447 research outputs found

    Internet Addiction among Greek University Students: Demographic Associations with the Phenomenon, Using the Greek Version of Young's Internet Addiction Test

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    Internet addiction (IA) is a new disorder described in 1996 by the psychologist Kimberly Young. The aim of this paper is to estimate the percentage of IA among Greek university students. Results of a sample survey among 1876 Greek university students, 18-27 years old, are presented. The questionnaire consisted of eight questions from Young’s Diagnostic Test for Internet Addiction (YDTIA) as well as an inventory including demographic factors and questions about academic performance, computer and Internet use. YDTIA had a good reliability and diagnostic accuracy, tested with Cronbach’s alpha (0.71) and sensitivity analysis. Results show that the percentage of IA (5-8 YDTIA criteria) is 11.6%, while problematic Internet users were (3-8 YDTIA criteria) 34.7%. Men were more likely to be addicted to the Internet than women, and Internet addicted students were associated with poorer academic performance. Multiple logistic regression showed that significant predictors of IA included increased hours of daily Internet use, increased hours visiting chat rooms, sex pages and blogs, male gender, divorced status, poor grades, and accessing the Internet outside of the home. The results of this study will allow health officials to recognise students who are Internet addicted or on the verge of becoming addicted and stress risk factors indicating a need for intervention in order to prevent the appearance of IA

    Shear stress induced stimulation of mammalian cell metabolism

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    A flow apparatus was developed for the study of the metabolic response of anchorage dependent cells to a wide range of steady and pulsatile shear stresses under well controlled conditions. Human umbilical vein endothelial cell monolayers were subjected to steady shear stresses of up to 24 dynes/sq cm, and the production of prostacyclin was determined. The onset of flow led to a burst in prostacyclin production which decayed to a long term steady state rate (SSR). The SSR of cells exposed to flow was greater than the basal release level, and increased linearly with increasing shear stress. It is demonstrated that shear stresses in certain ranges may not be detrimental to mammalian cell metabolism. In fact, throughout the range of shear stresses studied, metabolite production is maximized by maximizing shear stress

    Pulsatile Fluid Shear in Bone Remodeling

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    The objective of this investigation was to elucidate the sensitivity to transients in fluid shear stress in bone remodeling. Bone remodeling is clearly a function of the local mechanical environment which includes interstitial fluid flow. Traditionally, load-induced remodeling has been associated with low frequency (1-2 Hz) signals attributed to normal locomotion. McLeod and Rubin, however, demonstrated in vivo remodeling events associated with high frequency (15-30 Hz) loading. Likewise, other in vivo studies demonstrated that slowly applied strains did not trigger remodeling events. We therefore hypothesized that the mechanosensitive pathways which control bone maintenance and remodeling are differentially sensitive to varying rates of applied fluid shear stress

    Towards an extension of the two-variable model of carcinogenesis through oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes

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    Currently, carcinogenesis is considered to be the result of mal-expression of tumour suppressor genes and oncogenes, leading either way to uncontrollable and disorganized cell mitosis. Recently a novel class of genes has drawn the interest of the scientific community. These are microRNAs (miRNAs), a class of noncoding RNAs, 20–23 nucleotides in length, that can up or downregulate gene expression of downstream gene targets (including transcription factors, oncogenes, and tumour suppressor genes) at the post-transcriptional level. Some members of this new class of genes seem to have the potential to act simultaneously either as oncogenes or as tumour suppressor genes depending on the molecular microenvironment of the cell. We elaborate on this hypothesis by giving examples of miRNAs (e.g. mir-9, miR-17-92) which seem to function by the abovementioned mechanism. This could mean that the deterministic notion of carcinogenesis as a result of merely tumour suppressor genes and oncogenes deregulation could be revised to contain the fact that certain members of this novel class of genes have the potential to play both roles simultaneously

    Synchronised neural signature of creative mental imagery in reality and augmented reality

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    Creativity, transforming imaginative thinking into reality, is a mental imagery simulation in essence. It can be incorporeal, concerns sophisticated and/or substantial thinking, and involves objects. In the present study, a mental imagery task consisting of creating a scene using familiar (FA) or abstract (AB) physical or virtual objects in real (RMI) and augmented reality (VMI) environments, and an execution task involving effectively creating a scene in augmented reality (VE), were utilised. The beta and gamma neural oscillations of healthy participants were recorded via a 32 channel wireless 10/20 international EGG system. In real and augmented environments and for both the mental imagery and execution tasks, the participants displayed a similar cortico-cortical neural signature essentially based on synchronous vs asynchronous beta and gamma oscillatory activities between anterior (i.e. frontal) and posterior (i.e. parietal, occipito-parietal and occipito-temporal) areas bilaterally. The findings revealed a transient synchronised neural architecture that appears to be consistent with the hypothesis according to which, creativity, because of its inherent complexity, cannot be confined to a single brain area but engages various interconnected networks

    Exogenous nitric oxide decreases brain vascular inflammation, leakage and venular resistance during Plasmodium berghei ANKA infection in mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cerebral malaria (CM) is a lethal complication of Plasmodium falciparum infections. In the Plasmodium berghei ANKA (PbA) murine model, CM is associated with marked brain inflammation, increased expression of endothelial cell adhesion molecules and leukocyte and platelet accumulation in brain vessels, causing vascular occlusion and decreased blood flow, damaging the endothelium and leading to blood-brain barrier breakdown, leakage and hemorrhages. Exogenous nitric oxide (NO) administration largely prevents the syndrome. Here we evaluated whether the mechanism of action of NO in preventing murine CM is related to its anti-inflammatory properties and to protection of the endothelium.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>C57Bl/6 mice infected with PbA were treated twice a day with saline or dipropylenetriamineNONOate (DPTA-NO). Endothelial cell adhesion molecule (ICAM-1, VCAM, E- and P-selectin) expression in brain tissue on day 6 of infection was assessed in both groups by western blot. For intravital microscopy studies, DPTA-NO-treated and saline-treated mice with a previously implanted closed cranial window were injected with albumin-FITC, anti-CD45-TxR and anti-CD41-FITC antibodies on day 6 of infection for quantification of albumin leakage, leukocyte and platelet adherence in pial vessels.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>PbA-infected mice treated with the NO-donor DPTA-NO showed decreased expression of ICAM-1 and P-selectin, but not VCAM-1, in the brain, compared to saline-treated mice. DPTA-NO treatment also decreased the number of adherent leukocytes and platelets in pial vessels, particularly in venules 30-50 Îźm in diameter, decreased inflammatory vascular resistance and prevented the occurrence of arteriolar and venular albumin leakage observed in saline-treated PbA-infected mice, as assessed by intravital microscopy.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results indicate that the protective effect of exogenous NO on murine CM is associated with decreased brain vascular expression of inflammatory markers resulting in attenuated endothelial junction damage and facilitating blood flow.</p

    Identification of an allosteric binding site on the human glycine transporter, GlyT2, for bioactive lipid analgesics

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    Š Mostyn et al. The treatment of chronic pain is poorly managed by current analgesics, and there is a need for new classes of drugs. We recently developed a series of bioactive lipids that inhibit the human glycine transporter GlyT2 (SLC6A5) and provide analgesia in animal models of pain. Here, we have used functional analysis of mutant transporters combined with molecular dynamics simulations of lipid-transporter interactions to understand how these bioactive lipids interact with GlyT2. This study identifies a novel extracellular allosteric modulator site formed by a crevice between transmembrane domains 5, 7, and 8, and extracellular loop 4 of GlyT2. Knowledge of this site could be exploited further in the development of drugs to treat pain, and to identify other allosteric modulators of the SLC6 family of transporters

    Clinical Studies of Nonpharmacological Methods to Minimize Salivary Gland Damage after Radioiodine Therapy of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma: Systematic Review

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    Purpose. To systematically review clinical studies examining the effectiveness of nonpharmacological methods to prevent/minimize salivary gland damage due to radioiodine treatment of differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC). Methods. Reports on relevant trials were identified by searching the PubMed, CINHAL, Cochrane, and Scopus electronic databases covering the period 01/2000-10/2015. Inclusion/exclusion criteria were prespecified. Search yielded eight studies that were reviewed by four of the present authors. Results. Nonpharmacological methods used in trials may reduce salivary gland damage induced by radioiodine. Sialogogues such as lemon candy, vitamin E, lemon juice, and lemon slice reduced such damage significantly (p < 0.0001, p < 0.05, p < 0.10, and p < 0.05, resp.). Parotid gland massage also reduced the salivary damage significantly (p < 0.001). Additionally, vitamin C had some limited effect (p = 0.37), whereas no effect was present in the case of chewing gum(p = 0.99). Conclusion. The review showed that, among nonpharmacological interventions, sialogogues and parotid gland massage had the greatest impact on reducing salivary damage induced by radioiodine therapy of DTC. However, the studies retrieved were limited in number, sample size, strength of evidence, and generalizability. More randomized controlled trials of these methods with multicenter scope and larger sample sizes will provide more systematic and reliable results allowing more definitive conclusions
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