385 research outputs found

    N=8 BPS black holes preserving 1/8 supersymmetry

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    In the context of N=8 supergravity we consider BPS black-holes that preserve 1/8 supersymmetry. It was shown in a previous paper that, modulo U-duality transformations of E_{7(7)} the most general solution of this type can be reduced to a black-hole of the STU model. In this paper we analize this solution in detail, considering in particular its embedding in one of the possible Special K\"ahler manifold compatible with the consistent truncations to N=2 supergravity, this manifold being the moduli space of the T^6/Z^3 orbifold, that is: SU(3,3)/SU(3)*U(3). This construction requires a crucial use of the Solvable Lie Algebra formalism. Once the group-theoretical analisys is done, starting from a static, spherically symmetric ans\"atz, we find an exact solution for all the scalars (both dilaton and axion-like) and for gauge fields, together with their already known charge-dependent fixed values, which yield a U-duality invariant entropy. We give also a complete translation dictionary between the Solvable Lie Algebra and the Special K\"ahler formalisms in order to let comparison with other papers on similar issues being more immediate. Although the explicit solution is given in a simplified case where the equations turn out to be more manageable, it encodes all the features of the more general one, namely it has non-vanishing entropy and the scalar fields have a non-trivial radial dependence.Comment: 29+1 pages, 1 Latex file; a misprint in the entropy formula, eq.(5.14), correcte

    Minimal D=7D=7 Supergravity and the supersymmetry of Arnold-Beltrami Flux branes

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    In this paper we study some properties of the newly found Arnold-Beltrami flux-brane solutions to the minimal D=7D=7 supergravity. To this end we first single out the appropriate Free Differential Algebra containing both a gauge 33-form B[3]\mathbf{B}^{[3]} and a gauge 22-form B[2]\mathbf{B}^{[2]}: then we present the complete rheonomic parametrization of all the generalized curvatures. This allows us to identify two-brane configurations with Arnold-Beltrami fluxes in the transverse space with exact solutions of supergravity and to analyze the Killing spinor equation in their background. We find that there is no preserved supersymmetry if there are no additional translational Killing vectors. Guided by this principle we explicitly construct Arnold-Beltrami flux two-branes that preserve 00, 1/81/8 and 1/41/4 of the original supersymmetry. Two-branes without fluxes are instead BPS states and preserve 1/21/2 supersymmetry. For each two-brane solution we carefully study its discrete symmetry that is always given by some appropriate crystallographic group Γ\Gamma. Such symmetry groups Γ\Gamma are transmitted to the D=3D=3 gauge theories on the brane world--volume that occur in the gauge/gravity correspondence. Furthermore we illustrate the intriguing relation between gauge fluxes in two-brane solutions and hyperinstantons in D=4D=4 topological sigma-models.Comment: 56 pages, LaTeX source, 8 jpg figures, typos correcte

    Pure Spinor Superstrings on Generic type IIA Supergravity Backgrounds

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    We derive the Free Differential Algebra for type IIA supergravity in 10 dimensions in the string frame. We provide all fermionic terms for all curvatures. We derive the Green-Schwarz sigma model for type IIA superstring based on the FDA construction and we check its invariance under kappa-symmetry. Finally, we derive the pure spinor sigma model and we check the BRST invariance. The present derivation has the advantage that the resulting sigma model is constructed in terms of the superfields appearing in the FDA and therefore one can directly relate a supergravity background with the corresponding sigma model. The complete explicit form of the BRST transformations is given and some new pure spinor constraints are obtained. Finally, the explicit form of the action is given.Comment: 31 pp. no figures, latex, some modifications at pag 21, a missing term in 4.51 corrected. Discussion on BRST symmetry improve

    Partial N=2 --> N=1 Local Supersymmetry Breaking and Solvable Lie Algebras

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    Generic partial supersymmetry breaking of N=2 supergravity with zero vacuum energy and with surviving unbroken arbitrary gauge groups is exhibited. Specific examples are given.Comment: 5 pages, 1 LaTeX-style file, 1 TeX, 2 Postscript figures. Seminar given at the Work-Shop on "Gauge Theories, Applied Supersymmetry and Quantum Gravity", Imperial College, London, 5-10 July 199

    R-Symmetry and the Topological Twist of N=2 Effective Supergravities of Heterotic Strings

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    We discuss R-symmetries in locally supersymmetric N=2 gauge theories coupled to hypermultiplets which can be thought of as effective theories of heterotic superstring models. In this type of supergravities a suitable R-symmetry exists and can be used to topologically twist the theory: the vector multiplet containing the dilaton-axion field has different R-charge assignments with respect to the other vector multiplets. Correspondingly a system of coupled instanton equations emerges, mixing gravitational and Yang--Mills instantons with triholomorphic hyperinstantons and axion-instantons. For the tree-level classical special manifolds ST(n)=SU(1,1)/U(1)Ă—SO(2,n)/(SO(2)ST(n)=SU(1,1)/U(1)\times SO(2,n)/(SO(2) Ă—SO(n))\times SO(n)) R-symmetry with the specified properties is a continuous symmetry, but for the quantum corrected manifolds ST^(n){\hat {ST}}(n) a discrete R--group of electric--magnetic duality rotations is sufficient and we argue that it exists.Comment: 40 pages, plain LaTeX. Final version to appear on IJMP

    Black hole - D-brane correspondence: An example

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    We explore the connection between D-branes and black holes in one particular case: a D3D3-brane compactified to four dimensions on T6/Z3T^6/Z_3. Using the DD-brane boundary state description we show the equivalence with a double extremal N=2 black hole solution of four dimensional supergravity.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX. Contribution by C. Nunez to the conference Quantum Gravity in the Southern Cone, Bariloche 7-10 January 1998; to appear in the proceeding
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