31 research outputs found

    Perceptions of School Managers on the Impact of Integration of ICT in Human Resource on Management of Schools in Nairobi City County, Kenya

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the perceptions of  principals and deputy principals of secondary schools in Nairobi City County on the impact of integration of information communication technology (ICT) in human resource on the management of secondary schools in Nairobi City County. The study employed the descriptive research survey method. The research instruments used were questionnaires, an interview guide and an observation schedule.  Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented in the form of tables. Qualitative data was coded according to content and analyzed based on emerging themes and presented in narrative form. The findings of the study was that there was no significant impact of integrating ICT in human resource on secondary school management in Nairobi City County.  Among the recommendations made are that the ministry of education should create and adopt a nationally accepted ICT policy for purposes of uniformity in the management of schools. Keywords: Information Communication Technology, Human Resource Management, ICT Integratio

    Two-Factor Factorial Design Application in Analyzing Differential Performance Between Single-Sex Schools and Mixed Schools in Compulsory Subjects at KCSE:Case study in Homa Bay County, Kenya

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    Despite the recent unabated proliferation of mixed schools, no effort has been directed towards finding out whether they are just as good as or even better than single - sex schools. This is in spite of the conventional wisdom which has in the past informed conversion of mixed schools into single - sex schools. (I am yet to come across a case in our country where two oppositely gendered single - sex schools have merged to form a mixed school). This state of affairs begs for attention and it is what motivated the researcher to carry out research in this area. The study applied two-factor factorial design in analyzing differential performance in compulsory subjects between mixed schools and single-sex schools. School type represented one factor while the other factor was represented by subjects. The objectives of the study were to determine whether there is significant effect due to; school type, subject and interaction between school type and subject. School type, subject and interaction between school type and subject were from the analysis of variance, found to have significant effects at ???? = 5%. The significant interaction effect made it necessary to carry out multiple comparisons. Scheff’e’s method revealed statistically significant differences in mean performance in mathematics between single-sex schools and mixed schools. The mean performances in English and Kiswahili for single-sex schools were not, at 5% level of significance, different from those of mixed school using the same (Scheffes) method. The two- factor factorial design model yijk=µ+????i+ßj+ (????ß)ij+?ijk was found to be ideal in describing the observed data concerning the performance in compulsory subjects in KCSE. Keywords: ANOVA, Two-Factorial Desig

    Comparative Analysis of Environmental influence on Growth of Low vis-a-vis High performing Insurance Agents in Mombasa County, Kenya

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    The insurance industry in Kenya has realized rapid growth over the past years stretching to two decades. This is evidenced by the large number of insurance companies currently operating in Kenya which currently stand at forty seven insurance companies. Behind these insurance companies are one hundred and fifty seven (157) insurance brokers, twenty three (23) Medical insurance providers and a staggering four thousand two hundred and five (4205) registered and licensed insurance agents who act as intermediaries to the business of underwriting risks. The insurance industry gross premium as shown in the year 2012 annual report by the Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA) is Kshs.108.6 billion up from Kshs.97.5 billion in 2011 translating into business growth of 11.4% at a time when the Kenyan economy growth rate was less than 4% p.a. The research survey sought to investigate the environmental issues influencing low performing insurance agents vis-Ă -vis high performing insurance agents that causes remarkable disparity on business growth witnessed amongest insurance agents. Special focus was put on Mombasa County. The survey highlighted on challenges faced by insurance agents in Mombasa County. It showed strategies employed by those agents who have excelled in business. The survey was meant benefit the insuring public as well as researchers and academics interested in the insurance sector for future references and scholarly contribution in the area of study. A descriptive survey design was used. The research targeted insurance agents within the Mombasa County. Random sampling as well stratified sampling techniques was adopted. Questionnaire and observation schedules were used to extract information from sampled respondents. The data was then analyzed using a software package for statistical analysis originally Statistical Package for Social Sciences. The research found that business growth among insurance agents is anchored upon the overall operational environmental factors. Keywords: Comparative Analysis, Insurance Agents, Low Performing Agents, High Performing Agent

    Assessment of Small and Medium Enterprises Alignment of Investment Decisions to overall Business Strategy in Mombasa County, Kenya.

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    The background problem is that the precise handlings of a firm’s resources are critical for the firm’s endurance. Companies usually have official procedures for calculations of their profitability of investment projects. On one hand is the corporate strategy which directs the company’s activities, determines how company resources should be used. The corporate strategy and the financial calculations should work together to ensure the best and most efficient allocation of the resources of the company. Regrettably, it does not happen like this all the time or most of the time. Therefore, the purpose of this study is the analysis of SME’s, alignment of investment decisions to overall business strategy to enhance performance. The objectives of the research are to determine the extent of SME’s alignment of investment decision to overall business strategy to enhance performance. Therefore, it will be established the nature of SME’s investment decisions practices. In addition, there will be the establishment of the business strategy adopted by different SME’s. What is more, the establishment of the challenges faced by the SME’s in the alignment of their investment decisions to overall business strategy. And in addition to come up with recommendations on how SME’s can address the challenges faced when aligning investment decisions to overall business strategy. The study will thus focus on divisionalized companies, where it is to be expected that investments and strategy are not planned by the same people but by employees in different departments. The literature reviews on alignment of investment decision and strategy which has been drawn from different authors. It will contain two parts: the theoretical review and the empirical review. Significant issues related to the research topic and finally the research gap filled by the research embarked on. The methods that will be embarked on are Phenomenological research, the goal being to qualitatively describe a lived experience of the phenomenon; it will draw attention to the research design; in order to avoid bias and human error a mix of naturalistic observation and interview as well as surveys will be made use of in the research design. Data will thus be collected quantitatively and qualitatively, and the targeted populations are that of entrepreneurs with more than one investment in Majengo and central business district. The raw data once collected will be analyzed and represented by using tables and graphs and the data analysis tools that will be used are ANOVA, SPSS, t-test and frequency to eliminate human error and come up with usable data for the research.  Keywords: Small and Medium Enterprises, Investment Decisions, Business Strategy.

    Strategic Planning Practices by Coast Development Authority in Promoting Regional Development

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    Unbalanced regional development in Kenya has persisted over time even after the government implementing and experimenting with different macro and sectorial policies. The proportion of the population living below the poverty line has been increasing in the Coast and North Eastern Regions. Despite these development challenges, Kenya is richly endowed with natural resource base which should be harnessed to address the challenges. To address the regional disparities and other development challenges, the Government through the Ministry of Regional Development Authorities (MORDA) developed the Regional Development Policy (2007) that provided guidance for sustainable development by Regional Development Authorities (RDAs). The contribution of RDAs to balance regional development cannot be understated though the full potential of these institutions have not been convincingly realised. The project proposal therefore aims at analysing strategic planning practices by Coast Development Authority (CDA) in promoting regional development so as to establish effectiveness and success of such plans, their contributions to performance and challenges faced in implementing strategic planning. CDA has been employing both multi-disciplinary and multi-sectorial approaches with success depending on close collaboration amongst all implementing institutions and stakeholders. The study employed a descriptive study design in achieving its objectives. The target population was CDA staff where a sample of 50% was selected using stratified random sampling based on management category. The views of the sample population was collected by administering a questionnaire, undertaking interviews and making observations. The information and data collected was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The results from the study are intended to inform the design of appropriate policies and measures as well as promote the use of existing ones in the promotion of regional development with a focus on the coast region. Keywords: Strategic Planning, Regional Development, Sustainable Development

    Contributions of Cost Leadership and Differentiation Strategies on Customer Satisfaction at Mombasa Water Supply and Sanitation Company, Kenya

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    This study examines the contributions of cost leadership and differentiation strategies on customer satisfaction at Mombasa Water Supply and Sanitation Company. The specific objectives for this study was to establish measures Mombasa Water Supply and Sanitation Company limited has undertaken to achieve cost leadership; to determine the contributions of differentiation as a strategic management principle on customers’ satisfaction and to provide recommendations on how to improve customer satisfaction at Mombasa Water Supply and Sanitation Company. The metrics for measuring customers’ satisfaction are customer retention; fewer customers’ complaints and less number of referrals. Descriptive research design is used in the study and the self-administered questionnaire that collected both quantitative and qualitative data were sent directly to the respondents. Before processing the responses, the completed questionnaires were edited for completeness and consistency. Both qualitative and quantitative research techniques have been used. The target population were both public staff working at Mombasa County Water Supply and Sanitation sector and customers from public and private institutions. The stratified random sampling was used to draw a sample of 300 that include management staff working at Mombasa Water Supply and Sanitation Company, Coast Water Services Board, Mombasa County Government (formerly City Council of Mombasa), Water Resources Management Authority, selected registered Water Action Groups and some major water consumers such as Kenya Ports Authority, Kenya Petroleum Refineries limited, Association of Hotel Keepers and Coast Province General Hospital. The data was then analyzed using a software package for statistical analysis originally Statistical Package for Social Sciences later modified to read Statistical Product and Services Solutions (SPSS). The data was coded to enable the responses to be grouped into various categories. Content analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data collected while descriptive methods were used to analyze quantitative data. The research proves that with efficient application of strategic management principles of cost leadership and differentiation, the desired customer satisfaction can be achieved and enhanced at Mombasa Water Supply and Sanitation Company. Keywords: Cost Leadership, Differentiation, Sustainabilit

    Livestock Enterprise in Kinango Sub - County, Kenya: Challenges, Constraints and Opportunities.

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    Livestock production at the coast is undertaken in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) and it heavily relies on traditional breeds mostly carried out by small-scale farmers whose performance in terms of production, management, processing and marketing has not been encouraging. The falling production trends and the inefficient market outlets have adversely affected smallholder producers through reduced earnings. The sector is also faced with severe drought, high prevalence of pests and diseases, inferior local breeds, poor rural access roads, poor farmer-processor linkages and lack of affordable credit facilities. Pest and disease infections have severely affected the quality of livestock produce whereas price fluctuation especially of live animals has contributed to low earnings to livestock owners/traders. Nonetheless, the arid conditions of the region and the vast lands offer conducive conditions for commercialisation of livestock for wealth creation and improved economic conditions. Despite the existing natural resources, the coast region has a high incidence of absolute poverty with 62% of the population living below the poverty line while 59.46% and 44.78% are food and hard-core poor respectively (Welfare Monitoring Survey III, 1997). The Kenya government focuses on the livestock and meat industry strategic areas for self-sufficiency in basic foods. In addition to the achievement of broad food self-sufficiency, other sector objectives include employment creation, income and foreign exchange earnings and stimulation of off-farm income generating activities in the rural areas.  These in turn will lead to reduction in poverty as highlighted by the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) whereby livestock production is ranked highly in its contribution to poverty reduction. Kinango district is part of the Arid and Semi Arid Lands that fall under the livestock-producing zone covering 80% of the total land area in the coast region. The district is endowed with land supporting livestock production most of which are operating below capacity. This has led to the under exploitation of natural resource base in the district hence low production in livestock which is the most important livelihood for the local communities.  This trend has contributed significantly to the high poverty incidence, food insecurity malnourished populace and reduced incomes. The research employed a descriptive study design while undertaking the baseline study of livestock enterprises in Kinango, Kenya. The target population were livestock keepers and traders where thirty-five of them were selected using stratified random sampling. The views of the sample population were collected by administering a questionnaire, undertaking interviews and making observations and the information and data collected was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) the results of which are intended to inform the strategic approach by livestock farmers and the government in putting in place policies and measures aimed at promoting and commercialising livestock farming in Kinango. Keywords: Arid and Semi-Arid Lands, commercialisation of livestoc

    An Analysis of the extent of Training Needs Assessment by the Organizations offering Training to Youth Organizations in Kinango County, Kenya

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    The mobilization of youth in Kenya and growth of youth group enterprise projects took centre stage in the last four years with the creation of Ministry of youth affairs and sports in the year 2005.   The Department of Youth development was established in January 2007 with an aim of spearheading the general empowerment of the youths with key objectives being; promoting Youth-owned Small and Micro Enterprise (SME) projects, promoting thriftiness and self-reliance among the youth, promoting an entrepreneurial culture among the youth, and promoting marketing of Youth Products and Services. (The national youth policy 2007). The study aimed at broadening understanding about the factors that influence performance of various youth group income generating projects in Taita district. It also aims at giving remedial measures to the problems faced by youth group initiated projects so as to improve their performance and realize their goals.  The groups were stratified according to their categories of projects/activity. From the targeted population a random sample of 60% will be taken from each category to give a total sample of 35 projects. Data for the study will consist of primary data collected by use of questionnaires and secondary data based on youth group performance reports submitted to the respective group coordinators to the Provincial director in the Ministry of youth affairs, department of Youth development. The data will be analyzed using statistical package of social sciences software and findings will be presented in form of tables, charts and figures. Keywords: Training Needs Assessment, Small and Micro Enterprise’s, Entrepreneurial Cultur

    Patterns of Upper Gastrointestinal Diseases Based on Endoscopy in the Period 1998-2001

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    Upper gastrointestinal complaints are common in Kenya. Though these have remained unchanged over the last 20 years, the pattern of upper gastrointestinal disease on endoscopic examination seems to be changing. There appears to be progressive increase in oesophagitis and cancer of the stomach. Peptic ulcer disease has remained stable while Cancer of the oesophagus is still common. The paper intends to report on endoscopic findings at the Centre for Clinical Research, Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) over the period October 1998 and May 2001. The sources of information are records made at the time of endoscopy and histology reports on biopsies taken. Seven hundred and sixty eight patients were endoscoped. The male to female ratio was 1.7:1 with mean age \ub1SD of 40.8 \ub120.1 years and age range was 3 to 96 years. Majority of the patients had abnormal findings with gastritis being the most common ( 25.8%). It is concluded that gastritis is an important cause of morbidity in Kenya. Oesophagitis, mainly due to gastroesopahageal reflux disease, seems to be on the increase. Gastric cancer is not as rare as previously thought and peptic ulcer disease is still common

    Yellow Fever Outbreak, Imatong, Southern Sudan

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    In May 2003, the World Health Organization received reports about a possible outbreak of a hemorrhagic disease of unknown cause in the Imatong Mountains of southern Sudan. Laboratory investigations were conducted on 28 serum samples collected from patients in the Imatong region. Serum samples from 13 patients were positive for immunoglobulin M antibody to flavivirus, and serum samples from 5 patients were positive by reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction with both the genus Flavivirus–reactive primers and yellow fever virus–specific primers. Nucleotide sequencing of the amplicons obtained with the genus Flavivirus oligonucleotide primers confirmed yellow fever virus as the etiologic agent. Isolation attempts in newborn mice and Vero cells from the samples yielded virus isolates from five patients. Rapid and accurate laboratory diagnosis enabled an interagency emergency task force to initiate a targeted vaccination campaign to control the outbreak