9 research outputs found

    Enhancing Thermal Tolerance By Eliminating The Pejus Range: A Comparative Study With Three Decapod Crustaceans

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    Marine invertebrates in the intertidal and subtidal zones are often exposed to highly variable environmental conditions, especially rapid changes in temperature. The ability to survive at different temperatures has previously been described using an extended version of Shelford’s law of tolerance, with optimum, pejus (Latin: ‘turning worse’), and pessimum ranges, and the respective thresholds, critical (Tc) and pejus (Tp) temperatures, that mark the transition from one range into the next. The width of the pejus range, in which the scope for activity gradually declines, varies among species. We tested the hypothesis that the width of the pejus range is correlated to the temperature stability of the species’ respective habitats. We used locomotor activity, heart rate, lactate accumulation, heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) levels, and the activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) to identify Tc and Tp in 3 decapod crustaceans: green crab Carcinus maenas, rock crab Cancer irroratus, and lobster Homarus americanus. We found species specific patterns of temperature-induced changes in all parameters, especially in HSP70 protein and AMPK activity. The width of the pejus range (between Tp and Tc) was 8 to 12°C for rock crabs and 12 to 16°C for lobsters. Most importantly, green crab, the most temperature-tolerant of our 3 species and which lives in a highly variable habitat, switched directly from optimum to pessimum range, meaning that the pejus range was eliminated completely. Additionally, even lethal temperatures did not activate AMPK in green crabs, pointing to a different cellular tolerance strategy than in rock crabs and lobsters. This modified tolerance pattern might represent a broader strategy to enhance physiological tolerance in a highly variable habitat

    Aquatic Invasions: Causes, Consequences, And Solutions

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    Invasive species represent a global threat to ecosystems, human health, and the economy. A basic knowledge of invasive species biology is crucial to understand current and future impacts and implications. The purpose of this book is to provide a broad background on invasive species, and also details on specific examples through case studies. The students in the course Aquatic Invasive Species (MAR 442) at the University of New England in Biddeford, Maine, have researched and reviewed scientific literature to educate readers about these issues. The class, comprised of twelve junior and senior Marine Science, Marine Affairs, Applied Mathematics, and Environmental Sciences students, selected the different topics, presented the material, wrote the chapters, and assembled the final versions into this book. This book cannot be all inclusive, but we think this book will provide an excellent broad overview of the most important aspects of Invasive Species Biology and might stimulate the reader to dive deeper into the material.https://dune.une.edu/marinesci_studproj/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Life In The Cold: An Investigation Of Polar Regions

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    Polar areas provide unique environments that, though they may seem extreme and uninhabitable, are flourishing with life. These areas around the North and South poles include deep oceans, shallow shelf regions, tundra, mountain ranges and vast glaciers. With the increasing effects of global climate change, a basic knowledge of polar regions is crucial to understand future impacts and implications. The purpose of this book is to give a broad background of polar biology, and also provide details on specific examples through case studies. Topics included throughout this book are: Ice, Life in Polar Regions, Species Interactions, and Anthropogenic Impacts. The students in the Polar Biology course (MAR 464) at the University of New England have researched and reviewed scientific literature to educate readers about these regions. The class, comprised of fourteen junior and senior Marine Science, Ocean Studies and Marine Affairs, and Environmental Sciences students, selected the different topics, presented the material, wrote the chapters, and assembled the final versions into this book. This book cannot be all inclusive, but we think it will provide an excellent broad overview of the most important aspects of Polar Biology and will stimulate the reader to dive into the material further.https://dune.une.edu/marinesci_studproj/1001/thumbnail.jp

    An Introduction To Marine Invasive Species

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    Countless marine species are invading new environments with devastating effects on the ecosystem, the local and global economy, and on human health. The frequency of marine invasions has been increasing in recent decades with a respective raised interest of invasive species in the scientific community, and the general public. The Aquatic Invasive Species class (MAR442) at the University of New England offers an informative overview of invasive species, targeting educated readers with a general interest in invasive species biology. Students in the MAR 442 class have worked on identifying the most important topics on marine invasive species, have reviewed the respective literature and written chapters that provide both a broad overview of the general aspects on marine invasions, as well as a set of individual case studies that illustrate different specific aspects of marine invasions. The class, comprised of fifteen junior and senior marine biology students, selected the different topics, presented the material, wrote the drafts, edited the drafts and assembled the final versions into this book. With a wealth of information on invasive species assembled in peer-reviewed articles, books, other literature, websites, data-bases and more, this book cannot claim to be all inclusive. However, we think that this book will provide an excellent broad overview of the most important aspects of marine invasion biology, and will furthermore provide very specific information on selected topics.https://dune.une.edu/marinesci_studproj/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Who Invited You? The Complex Story Of Aquatic Invasive Species

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    Invasive species represent a global threat to ecosystems, human health, and the economy. A basic knowledge of invasive species biology is crucial to understand current and future impacts and implications. The purpose of this book is to provide a broad background on invasive species, and also details on specific examples through case studies. The students in the course Aquatic Invasive Species (MAR 442) at the University of New England in Biddeford, Maine, have researched and reviewed scientific literature to educate readers about these issues. The class, comprised of fifteen junior and senior Marine Science, Marine Affairs, Animal Behavior, and Environmental Sciences students, selected the different topics, presented the material, wrote the chapters, and assembled the final versions into this book. This book cannot be all inclusive, but we think this book will provide an excellent broad overview of the most important aspects of Invasive Species Biology and might stimulate the reader to dive deeper into the material.https://dune.une.edu/marinesci_studproj/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Walking Sideways: My Meandering Path Through The World Of Crab Physiology

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    UNE’s 7th Annual Ludcke Lecture, presented by Professor of Marine Sciences, Dr. Markus Frederich. Dr. Frederich is currently investigating stress tolerance in genetically different populations of European green crabs. These invasive crabs decimate the soft shell clam fishery in New England. With his students, Frederich tests whether crabs from Maine, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Iceland have different tolerances to stress leading to different levels of environmental destruction.https://dune.une.edu/marinesci_facpres/1001/thumbnail.jp