5,846 research outputs found

    Caracterização petrológica, química e isotópica do edifício 3 do Complexo Vulcânico La Hoyada e suas implicações para o vulcanismo nos Andes Centrais, Puna Austral, Catamarca

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Geociências, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geologia, 2017.Texto parcialmente liberado pelo autor. Conteúdo liberado: Capítulos 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Anexos I e II.Aqui são apresentados dados de química mineral, geoquímica e 87Sr/86Sr de grãos de plagioclásio e clinopiroxênio do Complexo Vulcânico La Hoyada. La Hoyada se localiza na borda sul do Planalto Puna-Altiplano, na Zona Vulcânica Central, na Cordilheira dos Andes, NW da Argentina and abrange 5.66Ma, assim sendo ideal para estudo das mudanças químicas na Puna de 7.04My até 1.38My, um intervalo no qual vulcanismo bimodal apareceu nesta região. O complexo é dividido em seis edifícios vulcânicos com distintos períodos de duração. A sequência basala abarca o primeiro edifício e a primeira litologia do edifício 4, com composições mais evoluídas. Há 4.63My, isto passou à sequência intermediária, durante a qual a maioria dos edifícios coexistiram e o magmatismo migrou em sentido norte, amostrando rochas mais pobres em sílica. Por volta de 1.73My, o regime extensional se instalou na Puna Sul, facilitando a amostragem de alguns mamas parentais por meio do uso da estrutura já existente. Atividade magmática continuou a migrar em direção norte e todo o registro termina abruptamente com o vulcanismo explosivo do Complexo Cerro Blanco, que corta La Hoyada e culmina em magmatismo bimodal associado aos basaltos andesíticos encontrados no topo estratigráfico de La Hoyada. A multitude de minerais apresenta amplos intervalos composicionais e muito pouco padrão composicional ou zonação regular. Não somente xenólitos de quartzo, como também fenocristais desequilibrados permeiam estas rochas com estruturas em corona e peneira. Quanto mais alto estratigraficamente, mais comum se torna olivina e mais altos Mg# e TiO2 dos minerais máficos. Geotermobarômetros em anfibólio e clinopiroxênio estão em desacordo com os aspectos texturais, reforçando magma mixing e assimilação da encaixante. O caráter cálcio-alcalino de alto K do complexo, no entanto, permaneceu intacto. Os dados geoquímicos mostram dois grupos distintos com diferentes magmas parentais que convergem composicionalmente para os espécimes mais ricos em SiO2, novamente corroborando mistura entre estes dois grupos em estágios de diferenciação distintos. Contudo, AFC é clara nas rochas menos evoluídas também. Um terceiro magma parental é sugerido, porém os únicos espécimes encontrados têm SiO2 maior que os supracitados.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).Here are presented mineral chemistry, geochemistry and 87Sr/86Sr data of plagioclase and clinopyroxene crystals of the La Hoyada Volcanic Complex. La Hoyada sits on the southernmost edge of the Puna-Altiplano Plateau, in the Central Volcanic Zone, in the Andes, NW Argentina and spans 5.66Ma, thus being ideal to probe the chemical changes in the Puna from 7.04My through 1.38My, an interval in which volcanic bimodalism emerged in this region. Divided in six volcanic edifices with distinct time spans, its basal sequence comprises the first edifice and the first lithology of edifice 4, with more evolved compositions. At 4.63My, this grades into the middle sequence, during which the majority of the edifices coexisted and magmatism moved northwards sampling silica-poorer rocks. Around 1.73My, extensional regimen started in the southern Puna facilitating the sampling of some parental magmas through the use of the previously existing structure. Magmatic activity kept migrating northwards and all the record ends abruptly with the cross-cutting explosive acidic volcanism in Cerro Blanco Complex, culminating in bimodal magmatism with the associated La Hoyada basaltic andesites. The plethora of minerals show broad composition intervals and very little compositional pattern or regular zoning. Not only quartz xenocrysts, but also unequilibrated phenocrysts permeate these rocks with sieve and corona textures. The higher we go in the stratigraphy, the more common olivine becomes and the higher Mg# and TiO2 contents mafic minerals have. Amphibole and clinopyroxene geothermometers do not follow textural aspects, thus reinforcing wall-rock assimilation and magma mixing. The high-K calc-alkaline character of the complex, however, remained unchanged. The geochemistry data shows two distinct groups with different parental magmas that compositionally converge towards the silica-richest specimens, again supporting mixing between these two groups in distinct differentiation stages. Nevertheless AFC is crystal clear from the least evolved rocks as well. A third parental magma is elusive, but the only samples found have higher SiO2 contents than the abovementioned ones

    Me, Myself, and Hedda

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    This thesis paper will focus on the process of creating my one-person show, relevant aspects of my life and history, my journey and growth in the MFA acting program, my thesis performance, and how therapy helped me grow not only as a person but artistically. Additional materials include headshot, resume, and a link to my website

    Me, Myself, and Hedda

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    This thesis paper will focus on the process of creating my one-person show, relevant aspects of my life and history, my journey and growth in the MFA acting program, my thesis performance, and how therapy helped me grow not only as a person but artistically. Additional materials include headshot, resume, and a link to my website

    Magnetic phase diagram of the infinite- U Hubbard model with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor hoppings

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    We study the infinite-U Hubbard model on ladders of two, four, and six legs with nearest- (t) and next-nearest- (t′) neighbor hoppings by means of the density-matrix renormalization group algorithm. In particular, we analyze the stability of the Nagaoka state for several values of t′ when we vary the electron density ρ from half filling to the low-density limit. We build the two-dimensional phase diagram, where the fully spin polarized and paramagnetic states prevail. We find that the inclusion of a nonfrustrating next-nearest-neighbor hopping stabilizes the fully spin polarized phase up until |t′/t|=0.5. Surprisingly, for this value of t′, the ground state is fully spin polarized for almost any electron density 1 ρ 0, connecting the Nagaoka state to itinerant ferromagnetism at low density. Also, we find that the previously found checkerboard insulator phase at t′=0 and ρ=0.75 is unstable against t′.Fil: Blesio, Germán Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Matías Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Lisandrini, Franco Thomas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario; Argentin

    Limitaciones y oportunidades a la explotación regional

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    La última década ha sido testigo de cambios muy profundos en las relaciones comerciales entre los distintos países del mundo. El aumento del comercio mundial ha sido acompañado por el crecimiento de los movimientos financieros y de las inversiones extranjeras directas, y también ha estado correlacionado positivamente con la mayor apertura de las economías, en particular de los países en desarrollo. La Argentina se sumó a esta corriente internacional iniciando, a partir de 1991, una apertura de tipo unilateral que eliminó gran parte de las restricciones vinculadas al comercio exterior. En este contexto, se produjo la rebaja de los aranceles a la importación y un progresivo desarme de regulaciones, barreras y trabas al comercio en general, como los cupos, los derechos específicos y los derechos a la exportación. El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo general, por un lado relevar y describir los distintos factores e instrumentos de limitación parcial o total de las exportaciones que se usan en la actualidad, o que hayan sido aplicados con cierta frecuencia en la última década, y por otro lado compilar los instrumentos y programas ofrecidos por organismos públicos de orden nacional y las distintas formas asociativas, que tengan por fin promover la exportación de bienes producidos en la región. Las hipótesis planteadas para la problemática analizada están vinculadas con la escasa disposición de conocimiento, información, e infraestructura que poseen las pymes y que no les permite acceder a los mercados internacionales; la rigurosidad en los trámites y la presión impositiva que dificultan el comercio internacional; la falta de medidas de promoción y de un asesoramiento por parte del Estado, adecuados a las necesidades de los pequeños empresarios; y por último las preferencias de orientación de las empresas que poseen una insuficiente capacidad operativa hacia el mercado interno en el caso de un aumento de la demanda interna.Fil: Segreti, Fabio Gabriel. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Liria, Hernán Franco. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas

    Preparation and Characterization of Master Alloys Fe48Cr15Mo14C15B6Y2 Metallic Glasses

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    The purpose of this work is the characterization of a master alloy of metal glass based on iron Fe48Cr15Mo14C15B6Y2. Two types of alloys studied B1 which has been prepared by the use of pure element and the other B2 which has been prepared by the use of raw materials. The thermal and structural properties of the samples are measured by a combination of high temperature differential scanning calorimeter (HTDSC), X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Chemical compositions are checked by energy dispersive spectroscopy analysis.Fil: Bendjemil, Badis. University of Badji -Mokhtar; Argelia. Faculty of Sciences and Technology; ArgeliaFil: Seghairi, Nassima. Faculty of Sciences and Technology; ArgeliaFil: Lavorato, Gabriel Carlos. Dipa rtimento di Chimica Universita' di Torino; Italia. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área Investigaciones y Aplicaciones no Nucleares; ArgentinaFil: Castellero, Alberto. Dipa rtimento di Chimica Universita' di Torino; ItaliaFil: Bougdira, Jamal. Université de Nancy, Faculté des Sciences et. Techniques; FranciaFil: Vinai, Franco. Instituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica; ItaliaFil: Baricco, Marcello. Dipa rtimento di Chimica Universita' di Torino; Itali

    Evaluating LLP Methods: Challenges and Approaches

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    Learning from Label Proportions (LLP) is an established machine learning problem with numerous real-world applications. In this setting, data items are grouped into bags, and the goal is to learn individual item labels, knowing only the features of the data and the proportions of labels in each bag. Although LLP is a well-established problem, it has several unusual aspects that create challenges for benchmarking learning methods. Fundamental complications arise because of the existence of different LLP variants, i.e., dependence structures that can exist between items, labels, and bags. Accordingly, the first algorithmic challenge is the generation of variant-specific datasets capturing the diversity of dependence structures and bag characteristics. The second methodological challenge is model selection, i.e., hyperparameter tuning; due to the nature of LLP, model selection cannot easily use the standard machine learning paradigm. The final benchmarking challenge consists of properly evaluating LLP solution methods across various LLP variants. We note that there is very little consideration of these issues in prior work, and there are no general solutions for these challenges proposed to date. To address these challenges, we develop methods capable of generating LLP datasets meeting the requirements of different variants. We use these methods to generate a collection of datasets encompassing the spectrum of LLP problem characteristics, which can be used in future evaluation studies. Additionally, we develop guidelines for benchmarking LLP algorithms, including the model selection and evaluation steps. Finally, we illustrate the new methods and guidelines by performing an extensive benchmark of a set of well-known LLP algorithms. We show that choosing the best algorithm depends critically on the LLP variant and model selection method, demonstrating the need for our proposed approach