16 research outputs found

    Iatrogenic Side Effects of Pain Therapies

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    Pain regimens, particularly for chronic cancer and noncancer pain, must balance the important analgesic benefits against potential risks. Many effective and frequently used pain control regimens are associated with iatrogenic adverse events. Interventional procedures can be associated with nerve injuries, vascular injuries, trauma to the spinal cord, and epidural abscesses. Although rare, these adverse events are potentially catastrophic. Pharmacologic remedies for pain must also consider potential side effects that can occur even at therapeutic doses of over-the-counter remedies such as paracetamol (acetaminophen) or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Opioids are effective pain relievers but are associated with many side effects, some of which can be treatment limiting. A prevalent and distressing side effect of opioid therapy is constipation. Opioid-induced constipation is caused by binding to opioid receptors in the gastrointestinal system, making conventional laxatives ineffective. Peripherally acting mu-opioid receptor antagonists are a new drug class that offers the benefits of preserving opioid analgesia without side effects in the gastrointestinal system. An important safety concern, particularly among geriatric patients is the increasingly prevalent condition of polypharmacy. Many senior patients take five or more medications, including some that may be contraindicated in geriatric patients, duplicative of other drugs, have potential pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions, or may not be the optimal choice for the patient's age and condition. Careful assessment of medications in the elderly, including possibly deprescribing with tapering of certain drugs, may be warranted but should be done systematically and under clinical supervision.</p

    COVID-19 pharmacy student perceptions : pharmacists' impact during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Pharmacists around the world are playing an active role in educating the public about COVID-19. First-year pharmacy students taking a healthcare course at Temple University in Philadelphia were asked to write papers based on the nature of a pharmacist’s contributions during the pandemic. 90% of the essays outlined the importance of community pharmacists, as they are the most accessible healthcare professional, providing immediate social interaction and drug expertise. They help minimize the need for hospital visits, limiting their time in public, therefore reducing their risk of becoming infected. For the pharmacies that have a drive-thru window, over-the-counter medications and other necessities can be sold to decrease the likelihood of transmission. Many students also proposed the opportunity for more leniency in prescribing power. Unless pharmacists are within a collaborative practice agreement, they cannot prescribe even maintenance medication. Due to the pandemic, it has become increasingly hard to reach the doctor or see them in person, as most offices have switched to telehealth. Clinical pharmacists operating out of hospitals have the opportunity to oversee proposed treatment options or experimental drugs, such as remdesivir. Retail pharmacies are emerging as key resources in this pandemic, and it is important that students see this as a vibrant and important form of pharmacy practice

    Illicitly Manufactured Fentanyl Entering the United States

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    The 'third wave' of the ongoing opioid overdose crisis in the United States (US) is driven in large measure by illicitly manufactured fentanyl (IMF), a highly potent synthetic opioid or an analog developed in clandestine laboratories primarily in China and Mexico. It is smuggled into this country either as IMF or as precursors. The southern border of the US is a frequent point of entry for smuggled IMF and the amounts are increasing year over year. IMF is also sometimes mixed in with other substances to produce counterfeit drugs and dealers as well as end-users may not be aware of IMF in their products. IMF is inexpensive to produce and when mixed with filler materials can be used to cut heroin, vastly expanding profitability. It is an attractive product for smuggling as very tiny amounts can be extremely potent and highly profitable. Drug trafficking over the border also involves the tandem epidemic of money laundering as drugs enter the country and cash payments exit. While drug smuggling in and out of the US (and other nations) has been going on for decades, the patterns are changing. Highly potent and potentially lethal IMF is a dangerous new addition to the illicit drug landscape and one with disastrous consequences

    Vaping and subsequent comorbidities potentially associated with increased mortality and more severe illness in COVID-19 : a narrative review

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    Introduction: COVID-19 (or COVID) is a highly virulent viral disease which more frequently presents severe infection in specific populations, such as the elderly, patients with hypertension, patients with respiratory disease, and patients who smoke. The effects vaping (i.e., an electronic cigarette or JUUL device) has on COVID progression remains unclear, because there is an information paucity correlating e-cigarette use and COVID. This review sought to identify links between vape use and COVID severity via literature review. Additionally, because there is more widespread information about cigarette smoking than about vaping, this review sought to illustrate commonalities between smoking and vaping. If smoking and vaping are deemed near-identical practices, then it is possible the effects of smoking on human health and on COVID disease could be comparable in vaping. Methods: Several searches were performed on PubMed with MeSH headings and JSTOR between 17 December 2020 and 22 December 2020. Search results were excluded if they were not trials or controlled clinical trials, if the articles were not about COVID, if the articles were about smoking behaviors or habits, or if the articles were not related to vaping or smoking. Key findings were summarized and tabled based on relevance, substantiability, and applicability to COVID. Results: Multiple sources viewed smoking and vaping as equal risk factors for COVID disease, whereas other sources viewed the two as unique risk factors. Because of this controversy, it is challenging to view the two practices as similar enough to pose equivalent risks for COVID. Both practices pose significant health risks to its users, but these health risks are unique to each practice. Discussion: There are several limitations which exacerbate ambiguity-(1) it is unclear how harmful smoking is for COVID patients, because several publications found smoking may have protective effects; (2) few older patients vape, but yet most severe COVID cases occur in older populations; (3) older patients and impoverished patients show a statistically significant risk for severe COVID disease independent of other factors; (4) vaping is a relatively new practice, and there are few patients who self-report long-term e-cigarette use or long-term adverse effects as a result thereof. Conclusion: Although vaping may present serious health risks, clinically, it is uncertain how significantly vaping affects COVID disease, especially when compared against cigarette smoking. More research is needed on both the effects of vaping on COVID and the likeness of vaping versus smoking

    Suicide by Opioid : Exploring the Intentionality of the Act

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    Opioid toxicity can result in life-threatening respiratory depression. Opioid-overdose mortality in the United States is high and increasing, but it is difficult to determine what proportion of those deaths might actually be suicides. The exact number of Americans who died of an opioid overdose but whose deaths might be classified as suicide remains unknown. It is important to differentiate between those who take opioids with the deliberate and unequivocal objective of committing suicide, that is, those with active intent, from those with passive intent. The passive-intent group understands the risks of opioid consumption and takes dangerous amounts, but with a more ambiguous attitude toward suicide. Thus, among decedents of opioid overdose, a large population dies by accident, whereas a small population dies intending to commit suicide; but between them exists a sub-population with equivocal intentions, waxing and waning between their desire to live and the carelessness about death. There may be a passive as well as active intent to commit suicide, but less is known about the passive motivation. It is important for public health efforts aimed at reducing both suicides and opioid-use disorder to better understand the range of motivations behind opioid-related suicides and how to combat them

    Cocaethylene : When Cocaine and Alcohol Are Taken Together

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    Cocaine is taken frequently together with ethanol and this combination produces a psychoactive metabolite called cocaethylene which has similar properties to the parent drug and may be more cardiotoxic. Cocaethylene has a longer half-life than cocaine, so that people who combine cocaine and ethanol may experience a longer-lasting, as well as more intense, psychoactive effect. Cocaethylene is the only known instance where a new psychoactive substance is formed entirely within the body. Although known to science for decades, cocaethylene has not been extensively studied and even its metabolic pathways are not entirely elucidated. Like its parent drug, cocaethylene blocks the reuptake of dopamine and increases post-synaptic neuronal activity; the parent drug may also block reuptake of serotonin as well. Cocaethylene has been studied in animal models in terms of its pharmacology and its potential neurological effects. Since the combination of cocaine and alcohol is commonly used, it is important for clinicians to be aware of cocaethylene, its role in prolonging or intensifying cocaine intoxication, and how it may exacerbate cocaine induced cardiovascular disorders. Most cardiac-related risk assessment tools do not ask about cocaine use, which can prevent clinicians from making optimal therapeutic choices. Greater awareness of cocaethylene is needed for clinicians, and those who use cocaine should also be aware of the potential for polysubstance use of cocaine and ethanol to produce a potentially potent and long-lasting psychoactive metabolite

    Cocaine and Cardiotoxicity : A Literature Review

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    Long-term cocaine use, as well as acute cocaine use, is associated with adverse cardiovascular consequences, including arrhythmias, angina, myocardial infarction, heart failure, and other conditions. Over the long term, cocaine can result in structural changes to the heart such as increased left-ventricular mass and decreased left-ventricular end-diastolic volume. Patients arriving with cocaine-associated cardiovascular complaints may not be forthcoming about their cocaine or polysubstance abuse or may be unresponsive. The role of beta-blockers, a first-line treatment for many forms of heart disease, is controversial in this population. Cocaine is a powerful sympathomimetic agent, and it was thought that beta-blockade would result in unopposed alpha-adrenergic stimulation and adverse consequences. A number of small, singlecenter, retrospective and observational studies suggest that beta-blockers may be safe, effective, and beneficial in this population. Further study is needed to clarify the role of beta-blockers in this population

    Multimechanistic Single-Entity Combinations for Chronic Pain Control : A Narrative Review

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    Atypical opioids such as tramadol, tapentadol, and cebranopadol combine two complementary mechanisms of action into a single molecule, creating novel analgesic agents. These are synthetic small molecules: cebranopadol is not yet market released; tramadol and tapentadol are commercially available and have immediate-release (IR) and extended-release (ER) formulations. Tramadol has been widely used in the United States in recent years and works as a prodrug in that its metabolites are active in inhibiting serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake. Tapentadol is a direct-acting agent with a faster onset of action and is a muopioid-receptor agonist and also inhibits noradrenaline reuptake. Cebranopadol is the newest of these drugs, a first-in-class atypical analgesic that combines mu-opioid receptor (MOR) agonism with activity at the nociception/orphanin (NOP) FQ petide receptors. Cebranopadol may be considered a partial kappaopioid receptor agonist as well. The pharmacology of these unique single-entity agents allows them to offer analgesic benefit with fewer side effects and risks. Clinical studies have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of tramadol and tapentadol, and promising but limited studies for cebranopadol show good analgesic effect and safety. Serotonin toxicity or 'serotonin syndrome' may occur with accumulation of serotonin with tramadol. While the misuse of these agents is limited in the United States, tramadol misuse is prevalent in Iran and parts of Africa. Patients have been successfully rotated from one of these agents to another. All three agents show promise in the treatment of cancer and non-cancer pain and their unique formulation in a single molecule reduces the pill burden

    Fact vs Fallacy : The Anti-Vaccine Discussion Reloaded

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    In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, anti-vaccine sentiments have been on the rise, with a recent seminal study on the development of anti-vaccine views in social media even making its way intoNature Communications. Yet, with the current scientific consensus being in overwhelming agreement over the safety and efficacy of vaccines, many scientists lose their grasp on the fears, concerns, and arguments that the opposition may hold. This paper discusses and evaluates vaccine-hesitant individuals on a socioeconomic, historical, and philosophical landscape. It also provides an analysis of common argumentative patterns and the psychological impact that these arguments may have on undecided individuals. The discussion also explores why anti-vaccine sentiments are on the rise, and how members of the scientific and medical community require a more structured approach to communicating key arguments. This is particularly important if vaccination rates and herd immunity are to be sustained. No longer is it sufficient to win arguments based on a factual and scientific basis, but rather scientists and medical practitioners have to focus on conveying confidence and reassurance on both an informative and emotional level to those with doubts and fears

    Exploring the Connection Between Sleep and Cluster Headache : A Narrative Review

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    Cluster headache is a rare form of headache associated with sleep and even speculated to be a manifestation of a sleep disorder rather than a primary headache. Cluster headache exhibits both circadian and circannual rhythmicity. While attacks often occur during sleep, the implication that cluster headaches might be involved with rapid eye movement (REM) sleep phases has neither been fully established nor refuted. The regulatory mechanisms governing sleep including hypothalamic activity and the autonomic nervous system response may play a role. Hypothalamic activation has been observed in cluster headache patients during positron emission tomography testing, but only during attacks. While sleep apnea is associated with morning headaches in general, the link between sleep-disordered respiration and cluster headache remains elusive. Hypoarousal during sleep and periods of hypoxia are associated with cluster headache, the latter likely involving inflammatory processes rather than apnea. Further study is needed, as cluster headaches represent a serious primary cephalgia that is incompletely understood