3 research outputs found

    Low genetic diversity of the reintroduced bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) population in the Alps calls for further releases

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    Reintroductions are a valuable tool to reestablish locally extirpated species. A difficult decision facing all reintroduction projects is when to stop further releases, both from a demographic and genetic view point. Here we address this question in the case of the reintroduction of bearded vultures (Gypaetus barbatus) in the Alps, which were exterminated in the early 20th century mainly due to human hunting. To investigate the genetic diversity present in today’s reintroduced Alpine bearded vulture population, we reconstructed a pedigree, spanning the entire reintroduction program since the beginning of the captive breeding (1973-2010). We found that not every founder bird was equally well represented in the wild population and that founder genome equivalents were low (13). Moreover, wildborn bearded vultures showed a relatively high mean inbreeding coefficient compared to the captive birds and the effective population size was estimated to be only 28. Overall, this suggests that there is not enough genetic diversity in the wild Alpine bearded vulture population to ensure its longterm sustainability. Therefore further releases are recommended

    First results from the releases of Cinereous Vultures (Aegypius monachus) aiming at re-introducing the species in Bulgaria – the start of the establishment phase 2018–2022

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    The current work presents the preliminary results of the Cinereous Vulture (Aegypius monachus) releases in the Balkan Mountains in 2018–2022, aiming at the species re-introduction in Bulgaria, where it was listed as locally extinct since 1985. The first imports and releases of Cinereous Vultures in Bulgaria started in 2018. Until mid-2022, 72 individuals were released in the Eastern Balkan Mountains (Kotlenska Planina SPA and Sinite Kamani Nature Park) and Vrachanski Balkan Nature Park. Of them, 63 immatures imported from Spain were released from aviaries and nine juveniles captive-bred in European zoos were released by hacking (fledging from an artificial nest). We compared the success in survival and establishment between the different release sites and methods used to adjust the ongoing technics and tactics and to support knowledge improvement for future similar projects.From the nine Cinereous Vultures released by hacking, the results were as follows: 1.00 fledging success, but only 0.22 survival in the first six months – combined period of acclimation, first migration and the first winter. All survivors from that period reached maturity into the wild, but all emigrated from the release site and settled elsewhere.Of the 63 individuals released by aviaries, 32 individuals were released in the Eastern Balkan Mountains (18 individuals are still alive – 0.56 survival; 14 individuals settled in the area, which accounts for 0.44 of all released birds and 0.78 of the survivors). Thirty-one individuals were released in Vrachanski Balkan Nature Park (23 individuals are still alive – 0.74 survival; 22 individuals settled in the area – 0.71 of all released birds and 0.96 of the survivors). Based only on aviary method comparison, the settling of the individuals in the release area was alike in the two sites. However, the Vrachanski Balkan Nature Park performed better in survival – both in acclimation and establishment periods.While comparing the release methods – hacking and release from the aviary – the following results were observed: the survival rate during acclimation was 0.86. Due to more considerable losses during the first migration and dispersal in the individuals released by hacking, the survival rate of 0.22 was significantly lower compared to 0.73 for the birds released from the aviary. Additionally, in both methods, a similar pattern in the first winter and spring migration dispersal was observed. Although the survival was equal in the released-by-hacking or aviary birds after the first year onwards, it is essential to note that the emigration of the hacked birds from the release site was 1.00. In comparison, the birds released from aviaries largely remained and settled in the release area (> 0.77 of the survivors). The cost of release and related acclimation, settling, dispersal and the first winter was the greatest: 0.12–0.17 per period, or cumulatively, it was about 0.27. Survival increased and stabilised to > 0.90 after the first year in the wild and reached nearly 1.00 after two years in the wild onwards.Two distinct nuclei of the Cinereous Vulture were established along the Balkan Mountains – the Eastern Balkan Mountains with 18–23 individuals and four formed pairs using a territory of about 642.74 km2 – 95% home range and 85.72 km2 – 50% core area with center being the town of Kotel; and Vrachanski Balkan Nature Park with present 23–29 individuals, of which 2–3 pairs formed so far, using a territory of about 1,143.66 km2 – 95% home range and 22.89 km2 – 50% core area with center being the village of Zgorigrad. The species readily accepted breeding in artificial nest platforms built by professional arborists on different tree species – oak, beech, sycamore and pine. The only naturally built nests were on the ground (n = 2) (unsuccessful) and in Scots Pine (n = 1) (successful). In 2021 and 2022, in each of the two sites, the first successful reproductions were recorded, which marked the return of the Cinereous Vulture as breeding species – 28 years after the last occasional record of a single breeding pair in the country and 36 years after it was officially listed as locally extinct in Bulgaria

    Spatial and Temporal Variability in Migration of a Soaring Raptor Across Three Continents

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    International audienceDisentangling individual-and population-level variation in migratory movements is necessary for understanding migration at the species level. However, very few studies have analyzed these patterns across large portions of species' distributions. We compiled a large telemetry dataset on the globally endangered Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus (94 individuals, 188 completed migratory journeys), tracked across ∌70% of the species' global range, to analyze spatial and temporal variability of migratory movements within and among individuals and populations. We found high migratory connectivity at large spatial scales (i.e., different subpopulations showed little overlap in wintering areas), but very diffuse migratory connectivity within subpopulations, with wintering ranges up to 4,000 km apart for birds breeding in the same region and each subpopulation visiting up to 28 countries (44 in total). Additionally, Egyptian Vultures exhibited a high level of variability at the subpopulation level and flexibility at the individual level in basic migration parameters. Subpopulations differed significantly in travel distance and straightness of migratory movements, while differences in migration speed and duration differed as much between seasons and among individuals within subpopulations as between subpopulations. The total distances of the migrations completed by individuals from the Balkans and Caucasus were up to twice as long and less direct than those in Western Europe, and consequently were longer in duration, despite faster migration speeds. These differences appear to be largely attributable to more numerous and wider geographic barriers (water bodies) along the eastern flyway. We also found that adult spring migrations to Western Europe and the Balkans were longer and slower than fall migrations. We encourage further research to assess the underlying mechanisms for these differences and the extent to which environmental change could affect Egyptian Vulture movement ecology and population trends