11,840 research outputs found

    Polymatroids and polyquantoids

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    When studying entropy functions of multivariate probability distributions, polymatroids and matroids emerge. Entropy functions of pure multiparty quantum states give rise to analogous notions, called here polyquantoids and quantoids. Polymatroids and polyquantoids are related via linear mappings and duality. Quantum secret sharing schemes that are ideal are described by selfdual matroids. Expansions of integer polyquantoids to quantoids are studied and linked to that of polymatroids

    Information System for ESN Section

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    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje především na vytvoření informačního systému pro podporu hlavních procesů Medzinárodního studentského klubu Vysokého učení technického v Brně a jiných sekcí Erasmus Student Network. Práce obsahuje teoretickou část, popis současného stavu, jeho souhrn a návrh informačního systému.Bachelor thesis mainly focuses on designing an information system which supports main processes of International Students Club of Brno University of Technology and other sections of Erasmus Student Network. Thesis contains theoretical part, analysis of current state and proposal of information system.

    Analysis of the causes of the low number of IPOs at Prague stock exchange compared to Polish stock exchange

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    One of many possibilities how to gain new resources for the economic development of the company is initial public offering (IPO). The initial public offerings help to strengthen the importance of the capital market and consequently also the economic development of a particular country. One of the most dynamic markets as regards the number of IPOs is considered to be the Polish capital market. The aim of the article is to determine general factors influencing the decision of the issuer to place its issue at a particular market, and then these factors will be applied to the Prague Stock Exchange and Warsaw Stock Exchange and we will analyse the reasons of the difference in the number of the IPOs performed

    Novel "green" catalysts for controlled ring-opening polymerization of lactide

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    Syntéza polylaktidu (PLA) polymerací za otevření kruhu cyklického monomeru (ROP) může být uskutečněna různými způsoby. Literatura uvádí více než 100 katalytických systémů, jejichž pomocí lze polylaktid a jiné biodegradabilní alifatické polyestery získat. Například organokovové katalyzátory na bázi Sn, Zn, Al atd. se po splnění své polymerační funkce stávají kontaminanty a pro humánní implantáty je použití takového materiálu diskutabilní. V současné době jsou v centru výzkumné pozornosti nové N-heterocyklické karbenové katalyzátory. Tyto „metal-free“ katalytické struktury jsou schopné reprodukovatelně řídit syntézu polymerů předem definované molekulové hmotnosti s definovanými koncovými skupinami a nízkou polydisperzitou, která je charakteristická pro živý průběh polymerace. Nabízí se možnost syntézy blokových kopolymerů a různorodých makromolekulárních architektur. Předložená diplomová práce se zabývá studiem polymerace cyklického monomeru D,L-laktidu katalyzované N-heterocyklickým karbenem. Polymerace byly vedeny v přítomnosti benzylalkoholu jako iniciátoru v roztoku THF. Byl sledován vliv složení reakčního systému monomer – iniciátor – katalyzátor. Dále byly připraveny polymery opticky čistého L-laktidu s makroiniciátory PEG s Mn = 1000 a 2000 g/mol. Střední číselná molekulová hmotnost (Mn) a polydisperzita (PDI) byly stanoveny pomocí GPC. Definovatelnost koncových skupin vybraných polymerů byla prokázána pomocí 1H NMR.The synthesis of polylactide (PLA) by ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of cyclic monomer can be realized by different routes. More than 100 catalysts for the synthesis of polylactide and other biodegradable aliphatic polyesters are published in the literature. For example organometallic catalysts based on Sn, Zn, Al etc. after finishing polymerization function became contaminants and using obtained polymer material in human body is controversial. At present, the research is focused on novel N-hererocyclic carbene catalysts. These metal-free catalysts are able to produce polymers with controlled molecular weight, narrow polydispersity, end-group fidelity with high reproducibility as well as to synthesize the block copolymers and complex macromolecular architectures, which is characteristic for living polymerization system. This diploma thesis is focused on study of polymerization of cyclic monomer D,L-lactide catalyzed by N-hererocyclic carbene. Polymerizations were carried out at the presence of benzylalcohol as initiator at THF. We were focused on the influence of composition of reaction system monomer – initiator – catalyst. Polymers of optically pure L-lactide with macroinitiators PEG with Mn of 1000 a 2000 g/mol were prepared as well. Number average molecular weight (Mn) and polydispersity index (PDI) was determined by GPC. 1H NMR was used to prove end-group fidelity.

    Arithmetic of Property Rights: A Leontief-type Model of Ownership Structures

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    A simple algebraic model of a property structure leading to the Leontief-type input-output scheme is developed and used to eliminate indirect ownership relations and evaluate the final distribution of national property among individual owners. Concepts of "family capitalism" and "capitalism of agents" type of corporate governance are defined and compared. Implications of different designs of corporate governance for general equilibrium theory, profit distribution and decision making are discussed.Corporate governance; Leontief input-output model; ownership structure; primary owners; principal-agent problem; secondary owners

    National, Political and Institutional Influence in European Union Decision Making

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    The distribution of decisional power among member states of the EU has remained a hot issue in recent discussions about the future design of European Union decision making and the Lisbon revision of the unsuccessful proposal of the Constitutional Treaty. Usually only the distribution of voting weights in the Council of Ministers under the qualified majority voting rule is taken into account. In contrast, in this paper we formulate simplified models of the consultation and co-decision procedures in the decision making of European Union institutions, reflecting the fact that together with the Council of Ministers the Commission and European Parliament are also important actors in EU decision making. The main conclusion of this paper is that the distribution of voting power in the Council of Ministers voting record provides incomplete evidence about national influences in European Union decision making. With rare exceptions decision making is based on the consultation and co-decision procedures involvi ng the Commission and/or European Parliament. Legislative procedures change the inter-institutional distribution of power (among the Council, Commission and European Parliament) reducing the power of the Council and at the same time they change intra-institutional power in the Council (the relative power of the Member States compared to the Council voting without taking into account the Commission and Parliament).Co-decision procedure, committee system, consultation procedure, European Union decision making, Penrose-Banzhaf power indices, qualified majority, simple voting committee, weighted majority game

    Economic Research in the Czech Republic: Entering International Academic Market

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    Paper provides a short characteristic of publication outputs of the economists in the Czech Republic during eight years (1993-2000) and presents the project of evaluation of research performance of the Czech economics departments based on records in international databases.citation index; economic research; international databases; research performance