121 research outputs found

    "Kampen om Dybbøl har givet os dyrebare minder". Slaget ved Dybbøl i eftertidens mindearrangementer

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    I 2014 har Slaget ved Dybbøl været på manges læber. Slaget har nu i 150 år indtaget en central plads i dansk national identitet og mindekultur. Siden 1921 er Slaget ved Dybbøl årligt blevet markeret ved fællesgravene på Dybbøl Banke, men tilbage fra 50-årsmindedagen i 1914 har de runde mindeår givet anledning til større mindearrangementer. Det er disse arrangementer, artiklen vil beskæftige sig med

    Project Half Double: Addendum: Current Results for Phase 1, January 2017

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    The Half Double mission: Project Half Double has a clear mission. We want to succeed in finding a project methodology that can increase the success rate of our projects while increasing the development speed of new products and services. We are convinced that by doing so we can strengthen the competitiveness of Denmark and play an important role in the battle for jobs and future welfare. The overall goal is to deliver “Projects in half the time with double the impact” where projects in half the time should be understood as half the time to impact (benefit realization, effect is achieved) and not as half the time for project execution. The Half Double project journey: It all began in May 2013 when we asked ourselves: How do we create a new and radical project paradigm that can create successful projects? Today we are a movement of hundreds of passionate project people, and it grows larger by the day. The formal part of Project Half Double was initiated in June 2015; it is divided into two phases where phase 1 took place from June 2015 to June 2016 with seven pilot projects, and phase 2 is in progress from July 2016 to July 2017 with 10 pilot projects.The Half Double consortium: Implement Consulting Group is leading the project as well as establishing and managing the collaboration with the pilot project companies in terms of methodology. Aarhus University and the Technical University of Denmark will evaluate the impact of the pilot projects and legitimize the methodology in academia.The Danish Industry Foundation, an independent philanthropic foundation, is contributing to the project financially with DKK 13.8 million.About the addendum: We published the report “Preliminary results for phase 1” in June 2016 (Svejvig, Ehlers et al. 2016). It is time to follow up on the Phase 1 pilot projects and to document their development.The purpose of this addendum is thus to document the development in the pilot projects from June 2016 to January 2017 with particular focus on the impact they have created.This Addendum is a supplement and should be read in conjunction with the Phase 1 report, which will give the reader relevant further information.The target group for this report is practitioners in Danish industry and society in general.The report was prepared by a responsible editorial team from Aarhus University.The addendum was prepared from December 2016 to January 2017, which means that late data about pilot projects from January 2017 is not included in this report

    Do you love me? An empirical analysis of the feeling of love amongst children in out of-home care

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    Questions about whether love can be offered in residential child care units, whether combining child protection and safeguarding in social work with loving care or care with love is possible, and whether children and young people feel loved by someone who is paid to care for them, have raised long-standing issues. Social pedagogy puts such questions at the core of its philosophy and practice, and has been a fundamental part of care in Denmark for many years. Drawing on a Danish survey of 1,400 children in out-of-home care, this paper analyses the subjective feeling of love amongst children living in out-of-home care. The main moderating factors for feeling loved are the feeling of security and the feeling of social support, the tangible counterpart of Honneth's concept of recognition

    PROJECT HALF DOUBLE: Training practitioners, working with visuals, practice reflections and small and medium-sized enterprises

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    Since the beginning of Project Half Double in 2015, the overall goal has been to deliver "Projects in half the time with double the impact" where projects in half the time should be understood as half the time to impact and not as half the time for project execution. The research team at Aarhus University has published three Project Half Double reports on the Half Double Methodology and the results from applying the methodology on "real life" pilot projects in order to evaluate how the overall goal mentioned above has been achieved.The aim of this report is to document some of the learnings obtained throughout the years. Four themes were selected for this report: 1) practitioner training, 2) working with visuals, 3) practice reflections, and finally 4) small and medium-sized enterprises

    Fleshy Fruits in Liliflorous Monocots

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    Fleshy fruits occur in several monocot orders and families, and it is generally assumed that they have been derived from capsular fruits many times during the evolution of monocot lineages. Huber hypothesized in 1969 that most capsules in Asparagales are derived secondarily from berries and that this transformation was correlated with the evolution of phytomelan-coated seeds, a pivotal character in his circumscription of Asparagales as part of reclassifying Liliaceae s.l. Dahlgren and co-workers suggested several parallel derivations and reversals in this character, e.g., the transformation sequence trifollicular fruits → capsules → berries→ capsules→ berries. Mapping of fleshy fruits on a phylogeny based on molecular characters indicates that Asparagales do not have fleshy fruits as a basal character. Dahlgren\u27s cyclic character evolution hypothesis is not supported by the distribution of dry and fleshy fruits, and there is no obvious correlation between baccate fruits and phytomelaniferous seeds in Asparagales. Phytomelaniferous seeds are not an evident synapomorphy of Asparagales as presently circumscribed. The anatomy and development of different capsular and baccate fruits in selected genera are studied in an ongoing project to reveal homologies and establish an adequate fruit typology. Some observations of texture and dehiscence structures in dry and fleshy capsules and in typical berries from hypogynous and epigynous flowers are reported in this paper

    Project Half Double: Preliminary Results for Phase 1, June 2016

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    Project Half Double has a clear mission to succeed in finding a project methodology that can increase the success rate of our projects while increasing the speed at which we generate new ideas and develop new products and services. Chaos and complexity should be seen as a basic condition and as an opportunity rather than a threat and a risk. We are convinced that by doing so, we can strengthen Denmark’s competitiveness and play an important role in the battle for jobs and future welfare. The overall goal is to deliver “projects in half the time with double the impact”, where projects in half the time should be understood as half the time to impact (benefit realisation, effect is achieved) and not as half the time for project execution.The purpose of Project Half Double is to improve Danish industrial competitiveness by radically increasing the pace and impact of the development and innovation activities carried out within the framework of the projects.The formal part of Project Half Double was initiated in June 2015. We started out by developing, refining and testing the Half Double methodology on seven pilot projects in the first phase of the project, which will end June 2016.The current status of responding to the above overall Project Half Double goal for the seven pilot projects can be summarised as follows:- The Lantmännen Unibake pilot project was able to launch the first stores after 5 months, which is considerably shorter lead time than comparable reference projects, which have had a lead time of 10 months or more. This is in line with the overall goal of Project Half Double of delivering impact faster.- Four pilot projects have the potential to deliver impact faster, but it is too early to evaluate. Some results might be evaluated in the second half of 2016, while other results take longer to evaluate (Coloplast, Novo Nordisk, GN Audio and VELUX).- Two pilot projects will probably not be able to deliver impact faster, although it is too early to evaluate them. The evaluation of these pilot projects takes place over a longer period of time as it will take years before many of the key performance indicators associated with them can be evaluated (Grundfos and Siemens Wind Power).In addition to the current status of delivering impact faster for the seven pilot projects, it is important to highlight that Project Half Double phase 1 has planted many seeds in the pilot organisations concerning project methodology and beyond. The many learning points from each pilot project show that Project Half Double has left its clear footprint in the pilot organisations, and that the Half Double methodology has evolved and developed very much during Project Half Double phase 1