30 research outputs found

    Authoring and dynamic generation of adaptive e-courses

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-27834-4_93Proceedings of the 4th International Conference, ICWE 2004, Munich, Germany, July 26-30, 2004.Adaptive hypermedia constitutes a pretty rich resource for developing web-based courses. With the aim of dynamically generating adaptive e-courses, we have developed the TANGOW system which, starting from the course components and their adaptation capabilities (specified independently and out of the adaptation engine), generates different courses for students with different profiles, supporting several adaptation strategies. An integral part of any adaptive hypermedia system is the set of authoring tools to specify the course components and their adaptation capabilities. Without adequate tool support, authors may feel that it is “not worth the effort” to add adaptation to their courses. However, the development of this type of tools is not an easy task. The main goal of our authoring and visualization tools is to provide a simple interface to create such courses. This demo would demonstrate i) the dynamic generation of tailored e-courses that include individual and collaborative activities and ii) the use of authoring tools for the creation of such courses

    Automatic generation of students' conceptual models underpinned by free-text adaptive computer assisted assessment

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. D. Perez-Marin, E. Alfonseca, M. Freire, and P. Rodriguez, “Automatic generation of students' conceptual models underpinned by free-text adaptive computer assisted assessment”, in Sixth International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2006, Kerkrade, 2006, pp. 280-284In this paper, we present an automatic procedure to generate students' knowledge conceptual models from their answers to an automatic free-text scoring system. The conceptual model is defined as a simplified representation of the concepts and relationships among them that each student keeps in his or her mind about an area of knowledge. It is considered that each area of knowledge comprises several topics and each topic several concepts. Each concept can be identified by a term that the students should use. A concept can belong to one topic or to several topics. The conceptual model is graphically displayed to the teachers as a conceptual map so that they can instantly see which concepts have already been assimilated and which ones should still be reviewed as they have been misunderstoodThis work has been sponsored by Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology,project number TIN2004-031

    Infraestructura para las prácticas de las asignaturas relacionadas con las Aplicaciones Web como apoyo a la docencia digital

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es mejorar la experiencia de los estudiantes en asignaturas relacionadas con el desarrollo de aplicaciones web. Como es habitual en estas asignaturas, y en otras asignaturas de titulaciones de la facultad, desde los laboratorios de la facultad se ponen a disposición de los alumnos recursos para poder llevar a cabo las prácticas y proyectos asociados a dichas asignaturas. Para abordar estos aspectos, el objetivo general de este proyecto es proporcionar un entorno de laboratorio que pueden utilizar tanto dentro de la UCM como desde sus casas donde desplegar los proyectos desarrollados durante la asignatura. Este entorno será un entorno similar al que se encontrarán durante su experiencia profesional de despliegue en entorno de nube pública, pero adaptando la experiencia a un entorno de aprendizaje y evitando la necesidad de registrarse en una plataforma externa la Universidad

    Tercer Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad

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    El Tercer Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad, CITIS, realizado el 30 de noviembre , 1 y 2 de diciembre del 2016 y organizado por la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, confirma la necesidad de crear espacios idóneos para la presentación, difusión e intercambio de los resultados de investigaciones en la comunidad académica. CITIS 2016, se abre a nivel internacional en su tercera edición, permitiendo la difusión de avances teóricos y tecnológicos expuestos por investigadores del ámbito académico universitario. Las líneas de investigación para este año destacan la contribución al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida, la transformación social y la responsabilidad ética, económica, ciudadana, entre otras, que muestran una inquietante búsqueda de ayudar a nuestra sociedad preocupados por la dimensión humana y social en el desarrollo responsable de la ciencia y de la tecnología

    Programas equivalentes (CUPCAM 2005, problema E, enunciado)

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    Requirements for educational games in MOOCs

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    MOOCs are disrupting educational technology by democratizing access to high quality courses offered by some of the most prestigious universities. However, due to low entry cost and multiple other factors, MOOCs suffer from low retention rates: making MOOCs more interactive and engaging is therefore an important goal. Educational games provide environments that mix both immersion and quick feedback cycles, and we consider that games also have the potential to improve interaction and assessment in MOOCs environments; indeed, many game-like simulations have already been successfully applied within MOOCs in domains such as electronic circuits (schematic circuit simulator) and biology (foldit, eyewire). In this work, we analyze multiple such experiences and propose a catalogue of best practices that could contribute to the successful integration of educational games into MOOC platforms

    A la caza del tesoro (CUPCAM 2005, problema G, solución)

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    An instrument to build a gamer clustering framework according to gaming preferences and habits.

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    In the era of digital gaming, there is a pressing need to better understand how people's gaming preferences and habits affect behavior and can inform educational game design. However, instruments available for such endeavor are rather informal and limited, lack proper evaluation, and often yield results that are hard to interpret. In this paper we present the design and preliminary validation (involving N ¼ 754 Spanish secondary school students) of a simple instrument that, based on a 10-item Game Preferences Questionnaire (GPQ), classifies participants into four ‘clusters’ or types of gamers, allowing for easy interpretation of the results. These clusters are: (1) Full gamers, covering individuals that play all kinds of games with a high frequency; (2) Hardcore gamers, playing mostly first-person shooters and sport games; (3) Casual gamers, playing moderately musical, social and thinking games; and (4) Nongamers, who do not usually play games of any kind. The instrument may have uses in psychology and behavioral sciences, as there is evidence suggesting that attitudes towards gaming affects personal attitudes and behavior. Besides, we propose applying the instrument to help designers of educational games to get better tailored their games to their target audiences.Depto. de Ingeniería de Software e Inteligencia Artificial (ISIA)Fac. de InformáticaTRUEpu