2,024 research outputs found

    Forgiveness and Resiliency: The Role of Forgiveness in Mitigating the Effects of Daily Stressors and Fostering Overall Wellbeing

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    The field of contemplative science has produced promising research supporting the connection between prosocial skill-building and mental health. From a counseling perspective, this information can be utilized to improve present methodologies and analyze how concepts like forgiveness and meaning-making effect areas of dysfunction, mitigate the effects of daily stressors, and transform the impact of transgressions. The current presentation examines data from two pilot studies (St1 and St2) analyzing the theorized constructs of dispositional forgiveness, how these constructs can be reliably measured, and the benefit of cultivating forgiveness as a form of mental wellness inoculation

    Awaiting \u3ci\u3eDoe v. Exxon Mobil Corp.\u3c/i\u3e: Advocating the Cautious Use of Executive Opinions in Alien Tort Claims Act Litigation

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    In June 2001, eleven Indonesian villagers filed suit in a U.S. District Court against Exxon Mobil Corporation for its alleged complicity in human rights abuses in the Indonesian province of Aceh. The plaintiffs asserted jurisdiction and a cause of action pursuant to the Alien Tort Claims Act and the Torture Victim Protection Act, both of which enable foreign nationals to bring international human rights claims in U.S. federal courts. The U.S. Department of State intervened in the suit, expressing its view that federal court adjudication of the plaintiffs\u27 claims could complicate U.S. foreign policy. The State Department opinion raises concern that the Doe v. Exxon Mobil Corp. suit presents a nonjusticiable political question and is unfit for judicial resolution. The outcome of the Exxon Mobil suit will reflect the power of federal courts to remedy human rights violations committed abroad where the executive branch opposes judicial resolution. This Comment argues that the Exxon Mobil court must independently assess the suit\u27s justiciability, disagreeing with executive branch conclusions when necessary. Separation of powers principles prevent the executive branch from mandating which cases federal courts may hear. Justiciability determinations should instead be guided by the principles underlying the political question doctrine, which insist that foreign affairs consequences do not themselves render a suit nonjusticiable. Congress enacted the Alien Tort Claims Act and Torture Victim Protection Act to ensure that individuals harmed by violations of international law could seek a remedy in U.S. courts. The Exxon Mobil court should not ignore this congressional mandate, nor should it ignore established judicial and constitutional doctrines, merely to accommodate executive foreign policy interests

    Research on optimization-based design

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    Research on optimization-based design is discussed. Illustrative examples are given for cases involving continuous optimization with discrete variables and optimization with tolerances. Approximation of computationally expensive and noisy functions, electromechanical actuator/control system design using decomposition and application of knowledge-based systems and optimization for the design of a valve anti-cavitation device are among the topics covered

    Millimeter Wave Substrate Integrated Waveguide Antennas: Design and Fabrication Analysis

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    The paper presents a new concept in antenna design, whereby a photo-imageable thick-film process is used to integrate a waveguide antenna within a multilayer structure. This has yielded a very compact, high performance antenna working at high millimeter-wave (mm-wave) frequencies, with a high degree of repeatability and reliability in antenna construction. Theoretical and experimental results for 70 GHz mm-wave integrated antennas, fabricated using the new technique are presented. The antennas were formed from miniature slotted waveguide arrays using up to 18 layers of photo-imageable material. To enhance the electrical performance a novel folded waveguide array was also investigated. The fabrication process is analysed in detail and the critical issues involved in the fabrication cycle are discussed. The losses in the substrate integrated waveguide have been calculated. The performance of the new integrated antenna is compared to conventional metallic, air-filled waveguide antennas, and also to conventional microstrip antenna arrays operating at the same frequencies

    Mobile phone-based interventions for improving contraception use (Review)

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    This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: To determine wheth er inter ventions delivered by mobile phone can improve contraception us

    Receipt from New York Free Circulating Library to Mrs. Ogden Goelet

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    Strategies Employed by Clergy to Prevent and Cope with Interpersonal Isolation

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    Numerous studies have affirmed that interpersonal isolation is one of the unique challenges clergy face. This study examined the experience of interpersonal isolation among a sample of clergy serving in a senior pastor role by having them complete a modified form of the Social Support Questionnaire, Short Form (SSQSR), as well as six open-ended interview questions. The interview responses of clergy participants were compared based on a median split of the SSQSR satisfaction scores. Analysis of clergy responses revealed several prominent themes in the following areas: barriers to establishing supportive relationships, strategies for establishing and maintaining supportive relationships, lack of support, and coping with loneliness. Identified themes, as well as clergy responses that exemplified these themes, are discussed. Clergy with social support scores at or above the median more frequently indicated that being transparent and vulnerable is a means by which they establish and maintain close, supportive relationships with others

    A Frequency Tuning Method for a Planar Inverted-F Antenna

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    A novel method is presented for electrically tuning the frequency of a planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA). A tuning circuit, comprising an RF switch and discrete passive components, has been completely integrated into the antenna element, which is thus free of dc wires. The proposed tuning method has been demonstrated with a dual-band PIFA capable of operating in four frequency bands. The antenna covers the GSM850, GSM900, GSM1800, PCS1900 and UNITS frequency ranges with over 40% total efficiency. The impact of the tuning circuit on the antenna's efficiency and radiation pattern have been experimentally studied through comparison with the performance of a reference antenna not incorporating the tuning circuit. The proposed frequency tuning concept can be extended to more complex PIFA structures as well as other types of antennas to give enhanced electrical performance.</p

    Access to interpreting services in England: secondary analysis of national data

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    Background: Overcoming language barriers to health care is a global challenge. There is great linguistic diversity in the major cities in the UK with more than 300 languages, excluding dialects, spoken by children in London alone. However, there is dearth of data on the number of non-English speakers for planning effective interpreting services. The aim was to estimate the number of people requiring language support amongst the minority ethnic communities in England. Methods: Secondary analysis of national representative sample of subjects recruited to the Health Surveys for England 1999 and 2004. Results: 298,432 individuals from the four main minority ethnic communities (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Chinese) who may be unable to communicate effectively with a health professional. This represents 2,520,885 general practice consultations per year where interpreting services might be required. Conclusion: Effective interpreting services are required to improve access and health outcomes of non-English speakers and thereby facilitate a reduction in health inequalities
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