9,546 research outputs found

    Zero-mode contribution to the light-front Hamiltonian of Yukawa type models

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    Light-front Hamiltonian for Yukawa type models is determined without the framework of canonical light-front formalism. Special attention is given to the contribution of zero modes.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, revised version with minor changes, Submitted to J.Phys.

    Canonical formulation of the embedded theory of gravity equivalent to Einstein's General Relativity

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    We study the approach in which independent variables describing gravity are functions of the space-time embedding into a flat space of higher dimension. We formulate a canonical formalism for such a theory in a form, which requires imposing additional constraints, which are a part of Einstein's equations. As a result, we obtain a theory with an eight-parameter gauge symmetry. This theory becomes equivalent to Einstein's general relativity either after partial gauge fixing or after rewriting the metric in the form that is invariant under the additional gauge transformations. We write the action for such a theory.Comment: LaTeX, 17 page

    Theory and simulation of the dynamics, deformation, and breakup of a chain of superparamagnetic beads under a rotating magnetic field

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    In this work, an analytical model for the behavior of superparamagnetic chains under the effect of a rotating magnetic field is presented. It is postulated that the relevant mechanisms for describing the shape and breakup of the chains into smaller fragments are the induced dipole-dipole magnetic force on the external beads, their translational and rotational drag forces, and the tangential lubrication between particles. Under this assumption, the characteristic S-shape of the chain can be qualitatively understood. Furthermore, based on a straight chain approximation, a novel analytical expression for the critical frequency for the chain breakup is obtained. In order to validate the model, the analytical expressions are compared with full three-dimensional smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of magnetic beads showing excellent agreement. Comparison with previous theoretical results and experimental data is also reported

    Mid-term report for the CORE Organic II funded project. “Innovative cropping Practices to increase soil health of organic fruit tree orchards” BIO-INCROP

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    Activities performed in the first part of BIO-INCROP project concern five of the eight main objectives fixed in the project proposal. They are: Evaluation of soil borne pest and pathogens involved in replant disease Role of rhizospheric bacterial and fungal communities in plant health Selection of naturally available resources to increase microbial diversity and biomass Compost and organic amendments Evaluation of biologically active formulates The document reports main research results and shows main items of dissemination activity performed in the first part of the project

    Large-uncertainty intelligent states for angular momentum and angle

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    The equality in the uncertainty principle for linear momentum and position is obtained for states which also minimize the uncertainty product. However, in the uncertainty relation for angular momentum and angular position both sides of the inequality are state dependent and therefore the intelligent states, which satisfy the equality, do not necessarily give a minimum for the uncertainty product. In this paper, we highlight the difference between intelligent states and minimum uncertainty states by investigating a class of intelligent states which obey the equality in the angular uncertainty relation while having an arbitrarily large uncertainty product. To develop an understanding for the uncertainties of angle and angular momentum for the large-uncertainty intelligent states we compare exact solutions with analytical approximations in two limiting cases.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, submitted to J. Opt. B special issue in connection with ICSSUR 2005 conferenc

    Resonant electron heating and molecular phonon cooling in single C60_{60} junctions

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    We study heating and heat dissipation of a single \c60 molecule in the junction of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) by measuring the electron current required to thermally decompose the fullerene cage. The power for decomposition varies with electron energy and reflects the molecular resonance structure. When the STM tip contacts the fullerene the molecule can sustain much larger currents. Transport simulations explain these effects by molecular heating due to resonant electron-phonon coupling and molecular cooling by vibrational decay into the tip upon contact formation.Comment: Accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    Evidence for magnetic clusters in Ni1x_{1-x}Vx_{x} close to the quantum critical concentration

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    The d-metal alloy Ni1x_{1-x}Vx_{x} undergoes a quantum phase transition from a ferromagnetic ground state to a paramagnetic ground state as the vanadium concentration xx is increased. We present magnetization, ac-susceptibility and muon-spin relaxation data at several vanadium concentrations near the critical concentration xc11.6x_c \approx11.6% at which the onset of ferromagnetic order is suppressed to zero temperature. Below xcx_c, the muon data reveal a broad magnetic field distribution indicative of long-range ordered ferromagnetic state with spatial disorder. We show evidence of magnetic clusters in the ferromagnetic phase and close to the phase boundary in this disordered itinerant system as an important generic ingredient of a disordered quantum phase transition. In contrast, the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility above xcx_c is best described in terms of a magnetic quantum Griffiths phase with a power-law distribution of fluctuation rates of dynamic magnetic clusters. At the lowest temperatures, the onset of a short-range ordered cluster-glass phase is recognized by an increase in the muon depolarization in transverse fields and maxima in ac-susceptibility.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Proceedings of SCES 201

    Lifelong learning in evolving graphs with limited labeled data and unseen class detection

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    Large-scale graph data in the real-world are often dynamic rather than static. The data are changing with new nodes, edges, and even classes appearing over time, such as in citation networks and research-and-development collaboration networks. Graph neural networks (GNNs) have emerged as the standard method for numerous tasks on graph-structured data. In this work, we employ a two-step procedure to explore how GNNs can be incrementally adapted to new unseen graph data. First, we analyze the verge between transductive and inductive learning on standard benchmark datasets. After inductive pretraining, we add unlabeled data to the graph and show that the models are stable. Then, we explore the case of continually adding more and more labeled data, while considering cases, where not all past instances are annotated with class labels. Furthermore, we introduce new classes while the graph evolves and explore methods that automatically detect instances from previously unseen classes. In order to deal with evolving graphs in a principled way, we propose a lifelong learning framework for graph data along with an evaluation protocol. In this framework, we evaluate representative GNN architectures. We observe that implicit knowledge within model parameters becomes more important when explicit knowledge, i.e., data from past tasks, is limited. We find that in open-world node classification, the data from surprisingly few past tasks are sufficient to reach the performance reached by remembering data from all past tasks. In the challenging task of unseen class detection, we find that using a weighted cross-entropy loss is important for stabilit

    Constraint algebra for Regge-Teitelboim formulation of gravity

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    We consider the formulation of the gravity theory first suggested by Regge and Teitelboim where the space-time is a four-dimensional surface in a flat ten-dimensional space. We investigate a canonical formalism for this theory following the approach suggested by Regge and Teitelboim. Under constructing the canonical formalism we impose additional constraints agreed with the equations of motion. We obtain the exact form of the first-class constraint algebra. We show that this algebra contains four constraints which form a subalgebra (the ideal), and if these constraints are fulfilled, the algebra becomes the constraint algebra of the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner formalism of Einstein's gravity. The reasons for the existence of additional first-class constraints in the canonical formalism are discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 12 pages; in this version the misprints in eq. (37) and (41) was correcte

    ArUcoE: Enhanced ArUco Marker

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    This paper presents a novel fiducial marker type called ArUcoE. It is obtained from a standard ArUco marker by enhancing it with a chessboard-like pattern. With our approach the pose estimation accuracy of any ArUco marker can easily be increased. Further methods to increase the accuracy are analyzed. By applying a subpixel algorithm to the corner regions we are able to locate the corner points within a pixel and overcome the restriction of pixel-level accuracy. A deep-learning-based super-resolution method is used to artificially increase the pixel density in the same regions. Additionally, the effect of using a single and a stereo camera setup on the accuracy is shown