40 research outputs found

    Design of an innovative sanitation system for bike-sharing service

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    : The concept of a novel sanitization device specifically designed for helmets used in bike share services is presented in this scientific work. The system uses ozone, a powerful oxidizing agent, to completely remove dust and bacteria from the helmet surface. Throughout the development process, special attention has been paid to the dual initial goals of efficacy in removing dirt and batteries, as well as ease of use related to the device's safety. In fact, today's sharing services are rarely capable of providing adequate disinfection of the tools, which is especially troubling given the most recent years of pandemic caused by Covid-19. The invention of the ozone-based sanitization device addresses the growing concern about hygiene and safety in bike share services. Furthermore, due to its portability and ease of use, the device is a cost-effective and viable solution for use in a variety of settings. A significant contribution to the advancement of sanitization technology and public health is expected with this work

    Silk Vascular Grafts with Optimized Mechanical Properties for the Repair and Regeneration of Small Caliber Blood Vessels

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    As the incidence of cardiovascular diseases has been growing in recent years, the need for small-diameter vascular grafts is increasing. Considering the limited success of synthetic grafts, vascular tissue engineering/repair/regeneration aim to find novel solutions. Silk fibroin (SF) has been widely investigated for the development of vascular grafts, due to its good biocompatibility, tailorable biodegradability, excellent mechanical properties, and minimal inflammatory reactions. In this study, a new generation of three-layered SF vascular scaffolds has been produced and optimized. Four designs of the SILKGraft vascular prosthesis have been developed with the aim of improving kink resistance and mechanical strength, without compromising the compliance with native vessels and the proven biocompatibility. A more compact arrangement of the textile layer allowed for the increase in the mechanical properties along the longitudinal and circumferential directions and the improvement of the compliance value, which approached that reported for the saphenous and umbilical veins. The higher braid density slightly affected the grafts' morphology, increasing surface roughness, but the novel design mimicked the corrugation approach used for synthetic grafts, causing significant improvements in kink resistance

    Design for Disassembly combined with augmented reality for optimization of maintenance processes

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    This paper is intended to offer a cue for optimizing a generic disassembly process for maintenance purposes. Through the use of a cutting-edge technology such as augmented reality, a key tool that makes it immediate to tell operators what they need to do, this can be made possible as never before within companies. A first aim of the work is to define the optimal disassembly sequence that can lead to the extraction of a target component of the assembly minimizing the number of parts to be removed, applying two methodologies within the framework of Design for Disassembly. Thus, the most important goal is to show and teach to maintenance technicians which steps they should follow in order to efficiently carry out the repair process built on that sequence so that they can work on a product while learning in parallel what they need to do exactly at the same time. This could be useful in case a component replacement becomes necessary especially because nowadays it is still performed inefficiently and lacks a rigorous logic and methodology aimed at its efficiency in companies

    Stress-Based Lattice Structure Design for a Motorbike Application [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background The “drive by wire” mechanism for managing the throttle is not applied to every modern motorcycle, but it is often managed through a steel wire. Here, there is a cam on the throttle control. Its shape allows the throttle opening to be faster or slower and its angle of rotation, required for full opening, to be greater or less. The maximum angle a rider’s wrist can withstand depends on numerous musculoskeletal mobility factors, often limited by falls or surgery. Methods Using a Progrip knob with interchangeable cams allows the customization of a special cam profile, to ensure the best engine response to throttle rotation and ergonomics for the rider. The use of FEA software and lattice structures, allows to realize a lightweight and efficient design, targeted for fabrication with additive manufacturing technologies. Results The cam was manufactured by exploiting MSLA technology. Finally, a dimensional inspection procedure was performed before assembly. The main result is to have obtained a lighter and cheaper component than the original. Conclusions This study has allowed the design of a mechanical component consisting of innovative shape, light weight, and ergonomics. Furthermore, it demonstrates the effectiveness in the use of lattice structures to enable weight optimization of a component while minimizing the increase in its compliance

    Electrospun Silk Fibroin Scaffolds for Tissue Regeneration: Chemical, Structural, and Toxicological Implications of the Formic Acid-Silk Fibroin Interaction

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    The dissolution of Bombyx mori silk !broin (SF) !lms in formic acid (FA) for the preparation of electrospinning dopes is widely exploited to produce electrospun SF scaffolds. The SilkBridge® nerve conduit is an example of medical device having in its wall structure an electrospun component produced from an FA spinning dope. Though highly volatile, residual FA remains trapped into the bulk of the SF nano!bers. The purpose of this work is to investigate the type and strength of the interaction between FA and SF in electrospun mats, to quantify its amount and to evaluate its possible toxicological impact on human health. The presence of residual FA in SF mats was detected by FTIR and Raman spectroscopy (new carbonyl peak at about 1,725 cm!1) and by solid state NMR, which revealed a new carbonyl signal at about 164.3 ppm, attributed to FA by isotopic 13C substitution. Changes occurred also in the spectral ranges of hydroxylated amino acids (Ser and Thr), demonstrating that FA interacted with SF by forming formyl esters. The total amount of FA was determined by HS-GC/MS analysis and accounted for 247 ± 20 !mol/g. The greatest part was present as formyl ester, a small part (about 3%) as free FA. Approximately 17% of the 1,500 !mol/g of hydroxy amino acids (Ser and Thr) theoretically available were involved in the formation of formyl esters. Treatment with alkali (Na2CO3) succeeded to remove the greatest part of FA, but not all. Alkali-treated electrospun SF mats underwent morphological, physical, and mechanical changes. The average diameter of the !bers increased from about 440 nm to about 480 nm, the mat shrunk, became stiffer (the modulus increased from about 5.5 MPa to about 7 MPa), and lost elasticity (the strain decreased from about 1 mm/mm to about 0.8 mm/mm). Biocompatibility studies with human adult dermal !broblasts did not show signi!cant difference in cell proliferation (313 ± 18 and 309 ± 23 cells/ mm2 for untreated and alkali-treated SF mat, respectively) and metabolic activity. An in-depth evaluation of the possible toxicological impact of residual FA was made using the SilkBridge® nerve conduit as case study, following the provisions of the ISO 10993-1 standard. The Potential Patient Daily Intake, calculated from the total amount of FA determined by HS-GC/MS, was 2.4 mg/day and the Tolerable Exposure level was set to 35.4 mg/day

    Three-Layered Silk Fibroin Tubular Scaffold for the Repair and Regeneration of Small Caliber Blood Vessels: From Design to in vivo Pilot Tests

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    Silk fibroin (SF) is an eligible biomaterial for the development of small caliber vascular grafts for substitution, repair, and regeneration of blood vessels. This study presents the properties of a newly designed multi-layered SF tubular scaffold for vascular grafting (SilkGraf). The wall architecture consists of two electrospun layers (inner and outer) and an intermediate textile layer. The latter was designed to confer high mechanical performance and resistance on the device, while electrospun layers allow enhancing its biomimicry properties and host\u2019s tissues integration. In vitro cell interaction studies performed with adult Human Coronary Artery Endothelial Cells (HCAECs), Human Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells (HASMCs), and Human Aortic Adventitial Fibroblasts (HAAFs) demonstrated that the electrospun layers favor cell adhesion, survival, and growth. Once cultured in vitro on the SF scaffold the three cell types showed an active metabolism (consumption of glucose and glutamine, release of lactate), and proliferation for up to 20 days. HAAF cells grown on SF showed a significantly lower synthesis of type I procollagen than on polystyrene, meaning a lower fibrotic effect of the SF substrate. The cytokine and chemokine expression patterns were investigated to evaluate the cells\u2019 proliferative and pro-inflammatory attitude. Interestingly, no significant amounts of truly pro-inflammatory cytokines were secreted by any of the three cell types which exhibited a clearly proliferative profile. Good hemocompatibility was observed by complement activation, hemolysis, and hematology assays. Finally, the results of an in vivo preliminary pilot trial on minipig and sheep to assess the functional behavior of implanted SF-based vascular graft identified the sheep as the more apt animal model for next medium-to-long term preclinical trials

    Digital volume correlation can be used to estimate local strains in natural and augmented vertebrae: An organ-level study

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    Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) has become popular for measuring the strain distribution inside bone structures. A number of methodological questions are still open: the reliability of DVC to investigate augmented bone tissue, the variability of the errors between different specimens of the same type, the distribution of measurement errors inside a bone, and the possible presence of preferential directions. To address these issues, five augmented and five natural porcine vertebrae were subjected to repeated zero-strain micro-CT scan (39 μm voxel size). The acquired images were processed with two independent DVC approaches (a local and a global one), considering different computation sub-volume sizes, in order to assess the strain measurement uncertainties. The systematic errors generally ranged within ±100 microstrain and did not depend on the computational sub-volume. The random error was higher than 1000 microstrain for the smallest sub-volume and rapidly decreased: with a sub-volume of 48 voxels the random errors were typically within 200 microstrain for both DVC approaches. While these trends were rather consistent within the sample, two individual specimens had unpredictably larger errors. For this reason, a zero-strain check on each specimen should always be performed before any in-situ micro-CT testing campaign. This study clearly shows that, when sufficient care is dedicated to preliminary methodological work, different DVC computation approaches allow measuring the strain with a reduced overall error (approximately 200 microstrain). Therefore, DVC is a viable technique to investigate strain in the elastic regime in natural and augmented bones

    Design for Disassembly and Augmented Reality Applied to a Tailstock

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    The work here described aims to offer a starting point for improving and making a generic maintenance process more efficient, first of all thanks to the use of a cutting-edge technology such as augmented reality, as a key tool that makes it possible and immediate to communicate to operators which are the fundamental stages of the maintenance process to be followed in the working area. Furthermore, thanks to the use of two methods applied in the context of the Design for Disassembly (later described), we also propose to search for all the possible sequences to get to the removal of a target component to be adjusted—in particular the optimal one (if it exists, in terms of time and costs) to be subsequently applied in an augmented reality “self-disassembly” model that can be viewed and followed by the operator, in a way that is still very little used today