132 research outputs found

    Law of the Sea - Proposed Deep Seabed Hard Mineral Resources Act

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    Dynamic somite cell rearrangements lead to distinct waves of myotome growth

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    The myogenic precursors responsible for muscle growth in amniotes develop from thedermomyotome, an epithelium at the external surface of the somite. In teleosts, themyogenic precursors responsible for growth have not been identified. We have usedsingle cell lineage labeling in zebrafish to show that anterior border cells of epithelialsomites are myogenic precursors responsible for zebrafish myotome growth. These cellsmove to the external surface of the embryonic myotome and express the transcriptionfactor Pax7. Some remain on the external surface and some incorporate into the fastmyotome, apparently by moving between differentiated slow fibres. The posterior cellsof the somite, in contrast, elongate into medial muscle fibres. The surprising movementof the anterior somite cells to the external somite surface transforms a segmentallyrepeated arrangement of myogenic precursors into a medio-lateral arrangement similar tothat seen in amniotes.Fil: Stellabotte, Frank. Ohio Wesleyan University.; Estados UnidosFil: Dobbs McAuliffe, Betsy. Ohio Wesleyan University.; Estados UnidosFil: Fernandez, Daniel Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego; ArgentinaFil: Feng, Xuesong. Ohio Wesleyan University.; Estados UnidosFil: Devoto, Stephen Henry. Ohio Wesleyan University.; Estados Unido

    A Drawing Exhibition: The Continuity of Man Show Card

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    Show card for A drawing Exhibition : The Continuity of Man. Artists included Betsy Belcher, Susan Harrington, Doug Macwithey, Frank X. Tolbert II, and Randy Twaddle. Oct. 10 - Nov. 7, 1987.https://digitalcommons.udallas.edu/country_of_man/1000/thumbnail.jp

    The Effects of Guided Imagery on Patients Being Weaned from Mechanical Ventilation

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    The study purpose was to assess the effects of guided imagery on sedation levels, sedative and analgesic volume consumption, and physiological responses of patients being weaned from mechanical ventilation. Forty-two patients were selected from two community acute care hospitals. One hospital served as the comparison group and provided routine care (no intervention) while the other hospital provided the guided imagery intervention. The intervention included two sessions, each lasting 60 minutes, offered during morning weaning trials from mechanical ventilation. Measurements were recorded in groups at baseline and 30- and 60-minute intervals and included vital signs and Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS) score. Sedative and analgesic medication volume consumption were recorded 24 hours prior to and after the intervention. The guided imagery group had significantly improved RASS scores and reduced sedative and analgesic volume consumption. During the second session, oxygen saturation levels significantly improved compared to the comparison group. Guided imagery group had 4.88 less days requiring mechanical ventilation and 1.4 reduction in hospital length of stay compared to the comparison group. Guided imagery may be complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) intervention to provide during mechanical ventilation weaning trials

    Body-mass index and all-cause mortality: individual-participant-data meta-analysis of 239 prospective studies in four continents.

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    BACKGROUND: Overweight and obesity are increasing worldwide. To help assess their relevance to mortality in different populations we conducted individual-participant data meta-analyses of prospective studies of body-mass index (BMI), limiting confounding and reverse causality by restricting analyses to never-smokers and excluding pre-existing disease and the first 5 years of follow-up. METHODS: Of 10 625 411 participants in Asia, Australia and New Zealand, Europe, and North America from 239 prospective studies (median follow-up 13·7 years, IQR 11·4-14·7), 3 951 455 people in 189 studies were never-smokers without chronic diseases at recruitment who survived 5 years, of whom 385 879 died. The primary analyses are of these deaths, and study, age, and sex adjusted hazard ratios (HRs), relative to BMI 22·5-<25·0 kg/m(2). FINDINGS: All-cause mortality was minimal at 20·0-25·0 kg/m(2) (HR 1·00, 95% CI 0·98-1·02 for BMI 20·0-<22·5 kg/m(2); 1·00, 0·99-1·01 for BMI 22·5-<25·0 kg/m(2)), and increased significantly both just below this range (1·13, 1·09-1·17 for BMI 18·5-<20·0 kg/m(2); 1·51, 1·43-1·59 for BMI 15·0-<18·5) and throughout the overweight range (1·07, 1·07-1·08 for BMI 25·0-<27·5 kg/m(2); 1·20, 1·18-1·22 for BMI 27·5-<30·0 kg/m(2)). The HR for obesity grade 1 (BMI 30·0-<35·0 kg/m(2)) was 1·45, 95% CI 1·41-1·48; the HR for obesity grade 2 (35·0-<40·0 kg/m(2)) was 1·94, 1·87-2·01; and the HR for obesity grade 3 (40·0-<60·0 kg/m(2)) was 2·76, 2·60-2·92. For BMI over 25·0 kg/m(2), mortality increased approximately log-linearly with BMI; the HR per 5 kg/m(2) units higher BMI was 1·39 (1·34-1·43) in Europe, 1·29 (1·26-1·32) in North America, 1·39 (1·34-1·44) in east Asia, and 1·31 (1·27-1·35) in Australia and New Zealand. This HR per 5 kg/m(2) units higher BMI (for BMI over 25 kg/m(2)) was greater in younger than older people (1·52, 95% CI 1·47-1·56, for BMI measured at 35-49 years vs 1·21, 1·17-1·25, for BMI measured at 70-89 years; pheterogeneity<0·0001), greater in men than women (1·51, 1·46-1·56, vs 1·30, 1·26-1·33; pheterogeneity<0·0001), but similar in studies with self-reported and measured BMI. INTERPRETATION: The associations of both overweight and obesity with higher all-cause mortality were broadly consistent in four continents. This finding supports strategies to combat the entire spectrum of excess adiposity in many populations. FUNDING: UK Medical Research Council, British Heart Foundation, National Institute for Health Research, US National Institutes of Health.UK MRC, BHF, NIHR; US NIHThis is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(16)30175-

    Rethinking energy, climate and security: a critical analysis of energy security in the US

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    Understanding the complicated relationship between energy, climate and security is vital both to the study of international relations and to ensure the continued survival of a world increasingly threatened by environmental change. Climate change is largely caused by burning fossil fuels for energy, but while discussions on the climate consider the role of energy, energy security debates largely overlook climate concerns. This article traces the separation between energy and climate through an analysis of US energy security discourse and policy. It shows that energy security is continually constructed as national security, which enables very particular policy choices and prioritises it above climate concerns. Thus, in many cases, policies undertaken in the name of energy security contribute directly to climate insecurity. The article argues that the failure to consider securing the climate as inherently linked to energy security is not just problematic, but, given global warming, potentially harmful. Consequently, any approach to dealing with climate change has to begin by rethinking energy security and security more broadly, as national (energy) security politics no longer provides security in any meaningful sense