32 research outputs found

    Ethylene-responsive element binding protein (EREBP) expression and the transcriptional regulation of class I β-1,3-glucanase during tobacco seed germination

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    Class I β-1,3-glucanase (βGLU I) is transcriptionally induced in the micropylar endosperm just before its rupture prior to the germination (i.e. radicle emergence) of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. ‘Havana 425' seeds. Ethylene is involved in endosperm rupture and high-level βGLU I expression; but, it does not affect the spatial and temporal pattern of βGLU I expression. A promoter deletion analysis of the tobacco βGLU I B gene suggests that (1) the distal −1452 to −1193 region, which contains the positively acting ethylene-responsive element (ERE), is required for high-level, ethylene-sensitive expression, (2) the regions −1452 to −1193 and −402 to 0 contribute to down-regulation by abscisic acid (ABA), and (3) the region −402 to −211 is necessary and sufficient for low-level micropylar-endosperm-specific expression. Transcripts of the ERE-binding proteins (EREBPs) showed a novel pattern of expression during seed germination: light or gibberellin was required for EREBP-3 and EREBP-4 expression; EREBP-4 expression was constitutive and unaffected by ABA or ethylene; EREBP-3 showed transient induction just before endosperm rupture, which was earlier in ethylene-treated seeds and inhibited by ABA. No expression of EREBP-1 and EREBP-2 was detected. In contrast to βGLU I, EREBP-3 and EREBP-4 were not expressed specifically in the micropylar endosperm. The results suggest that transcriptional regulation of βGLU I could depend on: activation of ethylene signalling pathways acting via EREBP-3 with the ERE as the target, and ethylene-independent signalling pathways with targets in the proximal promoter region that are likely to determine spatial and temporal patterns of expressio

    Heterochromatic siRNAs and DDM1 Independently Silence Aberrant 5S rDNA Transcripts in Arabidopsis

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    5S ribosomal RNA gene repeats are arranged in heterochromatic arrays (5S rDNA) situated near the centromeres of Arabidopsis chromosomes. The chromatin remodeling factor DDM1 is known to maintain 5S rDNA methylation patterns while silencing transcription through 5S rDNA intergenic spacers (IGS). We mapped small-interfering RNAs (siRNA) to a composite 5S rDNA repeat, revealing a high density of siRNAs matching silenced IGS transcripts. IGS transcript repression requires proteins of the heterochromatic siRNA pathway, including RNA polymerase IV (Pol IV), RNA-DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE 2 (RDR2) and DICER-LIKE 3 (DCL3). Using molecular and cytogenetic approaches, we show that the DDM1 and siRNA-dependent silencing effects are genetically independent. DDM1 suppresses production of the siRNAs, however, thereby limiting RNA-directed DNA methylation at 5S rDNA repeats. We conclude that DDM1 and siRNA-dependent silencing are overlapping processes that both repress aberrant 5S rDNA transcription and contribute to the heterochromatic state of 5S rDNA arrays

    Evidence for a role of β‐1,3‐glucanase in dicot seed germination

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    Class I β‐1,3‐glucanases are antifungal vacuolar proteins implicated in plant defense that show developmental, hormonal, and pathogenesis‐related regulation. The expression was studied in germinating tobacco seeds of a chimeric β‐glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene fused to 1.6 kb of the 5′ flanking sequence of the tobacco class I β‐1,3‐glucanase B (GLB) promoter. Histological staining for GUS activity showed that expression of the GLB promoter is highly localized in a specific zone of the endosperm in germinating seeds. The temporal and spatial patterns of GUS and β‐1,3‐glucanase activity found, suggest a novel function for class I β‐1,3‐glucanases during seed germination in a dicotyledonous plant. Copyright © 1994, Wiley Blackwell. All rights reserve

    Altered expression of an ankyrin-repeat protein results in leaf abnormalities, necrotic lesions, and the elaboration of a systemic signal

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    Summary: The PR-like proteins, class I β-1,3-glucanase (GLU I) and chitinase (CHN I), are induced as part of a stereotypic response that can provide protection against viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogens. We have identified two Nicotiana plumbaginifolia ankyrin-repeat proteins, designated G\underline{G} lucanohydrolase B\underline{B} inding P\underline{P} roteins (GBP) 1 and 2, that bind GLU I and CHN I both in vitro and when expressed in yeast cells. Sense as well as antisense transformants of tobacco carrying the GBP1 gene elaborated graft-transmissible acropetally moving signals that induced the downward curling of young leaves. This phenotype was associated with reduced starch, sucrose, and fructose accumulation; the formation of necrotic lesions; and, the induction of markers for the hypersensitive response. GBP1/2 are members of a conserved P\underline{P} lant-specific Ank\underline{Ank} yrin- repeat (PANK) family that includes proteins implicated in carbohydrate allocation, reactive oxygen metabolism, hypersensitive cell death, rapid elicitor responses, virus pathogenesis, and auxin signaling. The similarity in phenotype of PANK transformants and transformants altered in carbohydrate metabolism leads us to propose that PANK family members are multifunctional proteins involved in linking plant defense responses and carbohydrate metabolis

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    Transgenerational Adaptation of Arabidopsis to Stress Requires DNA Methylation and the Function of Dicer-Like Proteins

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    Epigenetic states and certain environmental responses in mammals and seed plants can persist in the next sexual generation. These transgenerational effects have potential adaptative significance as well as medical and agronomic ramifications. Recent evidence suggests that some abiotic and biotic stress responses of plants are transgenerational. For example, viral infection of tobacco plants and exposure of Arabidopsis thaliana plants to UVC and flagellin can induce transgenerational increases in homologous recombination frequency (HRF). Here we show that exposure of Arabidopsis plants to stresses, including salt, UVC, cold, heat and flood, resulted in a higher HRF, increased global genome methylation, and higher tolerance to stress in the untreated progeny. This transgenerational effect did not, however, persist in successive generations. Treatment of the progeny of stressed plants with 5-azacytidine was shown to decrease global genomic methylation and enhance stress tolerance. Dicer-like (DCL) 2 and DCL3 encode Dicer activities important for small RNA-dependent gene silencing. Stress-induced HRF and DNA methylation were impaired in dcl2 and dcl3 deficiency mutants, while in dcl2 mutants, only stress-induced stress tolerance was impaired. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that stress-induced transgenerational responses in Arabidopsis depend on altered DNA methylation and smRNA silencing pathways

    Massive production of small RNAs from a non-coding region of Cauliflower mosaic virus in plant defense and viral counter-defense

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    To successfully infect plants, viruses must counteract small RNA-based host defense responses. During infection of Arabidopsis, Cauliflower mosaic pararetrovirus (CaMV) is transcribed into pregenomic 35S and subgenomic 19S RNAs. The 35S RNA is both reverse transcribed and also used as an mRNA with highly structured 600 nt leader. We found that this leader region is transcribed into long sense- and antisense-RNAs and spawns a massive quantity of 21, 22 and 24 nt viral small RNAs (vsRNAs), comparable to the entire complement of host-encoded small-interfering RNAs and microRNAs. Leader-derived vsRNAs were detected bound to the Argonaute 1 (AGO1) effector protein, unlike vsRNAs from other viral regions. Only negligible amounts of leader-derived vsRNAs were bound to AGO4. Genetic evidence showed that all four Dicer-like (DCL) proteins mediate vsRNA biogenesis, whereas the RNA polymerases Pol IV, Pol V, RDR1, RDR2 and RDR6 are not required for this process. Surprisingly, CaMV titers were not increased in dcl1/2/3/4 quadruple mutants that accumulate only residual amounts of vsRNAs. Ectopic expression of CaMV leader vsRNAs from an attenuated geminivirus led to increased accumulation of this chimeric virus. Thus, massive production of leader-derived vsRNAs does not restrict viral replication but may serve as a decoy diverting the silencing machinery from viral promoter and coding region

    Massive production of small RNAs from a non-coding region of Cauliflower mosaic virus in plant defense and viral counter-defense

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    To successfully infect plants, viruses must counteract small RNA-based host defense responses. During infection of Arabidopsis, Cauliflower mosaic pararetrovirus (CaMV) is transcribed into pregenomic 35S and subgenomic 19S RNAs. The 35S RNA is both reverse transcribed and also used as an mRNA with highly structured 600 nt leader. We found that this leader region is transcribed into long sense- and antisense-RNAs and spawns a massive quantity of 21, 22 and 24 nt viral small RNAs (vsRNAs), comparable to the entire complement of host-encoded small-interfering RNAs and microRNAs. Leader-derived vsRNAs were detected bound to the Argonaute 1 (AGO1) effector protein, unlike vsRNAs from other viral regions. Only negligible amounts of leader-derived vsRNAs were bound to AGO4. Genetic evidence showed that all four Dicer-like (DCL) proteins mediate vsRNA biogenesis, whereas the RNA polymerases Pol IV, Pol V, RDR1, RDR2 and RDR6 are not required for this process. Surprisingly, CaMV titers were not increased in dcl1/2/3/4 quadruple mutants that accumulate only residual amounts of vsRNAs. Ectopic expression of CaMV leader vsRNAs from an attenuated geminivirus led to increased accumulation of this chimeric virus. Thus, massive production of leader-derived vsRNAs does not restrict viral replication but may serve as a decoy diverting the silencing machinery from viral promoter and coding regions

    Molecular characterization of geminivirus-derived small RNAs in different plant species

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    DNA geminiviruses are thought to be targets of RNA silencing. Here, we characterize small interfering (si) RNAs—the hallmarks of silencing—associated with Cabbage leaf curl begomovirus in Arabidopsis and African cassava mosaic begomovirus in Nicotiana benthamiana and cassava. We detected 21, 22 and 24 nt siRNAs of both polarities, derived from both the coding and the intergenic regions of these geminiviruses. Genetic evidence showed that all the 24 nt and a substantial fraction of the 22 nt viral siRNAs are generated by the dicer-like proteins DCL3 and DCL2, respectively. The viral siRNAs were 5′ end phosphorylated, as shown by phosphatase treatments, and methylated at the 3′-nucleotide, as shown by HEN1 miRNA methylase-dependent resistance to β-elimination. Similar modifications were found in all types of endogenous and transgene-derived siRNAs tested, but not in a major fraction of siRNAs from a cytoplasmic RNA tobamovirus. We conclude that several distinct silencing pathways are involved in DNA virus-plant interaction

    Molecular characterization of geminivirus-derived small RNAs in different plant species

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    DNA geminiviruses are thought to be targets of RNA silencing. Here, we characterize small interfering (si) RNAs—the hallmarks of silencing—associated with Cabbage leaf curl begomovirus in Arabidopsis and African cassava mosaic begomovirus in Nicotiana benthamiana and cassava. We detected 21, 22 and 24 nt siRNAs of both polarities, derived from both the coding and the intergenic regions of these geminiviruses. Genetic evidence showed that all the 24 nt and a substantial fraction of the 22 nt viral siRNAs are generated by the dicer-like proteins DCL3 and DCL2, respectively. The viral siRNAs were 5′ end phosphorylated, as shown by phosphatase treatments, and methylated at the 3′-nucleotide, as shown by HEN1 miRNA methylase-dependent resistance to β-elimination. Similar modifications were found in all types of endogenous and transgene-derived siRNAs tested, but not in a major fraction of siRNAs from a cytoplasmic RNA tobamovirus. We conclude that several distinct silencing pathways are involved in DNA virus-plant interactions