938 research outputs found

    Assessment serum zinc levels in pregnancy with COVID-19 compared with normal pregnancy: Penilaian kadar seng serum pada kehamilan dengan COVID-19 dibandingkan dengan kehamilan normal

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    Abstract Objective: The objective of this study was to assess serum zinc levels in pregnancy with COVID-19 compared with normal pregnancy. Methods: The sampling method used was consecutive sampling. All subjects enrolled must meet eligibility inclusion and exclusion criteria with signed informed consent. The study was conducted from March 2021 to June 2021 in Manado. Pregnant women with COVID-19 and normal pregnant women serum zinc levels were measured. Results:Sixteen pregnant patients with COVID-19 and 16 normal pregnant patients’ serum zinc levels were measured.All pregnant women with COVID-19 have low serum zinc levels (100%), whereas in the normal pregnancy group only 8 subjects (50%) have low serum zinc levels and 8 subjects (50%) have normal serum zinc levels. In the pregnancy with COVID-19 group, the mean±SD value was 40.75±10.440, whereas in the normal pregnancy group the mean±SD value was 60.25±17.407. The analysis using an independent T-test shows a significant difference in serum zinc levels between pregnancies with COVID-19 and normal pregnancies (p=0.001). Conclusion: There is a significant difference in serum zinc levels in pregnancies with COVID-19 and normal pregnancies. Keywords: COVID-19,pregnancy with COVID-19, zinc in pregnancy.   Abstrak Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui kadar zinc pada kehamilan dengan COVID-19 dibandingkan pada kehamilan normal. Metode: Pengambilan sampel metode consecutive sampling setiap subjek yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi penelitian dan telah menandatangani surat persetujuan. Penelitiandilakukan bulan Maret 2021 sampai Juni 2021 di Manado. Dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar zinc dalam serum pasien hamil dengan COVID-19 dan pasien hamil normal. Hasil:Enam belas pasien hamil dengan COVID-19 dan 16 pasien hamil normal dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar zinc. Kelompok kehamilan dengan COVID-19, semuanya memiliki kadar zinc rendah (100%). Sedangkan pada kehamilan normal kelompok kadar zinc rendah sebanyak 8 orang (50%) dan kadar zinc normal sebanyak 8 orang (50%). Pada kelompok kehamilan dengan COVID-19 didapatkan nilai mean±SD sebesar 40,75±10,440, sedangkan pada kelompok kehamilan normal nilai mean±SD sebesar 60,25±17,407. Pada analisis uji beda independen menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna kadar zinc pada kehamilan dengan COVID-19 dan kehamilan normal (p=0.001). Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna kadar zinc pada kehamilan dengan COVID-19 dan kehamilan normal Kata kunci : COVID-19,kehamilan dengan COVID-19,zinc pada kehamilan,   &nbsp

    A coordination language for mobile components

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    Abstract In this paper we present the sigmapi coordination language, a core language for specifying dynamic networks of components. The language is inspired by the Manifold coordination language and by the pi-calculus. The main concepts of the language are components, classes, objects and channels. A program in sigmapi consists of a number of components, where each component is a collection of classes separable from its original context and re-usable in any other context. An object is an instance of a class that executes in parallel with the other objects active in the system. The sigmapi language differs from other models of object-oriented systems mainly in its treatment of communication and mobility: communication is anonymous via synchronous or asynchronous channels, while mobility is obtained by moving channels in the virtual space of linked objects. Thus, a channel is a transferable capability of communication, and objects are mobile in the sense that their communication possibilities may change during a computation. The language sigmapi itself does not impose exogenous coordination, meaning that the coordination primitives affecting each object can be executed within the computation of the object itself. However, only simple restrictions on the class-definitions of a sigmapi program suffice to enforce a separation between computation and coordination. Interaction typically occurs anonymously and under the full control of the objects involved. This make it easier to deal with Internet application where security policies must be enforced in view of the possibilities of attacks

    A logical interface description language for components

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    Motivated by our earlier work on the IWIM model and the Manifold language, in this paper, we attend to some of the basic issues in component-based software. We present a formal model for such systems, a formal-logic-based component interface description language that conveys the observable semantics of components, a formal system for deriving the semantics of a composite system out of the semantics of its constituent components, and the conditions under which this derivation system is sound and complete. Our main results in this paper are the theorems that formulate the notion of compositionality and the completeness of the derivation system that supports this property in a component-based system

    Monitoring method call sequences using annotations

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    In this paper we introduce JMSeq, a Java-based tool for monitoring sequences of method calls. JMSeq provides a simple but expressive language to specify the observables of a Java program in terms of sequences of possibly nested method calls. Similar to many monitoring-oriented environments, verification in JMSeq is done at run-time; unlike all other approaches based on aspect-oriented programming, JMSeq uses code annotation rather than instrumentation, and therefore is suitable for component-based software verification

    Programming and Deployment of Active Objects with Application-Level Scheduling

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    We extend and implement a modeling language based on concurrent active objects with application-level scheduling policies. The language allows a programmer to assign pri- orities at the application level, for example, to method def- initions and method invocations, and assign corresponding policies to the individual active objects for scheduling the messages. Thus, we leverage scheduling and performance related issues, which are becoming increasingly important in multi-core and cloud applications, from the underlying operating system to the application level. We describe a tool-set to transform models of active objects extended with application-level scheduling policies into Java. This tool-set allows a direct use of Java class libraries; thus, we obtain a full-fledged programming language based on active objects which allows for high-level control of deployment related is- sues

    NLO electroweak contributions to gluino pair production at hadron colliders

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    We calculate the full O(αs2α)\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s^2\alpha) corrections to the process of gluino pair production at hadron colliders in the framework of the real MSSM. We show that these contributions can be neglected at the LHC performing a scan over a wide region of the parameter space. The impact of these corrections in the parameter range investigated at the Tevatron is small.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figure

    A channel-based coordination model for components

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    In this paper we present a coordination model for component-based software systems based on the notion of mobile channels, and describe its implementation in the Java language. Channels allow anonymous, and point-to-point communication among components, while mobility allows dynamic reconfiguration of channel connections in a system. This model supports dynamic distributed systems where components can be mobile. It provides an efficient way of interaction among components. Furthermore, our model provides a clear separation between the computational part and the coordination part of a system, allowing the development and description of the coordination structure of a system to be done in a transparent way. Our description of the Java implementation of this coordination model demonstrates that it is self-contained enough for developing component-based systems. However, if desired, our model can be used as a basis to extend other models that focus on other aspects of components that are less related to composition and coordination concerns

    Monitoring Method Call Sequences using Annotations

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    In this paper we introduce JMSeq, a Java-based tool for the specification and runtime verification via monitoring of sequences of possibly nested method calls. JMSeq provides a simple but expressive way to specify the sequential execution of a Java program using code annotations via user-given sequences of methods calls. Similar to many monitoring-oriented environments, verification in JMSeq is done at run- time, but differently from all other approaches based on aspect-oriented programming, JMSeq does not use code instrumentation, and therefore is suitable for component-based software verification

    Enterprise Architecture Analysis with XML

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    This paper shows how XML can be used for static and dynamic analysis of architectures. Our analysis is based on the distinction between symbolic and semantic models of architectures. The core of a symbolic model consists of its signature that specifies symbolically its structural elements and their relationships. A semantic model is defined as a formal interpretation of the symbolic model. This provides a formal approach to the design of architectural description languages and a general mathematical foundation for the use of formal methods in enterprise architectures. For dynamic analysis we define transformations of models of architectures, modeled in XML, and for this purpose the XML vocabulary for an architecture is extended with a few constructs defined in the Rule Markup Language (RML). There are RML tools available that perform the desired transformations. 1. Introductio

    Coherent states for exactly solvable potentials

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    A general algebraic procedure for constructing coherent states of a wide class of exactly solvable potentials e.g., Morse and P{\"o}schl-Teller, is given. The method, {\it a priori}, is potential independent and connects with earlier developed ones, including the oscillator based approaches for coherent states and their generalizations. This approach can be straightforwardly extended to construct more general coherent states for the quantum mechanical potential problems, like the nonlinear coherent states for the oscillators. The time evolution properties of some of these coherent states, show revival and fractional revival, as manifested in the autocorrelation functions, as well as, in the quantum carpet structures.Comment: 11 pages, 4 eps figures, uses graphicx packag
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