13 research outputs found

    Development of pitanga nectar with different sweeteners by sensory analysis: ideal pulp dilution, ideal sweetness, and sweetness equivalence

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    The objective of this study was to develop pitanga nectar formulations in which sucrose was replaced with different sweeteners. Consumer tests were conducted with 50 fruit juice consumers, and a just-about-right scale was used to determine the ideal pulp dilution and ideal sweetness with sucrose. Furthermore, the adequate concentrations of six sweeteners were determined to obtain the equivalent sweetness of sucrose using relative to these concentrations the magnitude estimation model with 19 selected assessors. The ideal dilution test resulted in 25% pulp, and the ideal sweetness test, 10% sucrose. Sweetener concentrations to replace sucrose were 0.0160%, 0.0541%, 0.1000%, 0.0999%, 0.0017%, and 0.0360%, respectively, for sucralose, aspartame, stevia 40% rebaudioside A, stevia 95% rebaudioside A, neotame, and a 2:1 cyclamate/saccharin blend. These results can be used to prepare pitanga nectar with different sweeteners and obtain the same sweetness intensity in less caloric products than that of nectar prepared with sucrose341174180CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQSem informaçã

    Buriti Oil Emulsions as Affected by Soy Protein Isolate/High-Methoxyl Pectin Ratio, Oil Content and Homogenization Pressure

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    Pozadina istraživanja. Tehnologija emulgiranja prikladna je za inkapsulaciju, zaštitu i oslobađanje hidrofobnih biološki aktivnih tvari koje se koriste u prehrambenoj industriji, no emulzije nisu termodinamički stabilne. Dobri su rezultati postignuti s emulzijama stabiliziranim pomoću kompleksa proteina i polisaharida homogeniziranih pod visokim pritiskom. Poboljšana je stabilnost emulzija ulja u vodi rezultat elektrostatičkih kompleksa nastalih između proteina i polisaharida pri pH-vrijednostima nižim od izoelektrične točke proteina što adsorbiraju na granici faza ulje/voda. Osim toga, polisaharidi povećavaju viskozitet kontinuirane faze i time pridonose stabilnosti emulzije. Svrha je ovoga rada bila ispitati proizvodnju emulzija buriti ulja bogatog karotenoidima koristeći izolat sojinog proteina i pektin s velikim udjelom metoksila kao stabilizatore. Eksperimentalni pristup. Primjenom centralno složenog rotacijskog dizajna procijenili smo utjecaj sastava ulja, omjera izolata sojinog proteina i pektina s velikim udjelom metoksila te pritiska homogenizacije na stabilnost, veličinu kapljica, električnu vodljivost, električni naboj, mikrostrukturu i reološka svojstva emulzija. Rezultati i zaključci. Optimalna je emulzija dobivena primjenom 28 % buriti ulja, 55 % izolata sojinog proteina i pritiska homogenizacije od 380·105 Pa. Imala je manju prosječnu veličinu kapljica, nižu električnu vodljivost i veći modul negativnog naboja od ostalih emulzija, te je zadržala stabilnost tijekom najmanje sedam dana. Mehanički su spektri pokazali da je pri oscilirajućem smičnom opterećenju emulzija imala svojstva viskoelastičnog gela, a pri stabilnom je smičnom opterećenju pokazala osobine smičnog naprezanja. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Optimirane emulzije buriti ulja stabilizirane pomoću izolata proteina soje i pektina s velikim udjelom metoksila mogu poslužiti kao zamjena za masti i pritom smanjiti energetsku vrijednost i povećati udjel karotenoida u prehrambenim proizvodima, poput mljekarskih i pekarskih proizvoda, sladoleda, umaka za salate i biljnog vrhnja.Research background. Emulsion technology is a suitable way of encapsulating, protecting and releasing hydrophobic bioactive compounds for application in food industries, but they are thermodynamically unstable systems. Good results have been achieved for emulsions stabilized by protein-polysaccharide complexes subjected to high-pressure homogenization. Improved stabilization of oil-in-water emulsions results from electrostatic complexes formed between proteins and polysaccharides at pH lower than the protein isoelectric point, which adsorb at the oil-water interface. In addition, polysaccharides contribute to emulsion stability by increasing viscosity of the continuous phase. The aim of this work is to investigate the production of carotenoid-rich buriti oil emulsions using soy protein isolate and high-methoxyl pectin as stabilizers. Experimental approach. Using a rotatable central composite experimental design, we assessed the effects of oil content, soy protein isolate/high-methoxyl pectin ratio and homogenization pressure on the stability, droplet size, electrical conductivity, electrical charge, microstructure and rheological behaviour of the emulsions. Results and conclusions. An optimized emulsion was produced with 28 % buriti oil, 55 % soy protein isolate, and homogenization pressure of 380·105 Pa. This emulsion was stable for at least seven days, presenting reduced average droplet size, low electrical conductivity and high modulus of negative charges. The mechanical spectra showed that the emulsion behaved as a viscoelastic gel under oscillatory, non-destructive shearing, whereas shearthinning behaviour took place under steady shear conditions. Novelty and scientific contribution. The optimized buriti oil emulsions stabilized by soy protein isolate and high-methoxyl pectin could be suitable for fat substitution, energy reduction and carotenoid enrichment in food products, such as dairy and bakery products, ice cream, salad sauces and vegetable-based cream

    Qualidade dos pescados comercializados durante as festas do peixe de Dourados – MS / Quality of commercialized fish during the Dourados fish festivals - MS

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     O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar o monitoramento da qualidade do pescado fresco comercializado durante as festas do Peixe de Dourados nos anos de 2016, 2017 e 2018. A Princípio era realizado um monitoramento sanitário nas pisciculturas participantes da comercialização. Durante o período da festa. Realizava-se o monitoramento quanto as características organolépticas utilizando Método do Índice de Qualidade, pH e temperatura de cada espécie em comercialização, levando em conta sua origem. Em relação a questão sanitária de produção, Todas as pisciculturas visitadas atenderam os padrões para produção de alimento de qualidade. Quanto aos peixes, as somas dos pontos para o grau de frescor variaram entre 24 a 17 nos três anos avaliados, considerado de excelente a bom estado de frescor. O Valor de pH variou de 5,71 a 6,68, sendo que nesta faixa de pH, o produto entra na classificação de produto perecível, portanto, foi utilizado gelo para manutenção da qualidade e as temperaturas variaram de -0,9 a 6,8 ºC, nos anos avaliados. Em virtude destes resultados, Conclui-se que os pescados comercializados nas festas do peixe em Dourados de 2016, 2017 e 2018 atenderam os padrões de qualidade e segurança alimentar desejados

    Pitanga nectar prepared with different sweeteners : sensory profile determination and consumer studies

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    Orientador: Helena Maria André BoliniDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de AlimentosResumo: Os objetivos deste estudo foram: elaborar a formulação do néctar de pitanga, verificar a quantidade necessária de cada edulcorante para substituir a sacarose e traçar o perfil sensorial e o comportamento do consumidor diante desse produto, utilizando métodos sensoriais. Na caracterização físico-química da polpa de pitanga obteve-se 6,45 °Brix para sólidos solúveis; 3,12 para pH; 1,19 % de ácido cítrico para acidez total titulável; 11,187 mg de ácido ascórbico para 100 g de polpa; e, com relação à cor, 40,39 para L*, 19,84 para a* e 19,54 para b*. Quanto à caracterização microbiológica, os resultados mostraram ausência de Salmonella, coliformes totais, coliformes termotolerantes e Alicyclobacillus. A quantidade de polpa considerada ideal pelo teste de determinação da diluição ideal foi de 25 %, enquanto que a quantidade de sacarose considerada ideal pelo teste de determinação da doçura ideal foi de 10 %. A concentração equivalente de cada edulcorante para substituir a sacarose no néctar de pitanga foi: 0,0160 % de sucralose; 0,0541 % de aspartame; 0,1000 % de estévia com 40 % de rebaudiosídeo A; 0,0999 % de estévia com 95 % de rebaudiosídeo A; 0,0017 % de neotame e 0,0360 % de ciclamato/sacarina 2:1. A análise descritiva quantitativa descreveu as amostras de néctar de pitanga utilizando 21 termos descritores, sendo: Aparência - cor laranja, presença de espuma, presença de partículas, viscosidade aparente e brilho. Aroma - aroma de pitanga, aroma doce, aroma de folha de pitanga e aroma cítrico. Sabor - sabor de pitanga, doçura, amargor, sabor residual doce, sabor residual amargo, adstringência, acidez, sabor de folha de pitanga e sabor metálico. Textura - viscosidade, corpo e presença de partículas. Pelas curvas tempo-intensidade para o estímulo doce, as amostras de néctar de pitanga que apresentaram maior intensidade e duração desse estímulo foram preparadas com neotame e estévias, evidenciando que esses possuem sabor residual doce. Quando preparadas com sacarose, sucralose, aspartame e ciclamato/sacarina 2:1 apresentaram menor intensidade e duração do estímulo doce, sendo entendidas como não tendo sabor residual doce. Quanto ao tempo-intensidade para o estímulo amargo, as amostras preparadas com estévias se destacaram quanto à intensidade e duração desse estímulo, caracterizando, além do gosto amargo, também o residual amargo. As amostras preparadas com sucralose, aspartame e sacarose possuem tanto intensidade quanto duração do estímulo um pouco menor, deixando a entender que essas amostras possuem o gosto amargo característico da pitanga, e não apresentam sabor residual amargo. De acordo com os resultados da análise de aceitação pelos consumidores, as amostras preparadas com sucralose, aspartame e neotame apresentaram aceitação similar da amostra preparada com sacarose, sendo as mais aceitas. Em todos os testes sensoriais realizados neste trabalho, a amostra de néctar de pitanga preparada com sucralose foi a que mais se aproximou da amostra preparada com sacarose. Portanto, a substituição da sacarose por sucralose seria bem sucedida em néctar de pitanga. As amostras preparadas com aspartame e ciclamato/sacarina 2:1 também se aproximaram da amostra preparada com sacarose em alguns testesAbstract: The objectives of this study were: to develop a pitanga nectar formulation, to verify the necessary amount of each sweetener to replace sucrose and to analyze the sensory profiling and consumer behavior. The pitanga pulp had its physical-chemical properties characterized. They were 6.45 °Brix for soluble solids, 3.12 for pH, 1.19 % of citric acid for titratable acidity, 11.187 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 g of pulp, and about color: 40.39 for L*, 19.84 for a* and 19.54 for b*. The results were negative for Salmonella, coliform bacteria, thermotolerant coliform and Alicyclobacillus on microbiological characterization. The ideal dilution test resulted in 25 % pulp, and the ideal sweetness test, in 10 % sucrose. Sweeteners concentrations to replace sucrose were: 0.0160 % sucralose, 0.0541 % aspartame, 0.1000 % stevia 40 % rebaudioside A, 0.0999 % stevia 95 % rebaudioside A, 0.0017 % neotame and 0.0360 % cyclamate/saccharin blend 2:1. The quantitative descriptive analysis assessors elaborated 21 terms to describe the pitanga nectar samples. They were as follows: Appearance - orange color, foam presence, particles presence, apparent viscosity and brightness. Aroma - pitanga aroma, sweet aroma, pitanga leaf aroma and citrus aroma. Flavor - pitanga flavor, sweetness, bitterness, sweet aftertaste, bitter aftertaste, astringency, acidity, pitanga leaf flavor and metalic flavor. Texture - viscosity, body and particles presence. In the sweet taste Time-Intensity curves pitanga nectar samples with higher intensity and duration were prepared with neotame and the 2 kinds of stevia, this show that they have sweet aftertaste. The samples prepared with sucrose, sucralose, aspartame and cyclamate/saccharin blend 2:1 had less intensity and duration of sweet taste, so sweet aftertaste was not perceived. In the bitter taste time-intensity curves pitanga nectar samples prepared with the 2 kinds of stevia showed the highest intensity and duration. They have both bitter taste and bitter aftertaste. On the other hand, the samples prepared with sucrose, aspartame and sucralose have smaller intensity and duration of bitter taste. These samples have the characteristic pitanga bitter taste and no bitter aftertaste. According to the acceptance analysis results the samples prepared with sucralose, aspartame and neotame were similar to the sucrose sample and were the most accepted. In all sensory tests conducted in this study, the pitanga nectar sample prepared with sucralose was closer to the sucrose sample. Therefore, replacement of sucrose with sucralose would be successful in pitanga nectar. The samples prepared with aspartame and cyclamate/saccharin blend 2:1 were also similar to the sucrose sample in some testsMestradoConsumo e Qualidade de AlimentosMestra em Alimentos e Nutriçã

    Characterization of biopolymers and soy protein isolate-high-methoxyl pectin complex

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    Abstract This study aimed at characterizing the soy protein isolate and high-methoxyl pectin biopolymers individually, and the complexes formed by both at different proportions and pHs in order to find the most suitable pH and biopolymer ratios to food application as stabilizers. The biopolymers were evaluated through solubility, charges, turbidimetry, and optical microscopy analyses; the systems with the pair of biopolymers were analyzed through turbidimetry and optical microscopy. High-methoxyl pectin showed high solubility at all pHs investigated. The soy protein isolate showed low solubility at pH 4.5, which is close to its isoelectric point, and complete solubility at pH 11.0. The formation of complexes suggested an attractive interaction between the biopolymers, with high absorbance reading values and images of complexes from optical microscopy. These complexes were present in systems with pHs below the soy protein isolate's isoelectric point, with positive charges; the high-methoxyl pectin, however, had negative ones

    Multiple time-intensity analysis and parameters affecting the acceptance of low-calorie acerola (malpighia emarginata dc.) nectar

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the gustatory stimuli sweet, bitter, sour and acerola flavor of acerola nectar using the time-intensity method and identify the parameters of the time-intensity curve affecting product acceptance. Sucrose, sucralose, neotame, and stevia extracts with 40%, 60%, 80% and 95% Rebaudioside A were used to sweeten the samples. Twelve assessors participated in the time-intensity analysis and a hundred and twenty consumers evaluated the overall impression. Sample sweetened with neotame showed greater intensity and duration for the sweet stimulus. With respect to the bitter stimulus, the samples containing different stevia extracts presented the highest intensity and stimulus duration, evidencing the bitter aftertaste. The time-intensity curves for the sour stimulus were very similar. The time-intensity curves for acerola flavor stimulus were similar too, but the sample sweetened with stevia extract 95% Rebaudioside A showed low-intensity stimulus, whereas samples containing sucrose and sucralose exhibited the greatest stimulus duration. The parameters total duration and area under the curve of the bitter stimulus negatively affected the acceptance of acerola nectar1577687COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESSem informaçã

    Sensory profile and drivers liking for low-calorie acerola (malpighia emarginata) nectar

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    The present study aimed to evaluate the sensory profile of acerola nectar samples prepared with sucrose and different sweeteners and to determine the descriptors that may influence the acceptance of the product. The nectar was prepared using water and acerola pulp in a 2:1 ratio and homogenized in an industrial blender. The sweeteners used for replacement of sucrose were sucralose, neotame and stevia extracts with 40%, 60%, 80% and 95% rebaudioside A. Fourteen assessors participated in the quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) and a hundred and twenty consumers evaluated the overall impression of the different samples. The QDA provided 16 descriptors for the acerola nectar samples. The samples did not differ significantly (p > 0.05) for the parameters brightness, sweet aroma, aroma of acerola, citric aroma, acidity, viscosity, and body. The nectar sweetened with sucralose presented sensory profile similar to that with sucrose addition. Between the different samples sweetened with stevia extracts, the sample containing stevia with 40% rebaudioside A presented a more intense bitter taste and bitter aftertaste, not differing from the samples prepared with stevia 60% and 80% rebaudioside A. The descriptors bitter taste and bitter aftertaste negatively influenced the acceptance, while the descriptor acerola flavor affected positively the overall impression157657

    Time-intensity profile of pitanga nectar (Eugenia uniflora L.) with different sweeteners: sweetness and bitterness

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    CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOPitanga has been used by the Brazilian food industry mainly for juice production. This fruit shows good economic potential due to its high concentration of vitamins and minerals. The aim of the present work was to characterize the time-intensity profile of pitanga nectar sweetened with different sweeteners to verify differences on the perception of sweet and bitter tastes. The sweeteners used to replace sucrose were sucralose, aspartame, stevia 40% rebaudioside A, stevia 95% rebaudioside A, neotame, and 2:1 cyclamate/saccharin blend. Fifteen assessors were selected according to their discriminating capability and trained to participate in the time-intensity analysis for sweetness and bitterness. The samples prepared with sucralose and 2:1 cyclamate/saccharin blend presented a similar sweetness profile to the sample prepared with sucrose, and the samples prepared with sucralose and aspartame presented a similar bitterness profile to the sample prepared with sucrose. Thus, sucralose would be the most suitable sweetener to replace sucrose in pitanga nectar.Pitanga has been used by the Brazilian food industry mainly for juice production. This fruit shows good economic potential due to its high concentration of vitamins and minerals. The aim of the present work was to characterize the time-intensity profile of pitanga nectar sweetened with different sweeteners to verify differences on the perception of sweet and bitter tastes. The sweeteners used to replace sucrose were sucralose, aspartame, stevia 40% rebaudioside A, stevia 95% rebaudioside A, neotame, and 2:1 cyclamate/saccharin blend. Fifteen assessors were selected according to their discriminating capability and trained to participate in the time-intensity analysis for sweetness and bitterness. The samples prepared with sucralose and 2:1 cyclamate/saccharin blend presented a similar sweetness profile to the sample prepared with sucrose, and the samples prepared with sucralose and aspartame presented a similar bitterness profile to the sample prepared with sucrose. Thus, sucralose would be the most suitable sweetener to replace sucrose in pitanga nectar2215867CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGIC

    Sensory profile and acceptability for pitanga (Eugenia uniflora L.) nectar with different sweeteners

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the sensory properties and acceptability of pitanga nectar samples prepared with sucrose and different sweeteners (sucralose, aspartame, stevia with 40% rebaudioside A, stevia with 95% rebaudioside A, neotame, and a 2:1 cyclamate/saccharin blend). A total of 13 assessors participated in a quantitative descriptive analysis and evaluated the samples in relation to the descriptor terms. The acceptability test was carried out by 120 fruit juice consumers. The results of the quantitative descriptive analysis of pitanga nectar showed that samples prepared with sucralose, aspartame, and the 2:1 cyclamate/saccharin blend had sensory profiles similar to that of the sample prepared with sucrose. Consumers' most accepted samples were prepared with sucrose, sucralose, aspartame, and neotame. The sweeteners that have the greatest potential to replace sucrose in pitanga nectar are sucralose and aspartame8720731CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQnão te

    Development of pitanga nectar with different sweeteners by sensory analysis: ideal pulp dilution, ideal sweetness, and sweetness equivalence

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    The objective of this study was to develop pitanga nectar formulations in which sucrose was replaced with different sweeteners. Consumer tests were conducted with 50 fruit juice consumers, and a just-about-right scale was used to determine the ideal pulp dilution and ideal sweetness with sucrose. Furthermore, the adequate concentrations of six sweeteners were determined to obtain the equivalent sweetness of sucrose using relative to these concentrations the magnitude estimation model with 19 selected assessors. The ideal dilution test resulted in 25% pulp, and the ideal sweetness test, 10% sucrose. Sweetener concentrations to replace sucrose were 0.0160%, 0.0541%, 0.1000%, 0.0999%, 0.0017%, and 0.0360%, respectively, for sucralose, aspartame, stevia 40% rebaudioside A, stevia 95% rebaudioside A, neotame, and a 2:1 cyclamate/saccharin blend. These results can be used to prepare pitanga nectar with different sweeteners and obtain the same sweetness intensity in less caloric products than that of nectar prepared with sucrose