381 research outputs found

    Spatial and behavioral foraging patterns and diet selectivity in the social yellow bellied marmot

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    Ph.D. University of Kansas, Systematics and Ecology 1983Two colonies of yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) at an elevation of 2900 min Colorado were studied to elucidate the role of various behavioral and ecological factors as determinants of spatial foraging patterns. The locations of known individuals were periodically recorded. These locality data were plotted as three-dimensional block diagrams, the peak heights representing the frequency of observation. Predation risk and vegetation distribution influenced the location of foraging areas, but kinship was the most important factor in the determination of the amount of foraging area overlap between individual marmots. Overlap tended to be greatest among close kin, but this was modified by individual behavioral characteristics, reproductive state, the existence of separate burrow systems within a colony, and the age of the animal. Mothers and juveniles, and littermates as young and resident yearlings, had nearly identical foraging areas

    Late Pleistocene Pronghorn, \u3ci\u3eAntilocapra Americana\u3c/i\u3e, from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming

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    Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming, has yielded one of the more reliable records of Antilocapra from the Late Pleistocene of North America. Generic assignment is based on horn cores from two individuals, with a minimum of 13 individuals represented by other elements. Morphometric analysis of postcranial material indicates that this form is indistinguishable from the living A. americana. Fossils were recovered from a stratum dated at 17,000-20,000 yr BP. Presence of Antilocapra at other sites is probably over-reported. Secure records based on horn cores are known from only two other sites. Antilocapra americana may have been the preferred prey of the American cheetah, Miracinonyx trumani. Teeth, horn cores, and much of the postcranial skeleton of the Natural Trap pronghorn are figured

    Apoptosome activation, an important molecular instigator in 6-mercaptopurine induced Leydig cell death.

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    Leydig cells are crucial to the production of testosterone in males. It is unknown if the cancer chemotherapeutic drug, 6-mercaptopurine (6 MP), produces Leydig cell failure among adult survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Moreover, it is not known whether Leydig cell failure is due to either a loss of cells or an impairment in their function. Herein, we show, in a subset of childhood cancer survivors, that Leydig cell failure is related to the dose of 6 MP. This was extended, in a murine model, to demonstrate that 6 MP exposure induced caspase 3 activation, and the loss of Leydig cells was independent of Bak and Bax activation. The death of these non-proliferating cells was triggered by 6 MP metabolism, requiring formation of both cytosolic reactive oxygen species and thiopurine nucleotide triphosphates. The thiopurine nucleotide triphosphates (with physiological amounts of dATP) uniquely activated the apoptosome. An ABC transporter (Abcc4/Mrp4) reduced the amount of thiopurines, thereby providing protection for Leydig cells. The studies reported here demonstrate that the apoptosome is uniquely activated by thiopurine nucleotides and suggest that 6 MP induced Leydig cell death is likely a cause of Leydig cell failure in some survivors of childhood cancer

    Widespread mitochondrial depletion via mitophagy does not compromise necroptosis

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    Programmed necrosis (or necroptosis) is a form of cell death triggered by the activation of receptor interacting protein kinase-3 (RIPK3). Several reports have implicated mitochondria and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation as effectors of RIPK3-dependent cell death. Here, we directly test this idea by employing a method for the specific removal of mitochondria via mitophagy. Mitochondria-deficient cells were resistant to the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis, but efficiently died via tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-induced, RIPK3-dependent programmed necrosis or as a result of direct oligomerization of RIPK3. Although the ROS scavenger butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) delayed TNF-induced necroptosis, it had no effect on necroptosis induced by RIPK3 oligomerization. Furthermore, although TNF-induced ROS production was dependent on mitochondria, the inhibition of TNF-induced necroptosis by BHA was observed in mitochondria-depleted cells. Our data indicate that mitochondrial ROS production accompanies, but does not cause, RIPK3-dependent necroptotic cell death

    Genomic analyses with biofilter 2.0: knowledge driven filtering, annotation, and model development

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    BACKGROUND: The ever-growing wealth of biological information available through multiple comprehensive database repositories can be leveraged for advanced analysis of data. We have now extensively revised and updated the multi-purpose software tool Biofilter that allows researchers to annotate and/or filter data as well as generate gene-gene interaction models based on existing biological knowledge. Biofilter now has the Library of Knowledge Integration (LOKI), for accessing and integrating existing comprehensive database information, including more flexibility for how ambiguity of gene identifiers are handled. We have also updated the way importance scores for interaction models are generated. In addition, Biofilter 2.0 now works with a range of types and formats of data, including single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) identifiers, rare variant identifiers, base pair positions, gene symbols, genetic regions, and copy number variant (CNV) location information. RESULTS: Biofilter provides a convenient single interface for accessing multiple publicly available human genetic data sources that have been compiled in the supporting database of LOKI. Information within LOKI includes genomic locations of SNPs and genes, as well as known relationships among genes and proteins such as interaction pairs, pathways and ontological categories. Via Biofilter 2.0 researchers can: • Annotate genomic location or region based data, such as results from association studies, or CNV analyses, with relevant biological knowledge for deeper interpretation • Filter genomic location or region based data on biological criteria, such as filtering a series SNPs to retain only SNPs present in specific genes within specific pathways of interest • Generate Predictive Models for gene-gene, SNP-SNP, or CNV-CNV interactions based on biological information, with priority for models to be tested based on biological relevance, thus narrowing the search space and reducing multiple hypothesis-testing. CONCLUSIONS: Biofilter is a software tool that provides a flexible way to use the ever-expanding expert biological knowledge that exists to direct filtering, annotation, and complex predictive model development for elucidating the etiology of complex phenotypic outcomes

    Tissue Triage and Freezing for Models of Skeletal Muscle Disease

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    Skeletal muscle is a unique tissue because of its structure and function, which requires specific protocols for tissue collection to obtain optimal results from functional, cellular, molecular, and pathological evaluations. Due to the subtlety of some pathological abnormalities seen in congenital muscle disorders and the potential for fixation to interfere with the recognition of these features, pathological evaluation of frozen muscle is preferable to fixed muscle when evaluating skeletal muscle for congenital muscle disease. Additionally, the potential to produce severe freezing artifacts in muscle requires specific precautions when freezing skeletal muscle for histological examination that are not commonly used when freezing other tissues. This manuscript describes a protocol for rapid freezing of skeletal muscle using isopentane (2-methylbutane) cooled with liquid nitrogen to preserve optimal skeletal muscle morphology. This procedure is also effective for freezing tissue intended for genetic or protein expression studies. Furthermore, we have integrated our freezing protocol into a broader procedure that also describes preferred methods for the short term triage of tissue for (1) single fiber functional studies and (2) myoblast cell culture, with a focus on the minimum effort necessary to collect tissue and transport it to specialized research or reference labs to complete these studies. Overall, this manuscript provides an outline of how fresh tissue can be effectively distributed for a variety of phenotypic studies and thereby provides standard operating procedures (SOPs) for pathological studies related to congenital muscle disease

    Enhancement of the electronic contribution to the low temperature specific heat of Fe/Cr magnetic multilayer

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    We measured the low temperature specific heat of a sputtered (Fe23A˚/Cr12A˚)33(Fe_{23\AA}/Cr_{12\AA})_{33} magnetic multilayer, as well as separate 1000A˚1000\AA thick Fe and Cr films. Magnetoresistance and magnetization measurements on the multilayer demonstrated antiparallel coupling between the Fe layers. Using microcalorimeters made in our group, we measured the specific heat for 4<T<30K4<T<30 K and in magnetic fields up to 8T8 T for the multilayer. The low temperature electronic specific heat coefficient of the multilayer in the temperature range 4<T<14K4<T<14 K is γML=8.4mJ/K2gat\gamma_{ML}=8.4 mJ/K^{2}g-at. This is significantly larger than that measured for the Fe or Cr films (5.4 and 3.5mJ/K2mol3.5 mJ/K^{2}mol respectively). No magnetic field dependence of γML\gamma_{ML} was observed up to 8T8 T. These results can be explained by a softening of the phonon modes observed in the same data and the presence of an Fe-Cr alloy phase at the interfaces.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure