16 research outputs found

    Analyzing The Total Structural Intensity In Beams Using A Homodyne Laser Doppler Vibrometer

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    The total structural intensity in beams can be considered as composed of three kinds of waves: Bending, longitudinal, and torsional. In passive and active control applications, it is useful to separate each of these components in order to evaluate its contribution to the total structural intensity flowing through the beam. In this paper, a z-shaped beam is used in order to allow the three kinds of waves to propagate. The contributions of the structural intensity due to the three kinds of waves are computed from measurements made over the surface of the beam with a simple homodyne interferometric laser vibrometer. The optical sensor incorporates some additional polarizing optics to a Michelson type interferometer to generate two optical signals in quadrature, which are processed to display velocities and/or displacements. This optical processing scheme is used to remove the directional ambiguity from the velocity measurement and allows to detect nearly all backscattered light collected from the object. This paper investigates the performance of the laser vibrometer in the estimation of the different wave components. The results are validated by comparing the total structural intensity computed from the laser measurements with the measured input power. Results computed from measurements using PVDF sensors are also shown, and compared with the non-intrusive laser measurements.3411366375Noiseaux, D.U., Measurement of power flow in uniform beams and plates (1970) J. Accost. Soc. America, 47, pp. 238-247Pavic, G., Measurement of structure borne wave intensity, part I: Formulation of methods (1976) J. of Sound and Vibration, 49 (2), pp. 221-230Verheij, J.W., Cross-spectral density methods for measuring structure-borne power flow on beams and pipes (1980) J. of Sound and Vibration, 70, pp. 133-139Bauman, P.D., Measurement of structural intensity: Analytic and experimental evaluation of various techniques for the case of flexural waves in one-dimensional structures (1994) J. of Sound and Vibration, 174 (5), pp. 677-694Halkyard, C.R., Mace, B.R., Wave component approach to structural intensity in beams (1993) Proc. of the 4th Int. Congress on Intensity Techniques, pp. 183-190. , Senlis, France, ABerthelot, Y.H., Yang, M., Jarzinski, J., Recent progress on laser Doppler measurements in structural acoustics (1993) Proc. of the 4th Int. Congress on Intensity Techniques, pp. 199-206. , Senlis, FranceCremer, L., Heckl, M., Ungar, E.E., (1988) Structure-Borne Sound, , Berlin: SpringerBelansky, R.H., Wanser, K.H., Laser Doppler velocimetry using a bulk optic michelson interferometer: A student laboratory experiment (1993) Am. J. Phys., 61 (11), pp. 1014-1019Halliwell, N.A., Laser Doppler measurement of vibrating surfaces: A portable instrument (1979) J. of Sound and Vibration, 62 (2), pp. 312-315Riener, T.A., Goding, A.C., Talke, F.E., Measurement of head/disk spacing modulation using a two channel fiber optic laser Doppler vibrometer (1988) IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 24 (6), pp. 2745-2747Jackson, D.A., Kersey, A.D., Lewin, A.C., Fibre gyroscope with passive quadrature detection (1984) Electronics Letters, 20 (10), pp. 399-401Goodman, J.W., Some fundamental properties of speckles (1976) J. Opt. Soc. Am., 66 (11), pp. 1145-1150Koo, K.P., Tveten, A.B., Dandridge, A., Passive stabilization scheme for fiber interferometers using (3Ă—3) fiber directional couplers (1982) Appl. Phys. Lett., 41 (7), pp. 616-61

    Adjustable Phase Control In Stabilized Interferometry

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    We report an optoelectronic feedback loop that permits the active stabilization of an interferometric setup for any chosen value of the phase between the interfering beams. This method is based on phase modulation and homodyne detection techniques. The phase can be stabilized with a precision of better than 1 deg for our experimental conditions. © 1995 Optical Society of America.20663563

    Progress On Holographic Techniques To Measure Real-time Phase And Amplitude Gratings In Photosensitive Materials

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    In this paper we present and demonstrate a technique that allows simultaneous and independent measurement of small changes in the refractive index and the absorption coefficient produced in photosensitive materials during holographic exposure. The technique is based on the synchronous detection of two-wave mixing signals in both directions of the transmitted interfering beams. By processing both signals it is possible to separate the diffraction contributions of the refractive index from the absorption coefficient and simultaneously stabilize the incident fringe pattern. The demonstration of this technique is undertaken by following the temporal evolution of the phase and amplitude modulations in photoresist films. To check the ability of the technique to perform numeric evaluations, for a positive photoresist the changes in the optical constants were measured and compared with those obtained using independent methods.55S170S174Sillescu, H., Ehlich, D., Application of holographic grating techniques to the study of the diffusion processes in polymers (1989) Lasers in Polymers Science and Technology Applications, 3, pp. 211-225. , ed J P Fouassier and F F Rabek (Boca Raton, FL: Chemical Rubber Company Press) ch 7Brauche, C., Anneser, H., Holographic spectroscopy and holographic information recording in polymer matrices (1989) Lasers in Polymer Science and Technology Applications, 3, pp. 1181-1208. , ed J P Fouassier and F F Rabek (Boca Raton, FL: Chemical Rubber Company Press) ch 6Eichler, H.J., GĂĽnter, P., Pohl, D.W., (1986) Laser Induced Dynamic Gratings, 50, pp. 13-93. , ed T Tamir (Berlin: Springer)Cescato, L., Frejlich, J., (2002) Self Stabilized Real Time Holographic Recording in Three-Dimensional Holographic Imaging, pp. 21-46. , ed C J Kuo and M H Tsai (New York: Wiley)Pinsl, J., Gehrtz, M., Brauchle, C., (1986) J. Phys. Chem., 90, p. 6754Gehrtz, M., Pinsl, J., Brauchle, C., (1987) Appl. Phys. B, 43, pp. 61-77Cescato, L., Mendes, G.F., Frejlich, J., (1987) Opt. Lett., 12, p. 882Frejlich, J., Kamshilin, A.A., Garcia, P.M., (1992) Opt. Lett., 17, pp. 249-251Kogelnik, H., (1969) Bell Syst. Tech. J., 48, pp. 2909-2947Cescato, L., Mendes, G.F., Frejlich, J., (1987) Opt. Lett., 12, p. 882Dill, F.H., (1975) IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 22, pp. 445-452Colburn, W.S., Haines, K., (1971) Appl. Opt., 10, pp. 1636-1641Heavens, O.S., (1991) Optical Properties of Thin Solid Films, p. 130. , Toronto: Dov

    Stabilized Hologram Oscillations In Photorefractive Crystals

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    [No abstract available]Bryksin, V.V., Petrov, M.P., (1998) Phys. Sol. State, 40 (8), pp. 1317-1325Freschi, A.A., Frejlich, J., (1995) Opt. Lett, 20 (6), pp. 635-63

    Progress On Holographic Techniques To Study Photo-chemical Reactions In Solid State

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    In this paper it is presented recent developments in the heterodyne detection holographic techniques for studding photosensitive materials. The actual state of the technique allows simultaneous and independent measurement of the refractive index and of the absorption coefficient changes in photosensitive materials and their use to self-stabilize the fringe pattern. The modeling of the measured signal together with the fringe stabilization allow the long term-fitting of the optical properties and the study the photosensitive materials close to the saturation.4829 II809810Gehrtz, M., Pinsl, J., Brauchle, C., Sensitive Detection of Phase and Absorption Gratings: Phase-Modulated, Homodyne Detected Holography (1987) Applied Physics B, 43, pp. 61-77Kogelnik, H., Coupled Wave Theory for Thick Hologram Gratings (1969) Bell Syst. Tech. J., 48, pp. 2909-294

    Measurement Of Phase Difference Between The Diffracted Orders Of Relief Gratings Using Two-wave Mixing

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    The phase difference between the diffracted orders of relief gratings were measured using two-wave mixing. The gratings were recorded in positive photoresist films. A linear phase variation through the piezoelectric supported mirror (PZT) was introduced in one of the arms of interferometers. Results showed that the phase difference between the two axis was 2(φ-φ0).39Habraken, S., Michaux, O., Renotte, Y., Lion, Y., (1995) Opt. Lett., 20 (22), p. 2348Breide, M., Johansson, S., Nilsson, L.-E., Ahlèn, H., Blazed holographic gratings (1979) Optica Acta, 26 (11), p. 142

    Deeply Modulated Stabilized Photorefractive Recording In Linbo3:fe

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    We report the use of active stabilization techniques for the recording of deeply modulated holograms in LiNbO3:Fe, far exceeding the value required for 100% diffraction efficiency. Different possibilities for the operation of the stabilized setup are analysed. Experimental results using weak irradiance (a few mW/cm2) laser beams of λ = 532 nm are reported, that are in good agreement with the theoretical model proposed. © 1995.42-3410413dos Santos, Cescato, Frejlich, Interference-term real-time measurement for self-stabilized two-wave mixing in photorefractive crystals (1988) Optics Letters, 13, p. 1014Rupp, (1986) Appl. Phys. B, 41, p. 153Kukhtarev, Markov, Odulov, Soskin, Vinetskii, (1979) Ferroelectrics, 22, p. 949Kogelnik, Coupled Wave Theory for Thick Hologram Gratings (1969) Bell System Technical Journal, 48, p. 2909Freschi, Frejlich, Stabilized photorefractive modulation recording beyond 100% diffraction efficiency in LiNbO_3:Fe crystals (1994) Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 11. , (to be published)Frejlich, Cescato, Mendes, Analysis of an active stabilization system for a holographic setup (1988) Applied Optics, 27, p. 1967Glass, von der Linde, Negran, (1974) Appl. Phys. Lett., 25, p. 233Staebler, Phillips, (1974) Appl. Optics, 13, p. 788Frejlich, Kamshilin, Garcia, Selective two-wave mixing in photorefractive crystals (1992) Optics Letters, 17, p. 249Boyd, Bond, Carter, (1967) J. Appl. Phys., 38, p. 1941Yariv, (1985) Optical Electronics, , 3rd. international edition, Holt, Rinehart and WinstonSommerfeldt, Holtman, Krätzig, Grabmaier, (1988) Phys. Stat. Sol., 106, p. 8

    Oscillating Holograms Recorded In Photorefractive Crystals By A Frequency Detuned Feedback Loop

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    We report an optoelectronic feedback loop suitable for generating noise-free interference patterns oscillating at arbitrary waveforms. The technique allows controlling the frequency detuning between the interfering beams through a phase modulator in a closed-loop interferometer. We use the dither signal method and propose a quasisynchronous demodulation scheme to create a phase modulated error signal for driving the loop. The dynamics of the interference fringes is easily controlled by a voltage waveform from a function generator, which is used in association with a time delay circuit for shifting the frequency of the reference signal used for lock-in demodulation. The technique is specially suited for applications involving low-frequency phase oscillations, such as those frequently encountered in the generation of space-charge waves in highly resistive photorefractive materials. The processing scheme allows real time monitoring of the hologram strength, and absolute values for the diffraction efficiency and the holographic phase shift can be obtained. Photorefractive wave oscillations ranging from approximately 100 mHz to 10 Hz were produced in a nominally undoped Bi12 TiO20 sample. The technique can be readily applied to other fields of optical interferometry, such as for testing optical surfaces, optimizing adaptive holographic devices, measuring physical quantities, among other applications. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.1052Kukhtarev, N.V., Markov, V.B., Odoulov, S.G., Soskin, M.S., Vinetskii, V.L., (1979) Ferroelectrics, 22, p. 949. , 0015-0193Petrov, M.P., Stepanov, S.I., Khomenko, A.V., (1991) Photorefractive Crystals in Coherent Optical Systems, 59. , Springer Series in Optical Sciences Vol. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin)Huignard, J.P., Marrakchi, A., (1981) Opt. 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    Analysis Of The Kinetics Of Phase And Amplitude Gratings Recorded In Azopolymer Films

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    In this work we use a stabilized holographic technique to study both refractive index and absorption gratings recorded in thin films made of Disperse Red 1 (DR1) embedded in an organic polymer matrix (PMMA) deposited on glass substrate. Gratings are recorded by linearly polarized illumination with the interference pattern of two crossing beams. One of the beams is phase modulated and the interference signals between the transmitted and diffracted waves are detected by a tuned lock-in amplifier. The technique allows measuring separately changes of the refractive index and the absorption coefficient during the course of the photoreaction process. The time evolution of the diffraction efficiencies during recording has shown bi-exponential kinetics for both gratings. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.992356360Sekkat, Z., Wood, J., Knoll, W., (1995) J. Phys. Chem, 99, pp. 17226-17234Taunaumang, H., Solyga, M., Tija, M.O., Miniewicz, A., (2004) Thin Solid Films, 461, pp. 316-324Blanche, P.-A., Lemaire, P.C., Maertens, C., Dubois, P., Jérome, R., (2000) Opt. Commun, 185, pp. 1-12Zhang, W., Bian, S., Kim, S.I., Kuzyk, M.G., (2002) Opt. Lett, 27 (13), pp. 1105-1107Frejlich, J., Kamshilin, A.A., Garcia, P.M., (1992) Opt. Lett, 17 (4), pp. 249-251Freschi, A.A., dos Santos, F.J., Rigon, E.L., Cescato, L., (2002) Opt. Commun, 208, pp. 41-4

    Photorefractive Phase Coupling Measurement Using Self-stabilized Recording Technique

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    The measurement of the phase shift φ between the transmited and difracted beams interfering along the same direction behind the hologram recorded in a photorefractive crystal is directly and accurately measured using a self-stabilized recording technique. The measured phase shift as a function of the applied electric field allows computing the Debye screening lenght and the effectively applied field coefficient of an undoped Bi12TiO 20 crystal. The result is in good agreement with the already available information about this sample. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.992332335Moharan, M.G., Gaylord, T.K., Magnusson, R., Young, L., (1979) J. Appl. Phys, 50, pp. 5642-5651Frejlich, J., (2006) Photorefractive Materials: Fundamental Concepts, Holographic Recording, and Materials Characterization, , Wiley-Interscience New YorkKamshilin, A.A., Frejlich, J., Cescato, L., (1986) Appl. Opt, 25, pp. 2375-2381Freschi, A.A., Garcia, P.M., Frejlich, J., (1997) Appl. Phys. Lett, 71, pp. 2427-2429Freschi, A.A., Frejlich, J., (1995) Opt. Lett, 20, pp. 635-637Frejlich, J., Garcia, P.M., Ringhofer, K.H., Shamonina, E., (1997) J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 14, pp. 1741-1749Kukhtarev, N.V., Markov, V.B., Odulov, S.G., Soskin, M.S., Vinetskii, V.L., (1979) Ferroelectrics, 22, pp. 961-964Kamshilin, A.A., Petrov, M.P., (1985) Opt. Commun, 53, pp. 23-26de Oliveira, I., Frejlich, J., (2001) J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 18, pp. 291-297Barbosa, M.C., Mosquera, L., Frejlich, J., (2001) Appl. Phys. B, 72, pp. 717-72