1,212 research outputs found

    On an easy transition from operator dynamics to generating functionals by Clifford algebras

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    Clifford geometric algebras of multivectors are treated in detail. These algebras are build over a graded space and exhibit a grading or multivector structure. The careful study of the endomorphisms of this space makes it clear, that opposite Clifford algebras have to be used also. Based on this mathematics, we give a fully Clifford algebraic account on generating functionals, which is thereby geometric. The field operators are shown to be Clifford and opposite Clifford maps. This picture relying on geometry does not need positivity in principle. Furthermore, we propose a transition from operator dynamics to corresponding generating functionals, which is based on the algebraic techniques. As a calculational benefit, this transition is considerable short compared to standard ones. The transition is not injective (unique) and depends additionally on the choice of an ordering. We obtain a direct and constructive connection between orderings and the explicit form of the functional Hamiltonian. These orderings depend on the propagator of the theory and thus on the ground state. This is invisible in path integral formulations. The method is demonstrated within two examples, a non-linear spinor field theory and spinor QED. Antisymmetrized and normal-ordered functional equations are derived in both cases.Comment: 23p., 76kB, plain LaTeX, [email protected]

    Dark matter powered stars: Constraints from the extragalactic background light

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    The existence of predominantly cold non-baryonic dark matter is unambiguously demonstrated by several observations (e.g., structure formation, big bang nucleosynthesis, gravitational lensing, and rotational curves of spiral galaxies). A candidate well motivated by particle physics is a weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP). Self-annihilating WIMPs would affect the stellar evolution especially in the early universe. Stars powered by self-annihilating WIMP dark matter should possess different properties compared with standard stars. While a direct detection of such dark matter powered stars seems very challenging, their cumulative emission might leave an imprint in the diffuse metagalactic radiation fields, in particular in the mid-infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum. In this work the possible contributions of dark matter powered stars (dark stars; DSs) to the extragalactic background light (EBL) are calculated. It is shown that existing data and limits of the EBL intensity can already be used to rule out some DS parameter sets.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 7 pages, 5 figure

    Model-Independent Comparison of Direct vs. Indirect Detection of Supersymmetric Dark Matter

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    We compare the rate for elastic scattering of neutralinos from various nuclei with the flux of upward muons induced by energetic neutrinos from neutralino annihilation in the Sun and Earth. We consider both scalar and axial-vector interactions of neutralinos with nuclei. We find that the event rate in a kg of germanium is roughly equivalent to that in a 10510^5- to 10710^7-m2^2 muon detector for a neutralino with primarily scalar coupling to nuclei. For an axially coupled neutralino, the event rate in a 50-gram hydrogen detector is roughly the same as that in a 10- to 500-m2^2 muon detector. Expected experimental backgrounds favor forthcoming elastic-scattering detectors for scalar couplings while the neutrino detectors have the advantage for axial-vector couplings.Comment: 10 pages, self-unpacking uuencoded PostScript fil

    New Models for a Triaxial Milky Way Spheroid and Effect on the Microlensing Optical Depth to the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We obtain models for a triaxial Milky Way spheroid based on data by Newberg and Yanny. The best fits to the data occur for a spheroid center that is shifted by 3kpc from the Galactic Center. We investigate effects of the triaxiality on the microlensing optical depth to the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The optical depth can be used to ascertain the number of Massive Compact Halo Objects (MACHOs); a larger spheroid contribution would imply fewer Halo MACHOs. On the one hand, the triaxiality gives rise to more spheroid mass along the line of sight between us and the LMC and thus a larger optical depth. However, shifting the spheroid center leads to an effect that goes in the other direction: the best fit to the spheroid center is_away_ from the line of sight to the LMC. As a consequence, these two effects tend to cancel so that the change in optical depth due to the Newberg/Yanny triaxial halo is at most 50%. After subtracting the spheroid contribution in the four models we consider, the MACHO contribution (central value) to the mass of the Galactic Halo varies from \~(8-20)% if all excess lensing events observed by the MACHO collaboration are assumed to be due to MACHOs. Here the maximum is due to the original MACHO collaboration results and the minimum is consistent with 0% at the 1 sigma error level in the data.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures. v2: minor revisions. v3: expanded discussion of the local spheroid density and minor revisions to match version published in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP

    Calculation of Particle Production by Nambu Goldstone Bosons with Application to Inflation Reheating and Baryogenesis

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    A semiclassical calculation of particle production by a scalar field in a potential is performed. We focus on the particular case of production of fermions by a Nambu-Goldstone boson θ\theta. We have derived a (non)local equation of motion for the θ\theta-field with the backreaction of the produced particles taken into account. The equation is solved in some special cases, namely for purely Nambu-Goldstone bosons and for the tilted potential U(θ)m2θ2 U(\theta ) \propto m^2 \theta^2 . Enhanced production of bosons due to parametric resonance is investigated; we argue that the resonance probably disappears when the expansion of the universe is included. Application of our work on particle production to reheating and an idea for baryogenesis in inflation are mentioned.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review {\rm D}: October 4, 1994 21 page, UM-AC 94-3

    Discovery of genomic variations by whole-genome resequencing of the North American Araucana chicken

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    Gallus gallus (chicken) is phenotypically diverse, with over 60 recognized breeds, among the myriad species within the Aves lineage. Domestic chickens have been under artificial selection by humans for thousands of years for agricultural purposes. The North American Araucana (NAA) breed arose as a cross between the Chilean “Collonocas” that laid blue eggs and was rumpless and the “Quetros” that had unusual tufts but with tail. NAAs were introduced from South America in the 1940s and have been kept as show birds by enthusiasts since then due to several distinctive traits: laying eggs with blue eggshells, characteristic ear-tufts, a pea comb, and rumplessness. The population has maintained variants for clean-faced and tufted, as well as tailed and rumplessness traits making it advantageous for genetic studies. Genome resequencing of six NAA chickens with a mixture of these traits was done to 71-fold coverage using Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired-end reads. Trimmed and concordant reads were mapped to the Gallus_gallus-5.0 reference genome (galGal5), generated from a female Red Junglefowl (UCD001). To identify candidate genes that are associated with traits of the NAA, their genome was compared with the Korean Araucana, Korean Domestic and White Leghorn breeds. Genomic regions with significantly reduced levels of heterogeneity were detected on five different chromosomes in NAA. The sequence data generated confirm the identity of variants responsible for the blue eggshells, pea comb, and rumplessness traits of NAA and propose one for ear-tufts

    Measuring the cosmological lepton asymmetry through the CMB anisotropy

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    A large lepton asymmetry in the Universe is still a viable possibility and leads to many interesting phenomena such as gauge symmetry nonrestoration at high temperature. We show that a large lepton asymmetry changes the predicted cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy and that any degeneracy in the relic neutrino sea will be measured to a precision of 1% or better when the CMB anisotropy is measured at the accuracy expected to result from the planned satellite missions MAP and Planck. In fact, the current measurements already put an upper limit on the lepton asymmetry of the Universe which is stronger than the one coming from considerations of primordial nucleosynthesis and structure formation.Comment: 4 pagex LaTex, 1 color postscript figure, uses epsf. Version submitted to PRL. (Bug in code fixed, new figure, conclusions unchanged

    Dark Stars and Boosted Dark Matter Annihilation Rates

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    Dark Stars (DS) may constitute the first phase of stellar evolution, powered by dark matter (DM) annihilation. We will investigate here the properties of DS assuming the DM particle has the required properties to explain the excess positron and elec- tron signals in the cosmic rays detected by the PAMELA and FERMI satellites. Any possible DM interpretation of these signals requires exotic DM candidates, with an- nihilation cross sections a few orders of magnitude higher than the canonical value required for correct thermal relic abundance for Weakly Interacting Dark Matter can- didates; additionally in most models the annihilation must be preferentially to lep- tons. Secondly, we study the dependence of DS properties on the concentration pa- rameter of the initial DM density profile of the halos where the first stars are formed. We restrict our study to the DM in the star due to simple (vs. extended) adiabatic contraction and minimal (vs. extended) capture; this simple study is sufficient to illustrate dependence on the cross section and concentration parameter. Our basic results are that the final stellar properties, once the star enters the main sequence, are always roughly the same, regardless of the value of boosted annihilation or concentration parameter in the range between c=2 and c=5: stellar mass ~ 1000M\odot, luminosity ~ 10^7 L\odot, lifetime ~ 10^6 yrs (for the minimal DM models considered here; additional DM would lead to more massive dark stars). However, the lifetime, final mass, and final luminosity of the DS show some dependence on boost factor and concentration parameter as discussed in the paper.Comment: 37 pages, 11 figure

    Fatal affairs - conjugational transfer of a dinoflagellate-killing plasmid between marine Rhodobacterales

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    The roseobacter group of marine bacteria is characterized by a mosaic distribution of ecologically important phenotypes. These are often encoded on mobile extrachromosomal replicons. So far, conjugation had only been experimentally proven between the two model organisms Phaeobacter inhibens and Dinoroseobacter shibae. Here, we show that two large natural RepABC-type plasmids from D. shibae can be transferred into representatives of all known major Rhodobacterales lineages. Complete genome sequencing of the newly established Phaeobacter inhibens transconjugants confirmed their genomic integrity. The conjugated plasmids were stably maintained as single copy number replicons in the genuine as well as the new host. Co-cultivation of Phaeobacter inhibens and the transconjugants with the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum demonstrated that Phaeobacter inhibens is a probiotic strain that improves the yield and stability of the dinoflagellate culture. The transconjugant carrying the 191 kb plasmid, but not the 126 kb sister plasmid, killed the dinoflagellate in co-culture

    Dark Matter Capture in the First Stars: a Power Source and Limit on Stellar Mass

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    The annihilation of weakly interacting massive particles can provide an important heat source for the first (Pop. III) stars, potentially leading to a new phase of stellar evolution known as a "Dark Star". When dark matter (DM) capture via scattering off of baryons is included, the luminosity from DM annihilation may dominate over the luminosity due to fusion, depending on the DM density and scattering cross-section. The influx of DM due to capture may thus prolong the lifetime of the Dark Stars. Comparison of DM luminosity with the Eddington luminosity for the star may constrain the stellar mass of zero metallicity stars; in this case DM will uniquely determine the mass of the first stars. Alternatively, if sufficiently massive Pop. III stars are found, they might be used to bound dark matter properties.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, 3 Tables updated captions and graphs, corrected grammer, and added citations revised for submission to JCA