127 research outputs found

    Design and Performance of a High Temperature Superconducting Axial Flux Generator

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    In this paper, a high temperature axial flux (HTSAF) generator is presented. In this generator the excitation of the generator is obtained by using some high temperature superconducting magnets. In order to reduce the negative effects of vibrations, the excitation is located on the stationary part of the generator. Starting, running and endurance tests of the machine are presented

    Energetic Sustainability Using Renewable Energies in the Mediterranean Sea

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    The paper is focused on the analysis of the electrical energy sector in the Maltese islands, focusing on the employment of Renewable Energies in order to increase its energy independence. The main renewable source here proposed is wave energy: thanks to its strategic position, Malta will be able to generate electrical energy through the use of an innovative type of Wave Energy Converter (WEC) based on the prototype of linear generator designed and developed by the University of Palermo. This new technology will be able to cut down the electrical energy production from traditional power plants and, consequently, the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Wave energy source and off-shore photovoltaic (PV) technology are proposed here. Particularly, the installation of 18 wave farms, for a total installed capacity of 130 MW, will generate about 5.7% of Malta's energy requests in 2025, while the installation of 60 MW of off-shore PV will generate about 4.4%

    Evaluation of the Potential Energy from Wave Motion on the Sicilian coast

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    The purpose of this articles is quantitatively evaluate the wave climate variations of the northern Sicilian coasts. In particular, the objective of the study is Castellammare del Golfo, a marine site between Trapani and Palermo. In particular in this research, the wave energy of the Sicily has been studied by an analysis of wave data carried out in a 10- year period, using the measurements of buoyant of RON. The north-western and southern coasts of Sicily have a lower potential with average wave power ranging between 2.5 and 6.5 kW/m

    Assessment of the Usability and Accuracy of the Simplified One-Diode Models for Photovoltaic Modules

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    Models for photovoltaic (PV) cells and panels, based on the diode equivalent circuit, have been widely used because they are effective tools for system design. Many authors have presented simplified one-diode models whose three or four parameters are calculated using the data extracted from the datasheets issued by PV panel manufactures and adopting some simplifying hypotheses and numerical solving techniques. Sometimes it may be difficult to make a choice among so many models. To help researchers and designers working in the area of photovoltaic systems in selecting the model that is fit for purpose, a criterion for rating both the usability and accuracy of simplified one-diode models is proposed in this paper. The paper minutely describes the adopted hypotheses, analytical procedures and operative steps to calculate the parameters of the most famous simplified one-diode equivalent circuits. To test the achievable accuracy of the models, a comparison between the characteristics of some commercial PV modules issued by PV panel manufacturers and the calculated current-voltage (I-V) curves, at constant solar irradiance and/or cell temperature, is carried out. The study shows that, even if different usability ratings and accuracies are observed, the simplified one-diode models can be considered very effective tools

    A Planar Generator for a Wave Energy Converter

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    This article presents a permanent magnet planar translational generator which is able to exploit multiple modes of sea wave energy extraction. Linear electrical generators have recently been studied for the exploitation of sea wave energy, but, to the best of our knowledge, no synchronous planar translational generator has been proposed. In this article, to maximize the energy extraction, we have considered all the potential modes of motion due to wave excitation and included them within the mathematical model of the proposed system. The principle of operation of the generator can be summarized as follows: the moving part (translator) of the generator is driven from the sea waves and induces and electromotive force (EMF) on the windings mounted to the armature. The movement of the translator is 2-D and, therefore, all the movement modes of the wave, except heave, can be exploited. The proposed mathematical model includes the dynamic equations of the translator and the electric equations of the windings. The coupling parameters (inductances and fluxes) have been determined by finite element method analysis. Optimization of the device has been performed by considering both, the parameters of the electromagnetic circuit, and, the parameters associated with the stochastic features of the wave

    Hydrogen Production from Sea Wave for Alternative Energy Vehicles for Public Transport in Trapani (Italy)

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    The coupling of renewable energy and hydrogen technologies represents in the mid-term a very interesting way to match the tasks of increasing the reliable exploitation of wind and sea wave energy and introducing clean technologies in the transportation sector. This paper presents two different feasibility studies: the first proposes two plants based on wind and sea wave resource for the production, storage and distribution of hydrogen for public transportation facilities in theWest Sicily; the second applies the same approach to Pantelleria (a smaller island), including also some indications about solar resource. In both cases, all buses will be equipped with fuel-cells. A first economic analysis is presented together with the assessment of the avoidable greenhouse gas emissions during the operation phase. The scenarios addressed permit to correlate the demand of urban transport to renewable resources present in the territories and to the modern technologies available for the production of hydrogen from renewable energies. The study focuses on the possibility of tapping the renewable energy potential (wind and sea wave) for the hydrogen production by electrolysis. The use of hydrogen would significantly reduce emissions of particulate matter and greenhouse gases in urban districts under analysis. The procedures applied in the present article, as well as the main equations used, are the result of previous applications made in different technical fields that show a good replicability

    The Desalination Process Driven by Wave Energy: A Challenge for the Future

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    The correlation between water and energy is currently the focus of several investigations. In particular, desalination is a technological process characterized by high energy consumptionnevertheless, desalination represents the only practicable solution in several areas, where the availability of fresh water is limited but brackish water or seawater are present. These natural resources (energy and water) are essential for each otherenergy system conversion needs water, and electrical energy is necessary for water treatment or transport. Several interesting aspects include the study of saline desalination as an answer to freshwater needs and the application of renewable energy (RE) devices to satisfy electrical energy requirement for the desalination process. A merge between renewable energy and desalination is beneficial in that it is a sustainable and challenging option for the future. This work investigates the possibility of using renewable energy sources to supply the desalination process. In particular, as a case study, we analyze the application of wave energy sources in the Sicilian context.Univ Palermo UNIPA, Dept Energy Informat Engn & Math Models, I-90128 Palermo, ItalyUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Ciencias Exatas & Terra, BR-09910720 Sao Paulo, BrazilDepartament of Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Sao Paulo 09910-720, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    The recent change in the italian policies for photovoltaics: Effects on the energy demand coverage of grid-connected pv systems installed in urban contexts

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    In July 2013, the Italian photovoltaic (PV) support policies changed the feed-in tariff (FIT) mechanism and turned to a tax credits program, which is currently in force. The aim of this paper is to investigate how such a radical change has influenced the electricity demand coverage of the PV systems installed in urban contexts. A methodology, which connects the economic assessment to a detailed architectural and energy suitability analysis, was applied to some case studies to analyse the relationships between the physical parameters related to multi-storey buildings (roof shapes, number of floors and area of flats) and the most relevant economic and financial features affecting the viability of rooftop PV systems. The study, which considers only the electricity produced by the PV systems that are economically profitable, highlighted that the tax credits scheme is even more effective in covering the electrical consumption of densely urbanised Italian city districts. The results, which are significantly influenced by the latitude of the analysed districts, underline the opportunity for governments to adopt PV promoting policies that are more sensitive to the amount of solar energy available in the different regions of their national territory

    Assessment of the Operating Temperature of Crystalline PV Modules Based on Real Use Conditions

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    Determining the operating temperature of photovoltaic panels is important in evaluating the actual performance of these systems. In the literature, different correlations exist, in either explicit or implicit forms, which often do not account for the electrical behaviour of panels; in this way, estimating is based only on the passive behaviour of the . In this paper, the authors propose a new implicit correlation that takes into account the standard weather variables and the electricity production regimes of a panel in terms of the proximity to the maximum power points. To validate its reliability, the new correlation was tested on two different PV panels (Sanyo and Kyocera panels) and the results were compared with values obtained from other common correlations already available in the literature. The data show that the quality of the new correlation drastically improves the estimation of the photovoltaic operating temperature
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