1,731 research outputs found

    Tunable chiral spin texture in magnetic domain-walls

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    Magnetic domain-walls (DWs) with a preferred chirality exhibit very efficient current-driven motion. Since structural inversion asymmetry (SIA) is required for their stability, the observation of chiral domain walls in highly symmetric Pt/Co/Pt is intriguing. Here, we tune the layer asymmetry in this system and observe, by current-assisted DW depinning experiments, a small chiral field which sensitively changes. Moreover, we convincingly link the observed efficiency of DW motion to the DW texture, using DW resistance as a direct probe for the internal orientation of the DW under the influence of in-plane fields. The very delicate effect of capping layer thickness on the chiral field allows for its accurate control, which is important in designing novel materials for optimal spin-orbit-torque-driven DW motion.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    The treatment of soft-tissue defects of the lower leg after a traumatic open tibial fracture

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    The treatment of large soft-tissue defects of the lower leg remains a challenge. The timing of the operation, the most suitable type of tissue, and the decision between local or free flap coverage still remains under discussion. Fifty-two patients were treated with local or free flap coverage after a traumatic soft-tissue defect of the lower leg. We compared the results after treatment with local versus free flaps and fasciocutaneous flaps versus musculocutaneous flaps. In the case of primary reconstruction, we also compared the results regarding the timing of the operation: patients treated within 72 h after the trauma versus patients treated after 72 h. Thirty-five patients (67%) have been treated because of posttraumatic soft-tissue defects and, therefore, insufficient fracture coverage. Seventeen patients (33%) were treated because of a chronic osteomyelitis that arose after the trauma. In our study, we did not find a statistically significant difference between the postoperative complications of local and free flaps. A significant increase could be demonstrated in the number of revisions after treatment with a free flap. Treatment with a fasciocutaneous flap in the entire study group was associated with significantly more postoperative complications than treatment with a musculocutaneous flap. There was no significant difference in results after early or late flap coverage. Patients treated with local or free flaps achieved equal outcomes, except for the number of postoperative revisions in which local flaps required lesser revisions. Treatment with a musculocutaneous flap is preferable to treatment with a fasciocutaneous flap regarding postoperative complications. The timing of operation proved not to be a discriminating factor

    Sub-Riemannian Fast Marching in SE(2)

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    We propose a Fast Marching based implementation for computing sub-Riemanninan (SR) geodesics in the roto-translation group SE(2), with a metric depending on a cost induced by the image data. The key ingredient is a Riemannian approximation of the SR-metric. Then, a state of the art Fast Marching solver that is able to deal with extreme anisotropies is used to compute a SR-distance map as the solution of a corresponding eikonal equation. Subsequent backtracking on the distance map gives the geodesics. To validate the method, we consider the uniform cost case in which exact formulas for SR-geodesics are known and we show remarkable accuracy of the numerically computed SR-spheres. We also show a dramatic decrease in computational time with respect to a previous PDE-based iterative approach. Regarding image analysis applications, we show the potential of considering these data adaptive geodesics for a fully automated retinal vessel tree segmentation.Comment: CIARP 201

    No intolerance of errors:The effect of intolerance of uncertainty on performance monitoring revisited

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    Errors have been conceptualized as internal forms of threat that can cause harm in unpredictable ways. An index of error processing is the error-related negativity (ERN), an event-related potential reflecting variability in the sensitivity to errors. Prior work has shown the relationship between psychopathology symptoms and the ERN is unclear, and may be moderated by intolerance of uncertainty (IU), a trait that captures how people react to unpredictability. IU includes two subfactors of prospective IU (active seeking of predictability) and inhibitory IU (behavioral paralysis). In the present study, 188 undergraduates performed an Eriksen flanker task designed to elicit the ERN, while brain activity was recorded using electroencephalography (EEG). Participants completed the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale, Short Form (IUS-12), and other measures of anxiety, depression and worry. Total IU explained 5 % of the variance in correct-response negativity (CRN), but was not associated with the ERN in our sample. In contrast to previous findings, the IU subfactors did not predict the ERN or post-error slowing (PES), nor did total IU and depression interact to predict the ERN. Exploratory analyses also showed that total IU did not moderate the relationship between trait anxiety and the ERN. Small samples may have previously exaggerated the links between self-reported IU and the ERN. As such, further high-powered replications are required to confirm if, and how, they are related

    Not Just Efficiency: Insolvency Law in the EU and Its Political Dimension

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    Certain insolvency law rules, like creditors’ priorities and set-off rights, have a distributive impact on creditors. Distributional rules reflect the hierarchies of values and interests in each jurisdiction and, as a result, have high political relevance and pose an obstacle to reforming the EU Insolvency Regulation. This paper will show the difficulty of reform by addressing two alternative options to regulate cross-border insolvencies in the European Union. The first one is the ‘choice model’, under which companies can select the insolvency law they prefer. Although such a model would allow distressed firms to select the most efficient insolvency law, it would also displace Member States’ power to protect local constituencies. The choice model therefore produces negative externalities and raises legitimacy concerns. The opposite solution is full harmonisation of insolvency law at EU level, including distributional rules. Full harmonisation would have the advantage of internalising all externalities produced by cross-border insolvencies. However, the EU legislative process, which is still based on negotiations between states, is not apt to decide on distributive insolvency rules; additionally, if harmonisation includes such rules, it will indirectly modify national social security strategies and equilibria. This debate shows that the choice regarding power allocation over bankruptcies in the EU depends on the progress of European integration and is mainly a matter of political legitimacy, not only of efficiency

    Submerged in the mainstream? A case study of an immigrant learner in a New Zealand primary classroom

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    Immigrant children from diverse language backgrounds face not only linguistic challenges when enrolled in mainstream English-medium classrooms, but also difficulties adjusting to an unfamiliar learning community. The culture of primary school classrooms in New Zealand typically reflects conventions across three dimensions: interactional, instructional task performance and cognitive-academic development. All three dimensions are underpinned by the culturally specific discourse conventions involved in language socialisation. New learners may be helped by classmates or their teacher to understand and successfully use these conventions, but left on their own they may sink rather than swim. This is a case study of one Taiwanese 11-year old boy, 'John', who entered a New Zealand primary classroom midway through the school year. John's basic conversational ability was sound, but he did not possess the interactive classroom skills needed to operate in the new culture of learning. Selected from a wider study of the classroom, transcript data from audio-recorded excerpts of John's interactions over several months with his teacher and classmates are interpreted from perspectives derived from sociocultural and language socialisation theories. The article concludes with a brief consideration of the extent to which John constructed, or was constrained from constructing meaningful learning experiences, and suggestions for further research and reflection

    Biological modelling of the radiation dose escalation effect of regional hyperthermia in cervical cancer

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    Background Locoregional hyperthermia combined with radiotherapy significantly improves locoregional control and overall survival for cervical tumors compared to radiotherapy alone. In this study biological modelling is applied to quantify the effect of radiosensitization for three cervical cancer patients to evaluate the improvement in equivalent dose for the combination treatment with radiotherapy and hyperthermia. Methods The Linear-Quadratic (LQ) model extended with temperature-dependent LQ-parameters α and β was used to model radiosensitization by hyperthermia and to calculate the conventional radiation dose that is equivalent in biological effect to the combined radiotherapy and hyperthermia treatment. External beam radiotherapy planning was performed based on a prescription dose of 46Gy in 23 fractions of 2Gy. Hyperthermia treatment using the AMC-4 system was simulated based on the actual optimized system settings used during treatment. Results The simulated hyperthermia treatments for the 3 patients yielded a T50 of 40.1 °C, 40.5 °C, 41.1 °C and a T90 of 39.2 °C, 39.7 °C, 40.4 °C, respectively. The combined radiotherapy and hyperthermia treatment resulted in a D95 of 52.5Gy, 55.5Gy, 56.9Gy in the GTV, a dose escalation of 7.3–11.9Gy compared to radiotherapy alone (D95 = 45.0–45.5Gy). Conclusions This study applied biological modelling to evaluate radiosensitization by hyperthermia as a radiation-dose escalation for cervical cancer patients. This model is very useful to compare the effectiveness of different treatment schedules for combined radiotherapy and hyperthermia treatments and to guide the design of clinical studies on dose escalation using hyperthermia in a multi-modality setting

    Domain wall motion governed by the spin Hall effect

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    Perpendicularly magnetized materials have attracted tremendous interest due to their high anisotropy, which results in extremely narrow, nano-sized domain walls. As a result, the recently studied current-induced domain wall motion (CIDWM) in these materials promises to enable a novel class of data, memory, and logic devices. In this letter, we propose the spin Hall effect as a radically new mechanism for CIDWM. We are able to carefully tune the net spin Hall current in depinning experiments on Pt/Co/Pt nanowires, offering unique control over CIDWM. Furthermore, we determine that the depinning efficiency is intimately related to the internal structure of the domain wall, which we control by small fields along the nanowire. This new manifestation of CIDWM offers a very attractive new degree of freedom for manipulating domain wall motion by charge currents, and sheds light on the existence of contradicting reports on CIDWM in perpendicularly magnetized materials