1,498 research outputs found

    Changes of starch during oxidation

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    Application of probabilistic PCR5 Fusion Rule for Multisensor Target Tracking

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    This paper defines and implements a non-Bayesian fusion rule for combining densities of probabilities estimated by local (non-linear) filters for tracking a moving target by passive sensors. This rule is the restriction to a strict probabilistic paradigm of the recent and efficient Proportional Conflict Redistribution rule no 5 (PCR5) developed in the DSmT framework for fusing basic belief assignments. A sampling method for probabilistic PCR5 (p-PCR5) is defined. It is shown that p-PCR5 is more robust to an erroneous modeling and allows to keep the modes of local densities and preserve as much as possible the whole information inherent to each densities to combine. In particular, p-PCR5 is able of maintaining multiple hypotheses/modes after fusion, when the hypotheses are too distant in regards to their deviations. This new p-PCR5 rule has been tested on a simple example of distributed non-linear filtering application to show the interest of such approach for future developments. The non-linear distributed filter is implemented through a basic particles filtering technique. The results obtained in our simulations show the ability of this p-PCR5-based filter to track the target even when the models are not well consistent in regards to the initialization and real cinematic

    Citation Frequency and the Value of Patented Innovation

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    Through a survey, economic value estimates were obtained on 962 inventions made in the United States and Germany and on which German patent renewal fees were paid to full-term expiration in 1995. A search of subsequent U.S. and German patents yielded a count of citations to those patents. Patents renewed to full term were significantly more valuable than patents allowed to expire before their full term. The higher an invention?s economic value estimate was, the more the relevant patent was subsequently cited. --Innovation,Patent,Citation,Count data model

    Citation Frequency and the Value of Patented Innovation

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    Through a survey, economic value estimates were obtained on 962 inventions made in the United States and Germany and on which German patent renewal fees were paid to full-term expiration in 1995. A search of subsequent U.S. and German patents yielded a count of citations to those patents. Patents renewed to full term were significantly more valuable than patents allowed to expire before their full term. The higher an invention's economic value estimate was, the more the relevant patent was subsequently cited. results from two wide-ranging surveys, one in Germany and one in the United States, support Trajtenberg's conclusion that patents with greater economic value are more heavily cited in subsequent patents. Our evidence suggests at least a two-stage escalation of economic values and citation counts. First, patents that are renewed to full term expiration in environments such as Germany with highly progressive annual maintenance fees are more valuable and more highly cited than run-of-the-mill patents allowed to expire before running to full term. Second, within the relatively exclusive cohort of fullterm patents, citation frequency rises with economic value, although with considerable noise in the relationship. The most cited patents turn out to be very valuable indeed, with a single U.S. citation implying on average more than $1 million of economic value. These findings provide new support for research seeking to overcome the limitations of simple patent counts as a measure of innovative contribution by acquiring data on citation frequencies and the number of nations in which patent protection is sought. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG - (Zitationenzahl und der Wert der Patent-Innovation) Durch eine Unternehmensbefragung wurde der Wert von 962 Patenten von US-amerikanischen und deutschen Anmeldern ermittelt, die den Patentschutz durch Zahlung der Verlängerungsgebühren von 1977 bis 1995 in Deutschland aufrechterhalten hatten. Außerdem wurde für diese Patente die Zahl der Zitationen (Bezugnahmen in späteren Patenten) ermittelt. Die bis zur gesetzlichen Laufzeit aufrechterhaltenen Patente wiesen eine signifikant höhere Zahl von Zitationen auf als Patente, die nicht verlängert worden waren. Zwischen der Zahl der Zitationen und dem Wert eines Patentes gibt es einen statistisch signifikanten Zusammenhang, der in dieser Studie näher beschrieben wird.innovation; patent; citation; count data model

    Expansion into an herbivorous niche by a customary carnivore:Black-tailed godwits feeding on rhizomes of Zostera at a newly established wintering site

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    In expanding populations, individuals may increasingly be forced to use sites of relatively low quality. This process, named the “buffer effect,” was previously described for the Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa islandica) in its use of nonbreeding sites in Great Britain and of breeding areas in Iceland. On the basis of diet analyses from droppings and stable isotopes, we describe a new case for the expanding French wintering population of the Black-tailed Godwit, an expansion accompanied by a drastic change in feeding strategy. In the 1990s, Black-tailed Godwits started using intertidal mudflats at Ile de Ré, where they eat the rhizomes of seagrass (Zostera noltii) rather than the customary shellfish (Macoma balthica) eaten at both the preferred (initial) site (Aiguillon Bay) and the area occupied last (Yves to Marennes-Oléron bays). Individually color-marked godwits appeared faithful to both diet type and site, suggesting a cost of a change of strategy. This represents a first case of rhizome-feeding in shorebirds, and it exemplifies a case of carnivorous birds occupying a new site shifting to herbivory.

    Citation Frequency and the Value of Patented Innovation

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    Through a survey, economic value estimates were obtained on 962 inventions made in the United States and Germany and on which German patent renewal fees were paid to full-term expiration in 1995. A search of subsequent U.S. and German patents yielded a count of citations to those patents. Patents renewed to full term were significantly more valuable than patents allowed to expire before their full term. The higher an invention's economic value estimate was, the more the relevant patent was subsequently cited

    Defensive response of commercial varieties of Prunus persica L. to the attack of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) APHID

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    161 p.Durazneros y nectarines son uno de los frutales más importantes en el mundo, los cuales son atacados por el áfido M. persicae causando daños directos e indirectos. En Chile, durazneros y nectarines son importantes productos frutícolas los cuales son fuertemente atacados por este áfido. Sin embargo, existe muy poca información enfocada en la variación de la susceptibilidad/resistencia entre los cultivares plantados. En este estudio fue enfocado en la interacción entre este áfido y los genotipos comerciales de P. persica. Primero, cultivares comerciales de durazneros y nectarines se seleccionaron buscando la resistencia diferencial en el campo (ocurrencia y desempeño de áfidos), así como en experimentos de laboratorio (pruebas de no elección y comportamiento alimentario). Se pudo encontrar un amplio rango de diferentes respuestas en resistencia a M. persicae en experimentos de campo y laboratorio, con algunos cultivares exhibiendo antibiosis, antixenosis o bien una mezcla de ambas. En un estudio adicional, los cultivares con patrones contrastantes en resistencia, fueron seleccionados con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto del riego sobre la resistencia. Se usaron dos niveles diferentes de riego, plantas bien-regadas (100% capacidad de campo) y plantas con déficit de agua (50% capacidad de campo), y se evaluó la respuesta defensiva de la planta. Este experimento mostró que la resistencia fue modulada por el riego, produciendo que plantas resistentes y susceptibles bajo déficit de agua mostraran similar nivel de enrollamiento provocado por áfidos. También se observó resistencia y susceptibilidad inducida, independiente de los cultivares (resistente y susceptible). Una respuesta tolerante, medida como el crecimiento de la planta después del daño efectuado por el áfido, se observó en ambos cultivares, capacidad que fue dependiente del nivel de riego, particularmente en plantas bien regadas. Finalmente, se evaluó cómo los áfidos responden a plantas con diferencias en resistencia y riego, para lo cual se consideró el perfil proteómico de los áfidos alimentados sobre cultivares de duraznero y tratamiento con diferentes riegos. Los análisis proteómicos mostraron que los áfidos sufrieron más cambios en la regulación de proteínas después de alimentarse en el cultivar más susceptible. Las proteínas sobre-reguladas en áfidos alimentados en el cultivar susceptible actuaban mayoritariamente en el metabolismo de energía, mientras que sobre el cultivar resistente la mayoría fue sobre-regulado en proteínas asociadas al citosqueleto. Todo lo anterior ayudó a entender mejor las respuestas defensivas de Prunus persica y la respuesta proteómica del áfido a las plantas con diferente resistencia y nivel de riego./ABSTRACT:Peaches and nectarines are among the most important fruit worldwide. Unfortunately, they are heavily attacked by the aphid M. persicae causing direct and indirect damages. In Chile, peaches and nectarines are also important fruit products. However, there is little information regarding the variation in susceptibility/resistance among cultivars frequently planted. In this study the interaction between this aphid and commercial genotypes of P. persica was addressed. First, commercial cultivars of peaches and nectarines were screened regarding differential resistance in the field (aphid occurrence and performance), as well as in laboratory experiments (no-choice test and feeding behavior). It was found a wide range of different responses in resistance to M. persicae, either in the field and laboratory experiments, with some cultivar exhibiting antibiosis, antixenosis or mixed resistances. In a further study, the cultivars with most contrasting resistant patterns were selected with the aim to assess the effect of irrigation on resistance. Two different levels of irrigation were used, well-watered (100% field capacity) and water-deficient (50% field capacity) plants, and the plant defensive response was evaluated. This experiment showed that resistance was modulated by irrigation as under water-deficiency curling produced by aphids was similar between the resistant and susceptible cultivars. It was also found induced resistance and induced susceptibility regardless the cultivar genotypes (resistant or susceptible). In addition, a tolerant response, measured as plant growth after aphid damage, was observed in both cultivars, capacity that was also dependent of irrigation levels with higher tolerance displayed by well-watered plants. Finally, in order to assess how aphids respond to plants with differences in resistant and irrigation, the proteomic profile of aphids that fed on peach cultivars with different resistance and different irrigation treatment was also performed. The proteomic analysis showed that aphids suffered of higher changes in the regulation of proteins after feeding on the susceptible cultivar than on the resistant one. The proteins up-regulated on aphid fed in the susceptible cultivar were mostly involved in the energy metabolism, whereas on the resistant cultivar the most up-regulated proteins were those associated to the cytoskeleton. All the above helped to a better understanding of both, the defensive response of Prunus persica and to the proteomic response of the aphid to plants with different resistance and level of irrigation./ABSTRACT: Resistance and tolerance are two mechanisms that plant use to display when confronting herbivore attack. Both are known to be affected by environmental fluctuations, and particularly by resource availability. In the present study, two nectarine genotypes with different resistance to the aphid Myzus persicae were subjected to the attack of this aphid under variable water supply. The results showed that, independently of the water supply, the resistant genotype exhibited a lower growth in number of leaves in the absence of aphids, which is an indication of the cost of resistance in this cultivar.Interestingly, aphid attack was compensated and overcompensated in susceptible and resistant cultivars respectively. Population growth rate (PGR) and index of infestation (IF), indicated with water-deficient diminished 2.3 fold in the susceptible cultivar indicating a decrease in the susceptibility and increased 2.4 fold on the resistant cultivar. Independent of the cultivar, under normal irrigation conditions, induced resistant was exhibited and induced susceptibility was caused in the presence of water deficit. Therefore, the resistance and tolerance in this model is affected by the intrinsic traits of the cultivar and also is influenced by the irrigation conditions, an important to consider in future breeding programs. Key words: resistance, tolerance, overcompensation, water deficit, Myzus persicae./ABSTRACT: The effect of water supply on plant defense to herbivores has been intensively studied. However, the herbivore response to herbivore-resistant plants under water deficit is poorly understood. In this study, the proteomic profile of one clone of the green peach aphid Myzus persicae which was exposed to two genotype of Prunus persica, one susceptible to this aphid (GF305) and another resistant (Rubira®), which were both also subjected to normal and water deficient irrigation was studied. The results showed that after 48 h, as compared to aphids fed on control plants (well-watered), the aphids fed on the susceptible peach genotype under water-deficit exhibited 19 proteins up-regulated, whereas on the resistant genotype only 8 proteins were up-regulated. Most of the proteins exhibiting changes on the susceptible genotypes were involved in energy metabolism (as Regulator of G-protein signaling 7-like and RNA 3' terminal phosphate cyclase), whereas those mainly associated to cytoskeleton functionality (as actin related protein 1 and F-actin capping protein subunit beta) changed in the resistant genotype. Five proteins exhibited similar regulation changes as a consequence of water-deficit in both peach genotypes, proteins mostly related with cytoskeleton. Only one of these proteins was down-regulated, the mitochondrial-processing peptidase, which is associated with aphid response to toxicity. In a parallel experiment using similar treatments as in the proteomic study, the population rate of growth (PGR) of this clone was only affected by peach genotype, finding, as expected, that PGR was higher in the susceptible peach. Thus, these findings suggest that susceptible plant, under water deficit, more than resistance ones, suffers of physiological changes which in turn elicit (or “transferred to”) a significant proteomic changes on aphids.Key words: resistance, water stress, Myzus persicae, Prunus persica, proteomic

    A moderate melting model for the Vøring margin (Norway) based on structural observations and a thermo-kinematical modelling: Implication for the meaning of the lower crustal bodies

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    High P-wave velocities (7.1-7.8 km/s) lower crustal bodies (LCBs) imaged along volcanic margins are commonly interpreted as plume and breakup-related thick mafic underplating. This interpretation is partly challenged in this paper based on new seismic observations and modelling of the outer Vøring Basin (Norway). An exceptional strong amplitude reflection, the T Reflection, is particularly well defined below the North Gjallar Ridge (NGR) between 7and 8 s TWT. The T Reflection is located near the volcanic lava flows emplaced during the NE Atlantic breakup ( 55-54 Ma ago) and coincides with the top of the LCB, forming a mid-crustal dome. Based on structural and temporal relationships, we show that the dome clearly influences the structural development of the NGR and predates the continental breakup at least by 10-15 Ma. Using a thermo-kinematical model, we tried also to investigate and quantify the relationships between the extension, LCB and the magmatic production. Modelling suggests that significant Paleocene-Early Eocene magmatism can be produced without any temperature anomaly in the mantle if differential stretching occurs during the breakup initiation. The conclusion of 2D thermo-kinematical parametric analysis is that the magmatic model predicts, either little extension (β 5) with significant melting along the outer Vøring Basin. We suggest that the continental part of the LCB could not necessarily be breakup-related and so magmatic, as has often been stated previously. It is concluded here that the continental part of the LCB observed beneath the outer Vøring Basin may be partly (or fully) attributed to inherited, high-pressure granulite/eclogite lower crustal rocks. The real amount of mafic material emplaced along the outer Vøring Basin could be 20-40% less than thought