215 research outputs found

    Towards Goal-Oriented Agents for Evolving Problems Observed via Conversation

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    The objective of this work is to train a chatbot capable of solving evolving problems through conversing with a user about a problem the chatbot cannot directly observe. The system consists of a virtual problem (in this case a simple game), a simulated user capable of answering natural language questions that can observe and perform actions on the problem, and a Deep Q-Network (DQN)-based chatbot architecture. The chatbot is trained with the goal of solving the problem through dialogue with the simulated user using reinforcement learning. The contributions of this paper are as follows: a proposed architecture to apply a conversational DQN-based agent to evolving problems, an exploration of training methods such as curriculum learning on model performance and the effect of modified reward functions in the case of increasing environment complexity.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Complete Genome Sequences of Arcobacter butzleri ED-1 and Arcobacter sp Strain L, Both Isolated from a Microbial Fuel Cell

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    Arcobacter butzleri strain ED-1 is an exoelectrogenic epsilonproteobacterium isolated from the anode biofilm of a microbial fuel cell. Arcobacter sp. strain L dominates the liquid phase of the same fuel cell. Here we report the finished and annotated genome sequences of these organisms

    Inter- and intra-annual bacterioplankton community patterns in a deepwater sub-Arctic region:Persistent high background abundance of putative oil degraders

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    Oil spills at sea are one of the most disastrous anthropogenic pollution events, with the Deepwater Horizon spill providing a testament to how profoundly the health of marine ecosystems and the livelihood of its coastal inhabitants can be severely impacted by spilled oil. The fate of oil in the environment is largely dictated by the presence and activities of natural communities of oil-degrading bacteria

    Assembly of microbial communities in replicate nutrient-cycling model ecosystems follows divergent trajectories, leading to alternate stable states

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    We studied in detail the reproducibility of community development in replicate nutrient‐cycling microbial microcosms that were set up identically and allowed to develop under the same environmental conditions. Multiple replicate closed microcosms were constructed using pond sediment and water, enriched with cellulose and sulphate, and allowed to develop over several months under constant environmental conditions, after which their microbial communities were characterized using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Our results show that initially similar microbial communities can follow alternative – yet stable – trajectories, diverging in time in a system size‐dependent manner. The divergence between replicate communities increased in time and decreased with larger system size. In particular, notable differences emerged in the heterotrophic degrader communities in our microcosms; one group of steady state communities was enriched with Firmicutes, while the other was enriched with Bacteroidetes. The communities dominated by these two phyla also contained distinct populations of sulphate‐reducing bacteria. This biomodality in community composition appeared to arise during recovery from a low‐diversity state that followed initial cellulose degradation and sulphate reduction

    Cyanobacterial endobionts within a major marine, planktonic, calcifier (Globigerina bulloides, Foraminifera) revealed by 16S rRNA metabarcoding

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    We investigated the possibility of bacterial symbiosis in Globigerina bulloides, a palaeoceanographically important, planktonic foraminifer. This marine protist is commonly used in micropalaeontological investigations of climatically sensitive subpolar and temperate water masses as well as wind-driven upwelling regions of the world's oceans. G. bulloides is unusual because it lacks the protist algal symbionts that are often found in other spinose species. In addition, it has a large offset in its stable carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions compared to other planktonic foraminifer species, and also that predicted from seawater equilibrium. This is suggestive of novel differences in ecology and life history of G. bulloides, making it a good candidate for investigating the potential for bacterial symbiosis as a contributory factor influencing shell calcification. Such information is essential to evaluate fully the potential response of G. bulloides to ocean acidification and climate change. To investigate possible ecological interactions between G. bulloides and marine bacteria, 18S rRNA gene sequencing, fluorescence microscopy, 16SrRNA gene metabarcoding and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were performed on individual specimens ofG. bulloides(type IId) collected from two locations in the California Current. Intracellular DNA extracted from fiveG. bulloidesspecimens was subjected to 16S rRNA gene metabarcoding and, remarkably, 37–87 % of all 16S rRNA gene sequences recovered were assigned to operational taxonomic units (OTUs) from the picocyanobacterium Synechococcus. This finding was supported by TEM observations of intact Synechococcus cells in both the cytoplasm and vacuoles of G. bulloides. Their concentrations were up to 4 orders of magnitude greater inside the foraminifera than those reported for the California Current water column and approximately 5 % of the intracellular Synechococcus cells observed were undergoing cell division. This suggests that Synechococcus is an endobiont of G. bulloides type IId, which is the first report of a bacterial endobiont in the planktonic foraminifera. We consider the potential roles of Synechococcus and G. bulloides within the relationship and the need to determine how widespread the association is within the widely distributed G. bulloides morphospecies. The possible influence of Synechococcus respiration on G. bulloides shell geochemistry is also explored

    Noise-driven oscillations in microbial population dynamics

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    Microbial populations in the natural environment are likely to experience growth conditions very different from those of a typical laboratory xperiment. In particular, removal rates of biomass and substrate are unlikely to be balanced under realistic environmental conditions. Here, we consider a single population growing on a substrate under conditions where the removal rates of substrate and biomass are not necessarily equal. For a large population, with deterministic growth dynamics, our model predicts that this system can show transient (damped) oscillations. For a small population, demographic noise causes these oscillations to be sustained indefinitely. These oscillations arise when the dynamics of changes in biomass are faster than the dynamics of the substrate, for example, due to a high microbial death rate and/or low substrate flow rates. We show that the same mechanism can produce sustained stochastic oscillations in a two-species, nutrient-cycling microbial ecosystem. Our results suggest that oscillatory population dynamics may be a common feature of small microbial populations in the natural environment, even in the absence of complex interspecies interactions.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure

    Interactions between Teladorsagia circumcincta infections and microbial composition of sheep with or without successful monepantel treatment:A preliminary study

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    Nematodes are one of the main impactors on the health, welfare and productivity of farmed animals. Teladorsagia circumcincta are endemic throughout many sheep-producing countries, particularly in the northern hemisphere, and contribute to the pathology and economic losses seen on many farms. Control of these nematode infections is essential and heavily reliant on chemotherapy (anthelmintics), but this has been compromised by the development of anthelmintic resistance. In mammals, the composition of the intestinal microbiota has been shown to have a significant effect on overall health. The interactions between host, microbiota and pathogens are complex and influenced by numerous factors. In this study, comparisons between intestinal and faecal microbiota of sheep infected with sensitive or resistant strains of T. circumcincta, with or without monepantel administration were assessed. The findings from both faecal samples and terminal ileum mucosal scrapings showed clear differences between successfully treated animals and those sheep that were left untreated and/or those carrying resistant nematodes. Specifically, the potentially beneficial genus Bifidobacterium was identified as elevated in successfully treated animals. The detection of these and other biomarkers will provide the basis for new therapeutic reagents particularly relevant to the problems of emerging multidrug anthelmintic resistance