4 research outputs found

    Winter Foraging Ecology of Greater Sage-Grouse in a Post-Fire Landscape

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    In the Great Basin, changes in climate and associated fire regimes may alter the density and distribution of shrubs, changing the structure and diet quality of plants in burned areas. We evaluated how the structural and phytochemical characteristics of three-tip sagebrush (Artemisia tripartita) relative to Wyoming big sagebrush (A. tridentata wyomingensis) influence the winter foraging ecology of Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) at a site with a known history of fire in south-central Idaho. Three-tip sagebrush had lower protein content and lower chemical defenses compared to Wyoming big sagebrush. We found that time since last fire over a 30-year history was more strongly correlated with changes in phytochemicals in three-tip sagebrush compared to Wyoming big sagebrush. Despite phytochemical differences, both Wyoming big sagebrush and three-tip sagebrush were browsed relative to their availability. However, within a species, smaller plant height and lower concentrations of phytochemicals, specifically two individual monoterpenes, explained diet selection by sage-grouse. Our results indicate that dietary quality of three-tip sagebrush may provide acceptable forage for sage-grouse in post-fire landscapes where other species of sagebrush have not yet recovered. However, relying on re-establishment of one species of sagebrush without consideration of structural and dietary quality may compromise successful conservation efforts

    Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Aids Ecological Restoration by Classifying Variation of Taxonomy and Phenology of a Native Shrub

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    Plant communities are composed of complex phenotypes that not only differ among taxonomic groups and habitats but also change over time within a species. Restoration projects (e.g. translocations and reseeding) can introduce new functional variation in plants, which further diversifies phenotypes and complicates our ability to identify locally adaptive phenotypes for future restoration. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) offers one approach to detect the chemical phenotypes that differentiate plant species, populations, and phenological states of individual plants over time. We use sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) as a case study to test the accuracy by which NIRS can classify variation within taxonomy and phenology of a plant that is extensively managed and restored. Our results demonstrated that NIRS can accurately classify species of sagebrush within a study site (75–96%), populations of sagebrush within a subspecies (99%), annual phenology within a population (\u3e99%), and seasonal phenology within individual plants (\u3e97%). Low classification accuracy by NIRS in some sites may reflect heterogeneity associated with natural hybridization, translocation of nonlocal seed sources from past restoration, or complex gene-by-environment interactions. Advances in our ability to detect and interpret spectral signals from plants may improve both the selection of seed sources for targeted conservation and the capacity to monitor long-term changes in vegetation

    Assessing Accuracy of GAP and LANDFIRE Land Cover Datasets in Winter Habitats Used by Greater Sage-Grouse in Idaho and Wyoming, USA

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    Remotely sensed land cover datasets have been increasingly employed in studies of wildlife habitat use. However, meaningful interpretation of these datasets is dependent on how accurately they estimate habitat features that are important to wildlife. We evaluated the accuracy of the GAP dataset, which is commonly used to classify broad cover categories (e.g., vegetation communities) and LANDFIRE datasets, which classifies narrower cover categories (e.g., plant species) and structural features of vegetation. To evaluate accuracy, we compared classification of cover types and estimates of percent cover and height of sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) derived from GAP and LANDFIRE datasets to field-collected data in winter habitats used by greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). Accuracy was dependent on the type of dataset used as well as the spatial scale (point, 500-m, and 1-km) and biological level (community versus dominant species) investigated. GAP datasets had the highest overall classification accuracy of broad sagebrush cover types (49.8%) compared to LANDFIRE datasets for narrower cover types (39.1% community-level; 31.9% species-level). Percent cover and height were not accurately estimated in the LANDFIRE dataset. Our results suggest that researchers must be cautious when applying GAP or LANDFIRE datasets to classify narrow categories of land cover types or to predict percent cover or height of sagebrush within sagebrush-dominated landscapes. We conclude that ground-truthing is critical for successful application of land cover datasets in landscape-scale evaluations and management planning, particularly when wildlife use relatively rare habitat types compared to what is available