9 research outputs found

    Application of PROFINET IO in Neutron Scattering Instruments

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    The control systems of all neutron scattering instruments implemented by the J\"ulich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) are based on Siemens PLC technology. Historically PROFIBUS has been used for the communication of PLCs with supervisory computers, decentral periphery systems and other PLCs. Today, PROFINET IO is the most commonly used industrial real time Ethernet system and naturally supported by Siemens PLC systems. As a consequence, all new neutron instruments of JCNS are based on PROFINET IO. For the interfacing to supervisory computers based on CompactPCI, a CompactPCI carrier board for PC/104-Plus mezzanines has been developed, allowing the transparent use of the Siemens PC/104-Plus PROFINET IO controller CP1604 in CompactPCI systems. Linux is used as the operating system for supervisory computers and the software development employs the PROFINET IO-Base-API, commonly supported by Siemens PROFINET IO controllers. On top of this API, an application protocol for the communication with PLC-based motion systems has been implemented

    The Control and Data Acquisition System of the Neutron Instrument BIODIFF

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    The Neu­tron in­stru­ment BIOD­IFF is a sin­gle crys­tal diffrac­tome­ter for bi­o­log­i­cal macro­molecules that has been built in a co­op­er­a­tion of Forschungszen­trum Jülich and the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Mu­nich. It is lo­cat­ed at the re­search re­ac­tor FRM-II in Garch­ing, Ger­many, and is in its com­mis­sion­ing phase, now. The con­trol and data ac­qui­si­tion sys­tem of BIOD­IFF is based on the so-called "Jülich-Mu­nich Stan­dard", a set of stan­dards and tech­nolo­gies com­mon­ly ac­cept­ed at the FRM-II, which is based on the TACO con­trol sys­tem de­vel­oped by the ESRF. In fu­ture, it is in­tend­ed to in­tro­duce TANGO at the FRM-II. The Image Plate de­tec­tor sys­tem of BIOD­IFF is al­ready equipped with a TANGO sub­sys­tem that was in­te­grat­ed into the over­all TACO in­stru­ment con­trol sys­tem

    First test of detectors at theinstrument BIODIFF

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    The BioDiff instrument at the FRM II has seenthe installation of its two detectors. A neutronscintillator with CCD-camera detector serves asauxiliary detector to perform crystal alignmentand fast measurements with smaller solid anglecoverage. The main detector, a neutron imageplate with online read-out covers a somewhatlarger solid angle of ca. 2π. Whereas the imageplate detector could not yet be tested withneutrons so far first neutron measurementsconducted with the CCD-detector have beenperformed and will be presented here. Theinstrument is intended for neutron proteincrystallography and is a collaboration betweenthe Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) and theForschungs-NeutronenquelleHeinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II)

    Towards wide-angle neutron polarization analysis with a 3He spin filter for TOPAS and NEAT: Testing magic PASTIS on V20 at HZB

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    An XYZ polarization analysis solution has been developed for the new thermal time of amp; 64258;ight spectrometer TOPAS [1], to be operated in the coming east neutron guide hall at the MLZ. This prototype is currently being prepared to use on NEAT at HZB [2]. Polarization Analysis Studies on a Thermal Inelastic Spectrometer, commonly called PASTIS [3], is based on polarized 3He neutron spin amp; 64257;lters and an XYZ amp; 64257;eld con amp; 64257;guration for the sample environment and a polarization preserving neutron guide amp; 64257;eld. The complete system was designed to provide adiabatic transport of the neutron polarization to the sample position on TOPAS while maintaining the homogeneity of the XYZ amp; 64257;eld. This complete system has now been tested on the polarized time of amp; 64258;ight ESS test beam line V20 at HZB [4]. We present results of this test and the next steps forwar

    The high-intensity reflectometer of the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science : MARIA

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    MARIA (magnetism reflectometer with high incident angle) is a world class vertical sample reflectometer dedicated to the investigation of thin films in the fields of magnetism, soft matter and biology. The elliptical vertically focusing guide allows one to measure small samples with a typical size of 1 × 1 cm very efficiently. The double-bounce polarizer and the in situ pumped 3He SEOP (spin-exchange optical pumping) neutron spin filter cell for analysing the polarization of the reflected neutron beam can be moved into the beam in seconds. The polarized flux of MARIA amounts to 5 × 107 n (s cm2)−1 at the sample position with a horizontally collimated beam of 3 mrad, a wavelength of λ = 4.5 Å and a wavelength resolution of Δλ/λ = 10%. In the non-polarized mode a flux of 1.2 × 108 n (s cm2)−1 is achieved in this configuration. MARIA is also capable of grazing-incidence small-angle neutron scattering measurements, using a pinhole collimation with two four-segment slits and an absorber that prevents the focusing of the elliptical guide in the vertical direction