834 research outputs found


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    Covers cases on testamentary trusts—violations of the rule against perpetuitities—effect of saving clause (Hamill) and on bank deposits as tentative or Totten trusts (Fraser)

    Oorsig oor maatskaplik verantwoordbare navorsing en onderrig in die lewenswetenskappe

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    Ons verantwoordbaarheid of toerekenbaarheid teenoor die staat en gemeenskap vir die navorsing en onderrig wat ons doen, is redelik gevestig. Dit word egter in ’n groot mate deur ons lewens- en wĂȘreldbeskouinge beĂŻnvloed (Cetina 2005–2006:7). Cetina (2005–2006:8) onderskei tussen drie ‘vorms’ van verantwoordbaarheid, te wete etiese of filosofiese verantwoordbaarheid, maatskaplike verantwoordbaarheid en produktiewe verantwoordbaarheid. Whitty (2008:11) brei hierdie dimensies verder uit en voeg aspekte soos regsverantwoordbaarheid, interne verantwoordbaarheid en kontraktuele verantwoordbaarheid by tot die lys.http://www.satnt.ac.zaam201

    Filling gaps and expanding spaces – voices of student teachers on their developing teacher identity

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    It has often been said that any student engagement that is poorly monitored during teaching practice (TP) will not necessarily contribute much to their professional development and teacher identity. This applies specifically to initial undergraduate teacher training. This concern became the main focus of the study on which this article is reporting, as part of a broader project – FIRE (Fourth-year Initiative for Research in Education), which commenced in 2015. We wanted to determine how we could complement a community of practice engagement by using Participatory Reflection and Action (PRA) as intervention that could eventually contribute to the development of student teachers’ teacher identity during teaching practice. This article reports on the outcomes of a study conducted on a sample of 2,309 final-year student teachers between 2015 and 2017 at a tertiary institution in Pretoria. Data were generated by participating student teachers during three-hour, on-campus workshops approximately a quarter of the way into their teaching practice. They were required to respond to a single question by addressing how student teachers perceive the roles of expert teachers in terms of their curriculum and subject knowledge, their expertise in teaching and learning, caring and providing learner support, and the managerial and professional skills of teachers. The results confirmed that PRA is a dynamic research and data collection strategy to create networks through which participants can benchmark their experiences against peers and other stakeholders. Furthermore, it is again confirmed that traditional TP experiences often fail to expose student teachers adequately to the full dynamics of the educational landscape, as certain interactions and activities are conflict-dependent, and only emerge when opposing and conflicting forces create imbalances and inequity. PRA drew our attention to serious flaws in our teacher training programmes, urging a reassessment of the objectives and actions of TP.The National Research Foundation (NRF)http://www.sajournalofeducation.co.zaam2018Science of Religion and Missiolog

    The pedagogy of indigenous knowledge as a social construct

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    In hierdie artikel word daar in die eerste plek gepoog om inheemse kennis as sosiale konstruk te verklaar, waarna die waarde daarvan vir die opvoedingspraktyk toegelig word. Inheemse kennis (IK) begrond dikwels leerders se eerste ervarings en verbind sodanige ervarings, deur spontane konsepvorming, met wetenskaplike verskynsels. IK dien ook as primĂȘre leerorganiseerder vir verdere konseptualisering en skematisering. Die uitsluiting van inheemse kennis uit formele kurrikula is gewoonlik nie doelbewus nie, en die daadwerklike insluiting daarvan in leermateriaal kan ’n waardevolle bydrae lewer om as skakel tussen bestaande kennis en nuwe inligting te dien. Die erkenning van plaaslike bevolkings se inheemse kennis in kurrikula bemagtig nie net die kurrikuleerder nie, maar ook leerders wat op die inligting aangewese is. Aangesien inheemse kennis verweef is met die sosiale konstrukte van die samelewing, is deelnemende navorsingstrategieĂ« gepas om hierdie kennis met die oog op kurrikulumontwikkeling te versamel, te kwantifiseer en te verifieer.This article explains indigenous knowledge, firstly as a social construct, and subsequently in terms of the value it holds for educational practice. Indigenous knowledge (IK) often constitutes the basis of learners’ first experiences and links such experiences, via spontaneous conceptualisation, with scientific phenomena. IK also serves as the primary organiser of learning, with a view to further conceptualisation and schematisation. The exclusion of indigenous knowledge from formal curricula is usually not intentional, and its actual inclusion in learning material can make a valuable contribution towards linking existing knowledge and new information. The article claims that the indigenous knowledge of local populations should be acknowledged to empower curriculum developers and learners. Seeing that indigenous knowledge is interwoven with the social constructs of society, participatory research strategies are suggested to gather, quantify and verify information for curriculum development purposes.http://www.satnt.ac.zaam201

    The impact of neurological disorders on healthcare for children and young people

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    Introduction Neurological conditions are a major and increasing cause of hospitalisation among children and young people, but little is known about the impact of neurological conditions on hospital services in England, nor the factors that influence length of stay and bed days per year. Objectives To quantify the hospital usage in children and young people related to neurological conditions, trends over time and variation by ethnicity and deprivation status. Methods An ICD10 coding framework identified a cohort of individuals aged 0-19 years with neurological conditions from linked routinely collected healthcare data from England (The Hospital Episode Statistics Admitted Patient Care dataset), from 1 April 2003 to 31 March 2015. Linked outpatient and accident and emergency data were used to supplement missing demographic data. Length of stay and bed days per year per person were calculated. These were separately modelled using random intercept multivariable negative binomial regressions with gender, age, ethnic group, diagnostic group, region of residence and deprivation category as predictors. Results 524,442 individuals were identified over the study period, increasing from 49,928 in 2003/04 to 102,840 in 2014/15. Neurological conditions account for 8.8% of inpatient bed days in the 0-14 year old age group. Length of stay and bed days per year vary primarily by age group – e.g. Under 1 year olds had 1.85 times (95%CI 1.83-1.86%) longer stays and over double (2.36 times, 95%CI 2.34-2.37 times) the number of bed days per person per year compared to 5 to 9 year olds – and main diagnostic group, with smaller variations by ethnic group, deprivation and region. Conclusions Neurological conditions in children and young people have a significant and increasing impact on the NHS in England. Falls in length of stay and bed days per person are more than offset by increasing numbers of children and young people with neurological diagnoses. Variations in length of stay and bed days per year by diagnostic group, ethnic group, age group, deprivation category and region should be taken into account in resource planning

    Vitamin D measurement, the debates continue, new analytes have emerged, developments have variable outcomes

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    The demand for measurement of vitamin D metabolites for clinical diagnosis and to advance our understanding of the role of vitamin D in human health has significantly increased in the last decade. New developments in technologies employed have enabled the separation and quantification of additional metabolites and interferences. Also, developments of immunoassays have changed the landscape. Programmes and materials for assay standardisation, harmonisation and the expansion of the vitamin D external quality assurance scheme (DEQAS) with the provision of target values as measured by a reference measurement procedure have improved standardisation, quality assurance and comparability of measurements. In this article, we describe developments in the measurement of the commonly analysed vitamin D metabolites in clinical and research practice. We describe current analytical approaches, discuss differences between assays, their origin, and how these may be influenced by physiological and experimental conditions. The value of measuring metabolites beyond 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), the marker of vitamin D status, in routine clinical practice is not yet confirmed. Here we provide an overview of the value and application of the measurement of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D, 24,25 dihydroxyvitamin D and free 25OHD in the diagnosis of patients with abnormalities in vitamin D metabolism and for research purposes

    Life Sciences and employability

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    Hierdie artikel handel oor landelike werkloosheid. Suid-Afrika ly tegelykertyd onder ’n vaardigheidstekort en ’n hoĂ« werkloosheidsyfer. In landelike gebiede is die probleem selfs groter as in metropole. Die institusionele werklikheid van onderrig is dat elke klein dorpie oor ’n hoĂ«rskool beskik, wat primĂȘr poog om leerders vir verdere studie voor te berei, terwyl Verdere Onderwys en Opleiding (VOO) kolleges (voorheen tegniese kolleges) slegs in groter sentra gekonsentreer is. Gegewe hierdie werklikheid, is die vraag wat hoĂ«rskole kan doen om die probleem te verlig. Dit is opmerklik dat landelike werkgewers nie van skoolverlaters verwag om oor toepaslike kennis te beskik nie, maar wel oor die vermoĂ« en bepaalde persoonlikheidseienskappe wat hulle opleibaar sal maak. Selfs dĂ­t vind hulle nie altyd by jong mense wat hul skoolloopbaan suksesvol voltooi nie. Onderwysers, ook van ’n teoretiese vak soos lewenswetenskappe, kan ‘n bydrae lewer deur enkele nietradisionele insigte by die onderwyspraktyk in te lyf.This article addresses unemployment in rural areas. South Africa is also characterised by skills shortage and high unemployment figures, especially in rural areas as compared to urban areas. The institutional reality of education is that every rural village hosts a high school which is primarily engaged in preparing learners for further studies, whilst the Further Training Colleges (previously known as technical colleges) are mainly located in the larger centres. It is with this scenario as a backdrop that the possible role of high schools to alleviate the problem is being argued. It is clear that rural employers do not expect from school leavers to be in possession of applicable knowledge, but rather to be in possession of the ability as well as certain personal characteristics that would make them employable. Unfortunately, however, this is not always found in young persons who have completed their schooling successfully. Life Sciences educators can render a valuable service should certain nontraditional approaches be incorporated into the teaching practice. This will enable them to contribute to solving one of South Africa’s serious problems.http://www.satnt.ac.zaam201

    Critical food and nutrition-related issues in Life Sciences curricula for public South African schools

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    In 2000 het die Verenigde Nasies agt millennium-ontwikkelingsdoelwitte aanvaar. Vyf van hierdie doelwitte is gerig op kwessies rakende armoede en hongersnood, ’n afname in kindersterftes, die verbetering van moeders se gesondheid, die bestryding van MIV, VIGS, malaria en ander siektes, en die versekering van omgewingsvolhoubaarheid. Verwantskappe tussen voeding, voedsel, honger en armoede word in hierdie artikel bespreek. In die tweede gedeelte word bespiegel oor hoe enkele filosofiese en paradigmatiese uitgangspunte kurrikulumontwerp en kurrikulumontwikkeling moontlik kan beĂŻnvloed. Enkele beleidsveranderinge ten opsigte van kennisverwerwing, kennisontwikkeling, die bereiking van bepaalde onderwysdoelstellings en hoe leerders bewus gemaak word van kritieke samelewingstendense, soos in die inleidende gedeelte van die artikel uiteengesit, word ondersoek. Vervolgens word die leser se aandag gevestig op die heropbou van samelewings deur beplande kurrikulering en die versterking van leerders se morele identiteit. Die insluiting van kritieke voedsel- en voedingsverwante kwessies in die natuurwetenskappe- en tegnologiekurrikulums vir die drie Suid-Afrikaanse skoolfases, te wete die IntermediĂȘre Fase (grade 4–6), die Senior Fase (grade 7–9) en die Fase vir Verdere Onderwys en Opleiding (grade 10–12), word daarna uiteengesit. Daar word ook verwys na aspekte soos energie en energie-oordrag, voedselkettings, energie en beweging, fotosintese, voedingstowwe en voedsel, ekostelsels, voedselwebbe, voedselverwerking, watersuiwering, balans in die ekosisteem, bewaring van die ekosisteem, beplanning van ’n gesonde dieet, energietransformasie om lewe te bevorder, dierevoeding, bevolkingsekologie en die menslike impak op die omgewing, asook huidige krisisse.The United Nations adopted eight Millennium Development Goals in 2000. Five of these target issues are in respect of poverty and hunger, reduction in child mortality, improving maternal health, the fighting of HIV, AIDS, malaria and other diseases, and the assurance of environmental sustainability. Relationships between nutrition, food, hunger and poverty are discussed. In the second part of the article we speculate on how some philosophical and paradigmatic approaches may influence curriculum design and curriculum development. Some policy changes regarding knowledge acquisition, knowledge development, the achievement of specific educational objectives and learners’ awareness of critical social trends, as set out in the introductory part of the article, are explored. The reader’s attention is then drawn to the reconstruction of societies through planned curriculating and the strengthening of learners’ moral identities. The representation of critical food and nutrition-related issues are explained regarding the Science and Technology curriculum in the three South African schooling phases, namely the Intermediate Phase (Grades 4–6), the Senior Phase (Grades 7–9) and the Further Education and Training Phase (Grades 10–12). Reference is made to aspects such as energy and transfer of energy, food chains, energy and movement, photosynthesis, nutrients and food, ecosystems, food webs, food processing, water purification and balance in the ecosystem, conservation of the ecosystem, healthy diet planning, energy transformation to support life, animal nutrition, population ecology and the human impact on the environment, as well as current crises.http://www.satnt.ac.zaam2014gv201

    A Push-Button Molecular Switch

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    The preparation, characterization, and switching mechanism of a unique single-station mechanically switchable hetero[2]catenane are reported. The facile synthesis utilizing a “threading-followed-by-clipping” protocol features Cu^(2+)-catalyzed Eglinton coupling as a mild and efficient route to the tetrathiafulvalene-based catenane in high yield. The resulting mechanically interlocked molecule operates as a perfect molecular switch, most readily described as a “push-button” switch, whereby two discrete and fully occupied translational states are toggled electrochemically at incredibly high rates. This mechanical switching was probed using a wide variety of experimental techniques as well as quantum-mechanical investigations. The fundamental distinctions between this single-station [2]catenane and other more traditional bi- and multistation molecular switches are significant
