171 research outputs found

    Hybridization in canids : a case study of pampas fox (Lycalopex gymnocercus) and domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) hybrid

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    Hybridization between species with different evolutionary trajectories can be a powerful threat to wildlife conservation. Anthropogenic activities, such as agriculture and livestock, have led to the degradation and loss of natural habitats for wildlife. Consequently, the incidence of interspecific hybridization between wild and domestic species has increased, although cases involving species of different genera are rare. In Vacaria, a Southern city in Brazil, a female canid with a strange phenotype, which had characteristics between the phenotype of the domestic dog (Canis familiaris) and that of the pampas fox (Lycalopex gymnocercus), was found. Our analysis suggests that the animal is a hybrid between a domestic dog and a pampas fox, but future studies are necessary to investigate additional cases of this hybridization in nature. This finding worries for the conservation of wild canids in South America, especially concerning Lycalopex species. Hybridization with the domestic dog may have harmful effects on pampas fox populations due to the potential for introgression and disease transmission by the domestic dog. Therefore, future studies to explore the consequences of hybridization on genetics, ecology, and behavior of wild populations will be essential to improve the conservation of this species

    Hybridization between subterranean tuco-tucos (Rodentia, Ctenomyidae) with contrasting phylogenetic positions

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    Funder: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Brazilian Federal Agency for the Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education); doi: https://doi.org/10.13039/501100002322Funder: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Abstract: Reproductive compatibility usually decreases according to increasing genetic difference and the time of divergence between species. However, the amount of modification required to influence hybridization may vary in different species. Thus, it is extremely important to conduct studies that seek to understand what and how variables influence the reproductive isolation of species. We have explored a system involving two species of subterranean rodents that present morphological, karyotypic, and evolutionary history differences and are capable of generating hybrids. To gain insight into the karyotype organization of genus Ctenomys, we examined the chromosome evolution by classical and molecular cytogenetics of both parental species and hybrids. Furthermore, we have used different approaches to analyze the differences between the parental species and the hybrids, and determined the origin of the hybrids. The results of our work demonstrate unequivocally that some species that present extensive differences in chromosome organization, phenotype, evolutionary history, sperm morphology and genetic, which are usually associated with reproductive isolation, can generate natural hybrids. The results also demonstrate that females of both species are able to generate hybrids with males of the other species. In addition, the chromosome-specific probes prepared from Ctenomys flamarioni provide an invaluable tool for comparative cytogenetics in closely related species

    Interspecies chromosome mapping in Caprimulgiformes, Piciformes, Suliformes, and Trogoniformes (Aves): cytogenomic insight into microchromosome organization and karyotype evolution in birds

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    Interchromosomal rearrangements involving microchromosomes are rare events in birds. To date, they have been found mostly in Psittaciformes, Falconiformes, and Cuculiformes, although only a few orders have been analyzed. Hence, cytogenomic studies focusing on microchromosomes in species belonging to different bird orders are essential to shed more light on the avian chromosome and karyotype evolution. Based on this, we performed a comparative chromosome mapping for chicken microchromosomes 10 to 28 using interspecies BAC-based FISH hybridization in five species, representing four Neoaves orders (Caprimulgiformes, Piciformes, Suliformes, and Trogoniformes). Our results suggest that the ancestral microchromosomal syntenies are conserved in Pteroglossus inscriptus (Piciformes), Ramphastos tucanus tucanus (Piciformes), and Trogon surrucura surrucura (Trogoniformes). On the other hand, chromosome reorganization in Phalacrocorax brasilianus (Suliformes) and Hydropsalis torquata (Caprimulgiformes) included fusions involving both macro- and microchromosomes. Fissions in macrochromosomes were observed in P. brasilianus and H. torquata. Relevant hypothetical Neognathae and Neoaves ancestral karyotypes were reconstructed to trace these rearrangements. We found no interchromosomal rearrangement involving microchromosomes to be shared between avian orders where rearrangements were detected. Our findings suggest that convergent evolution involving microchromosomal change is a rare event in birds and may be appropriate in cytotaxonomic inferences in orders where these rearrangements occurred

    Understanding the chromosomal evolution in cuckoos (Aves, Cuculiformes): a journey through unusual rearrangements

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    The Cuculiformes are a family of over 150 species that live in a range of habitats, such as forests, savannas, and deserts. Here, bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) probes (75 from chicken and 14 from zebra finch macrochromosomes 1–10 +ZW and for microchromosomes 11–28 (except 16)) were used to investigate chromosome homologies between chicken and the squirrel cuckoo ( Piaya cayana). In addition, repetitive DNA probes were applied to characterize the chromosome organization and to explore the role of these sequences in the karyotype evolution of P. cayana. We also applied BAC probes for chicken chromosome 17 and Z to the guira cuckoo ( Guira guira) to test whether this species has an unusual Robertsonian translocation between a microchromosome and the Z chromosome, recently described in the smooth-billed ani ( Crotophaga ani). Our results revealed extensive chromosome reorganization with inter- and intrachromosomal rearrangements in P. cayana, including a conspicuous chromosome size and heterochromatin polymorphism on chromosome pair 20. Furthermore, we confirmed that the Z-autosome Robertsonian translocation found in C. ani is also found in G. guira, not P. cayana. These findings suggest that this translocation occurred prior to the divergence between C. ani and G. guira, but after the divergence with P. cayana

    A Comprehensive Cytogenetic Analysis of Several Members of the Family Columbidae (Aves, Columbiformes).

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    The Columbidae species (Aves, Columbiformes) show considerable variation in their diploid numbers (2n = 68-86), but there is limited understanding of the events that shaped the extant karyotypes. Hence, we performed whole chromosome painting (wcp) for paints GGA1-10 and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) probes for chromosomes GGA11-28 for Columbina passerina, Columbina talpacoti, Patagioenas cayennensis, Geotrygon violacea and Geotrygon montana. Streptopelia decaocto was only investigated with paints because BACs for GGA10-28 had been previously analyzed. We also performed phylogenetic analyses in order to trace the evolutionary history of this family in light of chromosomal changes using our wcp data with chicken probes and from Zenaida auriculata, Columbina picui, Columba livia and Leptotila verreauxi, previously published. G-banding was performed on all these species. Comparative chromosome paint and G-banding results suggested that at least one interchromosomal and many intrachromosomal rearrangements had occurred in the diversification of Columbidae species. On the other hand, a high degree of conservation of microchromosome organization was observed in these species. Our cladistic analysis, considering all the chromosome rearrangements detected, provided strong support for L. verreauxi and P. cayennensis, G. montana and G. violacea, C. passerina and C. talpacoti having sister taxa relationships, as well as for all Columbidae species analyzed herein. Additionally, the chromosome characters were mapped in a consensus phylogenetic topology previously proposed, revealing a pericentric inversion in the chromosome homologous to GGA4 in a chromosomal signature unique to small New World ground doves

    12,500+ and counting: biodiversity of the Brazilian Pampa

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    Knowledge on biodiversity is fundamental for conservation strategies. The Brazilian Pampa region, located in subtropical southern Brazil, is neglected in terms of conservation, and knowledge of its biodiversity is fragmented. We aim to answer the question: how many, and which, species occur in the Brazilian Pampa? In a collaborative effort, we built species lists for plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi that occur in the Brazilian Pampa. We included information on distribution patterns, main habitat types, and conservation status. Our study resulted in referenced lists totaling 12,503 species (12,854 taxa, when considering infraspecific taxonomic categories [or units]). Vascular plants amount to 3,642 species (including 165 Pteridophytes), while algae have 2,046 species (2,378 taxa) and bryophytes 316 species (318 taxa). Fungi (incl. lichenized fungi) contains 1,141 species (1,144 taxa). Animals total 5,358 species (5,372 taxa). Among the latter, vertebrates comprise 1,136 species, while invertebrates are represented by 4,222 species. Our data indicate that, according to current knowledge, the Pampa holds approximately 9% of the Brazilian biodiversity in an area of little more than 2% of Brazil’s total land The proportion of species restricted to the Brazilian Pampa is low (with few groups as exceptions), as it is part of a larger grassland ecoregion and in a transitional climatic setting. Our study yielded considerably higher species numbers than previously known for many species groups; for some, it provides the first published compilation. Further efforts are needed to increase knowledge in the Pampa and other regions of Brazil. Considering the strategic importance of biodiversity and its conservation, appropriate government policies are needed to fund studies on biodiversity, create accessible and constantly updated biodiversity databases, and consider biodiversity in school curricula and other outreach activitie
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