1,330 research outputs found

    Energy dissipation and recovery in a simple model with reversible cross-links

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    Kinetics of Joint Ordering and Decomposition in Binary Alloys

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    We study phase segregation in a model alloy undergoing both ordering and decomposition, using computer simulations of Kawasaki exchange dynamics on a square lattice. Following a quench into the miscibility gap we observe an early stage in which ordering develops while the composition remains almost uniform. Then decomposition starts with segregation into ordered and disordered phases. The two spherically averaged structure functions, related to decomposition and to ordering, were both observed to obey scaling rules in the late coarsening stage where the time increase of the characteristic lengths was consistent with a(t1/3+b)a(t^{1/3} + b). While aa was similar for ordering and decomposition at low concentration of the minority component, it showed an increase (decrease) with concentration for ordering (decomposition). The domain morphology was found to depend on the concentration of the minority component, in a way that suggests a wetting of antiphase boundaries in the ordered domains by the disordered phase.Comment: 23 pages, in TeX, figues available upon reques

    Modelling of Phase Separation in Alloys with Coherent Elastic Misfit

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    Elastic interactions arising from a difference of lattice spacing between two coherent phases can have a strong influence on the phase separation (coarsening) of alloys. If the elastic moduli are different in the two phases, the elastic interactions may accelerate, slow down or even stop the phase separation process. If the material is elastically anisotropic, the precipitates can be shaped like plates or needles instead of spheres and can form regular precipitate superlattices. Tensions or compressions applied externally to the specimen may have a strong effect on the shapes and arrangement of the precipitates. In this paper, we review the main theoretical approaches that have been used to model these effects and we relate them to experimental observations. The theoretical approaches considered are (i) `macroscopic' models treating the two phases as elastic media separated by a sharp interface (ii) `mesoscopic' models in which the concentration varies continuously across the interface (iii) `microscopic' models which use the positions of individual atoms.Comment: 106 pages, in Latex, figures available upon request, e-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], submitted to the Journal of Statistical Physic

    Kawasaki-type Dynamics: Diffusion in the kinetic Gaussian model

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    In this article, we retain the basic idea and at the same time generalize Kawasaki's dynamics, spin-pair exchange mechanism, to spin-pair redistribution mechanism, and present a normalized redistribution probability. This serves to unite various order-parameter-conserved processes in microscopic, place them under the control of a universal mechanism and provide the basis for further treatment. As an example of the applications, we treated the kinetic Gaussian model and obtained exact diffusion equation. We observed critical slowing down near the critical point and found that, the critical dynamic exponent z=1/nu=2 is independent of space dimensionality and the assumed mechanism, whether Glauber-type or Kawasaki-type.Comment: accepted for publication in PR

    On the activity of materials

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    Hierarchically-structured metalloprotein composite coatings biofabricated from co-existing condensed liquid phases

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    Complex hierarchical structure governs emergent properties in biopolymeric materials; yet, the material processing involved remains poorly understood. Here, we investigated the multi-scale structure and composition of the mussel byssus cuticle before, during and after formation to gain insight into the processing of this hard, yet extensible metal cross-linked protein composite. Our findings reveal that the granular substructure crucial to the cuticle’s function as a wear-resistant coating of an extensible polymer fiber is pre-organized in condensed liquid phase secretory vesicles. These are phase-separated into DOPA-rich proto-granules enveloped in a sulfur-rich proto-matrix which fuses during secretion, forming the sub-structure of the cuticle. Metal ions are added subsequently in a site-specific way, with iron contained in the sulfur-rich matrix and vanadium coordinated by DOPA-catechol in the granule. We posit that this hierarchical structure self-organizes via phase separation of specific amphiphilic proteins within secretory vesicles, resulting in a meso-scale structuring that governs cuticle function

    Fragility of bone material controlled by internal interfaces

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    Bone material is built in a complex multiscale arrangement of mineralized collagen fibrils containing water, proteoglycans and some noncollagenous proteins. This organization is not static as bone is constantly remodeled and thus able to repair damaged tissue and adapt to the loading situation. In preventing fractures, the most important mechanical property is toughness, which is the ability to absorb impact energy without reaching complete failure. There is no simple explanation for the origin of the toughness of bone material, and this property depends in a complex way on the internal architecture of the material on all scales from nanometers to millimeters. Hence, fragility may have different mechanical origins, depending on which toughening mechanism is not working properly. This article reviews the toughening mechanisms described for bone material and attempts to put them in a clinical context, with the hope that future analysis of bone fragility may be guided by this collection of possible mechanistic origins

    Mistletoe viscin : a hygro- and mechano-responsive cellulose-based adhesive for diverse materials applications

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    Mistletoe viscin is a natural cellulosic adhesive consisting of hierarchically organized cellulose microfibrils (CMFs) surrounded by a humidity-responsive matrix that enables mechanical drawing into stiff and sticky fibers. Here, we explored the processability and adhesive capacity of viscin and demonstrated its potential as a source material for various materials applications, as well as a source for bio-inspired design. Specifically, we revealed that viscin fibers exhibit humidity-activated self-adhesive properties that enable “contact welding” into complex 2D and 3D architectures under ambient conditions. We additionally discovered that viscin can be processed into stiff and transparent free-standing films via biaxial stretching in the hydrated state, followed by drying, whereby CMFs align along local stress fields. Furthermore, we determined that viscin adheres strongly to both synthetic materials (metals, plastics, glass) and biological tissues, such as skin and cartilage. In particular, skin adhesion makes viscin a compelling candidate as a wound sealant, as we further demonstrate. These findings highlight the enormous potential of this hygro- and mechanoresponsive fiber-reinforced adhesive for bio-inspired and biomedical applications