10 research outputs found

    High prevalence of schistosomiasis in Mbita and its adjacent islands of Lake Victoria, western Kenya

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    Abstract Background Intestinal schistosomiasis continues to be a significant cause of morbidity among communities located around Lake Victoria and on its islands. Although epidemiological surveys have been conducted in other areas bordering the lake in western Kenya, Mbita district and its adjacent islands have never been surveyed, largely due to logistical challenges in accessing these areas. Consequently, there is a paucity of data on prevalence of schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections that are endemic in this region. Methods This cross-sectional study determined the prevalence, intensity of infection and geographical distribution of schistosome and STH infections among 4,065 children aged 5–19 years in 84 primary schools in Mbita and nearby islands of Lake Victoria (Mfangano, Ringiti, Rusinga and Takawiri), in western Kenya. Single stool samples were collected and examined for eggs of Schistosoma mansoni and STHs (Hookworms, Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura) using the Kato-Katz technique. Primary schools were mapped using geographical information system data on PDAs and prevalence maps generated using ArcView GIS software. Results Overall, 65.6% (95% CI = 64.2-67.1%) of children were infected with one or more helminth species; 12.4% (95% CI = 11.4-13.4%) of children were infected with one or more STH species. Mean school prevalence of S. mansoni infection was 60.5% (95% CI = 59.0-62.0%), hookworms 8.4% (95% CI = 7.6-9.3%), A. lumbricoides 3.3% (95% CI = 2.7-3.8%), and T. trichiura 1.6% (95% CI = 1.2-2.0%). Interestingly, the mean S. mansoni prevalence was 2-fold higher on the islands (82%) compared to the mainland (41%) (z = 5.8755, P P S. mansoni prevalence while prevalence of STHs was more homogenously distributed. Conclusions The very high prevalence of schistosomiasis in Mbita and the 4 islands is quite alarming, and indicates an urgent and critical need for control interventions. Findings from this survey indicate the need to implement treatment in remote areas not previously covered by mass drug administration programs.</p

    Multi-strain compatibility polymorphism between a parasite and its snail host, a neglected vector of schistosomiasis in Africa

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    Interactions between Schistosoma mansoni and its snail host are understood primarily through experimental work with one South American vector species, Biomphalaria glabrata. However, 90% of schistosomiasis transmission occurs in Africa, where a diversity of Biomphalaria species may serve as vectors. With the long-term goal of determining the genetic and ecological determinants of infection in African snail hosts, we developed genetic models of Biomphalaria sudanica, a principal vector in the African Great Lakes. We determined laboratory infection dynamics of two S. mansoni lines in four B. sudanica lines. We measured the effects of the following variables on infection success and the number of cercariae produced (infection intensity): (i) the combination of parasite and snail line; (ii) the dose of parasites; and (iii) the size of snail at time of exposure. We found one snail line to be almost completely incompatible with both parasite lines, while other snail lines showed a polymorphism in compatibility: compatible with one parasite line while incompatible with another. Interestingly, these patterns were opposite in some of the snail lines. The parasite-snail combination had no significant effect on the number of cercariae produced in a successful infection. Miracidia dose had a strong effect on infection status, in that higher doses led to a greater proportion of infected snails, but had no effect on infection intensity. In one of the snail-schistosome combinations, snail size at the time of exposure affected both infection status and cercarial production in that the smallest size class of snails (1.5–2.9 mm) had the highest infection rates, and produced the greatest number of cercariae, suggesting that immunity increases with age and development. The strongest predictor of the infection intensity was the size of snail at the time of shedding: 1 ​mm of snail growth equated to a 19% increase in cercarial production. These results strongly suggest that infection status is determined in part by the interaction between snail and schistosome genetic lines, consistent with a gene-for-gene or matching allele model. This foundational work provides rationale for determining the genetic interactions between African snails and schistosomes, which may be applied to control strategies

    B. sudanica Compatibility Master Data

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    This is the dataset used for the manuscript, titled: "Multi-strain compatability polymorphism between a parasite and its snail host, a neglected vector of schistosomiasis in Africa." The description "csv" file contains all details of the datasheets used for the analysis.</p

    The genome and transcriptome of the snail Biomphalaria sudanica s.l.: immune gene diversification and highly polymorphic genomic regions in an important African vector of Schistosoma mansoni

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    Abstract Background Control and elimination of schistosomiasis is an arduous task, with current strategies proving inadequate to break transmission. Exploration of genetic approaches to interrupt Schistosoma mansoni transmission, the causative agent for human intestinal schistosomiasis in sub-Saharan Africa and South America, has led to genomic research of the snail vector hosts of the genus Biomphalaria. Few complete genomic resources exist, with African Biomphalaria species being particularly underrepresented despite this being where the majority of S. mansoni infections occur. Here we generate and annotate the first genome assembly of Biomphalaria sudanica sensu lato, a species responsible for S. mansoni transmission in lake and marsh habitats of the African Rift Valley. Supported by whole-genome diversity data among five inbred lines, we describe orthologs of immune-relevant gene regions in the South American vector B. glabrata and present a bioinformatic pipeline to identify candidate novel pathogen recognition receptors (PRRs). Results De novo genome and transcriptome assembly of inbred B. sudanica originating from the shoreline of Lake Victoria (Kisumu, Kenya) resulted in a haploid genome size of ~ 944.2 Mb (6,728 fragments, N50 = 1.067 Mb), comprising 23,598 genes (BUSCO = 93.6% complete). The B. sudanica genome contains orthologues to all described immune genes/regions tied to protection against S. mansoni in B. glabrata, including the polymorphic transmembrane clusters (PTC1 and PTC2), RADres, and other loci. The B. sudanica PTC2 candidate immune genomic region contained many PRR-like genes across a much wider genomic region than has been shown in B. glabrata, as well as a large inversion between species. High levels of intra-species nucleotide diversity were seen in PTC2, as well as in regions linked to PTC1 and RADres orthologues. Immune related and putative PRR gene families were significantly over-represented in the sub-set of B. sudanica genes determined as hyperdiverse, including high extracellular diversity in transmembrane genes, which could be under pathogen-mediated balancing selection. However, no overall expansion in immunity related genes was seen in African compared to South American lineages. Conclusions The B. sudanica genome and analyses presented here will facilitate future research in vector immune defense mechanisms against pathogens. This genomic/transcriptomic resource provides necessary data for the future development of molecular snail vector control/surveillance tools, facilitating schistosome transmission interruption mechanisms in Africa