505 research outputs found

    Glycosylated Oligo(ethynylene)s via a Pd/Zn-Mediated Cross-Coupling Reaction

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    The synthesis of higher oligo(ethynylene)s represents a challenge in modern organic chemistry, because of their decreasing stability with increasing length and side-product formation during the reaction. Recently, we reported the development of a mild and convenient sp–sp carbon heterocoupling protocol for the preparation of glycosylated oligo(ethynylene)s based on the Negishi reaction. The application of this protocol in combination with a one-step desilylation-bromination allowedfor the sequential synthesis of glycosylated oligo(ethynylene)s up to the octayne

    Обучение персонала как инструмент реализации стратегических целей на предприятиях нефтегазовой отрасли

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    Объектом исследования является система управления образовательным процессом и принятия решений. Целостная система подготовки персонала, включающая повышение квалификации кадров, рост мотивации, раскрытие потенциала работников, развитие производства, техническое обновление, формирование корпоративной культуры, является образовательной политикой общества ОАО «НК «Роснефть». Предметом исследования является образовательная деятельность открытого акционерного общества ОАО «НК «Роснефть». Цель работы - изучение теоретических и методологических подходов к проблеме обучения персонала, методов стимулирования и совершенствования системы обучения персонал, анализ практики обучения персонала на примере ОАО «НК» Роснефть». В данной выпускной работе были описаны методы симулирования и совершенствования системы обучения; рассмотрены теоретические аспекты обучения персонала на предприятии; изучен порядок работы по обучению персонала и систематизированы методы обучения; проанализированы процессы организационного обучения персонала в ОАО «НК» Роснефть» и влияние на эффективность работы организации.The object of study is the system of management of educational process and decision-making. A coherent system of staff training that includes skills development, increased motivation, potential employees, the development of production, technical renewal, formation of corporate culture is the educational policy of JSC "NK "Rosneft". The subject of research is the educational activities of open joint stock company OAO "NK "Rosneft". Purpose - study of theoretical and methodological approaches to the problem of personnel training, methods of stimulation and improvement of the teaching staff, analysis of the practice of personnel training on the example of JSC "NK" Rosneft". In this graduation work was described simulation and improvement of the system of education; theoretical aspects of personnel training at the enterprise; studied work arrangements for staff training and systematic teaching methods; analyzed the processes of organizational learning of staff of JSC "NK" Rosneft" and its influence on the efficiency of the organization

    Статистические методы и анализ проблем управления качеством

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    В работе И.В. Плотниковой и Л.А. Редько проведен анализ проблем управления качеством на приборостроительном предприятии с использованием статистических методов. Определены основные значимые факторы появления несоответствий

    Development and evaluation of a small and mobile Magneto Alert Sensor (MALSE) to support safety requirements for magnetic resonance imaging

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to (i) design a small and mobile Magnetic field ALert SEnsor (MALSE), (ii) to carefully evaluate its sensors to their consistency of activation/deactivation and sensitivity to magnetic fields, and (iii) to demonstrate the applicability of MALSE in 1.5 T, 3.0 T and 7.0 T MR fringe field environments. METHODS: MALSE comprises a set of reed sensors, which activate in response to their exposure to a magnetic field. The activation/deactivation of reed sensors was examined by moving them in/out of the fringe field generated by 7TMR. RESULTS: The consistency with which individual reed sensors would activate at the same field strength was found to be 100% for the setup used. All of the reed switches investigated required a substantial drop in ambient magnetic field strength before they deactivated. CONCLUSIONS: MALSE is a simple concept for alerting MRI staff to a ferromagnetic object being brought into fringe magnetic fields which exceeds MALSEs activation magnetic field. MALSE can easily be attached to ferromagnetic objects within the vicinity of a scanner, thus creating a barrier for hazardous situations induced by ferromagnetic parts which should not enter the vicinity of an MR-system to occur

    Spontaneous formation of a self-healing carbon nanoskin at the liquid-liquid interface

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    Biological membranes exhibit the ability to self-repair and dynamically change their shape while remaining impermeable. Yet, these defining features are difficult to reconcile with mechanical robustness. Here, we report on the spontaneous formation of a carbon nanoskin at the oil–water interface that uniquely combines self-healing attributes with high stiffness. Upon the diffusion-controlled self-assembly of a reactive molecular surfactant at the interface, a solid elastic membrane forms within seconds and evolves into a continuous carbon monolayer with a thickness of a few nanometers. This nanoskin has a stiffness typical for a 2D carbon material with an elastic modulus in bending of more than 40–100¿GPa; while brittle, it shows the ability to self-heal upon rupture, can be reversibly reshaped, and sustains complex shapes. We anticipate such an unusual 2D carbon nanomaterial to inspire novel approaches towards the formation of synthetic cells with rigid shells, additive manufacturing of composites, and compartmentalization in industrial catalysis.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Charge separation in an acceptor–donor–acceptor triad material with a lamellar structure

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    Linking covalently both electron donor and acceptor components is an efficient way to gain thermodynamic control over the formation of well-ordered heterojunction materials suitable for organic photovoltaics. In this context, we attached flexible polymer segments to the termini of a (perylene bisimide)–quaterthiophene–(perylene bisimide) triad. The microphase segregation of the resulting coil-rod-coil architecture served to reliably promote the formation of lamellar phases. The lamellae were oriented vertically relative to the substrate, and they could be laterally aligned by mechanical rubbing, as determined by small and wide angle X-ray scattering, transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction and AFM. Transient absorption spectroscopy revealed that light absorption was followed by charge separation and that charge recombination was slower in thin films than for solution-phase samples, especially when longer side chains were used. Thus, this study is a first step towards reliable lamellar phase segregation in donor–acceptor materials on the route towards improved materials for organic photovoltaics

    Semiaromatic polyamides with enhanced charge carrier mobility

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    The control of local order in polymer semiconductors using non-covalent interactions may be used to engineer materials with interesting combinations of mechanical and optoelectronic properties. To investigate the possibility of preparing n-type polymer semiconductors in which hydrogen bonding plays an important role in structural order and stability, we have used solution-phase polycondensation to incorporate dicyanoperylene bisimide repeat units into an aliphatic polyamide chain backbone. The morphology and thermomechanical characteristics of the resulting polyamides, in which the aliphatic spacer length was varied systematically, were comparable with those of existing semiaromatic engineering polyamides. At the same time, the charge carrier mobility as determined by pulse-radiolysis time-resolved microwave conductivity measurements was found to be about 10-2 cm2 V-1 s-1, which is similar to that reported for low molecular weight perylene bisimides. Our results hence demonstrate that it is possible to use hydrogen bonding interactions as a means to introduce promising optoelectronic properties into high-performance engineering polymers.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft