87 research outputs found

    Intrinsic noise equivalent concentration of dynamic mode microcantilever biosensors

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    The presented theory enables systematic investigation of the dependence of the minimal detectable concentration of the target analyte, determined by the cantilever intrinsic noise, on various parameters. Inclusion of the influence of effects such as the mass transfer in noise considerations results in a more accurate noise model, which is necessary when methods based on noise measurements are developed.\ud \ud Poster presented at the 38th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering MNE, 16-20 September 2012, Toulouse, Franc

    Upotreba QFD alata u realizaciji inteligentnih transmitera

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    U radu je analizirana tehnologija proizvodnje industrijskih transmitera, u saglasnosti sa potrebama krajnjeg korisnika. Takođe, izvršeno je i poređenje domaćeg u odnosu na vodeće svetske proizvođače transmitera. Primenom QFD metode na posmatranom primeru kroz analizu grešaka u procesu proizvodnje modula i realizaciju kuće kvaliteta na primeru novog proizvoda - inteligentnog transmitera. Novo rešenje pokazuje da su definisani svi parametri dizajna i da je modularna arhitektura prihvatljiva u dobijanju palete novih proizvoda. Ti novi proizvodi mogu se koristiti za ponovnu upotrebu i reciklažu materijala.In this paper we analyze the production technology of industrial transmitters from the aspect of customers' needs. Also, a comparison is made between such products of one domestic and some of the world-leading transmitter manufacturers. In the observed case the QFD method was used through the analysis of manufacturing errors. A realization of the house of quality is presented using the example of a new product - an intelligent pressure transmitter. The main design parameters are defined, and the modular architecture is accepted as optimal for the new product range. The new products are made suitable for reuse and recycling.21. simpozijum Menadžment kvalitetom, 05-07 Jun 2018., Beograd, Srbij

    Noise Spectrum as a Source of Information in Gas Sensors Based on Liquid-Phase Exfoliated Graphene

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    Surfaces of adsorption-based gas sensors are often heterogeneous, with adsorption sites that differ in their affinities for gas particle binding. Knowing adsorption/desorption energies, surface densities and the relative abundance of sites of different types is important, because these parameters impact sensor sensitivity and selectivity, and are relevant for revealing the response-generating mechanisms. We show that the analysis of the noise of adsorption-based sensors can be used to study gas adsorption on heterogeneous sensing surfaces, which is applicable to industrially important liquid-phase exfoliated (LPE) graphene. Our results for CO2 adsorption on an LPE graphene surface, with different types of adsorption sites on graphene flake edges and basal planes, show that the noise spectrum data can be used to characterize such surfaces in terms of parameters that determine the sensing properties of the adsorbing material. Notably, the spectrum characteristic frequencies are an unambiguous indicator of the relative abundance of different types of adsorption sites on the sensing surface and their surface densities. We also demonstrate that spectrum features indicate the fraction of the binding sites that are already occupied by another gas species. The presented study can be applied to the design and production of graphene and other sensing surfaces with an optimal sensing performance


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    Modeling of adsorption and desorption in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) generally is crucial for their optimization and control, whether it is necessary to decrease the adsorption-desorption influence (thus ensuring stable operation of ultra-precise micro and nanoresonators) or to increase it (and enhancing in this manner the sensitivity of chemical and biological resonant sensors). In this work we derive and use analytical mathematical expressions to model stochastic fluctuations of the mass adsorbed on the MEMS resonator (mass loading noise). We consider the case where the resonator surface incorporates two different types of binding sites and where non-negligible depletion of the adsorbate occurs in a closed resonator chamber. We arrive at a novel expression for the power spectral density of mass loading noise in resonators and prove the necessity of its application in cases when resonators are exposed to low adsorbate concentrations. We use the novel approach presented here to calculate the resonator performance. In this way we ensure optimization of these MEMS devices and consequentially abatement of adsorption-desorption noise-caused degradation of their operation, both in the case of micro/nanoresonators and resonant sensors. This work is intended for a general use in the design, development and optimization of different MEMS systems based on mechanical resonators, ranging from the RF components to chemical and biological sensors

    Кorišćenje QFD И AHP alata u slučaju proizvodnje industrijskih transmitera

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    The analysis of a new product realization from the view of customer requirements and a relevant technical response of a company is presented in this paper. Two types of tools are used: QFD and AHP. HOQ within QFD is used for modeling technical requirements on the basis of defined customer demands. AHP serves as an addition in the process of technical requirements definition, it is used as a strategy for fast response to customer requirements. A comparison between leading foreign and domestic producers of transmitters has also been presented. HOQ realization on the example of intelligent pressure transmitter has shown that design parameters were defined. The implementation of AHP methodology has pointed at the significance of modular architecture for transmitter realization. Original contribution of this work is reflected in QFD analysis solutions – customer requirements were satisfied by giving technical characteristics with the aim of a new product realization.У овом раду представљена је анализа реализације новог производа са аспекта потреба купаца и релевантног техничког одговора компаније. Користе се две врсте алата: QFD и АHP. HOQ у оквиру QFD се користи за моделирање техничких захтева на основу дефинисаних потреба клијената. AHP служи као додатак у процесу дефинисања техничких захтева, употребљава се као стратегија за брзо реаговање на захтеве купаца. Такође је приказано поређење водећих страних и домаћих произвођача трансмитера. Реализација HOQ-а на примеру интелигентног трансмитера притиска показала је да су параметри дизајна дефинисани. Примена AHP методологије указала је на значај модуларне архитектуре за реализацију трансмитера. Оригинални допринос овог рада огледа се у QFD анализама - захтеви купаца су удовољени давањем техничких карактеристика са циљем реализације новог производа

    Analiza i unapređenje proizvodnje transmitera u IHTM-u

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    In this paper analyzes the technology of production of these IHTM transmitters in relation to the other side of competition. QFD analysis gives us the direction to be moving production of local transmitters. Foreign manufacturers of transmitters are the leaders of the quality, design and new technology. The results speak about the necessity of implementation of quality management in IHTM-in based on the ISO 9001:2000 series of standards in terms of improving the competitive advantages of domestic companies. Competitiveness of domestic manufacturer of transmitters in relation to the overseas must be reflected in the improvement of existing transmitters, and the introduction of quality system ISO 9001:2000 as well as expansion of the range of new products required (SMART transmitters).U ovom radu je analizirana tehnologija proizvodnje IHTM-ovih transmitera u odnosu na ostale strane konkurente. QFD analiza nam daje kojim pravcem treba da se kreće proizvodnja domaćih transmitera. Inostrani proizvođači transmitera su lideri po kvalitetu izrade, dizajnu i osvajanju novih tehnologija. Prikazani rezultati govore o neophodnosti implementacije koncepta upravljanja kvalitetom u IHTM-u na osnovu serije standarda ISO 9001:2000, u funkciji poboljšanja konkurentske prednosti domaćih preduzeća. Konkurentnost domaćeg proizvođača transmitera u odnosu na inostrane mora da se ogleda u poboljšanju kvaliteta postojećih transmitera i uvođenje sistema kvaliteta ISO 9001:2000 kao i proširenje asortimana na nove tražene proizvode (SMART transmiteri)

    Model za unapređenje ispitivanja transdjusera u maloserijskoj proizvodnji

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    Research in CMTM improves the development of static characteristic sensors or transducers. Automation of measurements with existing interface gives us the ability to classify and analyze important information about the device we are studying. This paper analyzes the models to improve the measurement process on existing equipment. .Istraživanja u CMTM-u obuhvataju usavršavanje statičkih karakteristika senzora ili transdjusera. Automatizacija procesa merenja na postojećoj aparaturi pruža nam mogućnost da klasifikujemo i analiziramo važne informacije o uređaju koji ispitujemo. U radu su analizirani modeli kako unaprediti proces merenja se stanovišta iskorišćenja postojeće opreme.

    Analysis of Stochastic Time Response of Microfluidic Biosensors in the Case of Competitive Adsorption of Two Analytes

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    A model of stochastic time response of adsorption-based microfluidic biosensors is presented, that considers the competitive adsorption-desorption process coupled with mass transfer of two analytes. By using the model we analyze the expected value of the adsorbed particles number of each analyte, which determine the sensor response kinetics. The comparison with the case when only one analyte exists is used for investigation of the influence of competitive adsorption on the sensor response. The response kinetics analyzed by using the stochastic model is compared with the kinetics predicted by the deterministic response model. The results are useful for optimization of micro/nanosensors intended for detection of substances in ultra-low concentrations in complex samples

    Model za unapređenje ispitivanja transdjusera u maloserijskoj proizvodnji

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    Research in CMTM improves the development of static characteristic sensors or transducers. Automation of measurements with existing interface gives us the ability to classify and analyze important information about the device we are studying. This paper analyzes the models to improve the measurement process on existing equipment. .Istraživanja u CMTM-u obuhvataju usavršavanje statičkih karakteristika senzora ili transdjusera. Automatizacija procesa merenja na postojećoj aparaturi pruža nam mogućnost da klasifikujemo i analiziramo važne informacije o uređaju koji ispitujemo. U radu su analizirani modeli kako unaprediti proces merenja se stanovišta iskorišćenja postojeće opreme.


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    During the past two decades a considerable effort has been made to develop radio-frequency (RF) resonators which are fabricated using the micro/nanoelectro-mechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) technologies, in order to replace conventional large off-chip components in wireless transceivers and other high-speed electronic systems.The first part of the paper presents an overview of RF MEMS and NEMS resonators, including those based on two-dimensional crystals (e.g. graphene). The frequency tuning in MEMS/NEMS resonators is then analyzed. Improvements that would be necessary in order for MEMS/NEMS resonators to meet the requirements of wireless systems are also discussed.The analysis of noise of RF MEMS/NEMS resonators and oscillators is especially important in modern wireless communication systems due to increasingly stringent requirements regarding the acceptable noise level in every next generation. The second part of the paper presents the analysis of adsorption-desorption (AD) noise in RF MEMS/NEMS resonators, which becomes pronounced with the decrease of components' dimensions, and is not sufficiently elaborated in the existing literature about such components. Finally, a theoretical model of phase noise in RF MEMS/NEMS oscillators will be presented, with a special emphasize on the influence of the resonator AD noise on the oscillator phase noise