129 research outputs found

    Schulische Förderung von Hochbegabten: Ergebnisse nationaler und internationaler Studien

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    [Die vorliegende Einführung gibt einen Überblick über die PULSS-Studie die] als wissenschaftliche Begleitstudie zur Frage der Bewährung von Förderklassen für Hochbegabte an Gymnasien von den Kultusministerien Baden-Württembergs und Bayerns in Auftrag gegeben und seither auch von der Karg-Stiftung ideell und finanziell unterstützt [wurde]. Es sollte […] auf der Basis einer größeren und damit aussagekräftigen Stichprobe von Schülerinnen und Schülern aus Förderklassen und Regelklassen Hinweise darauf geben, ob sich die insbesondere in internationalen Studien berichteten positiven Effekte der Fähigkeitsgruppierung auch im deutschsprachigen Bereich wiederfinden. […] Die umfangreich konzipierte Längsschnittstudie sollte also auch Aufschluss darüber bringen, ob die segregierte versus integrierte Beschulung von Hochbegabten zu vergleichbaren Ergebnissen führt. (DIPF/Orig.

    Beratungsanliegen und -themen im Feld Hochbegabung

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    Um die Beratung von hochbegabten Kindern und Jugendlichen sowie von deren Bezugspersonen optimal gestalten zu können, sind Kenntnisse über die Beratungsbedürfnisse der Klienten von großer Bedeutung. Je ausführlicher Informationen zu den Beratungsanlässen vorliegen, umso besser lassen sich die Beratungstätigkeit wie auch die Aus- und Weiterbildung der Beratenden darauf abstimmen. Dieser Artikel gibt einen Überblick über die Ergebnisse empirischer Studien, die Beratungsanlässe und –themen im Feld der Hochbegabtenberatung erhoben haben. Hierzu werden zunächst (erstmalig) die Befunde einer im Jahr 2014 in Kooperation von Karg-Stiftung und Universität Trier durchgeführten Erhebung berichtet. Anschließend wird zusammenfassend folgenden zentralen Fragen nachgegangen: Mit welchen Anliegen wenden sich Familien mit (vermutlich) hochbegabten Kindern und Jugendlichen an Beratungsstellen im Feld Hochbegabung? Unterscheiden sich die Beratungsanliegen der Ratsuchenden in Abhängigkeit von Alter und Geschlecht des Kindes? Was wissen wir über die ratsuchenden Familien? (DIPF/Orig.

    Deliberate practice in music: Development and psychometric validation of a standardized measurement instrument

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    Practice is the process through which musicians improve their performance abilities and increase their level of expertise. Deliberate Practice (DP) is a theory of expertise based on the concept that interindividual differences in the level of proficiency in a specific domain can be mostly explained by interindividual differences in the amount of deliberate practice; despite its popularity, subsequent studies have demonstrated several critical issues in Ericsson’s DP concept, due to its vagueness in definitions, arbitrary measurements of expertise, and inability to account for the possible role of genes. The present project aimed at creating a new questionnaire, capable of measuring practice quality in terms of deliberate practice for the music domain, regardless of the instrument and musical genre played, at any level of expertise. Based on data from a sample of 1,558 musicians, ranging from amateurs to world-renowned soloists, the Deliberate Practice in Music Inventory (DPMI) was created, a self-report questionnaire and measurement instrument for practice quality consisting of a main DP scale and four subscales: Process improvement, Practice competences, Mindless practice (inverted scale), and Task decomposition. Results indicated that musicians who implement effective practice habits are focused on solving problems related to music playing and often refine their practice routines to increase their effectiveness. In addition, musicians who usually exhibit high amounts of DP behavior often decompose long and complex tasks into shorter and simpler elements, aiming to master them more easily and in shorter time. The DPMI instrument shows good convergent validity with measures related to expertise in music as well as good predictive validity for performance improvement. The DPMI generates new perspectives for the field of musical expertise research

    Fragen & Antworten zum Thema Hochbegabung

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    Der Band widmet sich vertiefend der Thematik Hochbegabung und gibt Antworten auf die Fragen: Was ist Hochbegabung? Wie kann man sie erkennen? Wo finden Hochbegabte und ihr Umfeld Rat? Wie kann man sie bestmöglich fördern? Er richtet sich an pädagogische und psychologische Fachkräfte in Bildungseinrichtungen, Bildungsträgern, Bildungspolitik, in Aus- und Fortbildungsstätten, aber auch an Eltern und Hochbegabte selbst

    Top-performing math students in 82 countries : An integrative data analysis of gender differences in achievement, achievement profiles, and achievement motivation

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    The present integrative data analysis examined gender differences in achievement, achievement profiles, and achievement motivation in mathematics, reading, and science among 113,864 top-performing adolescent math students (top 5% in their respective countries). To do this, we applied the same analysis protocol to representative individual participant data from six cycles of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA 2000–2015; 82 countries) and integrated the results by using meta-analytical random coefficient models. We found that in the group of top-performing math students, male students were overrepresented (mean female-to-male ratio 1:1.50, 95% CI [1:1.58, 1:1:43]). Furthermore, female students possessed better reading skills (mean d = –0.23, 95% CI [–0.25, –0.21]) and more positive reading attitudes (–0.64, 95% CI [–0.69, –0.60] ≤ mean d ≤ –0.38, 95% CI [–0.46, –0.30]). Male students had stronger math self-efficacy (mean d = 0.32, 95% CI [0.28, 0.35]) and demonstrated mathematics-oriented achievement profiles, whereas female students’ profiles were more balanced across domains. Moreover, female students were more interested in organic and medical fields (–0.44, 95% CI [–0.48, –0.40] ≤ mean d ≤ –0.30, 95% CI [–0.34, –0.25]), whereas male students showed greater interest in physics-related topics (0.39, 95% CI [0.36, 0.43] ≤ mean d ≤ 0.54, 95% CI [0.50, 0.58]). Gender equality indicators moderated the proportion of female students in the top 5% in mathematics and explained variability in achievement profiles across countries. Results are explained by social role theory and situated expectancy–value theory, and implications for women’s underrepresentation in (specific) STEM fields are discussed. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved

    Developmental Dynamics of General and School-Subject-Specific Components of Academic Self-Concept, Academic Interest, and Academic Anxiety

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    The present study investigated the developmental dynamics of general and subject-specific (i.e., mathematics, French, and German) components of students' academic self-concept, anxiety, and interest. To this end, the authors integrated three lines of research: (a) hierarchical and multidimensional approaches to the conceptualization of each construct, (b) longitudinal analyses of bottom-up and top-down developmental processes across hierarchical levels, and (c) developmental processes across subjects. The data stemmed from two longitudinal large-scale samples (N = 3498 and N = 3863) of students attending Grades 7 and 9 in Luxembourgish schools. Nested-factor models were applied to represent each construct at each grade level. The analyses demonstrated that several characteristics were shared across constructs. All constructs were multidimensional in nature with respect to the different subjects, showed a hierarchical organization with a general component at the apex of the hierarchy, and had a strong separation between the subject-specific components at both grade levels. Further, all constructs showed moderate differential stabilities at both the general (0.42 < r < 0.55) and subject-specific levels (0.45 < r < 0.73). Further, little evidence was found for top-down or bottom-up developmental processes. Rather, general and subject-specific components in Grade 9 proved to be primarily a function of the corresponding components in Grade 7. Finally, change in several subject- specific components could be explained by negative effects across subjects

    The structure of academic self-concept. A methodological review and empirical illustration of central models

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    The structure of academic self-concept (ASC) is assumed to be multidimensional and hierarchical. This methodological review considers the most central models depicting the structure of ASC: a higher-order factor model, the Marsh/Shavelson model, the nested Marsh/Shavelson model, a bifactor representation based on exploratory structural equation modeling, and a first-order factor model. We elaborate on how these models represent the theoretical assumptions on the structure of ASC and outline their inherent psychometric properties. We analyzed these models using a data set of German 10th-grade students (N = 1,232) including a wide range of domain-specific ASCs as well as general ASC. The correlations among ASCs and between ASCs and academic achievement varied depending on the structural model used. We conclude with discussing recommendations for research purposes and advantages and limitations of each ASC model. Our approach may also guide research on other affective or motivational constructs (e.g., academic anxiety or interest). (DIPF/Orig.

    Need for Cognition and its relation to academic achievement in different learning environments

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    The present study investigates how Need for Cognition (NFC), an individual's tendency to engage in and enjoy thinking, relates to academic achievement in 9th grade students (N = 3.355) attending different school tracks to understand whether school track moderates this relation when controlling for student background variables. Using structural regression analyses, our findings revealed small and significant positive relations between NFC and academic achievement in German, French and Math. Relations were strongest in the highest and weakest in the lowest track. No significant track difference between the highest and the intermediary track could be identified; significant differences of small effect size between the intermediary and the lowest track were found in favor of the intermediary track in the relation between NFC and academic achievement in German and Math. These findings underpin the importance of NFC in academic settings, while highlighting that the relation between NFC and achievement varies with the characteristics of different learning environments

    Preventing Response Elimination Strategies Improves the Convergent Validity of Figural Matrices

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    Several studies have shown that figural matrices can be solved with one of two strategies: (1) Constructive matching consisting of cognitively generating an idealized response, which is then compared with the options provided by the response format; or (2) Response elimination consisting of comparing the response format with the item stem in order to eliminate incorrect responses. A recent study demonstrated that employing a response format that reduces response elimination strategies results in higher convergent validity concerning general intelligence. In this study, we used the construction task, which works entirely without distractors because the solution has to be generated in a computerized testing environment. Therefore, response elimination is completely prevented. Our results show that the convergent validity of general intelligence and working memory capacity when using a test employing the construction task is substantially higher than when using tests employing distractors that followed construction strategies used in other studies. Theoretical as well as practical implications of this finding are discussed

    The relation between Self-Control, Need for Cognition and Action Orientation in secondary school students: A conceptual replication study

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    Self-Control can be defined as the self-initiated effortful process that enables individuals to resist temptation impulses. It is relevant for conducting a healthy and successful life. For university students, Grass et al. (2019) found that Need for Cognition as the tendency to engage in and enjoy thinking, and Action Orientation as the flexible recruitment of control resources in cognitively demanding situations, predict Self-Control. Further, Action Orientation partially mediated the relation between Need for Cognition and Self-Control. In the present conceptual replication study, we investigated the relations between Self-Control, Need for Cognition, and Action Orientation in adolescence (N = 892 9th graders) as a pivotal period for the development of Self-control. We replicated the findings that Need for Cognition and Action Orientation predict Self-Control and that Action Orientation partially mediates the relation between Need for Cognition and Self-Control. In addition, Action Orientation moderates the relation between Need for Cognition and Self-Control. This result implies that in more action-oriented students Need for Cognition more strongly predicted Self-Control than in less action-oriented students. Our findings strengthen theoretical assumptions that Need for Cognition and Action Orientation are important cognitive and behavioral mechanisms that contribute to the successful exertion of Self-Control
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