199 research outputs found

    Other-languagedness in Stories by R.K. Narayan, Saadat Hassan Manto, and Ruth Prawer Jhabvala

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    In her article Other-languagedness in Stories by R.K. Narayan, Saadat Hassan Manto, and Ruth Prawer Jhabvala Biljana Djorić Francuski examines, within a comparative framework, the concepts of otherness and other-languagedness as expressed in three short stories by authors from separate but interconnected cultures: an Indian English writer, Rasipuram Krishnaswamy Narayan; a Pakistani writer, Saadat Hassan Manto; and a writer of European origins who lived in and wrote about India, Ruth Prawer Jhabvala. The author analyzes, within the context of the (post)colonial discourse, the instances of misunderstanding resulting from binary oppositions between the interlocutors, due to their mutual otherness


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    Although the Faculty of Philology – as one of 31 faculties at the University of Belgrade – is the oldest and the largest faculty of philology in Serbia (it was founded in 1908, and currently has some 350 teachers and 8,500 students), as well as one of the oldest and largest in the Balkans, its lengthy and successful tradition did not prevent the complete transformation of curricula in order to adapt them to the demands of the 21st century. The new, reformed programme of academic study has been implemented in line with the principles of the Bologna Declaration and contains elements of an integrated and transcultural approach to teaching foreign languages in higher education, together with the relevant literature and culture courses at bachelor, master and doctorate levels in over thirty departments of Belgrade Faculty of Philology. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the process of accreditation of the new programme and the outcomes of introducing the revised curricula at our academic institution, in order to highlight the success and benefits of the transformed academic courses, primarily for students but also for the staff

    Insects in production:An introduction

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    Insects have been on the menu of humans for centuries, but only recently we have begun to mass produce them for human food and animal feed. This introduction first paints a synopsis of mass cultured insects and their application. The new insect production industry raises many interesting fundamental and applied questions about insect biology and fitness. The second part of the introduction to this special issue addresses the 13 articles dealing with the improvement of mass-rearing efforts for a range of insects. The various studies focus on the effects of diet and microorganisms on relevant life-history traits and economic value of the insects. They reflect the current rapid developments in the insect production industry

    English loan words in Serbian terminology of it and electronic media

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    U ovom radu prikazan je uticaj engleskog jezika na srpski u oblasti informatike i elektronskih medija. S obzirom na to da u srpskom jeziku u ova dva domena mnogi engleski termini i druge lekseme nemaju odgovarajući ekvivalent među rečima domaćeg porekla, upotrebljavaju se brojni anglicizmi, čiji broj neprekidno raste. Rad je posvećen kontrastiranju termina i izraza iz informatičke i medijske terminologije, njihovoj podeli na osnovu lingvističkih kriterijuma, kao i utvrđivanju uticaja koji engleski jezik ima na građenje neologizama iz navedenih oblasti u srpskom jeziku. Istraživanju smo pristupili sinhronijski, jer se ono odnosi na savremeni jezik i na lekseme koje su u njega većinom ušle tek tokom poslednjih nekoliko decenija. Nakon analize korpusa odabrana je nekolicina reprezentativnih termina i izraza, koji su potom podeljeni po načinu nastanka i realizacije u srpskom jeziku, a u skladu s analizama vodećih domaćih i stranih stručnjaka za lingvističku kontaktologiju. Kao metodološki postupak korišćena je kontrastivna analiza engleskih termina i drugih leksema i njihovih srpskih ekvivalenata. Cilj rada je da prikaže uticaje engleskog jezika na srpski u oblasti terminologije i druge leksike koja se koristi u domenu informatike i elektronskih medija.This paper presents the influence of the English language over Serbian, specifically in the area of IT and electronic media. Seeing as how a great number of Serbian words concerning these two domains are, in fact, of English origin due to the lack of adequate Serbian counterparts, numerous English loan words are used in an increasingly frequent manner. The subject matter of this paper is the contrasting of terms and phrases related to the fields of IT and electronic media, their classification in line with linguistic criteria, as well as the assessment of the level of influence the English language exerts in the process of creating neologisms in Serbian. The paper adopts a synchronic approach, as the research in question concerns modern-day language and terms. The content of the assembled corpus has been classified according to the method of creation and realization in the Serbian language, and keeping in mind the advances domestic and foreign linguists have achieved in the field of the languages in contact theory. Contrastive analysis of Serbian terms and their English counterparts was the chosen method of research. The purpose of this paper is presentation of the English language's influence over Serbian regarding the nature of terminology used in informatics and electronic media

    Molecular and phenotypic diversity of the Eristalis tenax species (Diptera, Syrphidae)

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    Sagledavanje ukupnog genetičkog i fenotipskog diverziteta i evolucionog potencijala vrste E. tenax izvršeno je analizom jedinki poreklom sa 42 područja Evrope, Australije, Severne i Južne Amerike i laboratorijske kolonije iz Španije. Analiza intraspecijske varijabilnosti vrste E. tenax izvršena je kvantifikovanjem varijacija u veličini i obliku krila 1653 jedinke i obojenosti abdomena 936 jedinki. Analiza genetičkog diverziteta na nivou polimorfizma nukleotidnih sekvenci mtDNK je izvršena kod 58 jedinki, dok je analiza alozimske varijabilnosti obuhvatila 821 jedinku prirodnih populacija i laboratorijske kolonije vrste E. tenax. Rezultati su ukazali da inbriding i stohastički procesi utiču na redukciju genetičkog diverziteta i da “oslobađaju” skrivenu genetičku varijabilnost koja je povezana sa fenotipskom diferencijacijom. Vremenska distribucija fenotipskog diverziteta vrste E. tenax je kvantifikovana analizom jedinki četiri alohrona uzorka poreklom sa lokaliteta Venac, Fruška gora. Mali stepen genetičke i fenotipske diferencijacije između durmitorskih uzoraka vrste E. tenax ukazuje na odsustvo prostorne substruktuiranosti i njihovu međusobnu povezanost intenzivnim protokom gena. Analiza konspecifičkih populacija vrsta E. tenax ukazala je na odsustvo jasne međupopulacione diferencijacije na osnovu parametrara krila i molekularnih markera (alozimski lokusi i COI mtDNK), te se može zaključiti da postoji intenzivan protok gena koji eliminiše razlike između populacija. Registrovan je polni dimorfizam u veličini i obliku krila i obojenosti abdomena. Uočeno je da mužjaci u proseku imaju manja i uža krila i svetlije obojene abdomene od ženki. Analizom fenotipske diferencijacije u karakterima abdomena na uzorcima vrste E. tenax sakupljenim duž geografskog gradijenta Evrope je utvrđeno odsustvo promena po tipu kline. Dobijeni rezultati omogućavaju preciznije sagledavanje intra- i interpopulacione varijabilnosti ovog takona i ukazuju da vrsta E. tenax ima visok evolucioni potencijal za adaptacije na sredinske promeneThis paper examines molecular and phenotypic variability in the widely spread hoverfly species Eristalis tenax. We compared 42 samples from Europe, Australia North and South America, with the aim of obtaining insights into the temporal and spatial variations and sexual dimorphism in the species. Additionally, wild specimens from Spain were compared with a laboratory colony reared on artificial media. The integrative approach was based on allozyme loci, cytochrome c oxidase I mitochondrial DNA, morphometric wing parameters (shape and size) and abdominal colour patterns. Our results indicate that the fourth and eighth generations of the laboratory colony show a severe lack of genetic diversity compared to the figures observed in natural populations. Reduced genetic diversity in subsequent generations of the laboratory colony was found to be linked with phenotypic divergence. The distribution of genetic diversity at polymorphic loci indicated genetic divergence among collection dates from Fruška Gora Mt, and landmark-based geometric morphometrics revealed significant wing shape variation throughout the year. Phenotypic differentiation in abdominal pattern of the E. tenax populations along latitudinal gradient Europe has not been established. Consistent sexual dimorphism was observed, indicating that male specimens had lighter abdomens and smaller and narrower wings than females. It is reasonable to assume high mobility of the dronefly and high rate of gene flow reflected the similarity of genetic and phenotypic diversity of otherwise geographically distinct populations. Hence, the present study expands our knowledge of the genetic diversity and phenotypic variability of E. tenax. The quantification of such variability represents a step towards the evaluation of the adaptive potential of this species of medical and epidemiological importance

    Visual elements of the Beatles' albums

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    Uprkos činjenici da su kao bend prestali da postoje još davne 1970. godine, Bitlsi su i dalje u svetskim razmerama jedan od najpopularnijih muzičkih sastava svih vremena. Obožavaoci ove grupe, međutim, ne uživaju samo u muzici i rečima pesama talentovane četvorice britanskih muzičara, već i u izuzetnoj vizuelnoj obradi omota njihovih albuma. Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na vizuelne elemente koji su najviše doprineli celokupnoj slici o stvaralaštvu čuvenog liverpulskog benda, a samim tim i ogromnom uspehu Bitlsa

    Effect of temperature on egg production in the common housefly

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    Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae), better known as the common housefly, is increasingly considered to be a new, alternative protein source for animal nutrition. By transferring low-value organic side streams into high-value protein products, its commercial production contributes to a circular economy. Next to technical innovations for scaling-up the production capacity, efficient egg production has been identified as one of the bottlenecks of housefly production systems. We investigated egg production in two strains, one originally from Spain (SPA) and one from The Netherlands (GK), at 25 and 32 °C. At 25 °C, duration of preoviposition period, laying phase, and adult longevity was longer than at 32 °C. Lifetime egg production was lower at 32 °C, but the number of clutches laid per female was unaffected by temperature. Daily egg production at 32 °C was higher during the first 7 days, revealing a trade-off between higher early-in-life reproductive effort and adult longevity. The combination of shorter sexual maturation period and higher daily egg-laying rate resulted in reaching 50% of total egg production only 6 days after emergence at 32 °C for both strains, compared to 13 and 14 days at 25 °C for SPA and GK, respectively. We conclude that, in the absence of a need for high adult survival rates, houseflies have favourable production performances at higher temperature, and that efficacy and yield of the production process could be maximized by increasing the rearing temperature to 32 °C

    Electrostatic properties of the sulfur atom in the thiosemicarbazide derivatives

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    U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji izloženi su rezultati analize eksperimentalno i teorijski dobijene raspodele gustine naelektrisanja dva derivata tiosemikarbazida, 4-metil-3-tiosemikarbazida (MeTSC) i 4-metil-3-tiosemikarbazon 2-piridinformamida (TSC4). Analiza eksperimentalno dobijene gustine naelektrisanja je zasnovana na preciznim podacima dobijenim difrakcijom rendgenskog zračenja visoke rezolucije. Teorijska istraživanja bazirana su na teorijskim strukturnim faktorima dobijenim primenom programa CRYSAL09 polazeći od geometrije molekula određene nakon multipol utačnjavanja eksperimentalno dobijene gustine naelektrisanja. Za opisivanje eksperimentalne i teorijske ukupne elektronske gustine korišćen je Hansen-Coppens-ov multipol-model. Takođe je urađena i topološka analizahemijskih veza i interakcija i ispitivana su elektrostatička svojstva atoma sumpora. Analizom eksperimentalne gustine naelektrisanja kristalnih struktura MeTSC i TSC4 uočeno je da deformaciona gustina slobodnih elektronskih parova S atoma ima oblik torusa, da je unutar njega raspodela elektronske gustine nehomogena i da položaj samog torusa može biti ortogonalan (SalTSC) ili pod uglom (MeTSC, TSC4). Na osnovu raspodele deformacione gustine i elektrostatičkog potencijala, kao i na osnovu topološke analize ukupne eksperimentalne gustine naelektrisanja ρktv i njenog Laplasijana ∇2ρktv zaključeno je da atom sumpora ima izrazitu fleksibilnost i sposobnost da prilagodi svoju elektronsku gustinu slobodnih elektronskih parova prostornom rasporedu donornih grupa koje učestvuju u interakcijama sa S akceptorom. U kristalnim strukturama MeTSC i TSC4 utvrđeno je da S atom istovremeno gradi četiri, odnosno prosečno šest međumolekulskih interakcija. U cilju upotpunjavanja eksperimentalnih rezultata analizirana je teorijski dobijena gustina naelektrisanja oba molekula, a zatim su ispitivane karakteristike sumpora kao akceptora i to u sistemima različite složensti polazeći od izolovanih monomera, preko izdvojenih dimer do kristalnogokruženja. Ovom analizom je utvrđeno da se simultanim angažovanjem S atoma u više interakcija ne umanjuje njegova akceptorska sposobnost. Vodonične vezekoje uključuju S akceptor su ispitivane sa aspekta energijskih svojstava dimera koji suprisutni u MeTSCi TSC4, kaoi u dodatno konstruisanim sistemima MeTSC/MeOH i aceton/MeOH. Energijske karakteristike su proučavane u pogledu elektrostatičke energije interakcije (Ees) i kohezione energije(Ecoh). Za dva odabrana MeTSC/MeOH i aceton/MeOH sistema je primenjena metoda kuplovanih klastera kaošto je ab initio CCSD(T) metod. Za MeTSC/MeOH sistem je urađena potpuna optimizacija i za tako dobijenu ravnotežnu geometriju je izračunata energija sistema ∆ECCSD(T),CBS.In this dissertation the analysis of the experimental and theoretically obtained electron density of two derivatives of thiosemicarbasides, 4-methyl-3-thiosemicarbaside (MeTSC) and 4-methyl-3-thiosemikabazone 2-piridinformamide (TSC4) are presented. The analysis of experimentally obtained electron density is based on accurate X-ray diffraction data of high resolution. Theoretically calculated electron densities are obtained from periodic quantum mechanical calculation using CRYSTAL09 and the accurate structural parameters from high resolution X-ray experiment. For the description of the theoretical and experimental electron density the Hansen-Coppens multipol model was used. Further topological analysis of chemical bonds and interactions was performed in order to explain the electrostatic properties of sulfur. In this work it has been observed that in the experimentally obtained electron density of the MeTSC and TSC4 crystal structures, the deformational electron density of sulfur free electron pairs forms a toroidal shape. Further, this torus is not homogeneously filled but shows pronounced local accumulations and its position can be either orthogonal (like in SalTSC) or tilted (MeTSC, TSC4). Based on the distribution of the deformational electron density and electrostatic potential, as well as the topological analysis of the total electron density ρktv and its Laplasian ∇2ρktv it can be concluded that the S atom has a remarkable flexibility and ability to adapt his deformation electron density of free electron pairs into toruses corresponding to the position of donor groups surrounding him. In the crystal structures of MeTSC and TSC4 it was determined that the S atom participates in four and six interactions, respectively. In order to supplement the experimentally obtained results a theoretically calculated electron density of both molecules (MeTSC and TSC4) was performed and the properties of the S atom as a hydrogen acceptor have been studied. The analysis was performed on systems of various complexity, starting with isolated monomers, then on dimers and up to the whole crystal packing. From this work it has been concluded that the acceptor capabilities of the S atom are not diminished with the increasing number of interactions. The hydrogen bonding involving thioureido S acceptor is also investigated in terms of the energetic properties of the MeTSC and TSC4 dimers existing in the crystal structure, and additional MeTSC/MeOH and acetone/MeOH systems. Energetic features were thoroughly studied through electrostatic interactions energies (Ees) and cohesive energies (Ecoh). For two selected MeTSC/MeOH and acetone/MeOH systems an ab initio approach employing the coupled-cluster singles and doubles augmented by a perturbational correction for connected triple excitations (CCSD(T)) method were applied. Finaly, for MeTSC/MeOH system full geometry optimization was performed and for resulting equilibrium geometry the energy of the system (∆ECCSD(T),CBS) was calculated

    Electrostatic properties of the sulfur atom in the thiosemicarbazide derivatives

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    U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji izloženi su rezultati analize eksperimentalno i teorijski dobijene raspodele gustine naelektrisanja dva derivata tiosemikarbazida, 4-metil-3-tiosemikarbazida (MeTSC) i 4-metil-3-tiosemikarbazon 2-piridinformamida (TSC4). Analiza eksperimentalno dobijene gustine naelektrisanja je zasnovana na preciznim podacima dobijenim difrakcijom rendgenskog zračenja visoke rezolucije. Teorijska istraživanja bazirana su na teorijskim strukturnim faktorima dobijenim primenom programa CRYSAL09 polazeći od geometrije molekula određene nakon multipol utačnjavanja eksperimentalno dobijene gustine naelektrisanja. Za opisivanje eksperimentalne i teorijske ukupne elektronske gustine korišćen je Hansen-Coppens-ov multipol-model. Takođe je urađena i topološka analizahemijskih veza i interakcija i ispitivana su elektrostatička svojstva atoma sumpora. Analizom eksperimentalne gustine naelektrisanja kristalnih struktura MeTSC i TSC4 uočeno je da deformaciona gustina slobodnih elektronskih parova S atoma ima oblik torusa, da je unutar njega raspodela elektronske gustine nehomogena i da položaj samog torusa može biti ortogonalan (SalTSC) ili pod uglom (MeTSC, TSC4). Na osnovu raspodele deformacione gustine i elektrostatičkog potencijala, kao i na osnovu topološke analize ukupne eksperimentalne gustine naelektrisanja ρktv i njenog Laplasijana ∇2ρktv zaključeno je da atom sumpora ima izrazitu fleksibilnost i sposobnost da prilagodi svoju elektronsku gustinu slobodnih elektronskih parova prostornom rasporedu donornih grupa koje učestvuju u interakcijama sa S akceptorom. U kristalnim strukturama MeTSC i TSC4 utvrđeno je da S atom istovremeno gradi četiri, odnosno prosečno šest međumolekulskih interakcija. U cilju upotpunjavanja eksperimentalnih rezultata analizirana je teorijski dobijena gustina naelektrisanja oba molekula, a zatim su ispitivane karakteristike sumpora kao akceptora i to u sistemima različite složensti polazeći od izolovanih monomera, preko izdvojenih dimer do kristalnogokruženja. Ovom analizom je utvrđeno da se simultanim angažovanjem S atoma u više interakcija ne umanjuje njegova akceptorska sposobnost. Vodonične vezekoje uključuju S akceptor su ispitivane sa aspekta energijskih svojstava dimera koji suprisutni u MeTSCi TSC4, kaoi u dodatno konstruisanim sistemima MeTSC/MeOH i aceton/MeOH. Energijske karakteristike su proučavane u pogledu elektrostatičke energije interakcije (Ees) i kohezione energije(Ecoh). Za dva odabrana MeTSC/MeOH i aceton/MeOH sistema je primenjena metoda kuplovanih klastera kaošto je ab initio CCSD(T) metod. Za MeTSC/MeOH sistem je urađena potpuna optimizacija i za tako dobijenu ravnotežnu geometriju je izračunata energija sistema ∆ECCSD(T),CBS.In this dissertation the analysis of the experimental and theoretically obtained electron density of two derivatives of thiosemicarbasides, 4-methyl-3-thiosemicarbaside (MeTSC) and 4-methyl-3-thiosemikabazone 2-piridinformamide (TSC4) are presented. The analysis of experimentally obtained electron density is based on accurate X-ray diffraction data of high resolution. Theoretically calculated electron densities are obtained from periodic quantum mechanical calculation using CRYSTAL09 and the accurate structural parameters from high resolution X-ray experiment. For the description of the theoretical and experimental electron density the Hansen-Coppens multipol model was used. Further topological analysis of chemical bonds and interactions was performed in order to explain the electrostatic properties of sulfur. In this work it has been observed that in the experimentally obtained electron density of the MeTSC and TSC4 crystal structures, the deformational electron density of sulfur free electron pairs forms a toroidal shape. Further, this torus is not homogeneously filled but shows pronounced local accumulations and its position can be either orthogonal (like in SalTSC) or tilted (MeTSC, TSC4). Based on the distribution of the deformational electron density and electrostatic potential, as well as the topological analysis of the total electron density ρktv and its Laplasian ∇2ρktv it can be concluded that the S atom has a remarkable flexibility and ability to adapt his deformation electron density of free electron pairs into toruses corresponding to the position of donor groups surrounding him. In the crystal structures of MeTSC and TSC4 it was determined that the S atom participates in four and six interactions, respectively. In order to supplement the experimentally obtained results a theoretically calculated electron density of both molecules (MeTSC and TSC4) was performed and the properties of the S atom as a hydrogen acceptor have been studied. The analysis was performed on systems of various complexity, starting with isolated monomers, then on dimers and up to the whole crystal packing. From this work it has been concluded that the acceptor capabilities of the S atom are not diminished with the increasing number of interactions. The hydrogen bonding involving thioureido S acceptor is also investigated in terms of the energetic properties of the MeTSC and TSC4 dimers existing in the crystal structure, and additional MeTSC/MeOH and acetone/MeOH systems. Energetic features were thoroughly studied through electrostatic interactions energies (Ees) and cohesive energies (Ecoh). For two selected MeTSC/MeOH and acetone/MeOH systems an ab initio approach employing the coupled-cluster singles and doubles augmented by a perturbational correction for connected triple excitations (CCSD(T)) method were applied. Finaly, for MeTSC/MeOH system full geometry optimization was performed and for resulting equilibrium geometry the energy of the system (∆ECCSD(T),CBS) was calculated

    Fine scale population structure of hoverfly pollinator, <i>Eristalis arbustorum</i>:An integrative study

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    Determination of the factors influencing the population structure and adaptive tolerance to environmental pressures of the synanthropic hoverfly Eristalis arbustorum is of essential importance in understanding how pollinator populations could respond to climate change or ecosystem management. We addressed the issue of connectivity among conspecific populations sampled in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Twenty environmental factors, mitochondrial DNA sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (COI mtDNA), allele frequencies at allozyme loci and wing traits (size and shape) were compared for characterization of population structure and environmental niches. Additionally, patterns of within-individual asymmetry (fluctuating asymmetry; FA) in wing size and shape within and among conspecific populations were studied. In line with the overall similarity of the environmental factors extracted for our study sites, the results of COI mtDNA diversity and STRUCTURE allozyme data provide evidence for shallow differentiation among conspecific populations. In contrast, geo-referenced Bayesian clustering methods (BAPS and GENELAND) and population-based approaches (pairwise F-ST values and AMOVA) indicate that the dispersal potential of E. arbustorum may be limited across the study area. Along with a significant FA in wing size and shape, a consistent level of FA regardless of urban/rural sampling origin is an indication of the great potential of E. arbustorum for local adaptation, because increased FA levels can be considered to be a way of expression of phenotypic variation and, hence, may contribute to adaptive responses in populations facing changing environments. Thus, by using a combined genetic-morphological approach, we significantly contributed to the understanding of the fine-scale genetic structure of the synanthropic generalist pollinator E. arbustorum