111 research outputs found

    Losing the Lake: Development and Deployment of an Educational Game

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    When asked what the top three issues of the Las Vegas region were, the reply was “water, water, water! This was the result of a survey done a few years ago of Las Vegas Valley TV anchors. The reason for this response is that sustainability of the urban environments requires sufficient water resources as does population growth. With the advent of global climate change, this resource is in danger. Water flow and mountainous ice packs are impacted by this change in climate there by impacting the amount of water the the region. This is compounded over time as the population increases and the water supply decreases. Even as the flow of water to the Las Vegas Valley is decreasing, many people in the area do not fully appreciate the severity of this crisis. This knowledge is at many times not brought to fruition as many people do not even understand some possible ways to contribute to water conservation. With the idea of educating young Nevadans, future initiatives can be put into practice to further alleviate a dire situation. Research has shown that imagery is important for a students\u27 attention and enables changes in their thought process. With this approach, the goal of this project is to create an engaging environment to help awareness for the young and old alike

    Losing the Lake: Designing an Educational Computer Game on Water Resources in Southern Nevada

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    30 PowerPoint slides Convener: Nick Lancaster, DRI Session 6: Bridging the Gap- Interdisciplinary Science to Connect Biophysical and Social Dimensions of Climate Change Abstract: To design and test an educationally useful computer game to educate middle- and high-school students, and the general public, about water and sustainability + effect of climate change on thos

    Insulin Degrading Enzyme Induces a Conformational Change in Varicella-Zoster Virus gE, and Enhances Virus Infectivity and Stability

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    Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) glycoprotein E (gE) is essential for virus infectivity and binds to a cellular receptor, insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE), through its unique amino terminal extracellular domain. Previous work has shown IDE plays an important role in VZV infection and virus cell-to-cell spread, which is the sole route for VZV spread in vitro. Here we report that a recombinant soluble IDE (rIDE) enhances VZV infectivity at an early step of infection associated with an increase in virus internalization, and increases cell-to-cell spread. VZV mutants lacking the IDE binding domain of gE were impaired for syncytia formation and membrane fusion. Pre-treatment of cell-free VZV with rIDE markedly enhanced the stability of the virus over a range of conditions. rIDE interacted with gE to elicit a conformational change in gE and rendered it more susceptible to proteolysis. Co-incubation of rIDE with gE modified the size of gE. We propose that the conformational change in gE elicited by IDE enhances infectivity and stability of the virus and leads to increased fusogenicity during VZV infection. The ability of rIDE to enhance infectivity of cell-free VZV over a wide range of incubation times and temperatures suggests that rIDE may be useful for increasing the stability of varicella or zoster vaccines

    Functional mechanisms underlying pleiotropic risk alleles at the 19p13.1 breast-ovarian cancer susceptibility locus

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    A locus at 19p13 is associated with breast cancer (BC) and ovarian cancer (OC) risk. Here we analyse 438 SNPs in this region in 46,451 BC and 15,438 OC cases, 15,252 BRCA1 mutation carriers and 73,444 controls and identify 13 candidate causal SNPs associated with serous OC (P=9.2 × 10-20), ER-negative BC (P=1.1 × 10-13), BRCA1-associated BC (P=7.7 × 10-16) and triple negative BC (P-diff=2 × 10-5). Genotype-gene expression associations are identified for candidate target genes ANKLE1 (P=2 × 10-3) and ABHD8 (P<2 × 10-3). Chromosome conformation capture identifies interactions between four candidate SNPs and ABHD8, and luciferase assays indicate six risk alleles increased transactivation of the ADHD8 promoter. Targeted deletion of a region containing risk SNP rs56069439 in a putative enhancer induces ANKLE1 downregulation; and mRNA stability assays indicate functional effects for an ANKLE1 3′-UTR SNP. Altogether, these data suggest that multiple SNPs at 19p13 regulate ABHD8 and perhaps ANKLE1 expression, and indicate common mechanisms underlying breast and ovarian cancer risk


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran secara objektif tentang ada tidaknya perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan siswa dalam membaca kritis tajuk rencana atau teks editorial kelas eksperimen dengan menggunakan metode ECOLAdan kelas kontrol dengan metode ceramah. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 16 Bandung ajaran tahun 2015/2016. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah dua kelas yang dipilih secara purposive sampling, yakni pertimbangan dalam mengambil sampel tersebut, disebabkan kelas VIII G dan VIII H memiliki rata-rata nilai yang hampir sama dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia dilihat dari Ujian Tengah Semester. Kelas yang digunakan adalah kelas VIII H sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VIII G sebagai kelas kontrol. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen kuasi dengan desain penelitian Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Pada desain ini dilakukan tes awal dan tes akhir di kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Pengolahan data dilakukan uji realibilitas antar penimbang, uji normalitas, homogenitas, dan hipotesis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkan bahwa nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi daripada nilai rata-rata kelas kontrol. Rata-rata nilai tes awal kelas eksperimen yaitu 63 dan nilai rata-rata tes akhir 82. Sedangkan rata-rata nilai tes awal kontrol yaitu 54 dan rata-rata nilai tes akhir 66. Berdasarkan perolehan nilai tersebut didapatkan perbedaan nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen 19 dan perbedaan nilai rata-rata kelas kontrol yaitu 13. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis diperoleh nilaithitung= 5,01>ttabel = 1,99866, maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa metode ECOLA berpengaruh dan dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran membaca kritis tajuk rencana. ;--- This research aims toget the objective informationwhether there is a significance differences or not between students’ abilityin editorial critical reading text in an experimental class using ECOLA methodwith a control class using lecture method. The population of the research are all students of VIII grade class of16 Junior High School of Bandung in 2015/2016 school year.The sample are two classes of students which are selected through purposive sampling, consideringG and H class have a same average scoresin Indonesia Language subject,taken from Mid-Semester Test score. The H class was the experimental classand the G class control. The research utilizes a quasi-experimental methodwithNonequivalent Control Group Designwith a pre and a post-test. Reliability test was employed between counselor, normalcy test, homogenates, andhypothesis. The result shows that the average score of experimental classis higher than the control class. The experimental class’ average pre-test score was 63 the post-test was 82 whilethe control class’ average pre-test score was 54 andpost-test score was 66. The difference between pre and post-test of experimental class was 19 and control class was 13. Hypothesis test result shows thatthitung = 5,01>ttabel= 1,99866, then Hois rejectedand Hais accepted. It concludes thatECOLAis influential and implementable in editorial critical reading

    Two Kinds of Adaptation, Two Kinds of Relativity

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    This paper presents a review of adaptation concepts at the evolutionary, environmental, neural, sensory, mental and mathematical levels, including Helson’s and Parducci’s theories of perception and category judgments. Two kinds of adaptation can be clearly distinguished. The first, known as level adaptation, refers to the shift of the neutral perception level to the average stimulus value. It results in a single reference point and stimuli changes represented in absolute terms. This concept is employed by Prospect Theory, which assumes that gains and losses are perceived as monetary amounts. The second kind of adaptation refers to the adjustment of perception sensitivity to stimuli range. It results in two reference points (minimum and maximum stimulus) and stimuli changes perceived in relative terms. Both range adaptation and range relativity are well documented phenomena and have even been confirmed by the creators of Prospect Theory. This makes room for another decision making theory based on the range relativity approach. As shown by Kontek (2009), such a theory would not require the concept of probability weighting to describe lottery experiments or behavioral paradoxes


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    This investigation explores the interactive behavior of individuals over the age of sixty-five as it relates to life satisfaction. Three communicative elements which covary with life satisfaction are examined: (1) The frequency with which elderly individuals enter into interaction; (2) the closeness felt by the elderly toward those interactants; and (3) the content of the interaction. Several communicator characteristics, the individual\u27s age, sex, living environment, and interactive partner, mediate the relationship between interaction and life satisfaction. Elderly individuals living in three separate living environments participated in this study. In all, one-hundred and twenty individuals over sixty-five years of age completed the Adult Communication Survey. This survey documented their communication behavior and measured their level of life-satisfaction. Three research questions were tested within this investigation. Results from the research questions support the contention that the interactive behavior of elderly individuals covaries with levels of life satisfaction. This relationship is complex, mediated by such factors as living environment and the parnter of the interaction. The relationship between interaction and life satisfaction is differentially explained by three prevelant aging theories. These theories are presented to introduce potential connections to the three communication variables. Overall, results from this study indicate the importance of interactive behavior in the elderly population. Implications of these results are discussed
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