626 research outputs found

    All graphs with at most seven vertices are Pairwise Compatibility Graphs

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    A graph GG is called a pairwise compatibility graph (PCG) if there exists an edge-weighted tree TT and two non-negative real numbers dmind_{min} and dmaxd_{max} such that each leaf lul_u of TT corresponds to a vertex u∈Vu \in V and there is an edge (u,v)∈E(u,v) \in E if and only if dmin≤dT,w(lu,lv)≤dmaxd_{min} \leq d_{T,w} (l_u, l_v) \leq d_{max} where dT,w(lu,lv)d_{T,w} (l_u, l_v) is the sum of the weights of the edges on the unique path from lul_u to lvl_v in TT. In this note, we show that all the graphs with at most seven vertices are PCGs. In particular all these graphs except for the wheel on 7 vertices W7W_7 are PCGs of a particular structure of a tree: a centipede.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamic traffic equilibria with route and departure time choice

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    This thesis studies the dynamic equilibrium behavior in traffic networks and it is motivated by rush-hour congestion. It is well understood that one of the key causes of traffic congestion relies on the behavior of road users. These do not coordinate their actions in order to avoid the creation of traffic jams, but rather make choices that favor only themselves and not the community. An equilibrium occurs when everyone is satisfied with his own choices and would not benefit from changing them. We focus on dynamic mathematical models where the congestion delay of a road varies over time, depending on the amount of traffic that has crossed it up to that specific moment and independently on the pattern of traffic that will cross it at a later time. We mainly consider settings with arbitrary network topologies where users choose both the route and departure time and we tackle questions such as the followings: - Does an equilibrium always exist? - Can there be different equilibria? - How can an equilibrium behavior be computed? - How can one set tolls on roads so that, in an equilibrium, there is no congestion and social welfare is maximized

    Emergent hypercongestion in Vickrey bottleneck networks

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    Hypercongestion—the phenomenon that higher traffic densities can reduce throughput—is well understood at the link level, but has also been observed in a macroscopic form at the level of traffic networks; for instance, in morning rush-hour traffic into a downtown core. In this paper, we show that macroscopic hypercongestion can occur as a purely emergent effect of dynamic equilibrium behavior on a network, even if the underlying link dynamics (we consider Vickrey bottlenecks with spaceless vertical queues) do not exhibit hypercongestion

    A Case for a Programmable Edge Storage Middleware

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    Edge computing is a fast-growing computing paradigm where data is processed at the local site where it is generated, close to the end-devices. This can benefit a set of disruptive applications like autonomous driving, augmented reality, and collaborative machine learning, which produce incredible amounts of data that need to be shared, processed and stored at the edge to meet low latency requirements. However, edge storage poses new challenges due to the scarcity and heterogeneity of edge infrastructures and the diversity of edge applications. In particular, edge applications may impose conflicting constraints and optimizations that are hard to be reconciled on the limited, hard-to-scale edge resources. In this vision paper we argue that a new middleware for constrained edge resources is needed, providing a unified storage service for diverse edge applications. We identify programmability as a critical feature that should be leveraged to optimize the resource sharing while delivering the specialization needed for edge applications. Following this line, we make a case for eBPF and present the design for Griffin - a flexible, lightweight programmable edge storage middleware powered by eBPF

    "All on short" prosthetic-implant supported rehabilitations

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    Objectives. Short implants are increasing their popularity among clinicians who want to fulfill the constant demanding of fixed prosthetic solutions in edentulous jaws. The aim of this report was to propose a new possibility to project and realize an occlusal guided implant cross-arch prosthesis supported by ultra-short implants, describing it presented an edentulous mandible case report. Methods. A 61-year-old, Caucasian, female patient who attended the dental clinic of the University of L’Aquila presented with edentulous posterior inferior jaw and periodontitis and periimplantitis processes in the anterior mandible. The remaining tooth and the affected implant were removed. Six 4-mm-long implants were placed to support a cross-arch metal-resin prosthesis. Results. At 1-year follow-up clinical and radiological assessment showed a good osseointegration of the fixtures and the patient was satisfied with the prosthesis solution. Conclusion. The method, even if it requires further validation, seems to be a valid aid in solving lower edentulous clinical cases, and appears less complex and with more indications of other proposals presented in the current clinical literature. Our case report differs from the current technique All-on-Four, which uses four implants in the mandible to support overdenture prosthesis, assuring a very promising clinical resul

    Multiple giant resonances in nuclei: their excitation and decay

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    The excitation of multiphonon giant resonances with heavy ions is discussed. The conventional theory, based on the use of the virtual photon number method in conjunction with the harmonic model is presented and its shortcomings are discussed. The recently developed model that invoke the Brink-Axel mechanism as an important contribution to the cross-section is discussed and compared to the conventional, harmonic model. The decay properties of these multiple giant resonances are also discussed within the same coherent + fluctuation model in conjunction with the hybrid decay model. It is demonstrated that the Brink-Axel mechanism enhances the direct decay of the states, as data seem to require. Comparison of our model with other recent theoretical works is presented.Comment: 12 pages, four figures, two tables. Invited talk at the International Conference on Collective Motion in Nuclei Under Extreme Conditions (COMEX1), Paris, France, 10-13 June 200

    Interactive design of dental implant placements through CAD-CAM technologies: from 3D imaging to additive manufacturing

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    In the field of oral rehabilitation, the combined use of 3D imaging technologies and computer-guided approaches allows the development of reliable tools to be used in preoperative assessment of implant placement. In particular, the accurate transfer of the virtual planning into the operative field through surgical guides represents the main challenge of modern dental implantology. Guided implant positioning allows surgical and prosthetic approaches with minimal trauma by reducing treatment time and decreasing patient’s discomfort. This paper aims at defining a CAD/CAM framework for the accurate planning of flapless dental implant surgery. The system embraces three major applications: (1) freeform modelling, including 3D tissue reconstruction and 2D/3D anatomy visualization, (2) computer-aided surgical planning and customised template modelling, (3) additive manufacturing of guided surgery template. The tissue modelling approach is based on the integration of two maxillofacial imaging techniques: tomographic scanning and surface optical scanning. A 3D virtual maxillofacial model is created by matching radiographic data, captured by a CBCT scanner, and surface anatomical data, acquired by a structured light scanner. The pre-surgical planning process is carried out and controlled within the CAD application by referring to the integrated anatomical model. A surgical guide is then created by solid modelling and manufactured by additive techniques. Two different clinical cases have been approached by inserting 11 different implants. CAD-based planned fixture placements have been transferred into the clinical field by customised surgical guides, made of a biocompatible resin and equipped with drilling sleeves

    Two-pion production in deuteron-deuteron collisions at low energies

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    The cross section for the dd -> 4He pi pi reaction is estimated near threshold in a two-step model where a pion created in a first interaction produces a second pion in a subsequent interaction. This approach, which describes well the rates of 2pi and eta production in the pd -> 3He pi pi and dd -> 4He eta reactions, leads to predictions that are much too low compared to experiment. Alternatives to this and the double-Delta model will have to be sought to explain these data.Comment: 5 pages with 4 postscript figure

    Extreme climate variability should be considered in forestry-assisted migration

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    International audienceRecently, Pedlar et al. (2012) stated that assisted migration in forestry (forestry AM) differs from species-rescue-assisted migration (species rescue AM) because the risks of invasiveness, hybridization with local species, and spread of diseases are minimized in managed forests. The rationale behind this assertion for forestry AM is that it involves the translocation of populations within the existing geographic range of the species, whereas species rescue AM involves the introduction of exotic species. However, while we agree that forestry AM is less risky than species rescue AM for the recipient ecosystem, forestry AM can not only fail but can also incur enormous financial costs. The failure of efforts that involved planting maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aït) trees in Southwest France (Aquitaine) with seeds from more southerly populations from Portugal for production purposes is a textbook case. The climate variability in Aquitaine includes periods of intense frost that are sufficiently rare (every 10 to 20 years) to be overlooked when establishing tree populations. The frost of the winter of 1985, the most intense frost event since records began with temperatures dropping as low as -22 °C (Boisseaux, 1986), affecting about 350 km2 of tree plantations in the region (Doré & Varoquaux, 2006). The highest mortality related to frost was observed in populations harvested from Leiria in Portugal, for which nearby records show that the absolute minimum temperature was only -7.8 °C in the last 60 years. Climate averages over the last 30 years differ only slightly between Leiria and Aquitaine, which would erroneously suggest that samples from Portugal would have survived in the Aquitaine region. Newly emerging climates (Williams et al. 2007) and the uncertainty related to climate change extreme events (Easterling, 2000) will make the search for southern locations with climatic conditions similar to those of northern populations of trees extremely difficult. Policies of forest adaptation to climate change should account for extreme cold events in the target populations even if climate change will likely decrease the number of extreme cold events (Easterling, 2000), that remain in our opinion, the hidden element behind the maladaptation of southern populations to northern locations
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