25 research outputs found

    Fitting the incidence data from the city of Campinas, Brazil, based on dengue transmission modellings considering time-dependent entomological parameters

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFour time-dependent dengue transmission models are considered in order to fit the incidence data from the City of Campinas, Brazil, recorded from October 1st 1995 to September 30th 2012. The entomological parameters are allowed to depend on temperature and precipitation, while the carrying capacity and the hatching of eggs depend only on precipitation. The whole period of incidence of dengue is split into four periods, due to the fact that the model is formulated considering the circulation of only one serotype. Dengue transmission parameters from human to mosquito and mosquito to human are fitted for each one of the periods. The time varying partial and overall effective reproduction numbers are obtained to explain the incidence of dengue provided by the models.Four time-dependent dengue transmission models are considered in order to fit the incidence data from the City of Campinas, Brazil, recorded from October 1st 1995 to September 30th 2012. The entomological parameters are allowed to depend on temperature and precipitation, while the carrying capacity and the hatching of eggs depend only on precipitation. The whole period of incidence of dengue is split into four periods, due to the fact that the model is formulated considering the circulation of only one serotype. Dengue transmission parameters from human to mosquito and mosquito to human are fitted for each one of the periods. The time varying partial and overall effective reproduction numbers are obtained to explain the incidence of dengue provided by the models113FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO2009/15098-

    Aproveitamento de resíduos orgânicos para o desenvolvimento de "beijinho" a base de mandioca amarela e rosada

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    O reaproveitamento de resíduos orgânicos vem despertando o interesse tanto da indústria quanto da ciência, por gerar significativo volume de descartes e causar poluição no meio ambiente. Pesquisadores em todo o país estão investindo no desenvolvimento de novos produtos a partir destes resíduos, com intuito de minimizar estas perdas contribuindo para a produção de alimentos saudáveis, nutritivos e com menor impacto negativo para o meio ambiente. Diante deste contexto o presente estudo teve como objetivo elaborar um doce tipicamente brasileiro servido em festas de aniversário, conhecido como “beijinho”, a partir dos resíduos do processamento mínimo da mandioca. O doce de beijinho foi elaborado a partir do resíduo do processamento mínimo de mandiocas amarela e da cultivar “BRS-Rosada”. O estudo também avaliou a composição centesimal, preferência sensorial e aceitação pelos provadores. Foram elaboradas duas formulações de beijinho, uma somente a base de mandiocas amarelas e outra só com mandiocas rosadas. Os beijinhos elaborados podem ser considerados alimentos funcionais por serem ricos em fibras (8,67%/100g). Os dados da análise sensorial demonstraram que o doce desenvolvido obteve índice de aceitabilidade superior a 80% para todos os atributos avaliados. Com relação à intenção de compra, os julgadores manifestaram que ‘certamente comprariam’ as duas formulações. Sendo assim, os beijinhos desenvolvidos a base das duas variedades de mandiocas representam uma ótima alternativa de subproduto, colaborando para diminuição da matéria orgânica, desperdício, diminuição do impacto negativo ao meio ambiente, além de ser uma formulação com significativo valor nutricional

    Metabolism and physiology of Lactobacilli: a review

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    The consumption of probiotic microorganisms in fermented products has been used for centuries. Lactobacillus spp. is one of the main species studied due to its various beneficial effects to health. This species has great ability to adapt to hostile environments, produces antimicrobial substances capable of destroying or inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria and is involved in the digestion of complex carbohydrates not digested by the host. However, there are still some uncertainties and disagreements about the precise biochemical metabolism of lactobacilli. The aim of this article is to review the metabolism and physiological characteristics of lactobacilli for a better understanding of the benefits that these bacteria promote in the host and for the development of strains and probiotic products with higher health benefits

    Male emancipation as the process of seeking identity

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    In this work I would like to present the concept of male emancipation as the process of liberation of men from the pressure of culture stereotypes about men and masculinity. Male emancipation is also the inner process of seeking identity which is a synthesis of reflection of sex as a biological predisposition and gender as a culture construction. The concept of male emancipation is the answer to the recent crisis of male identity and is represented with different emphasis in different faces of men's movements. I created the basic typology of these movements and described their "emancipatory potential". As the opposition to feminists ideal types of new man or androgyne I described the realistic type of emancipated man who is not trying to achieve a synthesis of characteristics typically and traditionally considered as masculine or feminine but rather to achieve a compact, consistent and original personality. In the last part of my work I present results of my research "What do men say?" where I analyzed the statements of men who came to the men's groups of the Czech organisation the League of Open Men. As a result I described four basic motivational categories which motivate men to visit these groups and the description of some basic topics which men solve in these groups

    The Representation of Contemporary Ideology in Soviet Posters in the 20th Century

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    <p>Model FD: Summary of fitted parameters and epidemiological values for four periods, with <i>r</i><sub><i>f</i></sub> = <i>r</i>(<i>t</i><sub>2</sub>) and <i>I</i><sub><i>d</i></sub> = <i>i</i>(<i>t</i><sub>1</sub>)<i>N</i>(<i>t</i><sub>1</sub>).</p

    Effects of initial introduction of infectious individuals <i>I</i><sub><i>d</i></sub> considering the fitted parameters of Model FD in Period 1.

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    <p>(a) <i>I</i><sub><i>d</i></sub> = 1, (b) <i>I</i><sub><i>d</i></sub> = 25, (c) <i>I</i><sub><i>d</i></sub> = 150, and (d) <i>I</i><sub><i>d</i></sub> = 1000. (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0152186#pone.0152186.g007" target="_blank">Fig 7(a)</a> was obtained using <i>I</i><sub><i>d</i></sub> = 75).</p