2,614 research outputs found

    Matroid Regression

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    We propose an algebraic combinatorial method for solving large sparse linear systems of equations locally - that is, a method which can compute single evaluations of the signal without computing the whole signal. The method scales only in the sparsity of the system and not in its size, and allows to provide error estimates for any solution method. At the heart of our approach is the so-called regression matroid, a combinatorial object associated to sparsity patterns, which allows to replace inversion of the large matrix with the inversion of a kernel matrix that is constant size. We show that our method provides the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) for this setting and the minimum variance unbiased estimator (MVUE) under Gaussian noise assumptions, and furthermore we show that the size of the kernel matrix which is to be inverted can be traded off with accuracy

    Dual-to-kernel learning with ideals

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    In this paper, we propose a theory which unifies kernel learning and symbolic algebraic methods. We show that both worlds are inherently dual to each other, and we use this duality to combine the structure-awareness of algebraic methods with the efficiency and generality of kernels. The main idea lies in relating polynomial rings to feature space, and ideals to manifolds, then exploiting this generative-discriminative duality on kernel matrices. We illustrate this by proposing two algorithms, IPCA and AVICA, for simultaneous manifold and feature learning, and test their accuracy on synthetic and real world data.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Algebraic matroids with graph symmetry

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    This paper studies the properties of two kinds of matroids: (a) algebraic matroids and (b) finite and infinite matroids whose ground set have some canonical symmetry, for example row and column symmetry and transposition symmetry. For (a) algebraic matroids, we expose cryptomorphisms making them accessible to techniques from commutative algebra. This allows us to introduce for each circuit in an algebraic matroid an invariant called circuit polynomial, generalizing the minimal poly- nomial in classical Galois theory, and studying the matroid structure with multivariate methods. For (b) matroids with symmetries we introduce combinatorial invariants capturing structural properties of the rank function and its limit behavior, and obtain proofs which are purely combinatorial and do not assume algebraicity of the matroid; these imply and generalize known results in some specific cases where the matroid is also algebraic. These results are motivated by, and readily applicable to framework rigidity, low-rank matrix completion and determinantal varieties, which lie in the intersection of (a) and (b) where additional results can be derived. We study the corresponding matroids and their associated invariants, and for selected cases, we characterize the matroidal structure and the circuit polynomials completely

    Obtaining error-minimizing estimates and universal entry-wise error bounds for low-rank matrix completion

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    We propose a general framework for reconstructing and denoising single entries of incomplete and noisy entries. We describe: effective algorithms for deciding if and entry can be reconstructed and, if so, for reconstructing and denoising it; and a priori bounds on the error of each entry, individually. In the noiseless case our algorithm is exact. For rank-one matrices, the new algorithm is fast, admits a highly-parallel implementation, and produces an error minimizing estimate that is qualitatively close to our theoretical and the state-of-the-art Nuclear Norm and OptSpace methods

    Disease spread through animal movements: a static and temporal network analysis of pig trade in Germany

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    Background: Animal trade plays an important role for the spread of infectious diseases in livestock populations. As a case study, we consider pig trade in Germany, where trade actors (agricultural premises) form a complex network. The central question is how infectious diseases can potentially spread within the system of trade contacts. We address this question by analyzing the underlying network of animal movements. Methodology/Findings: The considered pig trade dataset spans several years and is analyzed with respect to its potential to spread infectious diseases. Focusing on measurements of network-topological properties, we avoid the usage of external parameters, since these properties are independent of specific pathogens. They are on the contrary of great importance for understanding any general spreading process on this particular network. We analyze the system using different network models, which include varying amounts of information: (i) static network, (ii) network as a time series of uncorrelated snapshots, (iii) temporal network, where causality is explicitly taken into account. Findings: Our approach provides a general framework for a topological-temporal characterization of livestock trade networks. We find that a static network view captures many relevant aspects of the trade system, and premises can be classified into two clearly defined risk classes. Moreover, our results allow for an efficient allocation strategy for intervention measures using centrality measures. Data on trade volume does barely alter the results and is therefore of secondary importance. Although a static network description yields useful results, the temporal resolution of data plays an outstanding role for an in-depth understanding of spreading processes. This applies in particular for an accurate calculation of the maximum outbreak size.Comment: main text 33 pages, 17 figures, supporting information 7 pages, 7 figure
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