48 research outputs found

    New’ Performance Measures: Determinants of Their Use and Their Impact on Performance

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    This study investigates the extent to which Dutch organizations use ‘new’ performance measures to deal with the perceived inadequacies of traditional accounting performance measures. In addition, the determinants of the use of these ‘new’ performance measures are documented; finally, the alignment hypothesis is tested. Using survey data from Dutch firms, I find that non-financial measures appear to be used most often in addition to more traditional performance measures; economic value measures and subjective measures appear to be used to a lesser extent. Second, the results indicate that the importance of the shareholder value goal and size are positively related to the use of economic value measures. The importance of the shareholder value goal, a growth mission, task culture and size are all positively associated with the use of non-financial measures. The (relative) use of subjective measures is negatively related to size. Finally, I find no support for the alignment hypothesis that a mismatch between the firm’s strategic and contextual characteristics and its performance measurement system adversely affect performance


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    Академия наук и научный институт в идеях и деятельности В.И. Вернадского (к 150-летию со дня рождения ученого)

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    В.И. Вернадский был эффективным организатором научных исследований, создателем Академии наук Украины. В статье рассмотрены принципы, которые он разрабатывал и применял: обеспечение свободы научного творчества, организация науки как государственная задача, прикладной и проблемный характер научного института, высокая роль Общего собрания Академии наук.В.І. Вернадський був ефективним організатором наукових досліджень, творцем Академії наук України. У статті розглянуто принципи, які він розробив і застосовував: забезпечення свободи наукової творчості, організація науки як державне завдання, прикладний та проблемний характер наукового інституту, висока роль Загальних зборів Академії наук.V.I. Vernadsky was a famous leading authority in scientific research and the founder of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. The principles are discussed, which he conceived and implemented: freedom of research work, organization of science as a state power goal, applied and disciplinary nature of a research institute, high role of the General Meeting of the Academy of Sciences

    Performance management practices in public sector organizations: Impact on performance

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    Purpose - The aim of this study is to investigate whether performance management practices affect performance in public sector organizations. Design/methodology/approach - Theoretically, the research project is based on economic as well as behavioral theories. The study distinguishes amongst quantitative performance (efficiency, quantities produced) and qualitative performance (accuracy, quality, innovation and employee morale) and uses survey data from 93 public sector organizations in the Netherlands. Findings - The research shows that the definition of clear and measurable goals is positively associated with quantity performance as well as quality performance. In addition, the use of incentives is positively associated with quantity performance yet not related to quality performance. Finally, the effects of performance management practices in public sector organizations are affected by institutional factors. The results suggest that the behavioral effects of performance management practices are as important as the economic effects in public sector organizations. Research limitations/implications - All limitations of survey research apply. The survey is based on public sector organizations in The Netherlands; findings may not be transferable to other countries. Practical implications - The joint introduction of performance management practices may provide an opportunity to increase quantity performance yet may have no impact on quality performance. Originality/value - The paper responds to previous calls in the literature to use quantitative research methods to generalize findings from previous case studies. Also, the paper empirically tests the impact of performance management practices on performance, an area that has attracted scarce research attention

    Public sector cost management practices in The Netherlands

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    Purpose – The purpose of this research project is to validate the claim that recent developments in the public sector have increased the demand for and use of cost management information in public sector organizations. Design/methodology/approach – The approach taken is a survey of financial managers in public sector organizations in The Netherlands. Findings – The findings indicate that the design and use of cost management systems differs across branches. In addition, the results suggest that information from cost management systems is used to legitimate the organization's activities to external stakeholders rather than to manage public sector organizations. Finally, cost management information is used mostly by financial managers yet hardly used by political managers. The results defy claims that cost management information has become important in managing public sector organizations. Research limitations/implications – All limitations of survey research apply. The survey is based on a non-random sample of public sector organizations in The Netherlands; findings may not be transferable to other countries. Practical implications – Legal and regulatory requirements relating to the use of cost management information may not have their intended effects. Originality/value – The paper responds to previous calls in literature to use quantitative research methods to generalize findings from previous case studies. Also, the paper empirically tests the use of cost management information in The Netherlands, a country with a Nordic style of public management