96 research outputs found
Korelasi Glukosa Kapiler Metode Glucose Dehidrogenase-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Dengan Glukosa Serum Metode Heksokinase
Rapid and accurate measurement of capillary glucose level using point-of-care testing (POCT) is needed to maintain the patient’s normoglycemic status in obtaining adequate management. The glucose POCT method should be evaluated to determine analytical performance by comparing with the hexokinase method as a reference method to provide accurate and reliable results. Objectives: To determined the correlation between capillary glucose using glucose dehydrogenase-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (GDH-NAD) and serum glucose hexokinase methods. Methods: This analytic cross-sectional study on 42 outpatients who underwent fasting blood glucose examination at Dr. M Djamil Padang General Hospital. This study was conducted from February until September 2020. Capillary fasting blood glucose was measured using glucose POCT GDH-NAD method and serum glucose with hexokinase method. The Spearman correlation test was used to analyze data, significant if p<0.05. Results: The subjects were 28 male (66.7%),14 female (33.3%) with mean age and hematocrit level was 56.12±12.97 years and 40.90±2.42%, respectively. The median capillary glucose GDH-NAD method and serum glucose hexokinase method were 100.00 mg/dL each, with a median difference was 3.00 mg/dL. Spearman correlation test showed very strong positive correlation and statistically significant (r=0,961;p=<0,001). Conclusion: Capillary glucose GDH-NAD method had a very strong positive correlation with serum glucose hexokinase method.Keywords: hexokinase, fasting glucose level, GDH-NAD, glucose POC
Telepractice for children with complex disability: Guidelines for quality allied health services
Telepractice has the potential to spread allied health professionals’ (AHPs’) reach further into rural Australia. There are fewer AHPs in rural and remote Australia compared to metropolitan areas. This means that children with disabilities living in rural areas may not receive the therapy services they need. Providing therapy services via telepractice could reduce these inequities and ensure that all children receive the supports they need, regardless of where they live. Telepractice guidelines in allied health rightly insist that telepractice services should be equivalent in quality to those delivered in-person (Speech Pathology Australia [SPA], 2014). Therefore, telepractice services should not simply be an option of last resort, but should be a quality option for disability services. Yet, how can AHPs ensure that their telepractice services are equivalent in quality to those they deliver in-person? As a first step towards exploring this issue, we conducted a research study funded by the auDA Foundation in 2016-17, and in partnership with Therapy Connect, a private allied health practice. We collected information about the allied health telepractice services received by four children with complex disabilities and their families living in rural or remote Australia. We found that AHPs, despite being geographically remote from children and families, could deliver services consistent with contemporary practice and supported children to achieve positive, functional outcomes. We identified the essential components of successful telepractice models needed to achieve real outcomes for children with disabilities through this and other research conducted by the Wobbly Hub Rural Research Team. Our key learnings from this research informed the development of guidelines for telepractice delivery of allied health services to children with complex disability, as summarised in this document.auDA Foundation Grant, 2016-201
Vögel aus Mogontiacum : ein Keramikgefäß mit Vogelkopfprotome und eine Vogelterrakotte aus dem Umfeld der römischen Töpfereien von Mainz-Weisenau
Im Folgenden sollen zwei zoomorph gestaltete Keramiken aus dem Umfeld der römischen Töpfereien von Mainz-Weisenau vorgestellt werden. Beide Stücke wurden bereits 1965 bzw. 1972 von privater Seite geborgen und stammen aufgrund der überlieferten Fundortangaben aus dem nördlichen Teil der römischen Siedlung
Combined anomalous origin of a left inferior thyroid artery and a left vertebral artery: a case report
An abnormal origin of a left inferior thyroid artery from the left vertebral artery that in turn originated from the aortic arch was observed on a 72-year-old Caucasian male cadaver during a dissection anatomy practice. We describe in detail the morphology of this extremely rare anatomical variation and refer to its clinical importance
Podaż węglowodanów w diecie i kontrola glikemii u pacjentów leczonych za pomocą mieszanek insuliny ludzkiej
Wstęp. Leczenie mieszankami insuliny ludzkiej (PMHI,
pre-mixed human insulin) jest na całym świecie jednym
z najpopularniejszych modeli insulinoterapii. Jednak
osiągnięcie dobrej kontroli glikemii u osób stosujących
PMHI może być trudne, głównie ze względu na zmienne spożycie węglowodanów i podaż kalorii. Badanie
przeprowadzono w celu oceny wpływu modyfikacji
diety na stężenia glukozy u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2
(T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus) stosujących PMHI.
Materiał i metody. Do tego prospektywnego badania
przeprowadzonego w układzie naprzemiennym włączono 8 chorych na T2DM leczonych PMHI (średnie stężenie HbA1c 8,4%). U chorych zastosowano 2 diety, obie
cechujące się stałą zawartością kalorii/węglowodanów:
dieta A - 50% kalorii pochodzi z węglowodanów,
30% - z tłuszczów, 20% - z białek; dieta B - 40%
kalorii pochodzi z węglowodanów, 30% - z tłuszczów
i 30% - z protein. Badanie prowadzono w warunkach
domowych, dostarczano chorym wszystkie posiłki. Każdy chory stosował dietę A przez 9 dni, a następnie po
7-dniowym okresie wypłukiwania przez 9 dni stosował
dietę B. Profile glukozy oceniano przy użyciu systemu
ciągłego monitorowania glikemii (CGMS, continuous
glucose monitoring system, iPro, Medtronic, USA).
Wyniki. Zmiana z diety A na dietę B spowodowała
zmniejszenie średnich stężeń glukozy (dane z system
CGMS) ze 145 mg/dl do 133 mg/dl (p = 0,0001), redukcję SD z 51 do 42 mg/dl (p = 0,0429) oraz skrócenie
czasu, w którym glikemia utrzymywała się powyżej progowej wartości 180 mg/dl z 18% do 11% (p = 0,0006).
Wnioski. W badaniu wykazano, że zapewnienie odpowiedniej i powtarzalnej podaży węglowodanów
i kalorii z umiarkowanym ograniczeniem węglowodanów umożliwia poprawę kontroli glikemii u chorych
na cukrzycę typu 2.Introduction. The treatment with pre-mixed human
insulins (PMHI) is globally one of the most popular
models of insulin therapy. Achieving good glycaemic
control on PMHI may, however, be difficult, mostly due
to inconsistent calorie and carbohydrate intake. The
aim of the study was to examine the impact of dietary
modification on glucose levels in patients with type 2
diabetes mellitus (T2DM) treated with PMHI.
Materials and methods. In this prospective cross-over
analysis we studied 8 T2DM PMHI treated individuals
(mean HbA1c 8.4%). We exposed patients to 2 diets,
both based on steady calorie/carbohydrate content:
"A" - 50% calories from carbohydrates, 30% from
fat, 20% from protein, "B" - 40% from carbohydrates,
30% from fat and 30% from protein. The study was
performed in home settings, all the meals were delivered to the patients. Each patient was exposed to
diet A for 9 days, than after 7 days of wash-out to
9 days of diet B. Glucose patterns were assessed with
continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS, iPro,
Medtronic, USA).
Results. Switching from diet A to diet B resulted in
a decrease in mean glucose levels (CGMS data) from
145 mg/dL to 133 mg/dL (p = 0.0001), SD reduction
from 51 to 42 mg/dL (p = 0.0429), and a decrease in
time spent above the target of 180 mg/dL from 18%
to 11% (p = 0.0006).
Conclusions. The study demonstrates that consistent
and repeatable carbohydrate (CH) and calorie intake
with moderate restriction of CHs helps to improve
glycaemic control in this group of patients
Podaż węglowodanów w diecie i kontrola glikemii u pacjentów leczonych za pomocą mieszanek insuliny ludzkiej
Introduction. The treatment with pre-mixed human insulins (PMHI) is globally one of the most popular models of insulin therapy. Achieving good glycaemic control on PMHI may, however, be difficult, mostly due to inconsistent calorie and carbohydrate intake. The aim of the study was to examine the impact of dietary modification on glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) treated with PMHI.
Materials and methods. In this prospective cross-over analysis we studied 8 T2DM PMHI treated individuals (mean HbA1c 8.4%). We exposed patients to 2 diets, both based on steady calorie/carbohydrate content: „A” — 50% calories from carbohydrates, 30% from fat, 20% from protein, „B”— 40% from carbohydrates, 30% from fat and 30% from protein. The study was performed in home settings, all the meals were delivered to the patients. Each patient was exposed to diet A for 9 days, than after 7 days of wash-out to 9 days of diet B. Glucose patterns were assessed with continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS, iPro, Medtronic, USA).
Results. Switching from diet A to diet B resulted in a decrease in mean glucose levels (CGMS data) from 145 mg/dL to 133 mg/dL (p = 0.0001), SD reduction from 51 to 42 mg/dL (p = 0.0429), and a decrease in time spent above the target of 180 mg/dL from 18% to 11% (p = 0.0006).
Conclusions. The study demonstrates that consistent and repeatable carbohydrate (CH) and calorie intake with moderate restriction of CHs helps to improve glycaemic control in this group of patients.
Wstęp. Leczenie mieszankami insuliny ludzkiej (PMHI, pre-mixed human insulin) jest na całym świecie jednym z najpopularniejszych modeli insulinoterapii. Jednak osiągnięcie dobrej kontroli glikemii u osób stosujących PMHI może być trudne, głównie ze względu na zmienne spożycie węglowodanów i podaż kalorii. Badanie przeprowadzono w celu oceny wpływu modyfikacji diety na stężenia glukozy u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 (T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus) stosujących PMHI.
Materiał i metody. Do tego prospektywnego badania przeprowadzonego w układzie naprzemiennym włączono 8 chorych na T2DM leczonych PMHI (średnie stężenie HbA1c 8,4%). U chorych zastosowano 2 diety, obie cechujące się stałą zawartością kalorii/węglowodanów: dieta A — 50% kalorii pochodzi z węglowodanów, 30% — z tłuszczów, 20% — z białek; dieta B — 40% kalorii pochodzi z węglowodanów, 30% — z tłuszczów i 30% — z protein. Badanie prowadzono w warunkach domowych, dostarczano chorym wszystkie posiłki. Każdy chory stosował dietę A przez 9 dni, a następnie po 7-dniowym okresie wypłukiwania przez 9 dni stosował dietę B. Profile glukozy oceniano przy użyciu systemu ciągłego monitorowania glikemii (CGMS, continuous glucose monitoring system, iPro, Medtronic, USA).
Wyniki. Zmiana z diety A na dietę B spowodowała zmniejszenie średnich stężeń glukozy (dane z system CGMS) ze 145 mg/dl do 133 mg/dl (p = 0,0001), redukcję SD z 51 do 42 mg/dl (p = 0,0429) oraz skrócenie czasu, w którym glikemia utrzymywała się powyżej progowej wartości 180 mg/dl z 18% do 11% (p = 0,0006).
Wnioski. W badaniu wykazano, że zapewnienie odpowiedniej i powtarzalnej podaży węglowodanów i kalorii z umiarkowanym ograniczeniem węglowodanów umożliwia poprawę kontroli glikemii u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2.
Apitherapy: Usage And Experience In German Beekeepers
This study aimed to investigate the practice of apitherapy - using bee products such as honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly and bee venom to prevent or treat illness and promote healing - among German beekeepers and to evaluate their experiences with these therapies. A questionnaire incorporating two instruments on beekeepers’ physical and mental health and working practice was included in three German beekeeping journals and readers were asked to complete it. The instrument included questions on the use of apitherapy. Simple descriptive methods, bivariate correlation, cross-tabulation and one-way ANOVA were used to analyze the data. Altogether 1059 completed questionnaires were received. The beekeepers reported the most effective and favorable therapeutic effects with honey, followed by propolis, pollen and royal jelly. The factors associated with successful experiences were: age, number of hives tended, health consciousness, positive experiences with one product and self-administration of treatment. Beekeepers were asked for which condition they would employ propolis and pollen. They reported that they used propolis most frequently to treat colds, wounds and burns, sore throats, gum disorders and also as a general prophylactic, while pollen was most commonly used as a general prophylactic and, less frequently, in treating prostate diseases. No adverse experiences were reported. The potential benefit of bee products is supported by the positive experiences of a large group of beekeepers who use some of these products to treat a wide range of conditions. The indications and treatments given here may be important in selecting bee products and designing future trials
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