367 research outputs found

    Exotic Ising dynamics in a Bose-Hubbard model

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    We explore the dynamical properties of a one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model, where two bosonic species interact via Feshbach resonance. We focus on the region in the phase diagram which is described by an effective, low-energy ferromagnetic Ising model in both transverse and longitudinal fields. In this regime, we numerically calculate the dynamical structure factor of the Bose-Hubbard model using the time-evolving block decimation method. In the ferromagnetic phase, we observe both the continuum of excitations and the bound states in the presence of a longitudinal field. Near the Ising critical point, we observe the celebrated E8 mass spectrum in the excited states. We also point out possible measurements which could be used to detect these excitations in an optical lattice experiment.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, as publishe

    Phase transitions and adiabatic preparation of a fractional Chern insulator in a boson cold atom model

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    We investigate the fate of hardcore bosons in a Harper-Hofstadter model which was experimentally realized by Aidelsburger et al. [Nature Physics 11 , 162 (2015)] at half filling of the lowest band. We discuss the stability of an emergent fractional Chern insulator (FCI) state in a finite region of the phase diagram that is separated from a superfluid state by a first-order transition when tuning the band topology following the protocol used in the experiment. Since crossing a first-order transition is unfavorable for adiabatically preparing the FCI state, we extend the model to stabilize a featureless insulating state. The transition between this phase and the topological state proves to be continuous, providing a path in parameter space along which an FCI state could be adiabatically prepared. To further corroborate this statement, we perform time-dependent DMRG calculations which demonstrate that the FCI state may indeed be reached by adiabatically tuning a simple product state.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, published versio

    Phase diagram of the isotropic spin-3/2 model on the z=3 Bethe lattice

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    We study an SU(2) symmetric spin-3/2 model on the z=3 Bethe lattice using the infinite Time Evolving Block Decimation (iTEBD) method. This model is shown to exhibit a rich phase diagram. We compute the expectation values of several order parameters which allow us to identify a ferromagnetic, a ferrimagnetic, a anti-ferromagnetic as well as a dimerized phase. We calculate the entanglement spectra from which we conclude the existence of a symmetry protected topological phase that is characterized by S=1/2 edge spins. Details of the iTEBD algorithm used for the simulations are included

    Absence of orthogonality catastrophe after a spatially inhomogeneous interaction quench in Luttinger liquids

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    We investigate the Loschmidt echo, the overlap of the initial and final wavefunctions of Luttinger liquids after a spatially inhomogeneous interaction quench. In studying the Luttinger model, we obtain an analytic solution of the bosonic Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations after quenching the interactions within a finite spatial region. As opposed to the power law temporal decay following a potential quench, the interaction quench in the Luttinger model leads to a finite, hardly time dependent overlap, therefore no orthogonality catastrophe occurs. The steady state value of the Loschmidt echo after a sudden inhomogeneous quench is the square of the respective adiabatic overlaps. Our results are checked and validated numerically on the XXZ Heisenberg chain.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    Isometric Tensor Network States in Two Dimensions

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    Tensor network states (TNS) are a promising but numerically challenging tool for simulating two-dimensional (2D) quantum many-body problems. We introduce an isometric restriction of the TNS ansatz that allows for highly efficient contraction of the network. We consider two concrete applications using this ansatz. First, we show that a matrix-product state representation of a 2D quantum state can be iteratively transformed into an isometric 2D TNS. Second, we introduce a 2D version of the time-evolving block decimation algorithm (TEBD2^2) for approximating the ground state of a Hamiltonian as an isometric TNS, which we demonstrate for the 2D transverse field Ising model.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Full counting statistics in the Haldane-Shastry chain

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    We present analytical and numerical results regarding the magnetization full counting statistics (FCS) of a subsystem in the ground-state of the Haldane-Shastry chain. Exact Pfaffian expressions are derived for the cumulant generating function, as well as any observable diagonal in the spin basis. In the limit of large systems, the scaling of the FCS is found to be in agreement with the Luttinger liquid theory. The same techniques are also applied to inhomogeneous deformations of the chain. This introduces a certain amount of disorder in the system; however we show numerically that this is not sufficient to flow to the random singlet phase, that corresponds to XXZXXZ chains with uncorrelated bond disorder.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    One-Dimensional Symmetry Protected Topological Phases and their Transitions

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    We present a unified perspective on symmetry protected topological (SPT) phases in one dimension and address the open question of what characterizes their phase transitions. In the first part of this work we use symmetry as a guide to map various well-known fermionic and spin SPTs to a Kitaev chain with coupling of range αZ\alpha \in \mathbb Z. This unified picture uncovers new properties of old models --such as how the cluster state is the fixed point limit of the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki state in disguise-- and elucidates the connection between fermionic and bosonic phases --with the Hubbard chain interpolating between four Kitaev chains and a spin chain in the Haldane phase. In the second part, we study the topological phase transitions between these models in the presence of interactions. This leads us to conjecture that the critical point between any SPT with dd-dimensional edge modes and the trivial phase has a central charge clog2dc \geq \log_2 d. We analytically verify this for many known transitions. This agrees with the intuitive notion that the phase transition is described by a delocalized edge mode, and that the central charge of a conformal field theory is a measure of the gapless degrees of freedom.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 3 page appendi

    Strong quantum interactions prevent quasiparticle decay

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    Quantum states of matter---such as solids, magnets and topological phases---typically exhibit collective excitations---phonons, magnons, anyons. These involve the motion of many particles in the system, yet, remarkably, act like a single emergent entity---a quasiparticle. Known to be long-lived at the lowest energies, common wisdom says that quasiparticles become unstable when they encounter the inevitable continuum of many-particle excited states at high energies. Whilst correct for weak interactions, we show that this is far from the whole story: strong interactions generically stabilise quasiparticles by pushing them out of the continuum. This general mechanism is straightforwardly illustrated in an exactly solvable model. Using state-of-the-art numerics, we find it at work also in the spin-12\frac{1}{2} triangular lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet (TLHAF) near the isotropic point---this is surprising given the common expectation of magnon decay in this paradigmatic frustrated magnet. Turning to existing experimental data, we identify the detailed phenomenology of avoided decay in the TLHAF material Ba3_3CoSb2_2O9_9, and even in liquid helium---one of the earliest instances of quasiparticle decay. Our work unifies various phenomena above the universal low-energy regime in a comprehensive description. This broadens our window of understanding of many-body excitations, and provides a new perspective for controlling and stabilising quantum matter in the strongly-interacting regime.Comment: 4 pages, appendix (5 pages