188 research outputs found

    Gas circulation and galaxy evolution

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    Galaxies must form and evolve via the acquisition of gas from the intergalactic environment, however the way this gas accretion takes place is still poorly understood. Star-forming galaxies are surrounded by multiphase halos that appear to be mostly produced by internal processes, e.g., galactic fountains. However, a small fraction of the halo gas shows features that point to an external origin. Estimates of the halo-gas accretion rate in the local Universe consistently give values much lower than what would be required to sustain star formation at the observed rate. Thus, most of the gas accretion must be "hidden" and not seen directly. I discuss possible mechanisms that can cause the intergalactic gas to cool and join the star-forming galactic disks. A possibility is that gas accretion is driven by the galactic-fountain process via turbulent mixing of the fountain gas with the coronal low-metallicity gas.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. Invited review at the conference "Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation", Malta, 19-23 Oct. 2009. Eds. V.P. Debattista and C.C. Popescu, AIP Conf. Se

    The Galactic fountain as an origin for the Smith Cloud

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    The recent discovery of an enriched metallicity for the Smith high-velocity HI cloud (SC) lends support to a Galactic origin for this system. We use a dynamical model of the galactic fountain to reproduce the observed properties of the SC. In our model, fountain clouds are ejected from the region of the disc spiral arms and move through the halo interacting with a pre-existing hot corona. We find that a simple model where cold gas outflows vertically from the Perseus spiral arm reproduces the kinematics and the distance of the SC, but is in disagreement with the cloud's cometary morphology, if this is produced by ram-pressure stripping by the ambient gas. To explain the cloud morphology we explore two scenarios: a) the outflow is inclined with respect to the vertical direction; b) the cloud is entrained by a fast wind that escapes an underlying superbubble. Solutions in agreement with all observational constraints can be found for both cases, the former requires outflow angles >40 deg while the latter requires >1000 km/s winds. All scenarios predict that the SC is in the ascending phase of its trajectory and have large - but not implausible - energy requirements.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS letters, revised after referee's comments. Comments are welcom

    Angular momentum, accretion and radial flows in chemodynamical models of spiral galaxies

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    Gas accretion and radial flows are key ingredients of the chemical evolution of spiral galaxies. They are also tightly linked to each other (accretion drives radial flows, due to angular momentum conservation) and should therefore be modelled simultaneously. We summarise an algorithm that can be used to consistently compute accretion profiles, radial flows and abundance gradients under quite general conditions and we describe illustrative applications to the Milky Way. We find that gas-phase abundance gradients strongly depend on the angular momentum of the accreting material and, in the outer regions, they are significantly affected by the choice of boundary conditions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Proceedings of the 592 WE-Heraeus Seminar. To appear in Astronomische Nachricthen, special issue "Reconstructing the Milky Way's history: spectroscopic surveys, asteroseismology and chemodynamical models", Guest Editors C. Chiappini, J. Montalban and M. Steffe

    S0 galaxies are faded spirals: clues from their angular momentum content

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    The distribution of galaxies in the stellar specific angular momentum versus stellar mass plane (jj_{\star}-MM_{\star}) provides key insights into their formation mechanisms. In this paper, we determine the location in this plane of a sample of ten field/group unbarred lenticular (S0) galaxies from the CALIFA survey. We performed a bulge-disc decomposition both photometrically and kinematically to study the stellar specific angular momentum of the disc components alone and understand the evolutionary links between S0s and other Hubble types. We found that eight of our S0 discs have a distribution in the jj_{\star}-MM_{\star} plane that is fully compatible with that of spiral discs, while only two have values of jj_{\star} lower than the spirals. These two outliers show signs of recent merging. Our results suggest that merger and interaction processes are not the dominant mechanisms in S0 formation in low-density environments. Instead, S0s appear to be the result of secular processes and the fading of spiral galaxies after the shutdown of star formation.Comment: 35 pages, 22 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Dynamics of Starbursting Dwarf Galaxies. III. A HI study of 18 nearby objects

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    We investigate the dynamics of starbursting dwarf galaxies, using both new and archival HI observations. We consider 18 nearby galaxies that have been resolved into single stars by HST observations, providing their star formation history and total stellar mass. We find that 9 objects have a regularly-rotating HI disk, 7 have a kinematically disturbed HI disk, and 2 show unsettled HI distributions. Two galaxies (NGC 5253 and UGC 6456) show a velocity gradient along the minor axis of the HI disk, that we interpret as strong radial motions. For galaxies with a regularly rotating disk we derive rotation curves, while for galaxies with a kinematically disturbed disk we estimate the rotation velocities in their outer parts. We derive baryonic fractions within about 3 optical scale lengths and find that, on average, baryons constitute at least 30%\% of the total mass. Despite the star formation having injected \sim1056^{56} ergs in the ISM in the last \sim500 Myr, these starbursting dwarfs have both baryonic and gas fractions similar to those of typical dwarf irregulars, suggesting that they did not eject a large amount of gas out of their potential wells.Comment: Published on A&A (23 pages, 9 tables, 12 figures, plus an optical-HI atlas). Typos fixe

    The triggering of starbursts in low-mass galaxies

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    Strong bursts of star formation in galaxies may be triggered either by internal or external mechanisms. We study the distribution and kinematics of the HI gas in the outer regions of 18 nearby starburst dwarf galaxies, that have accurate star-formation histories from HST observations of resolved stellar populations. We find that starburst dwarfs show a variety of HI morphologies, ranging from heavily disturbed HI distributions with major asymmetries, long filaments, and/or HI-stellar offsets, to lopsided HI distributions with minor asymmetries. We quantify the outer HI asymmetry for both our sample and a control sample of typical dwarf irregulars. Starburst dwarfs have more asymmetric outer HI morphologies than typical irregulars, suggesting that some external mechanism triggered the starburst. Moreover, galaxies hosting an old burst (>100 Myr) have more symmetric HI morphologies than galaxies hosting a young one (<100 Myr), indicating that the former ones probably had enough time to regularize their outer HI distribution since the onset of the burst. We also investigate the nearby environment of these starburst dwarfs and find that most of them (\sim80%\%) have at least one potential perturber at a projected distance <200 kpc. Our results suggest that the starburst is triggered either by past interactions/mergers between gas-rich dwarfs or by direct gas infall from the IGM.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Angular Momentum Accretion onto Disc Galaxies

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    Throughout the Hubble time, gas makes its way from the intergalactic medium into galaxies fuelling their star formation and promoting their growth. One of the key properties of the accreting gas is its angular momentum, which has profound implications for the evolution of, in particular, disc galaxies. Here, we discuss how to infer the angular momentum of the accreting gas using observations of present-day galaxy discs. We first summarize evidence for ongoing inside-out growth of star forming discs. We then focus on the chemistry of the discs and show how the observed metallicity gradients can be explained if gas accretes onto a disc rotating with a velocity 20 - 30% lower than the local circular speed. We also show that these gradients are incompatible with accretion occurring at the edge of the discs and flowing radially inward. Finally, we investigate gas accretion from a hot corona with a cosmological angular momentum distribution and describe how simple models of rotating coronae guarantee the inside-out growth of disc galaxies

    A Dynamical Model for the Extra-planar Gas in Spiral Galaxies

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    Recent HI observations reveal that the discs of spiral galaxies are surrounded by extended gaseous haloes. This extra-planar gas reaches large distances (several kpc) from the disc and shows peculiar kinematics (low rotation and inflow). We have modelled the extra-planar gas as a continuous flow of material from the disc of a spiral galaxy into its halo region. The output of our models are pseudo-data cubes that can be directly compared to the HI data. We have applied these models to two spiral galaxies (NGC891 and NGC2403) known to have a substantial amount of extra-planar gas. Our models are able to reproduce accurately the vertical distribution of extra-planar gas for an energy input corresponding to a small fraction (<4%) of the energy released by supernovae. However they fail in two important aspects: 1) they do not reproduce the right gradient in rotation velocity; 2) they predict a general outflow of the extra-planar gas, contrary to what is observed. We show that neither of these difficulties can be removed if clouds are ionized and invisible at 21cm as they leave the disc but become visible at some point on their orbits. We speculate that these failures indicate the need for accreted material from the IGM that could provide the low angular momentum and inflow required.Comment: 19 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. High resolution version available at http://www-thphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/users/FilippoFraternali/interests.htm

    The angular momentum-mass relation: a fundamental law from dwarf irregulars to massive spirals

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    In a Λ\LambdaCDM Universe, the specific stellar angular momentum (jj_\ast) and stellar mass (MM_\ast) of a galaxy are correlated as a consequence of the scaling existing for dark matter haloes (jhMh2/3j_{\rm h}\propto M_{\rm h}^{2/3}). The shape of this law is crucial to test galaxy formation models, which are currently discrepant especially at the lowest masses, allowing to constrain fundamental parameters, e.g. the retained fraction of angular momentum. In this study, we accurately determine the empirical jMj_\ast-M_\ast relation (Fall relation) for 92 nearby spiral galaxies (from S0 to Irr) selected from the Spitzer Photometry and Accurate Rotation Curves (SPARC) sample in the unprecedented mass range 7logM/M11.57 \lesssim \log M_\ast/M_\odot \lesssim 11.5. We significantly improve all previous estimates of the Fall relation by determining jj_\ast profiles homogeneously for all galaxies, using extended HI rotation curves, and selecting only galaxies for which a robust jj_\ast could be measured (converged j(<R)j_\ast(<R) radial profile). We find the relation to be well described by a single, unbroken power-law jMαj_\ast\propto M_\ast^\alpha over the entire mass range, with α=0.55±0.02\alpha=0.55\pm 0.02 and orthogonal intrinsic scatter of 0.17±0.010.17\pm 0.01 dex. We finally discuss some implications for galaxy formation models of this fundamental scaling law and, in particular, the fact that it excludes models in which discs of all masses retain the same fraction of the halo angular momentum.Comment: A&A Letters, accepte