891 research outputs found

    The 2002-2003 Stromboli eruption

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    Questo documentario mostra i momenti principali della fase eruttiva 2002-2003 del Vulcano Stromboli e il lavoro svolto dal personale dell’INGV nell’ambito del Servizio Nazionale di Protezione Civile. Il documentario è stato realizzato da Lilli Freda e Piergiorgio Scarlato con le immagini riprese durante l’emergenza; la cronologia dell’eruzione è stata ricostruita basandosi sulla loro esperienza personale e sui comunicati ufficiali INGV. Il filmato è stato presentato alla comunità scientifica durante “2004 General Assembly of International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior” (Pucon, Cile). This documentary illustrates the topic events of the 2002-2003 eruptive phase of the Stromboli Volcano and the work carried out by the INGV personnel within the Civil Protection National Service. The documentary was made by Lilli Freda and Piergiorgio Scarlato with imagines filmed during the emergency; the chronology of the eruption was reconstructed on the basis of their personal experience and of the official INGV communications. The movie was shown to the scientific community during the “2004 General Assembly of International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior” (Pucon, Chile)

    A generational perspective on work values in a South African sample

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    Published ArticleConsiderable interest has been generated globally by researchers regarding the impact of generational differences on employee interaction in the workplace. This is due to the assertion that multicultural environments combined with multigenerational workforces create additional organisational stumbling blocks for global leadership (Roongrerngsuke & Liefooghe, 2013). As such, it is hypothesised that intergenerational conflict in the workplace occurs as a result of differences in terms of values, cognitions and behaviour, with negative consequences for communication, teamwork and ultimately organisational outcomes (Sessa, Kabacoff, Deal & Brown, 2007). Furthermore, a new generation of employees is entering the workplace, with different values and preferences towards work, which influences human resource processes (Latkovikj & Popovska, 2015). Elaborating on the work of D’Amato and Herzfeldt (2008), it is indicated that work motivation and retention concerns are related to generational differences (Seipert & Baghurst, 2014)

    The lecture video recording in university: A case study

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    The latest European statistics show that Italy has the second lowest percentage of university graduates because of different reasons such as the outdated teaching methodologies or the high costs of university tuitions. Hence, Italian universities have launched several projects to improve or innovate the pedagogical strategies, to raise the student recruitment and to increase access to education. In this work, we describe a pilot study about the use of the video recording of the traditional lessons in order to create specific university MOOCs. In particular, the degree course in Computer Science of University of Naples Federico II is involved in this project. The use of the lecture video recording reduces the MOOC costs and facilitates the contents management. In fact, the production of these MOOCs does not require professional operators so it is possible to involve students of university part-time job or Civil Service volunteers. The results show a good satisfaction by students and prove as these MOOCs can support the university teaching

    Oxidation state of iron in hydrous phono-tephritic melts

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    The oxidation state of iron in hydrous ultrapotassic (phono-tephritic) melts coexisting with mixed H2O-CO2 fluids was experimentally studied at 1200 and 1250{degree sign}C and pressures from 50 to 500 MPa. The oxygen fugacity (fO2) varied from NNO-2.9 to NNO+2.6 in logfO2, relative to the Ni-NiO oxygen buffer (NNO), as imposed by external redox conditions in experimental vessels and internal variations in water activity from 0.05 to 1 inside the capsules. The iron redox state of the quenched melts was determined by colorimetric wet-chemical analysis. This analytical method was optimized to measure the Fe2+/ΣFe ratio of mg-sized samples within ±0.03 (2σ). The accuracy and precision was tested with international reference materials and with standards analyzed by other methods. The Fe2+/ΣFe ratio of the experimental glasses covered a range of 0.41 to 0.85. A small negative effect of dissolved water on Fe2+/ΣFe at given fO2 was found, consistent with the thermodynamic model of Moretti (2005). No effect of pressure and temperature on the redox state of iron was resolvable in the investigated P-T range. Compared to hydrous ferrobasaltic melts that were studied previously under similar conditions, systematically lower Fe2+/ΣFe ratios were found for the phono-tephritic melts, in particular at low oxygen fugacities. This effect is attributed to the much higher K2O contents of the phono-tephrite (7.5 compared to 0.3 wt%), but the difference in ΣFeO (7.8 wt% in the phono-tephrite and 12.9 wt% in the ferrobasalt) may have an influence as well. Comparison of the experimentally obtained relationship between logfO2 and Fe3+/Fe2+ for the studied hydrous ultrapotassic melts with commonly used empirical and thermodynamic models suggest that these models can be successfully applied to phono-tephritc melts, although such compositions were not implemented in the model calibrations. Furthermore, the new data can be used to improve the models with respect to the effects of compositional variables, such as H2O or K2O, on the redox state of iron in silicate melts

    Removal of contaminants of emerging concern from real wastewater by an innovative hybrid membrane process - UltraSound, Adsorption, and Membrane ultrafiltration (USAMe®).

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    Abstract The low-level presence of emerging contaminants (ECs) in the environment has raised a great concern due to their persistence, chronic toxicological, and endocrine disrupting effects on terrestrial and aquatic organisms. Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have become hotspots for the spread of these contaminants to the environment as conventional processes are not efficient in removing them. Thus, the integration of advanced treatment methods within the chain of WWTPs is very essential. In this study, the innovative hybrid process USAMe® which integrates ultrasound irradiation (US), adsorption (A) and membrane filtration (Me) was investigated for the removal of ECs from secondary effluents. Diclofenac, carbamazepine, and amoxicillin were selected due to their large consumption and frequent presence in the aquatic environment. All three ECs were spiked into real secondary wastewater effluent at two concentrations of 10 ppm and 100 ppb. Membrane ultrafiltration and its combination with US (USMe) or adsorption (AMe) were also studied as control tests. The hybrid combination of all the three methods in the USAMe® processes elevated the EC removals to above 99% as compared to only around 90% in the AMe process. All effluents of the hybrid USAMe® processes gave "No Effect" to D. magna, with immobilization of ≤20%. Therefore, results showed that the USAMe® process was efficient in not only removing ECs, but also in generating safe and less toxic treated effluents; thereby displaying its potential as an advanced method for wastewater treatment

    Clinopyroxene-liquid thermometers and barometers specific to alkaline differentiated magmas

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    We present new thermometers and barometers based on clinopyroxene-liquid equilibria specific to alkaline differentiated magmas. The new models were calibrated through the regression analyses of experimental datasets obtained by merging phase equilibria experiments from the literature with new experiments performed by using trachytic and phonolitic starting compositions. The regression strategy was twofold: (1) we have tested previous thermometric and barometric equations and recalibrated these models using the new datasets; (2) we have calibrated a new thermometer and a new barometer including only regression parameters that closely describe the compositional variability of the datasets. The new models yield more precise estimates than previous thermometers and barometers when used to predict temperatures and pressures of alkaline differentiated magmas. We have tested the reliability of the new equations by using clinopyroxene-liquid pairs from trachytes and phonolites erupted during major explosive eruptions at the Phlegrean Fields and Mt. Vesuvius (central Italy). The test yielded crystallization conditions comparable to those determined by means of melt and fluid inclusion analyses and phase equilibria studies; this validates the use of the proposed models for precise estimates of crystallization temperatures and pressures in differentiated alkaline magmas. Because these magmas feed some of the most voluminous, explosive, and threatening volcanic eruptions in the world, a better understanding of the environmental conditions of their reservoirs is mandatory and this is now possible with the new models provided here. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Oxidation state of iron in hydrous phono-tephritic melts

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    The oxidation state of iron in hydrous ultrapotassic (phono-tephritic) melts coexisting with mixed H2O-CO2 fluids was experimentally studied at 1200 and 1250{degree sign}C and pressures from 50 to 500 MPa. The oxygen fugacity (fO2) varied from NNO-2.9 to NNO+2.6 in logfO2, relative to the Ni-NiO oxygen buffer (NNO), as imposed by external redox conditions in experimental vessels and internal variations in water activity from 0.05 to 1 inside the capsules. The iron redox state of the quenched melts was determined by colorimetric wet-chemical analysis. This analytical method was optimized to measure the Fe2+/ΣFe ratio of mg-sized samples within ±0.03 (2σ). The accuracy and precision was tested with international reference materials and with standards analyzed by other methods. The Fe2+/ΣFe ratio of the experimental glasses covered a range of 0.41 to 0.85. A small negative effect of dissolved water on Fe2+/ΣFe at given fO2 was found, consistent with the thermodynamic model of Moretti (2005). No effect of pressure and temperature on the redox state of iron was resolvable in the investigated P-T range. Compared to hydrous ferrobasaltic melts that were studied previously under similar conditions, systematically lower Fe2+/ΣFe ratios were found for the phono-tephritic melts, in particular at low oxygen fugacities. This effect is attributed to the much higher K2O contents of the phono-tephrite (7.5 compared to 0.3 wt%), but the difference in ΣFeO (7.8 wt% in the phono-tephrite and 12.9 wt% in the ferrobasalt) may have an influence as well. Comparison of the experimentally obtained relationship between logfO2 and Fe3+/Fe2+ for the studied hydrous ultrapotassic melts with commonly used empirical and thermodynamic models suggest that these models can be successfully applied to phono-tephritc melts, although such compositions were not implemented in the model calibrations. Furthermore, the new data can be used to improve the models with respect to the effects of compositional variables, such as H2O or K2O, on the redox state of iron in silicate melts

    Air gasification of digestate and its co-gasification with residual biomass in a pilot scale rotary kiln

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    In this study energy recovery of digestate from a biogas plant was investigated via air gasification. Gasification tests were executed in a pilot scale rotary kiln plant having a nominal biomass feeding rate of about 20 kg/h. The equivalence ratio was varied from 0.22 to 0.39 with the goal to approach the autothermal condition. Tests were carried out for 5 h in steady state condition. Syngas composition, char and gas yields were measured. To improve the cold gas efficiency of the process, a mixture of digestate and almond shells (60:40 wt%) was gasified. Autothermal condition was reached with the mixture using equivalence ratio of 0.30 where the corresponding cold gas efficiency achieved the maximum value of 55%. The raw gas had a lower heating value of 4–5 MJ/Nm3. To evaluate possible improvements in the produced gas properties, in this work the effect of steam injection was also investigated

    Strontium isotope systematics of experimentally produced melts: understanding magma-carbonate interaction at Merapi volcano, Indonesia

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    There is considerable evidence for ongoing, late-stage interaction between the magmatic system at Merapi volcano, Indonesia, and local crustal carbonate. In order to resolve the interaction processes in detail, we have performed a series of time-variable carbonate dissolution experiments in silicate melt using Merapi basaltic-andesite and local limestone as starting materials, at magmatic pressure and temperature. Major element profiling of the experimental products has identified strongly contrasting compositional domains of glass: a Ca-enriched zone containing up to 36 wt% CaO, and an unaffected, Ca-normal zone containing 8 to 10 wt% CaO. To investigate the systematics of strontium isotopes and trace elements (TE) during carbonate assimilation, we have used micro-sampling and high-precision analytical techniques to measure 87Sr/86Sr ratios and TE concentrations over the magma-carbonate and intra-melt interfaces in two of our experimental products. The isotope variation between the different glass compositions is distinct, with 87Sr/86Sr ranging from 0.705641 in the Ca-normal glass to 0.706532 in the Ca-enriched glass. The upper end of this range is considerably more radiogenic than the range reported for Merapi whole rock volcanic products (0.70501 to 0.70583, Gertisser & Keller, 2003 J Pet, 44, 457-489). Our data hence support a model of assimilation of crustal carbonate with highly radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr (0.708799) at Merapi volcano. Given that the starting materials used in the experiments have markedly distinct 87Sr/86Sr values we here present new and detailed insights about the behaviour of Sr isotopes during carbonate assimilation, with a focus on the processes that operate across the carbonate-melt interface and the intra-melt transitions. Strontium is a reliable tracer of magma-crust interaction and so we anticipate that our results will significantly help to quantify our comprehension of magma-carbonate interaction processes occurring at Merapi volcano