetry in DVCS

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    In the following note, we will present an estimation of the single spin asymmetry in deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) which directly allows one to test predictions of the ratio of the imaginary part of the amplitude in DIS to DVCS, as well as access the skewed parton distributions at small xx in the DGLAP region. We find it to be large for the HERA kinematics to be accessible in forthcoming runs with polarized electrons.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures in eps format. Submitted to Phys. Rev. D's Rapid Communication

    A Quasi-Spherical Gravitational Wave Solution in Kaluza-Klein Theory

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    An exact solution of the source-free Kaluza-Klein field equations is presented. It is a 5D generalization of the Robinson-Trautman quasi-spherical gravitational wave with a cosmological constant. The properties of the 5D solution are briefly described.Comment: 10 pages Latex, Revtex, submitted to GR

    G7 Current Account Imbalances: Sustainability and Adjustment

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    This volume collects the eleven original papers that were written for the NBER Project on G7 Current Account Imbalances. Four major themes emerged from the papers written for the project. First, there was broad agreement that the current account imbalances that prevailed among the G7 countries as of June 2005 would ultimately decline, although there was no consensus on when or how this would occur . Second, there was agreement that adjustments in global currency markets would likely be associated with the shifts in global saving and investment patterns that would be required to bring about the ultimate decline in G7 current account imbalances. Third, while the focus of the conference was on current account imbalances in the G7 countries, it was recognized that the aggregate excess of saving over investment that existed among the emerging market economies at the time of the conference, as well as the currency intervention policies of some of these countries, were contributing to the current imbalances in the G7 that prevailed as of June 2005. Fourth, there was a consensus that re-valuation of the evolving foreign asset and liability positions of the G7 countries would play a role during process by which current account imbalances narrowed, although there was range of opinion concerning how large a role such revaluation effects would play.