188 research outputs found

    Artistas cordobeses en los movimientos vanguardistas del siglo XX [Separata]

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    Fondo procedente de la donación Marcos-Vicen

    Tabla periódica de los elementos, historia, educación y evaluación

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    The periodic tables of transition metal thiophosphates MPS3, transition metal dichalcogenides MX2 and other materials, the origin of chemical elements and toxic trace elements in dried mushrooms are provided. The effective nucleus-electron attraction is proportional to the effective nuclear charge (Zeff) and inversely proportional to the effective principal quantum number (n*). The periodic arch is one of many modern visual displays that have been developed to augment the traditional periodic table of the chemical elements. The table is related to the multiparameter optimisation of N atom, nuclear magnetic resonance and everyday life. Educational activities were developed and evaluated.Se proporcionan las tablas periódicas de los tiofosfatos de metales de transición MPS3, los dicalcogenuros de metales de transición MX2 y otros materiales, el origen de los elementos químicos y elementos traza tóxicos en setas secas. La atracción efectiva núcleo-electrón es proporcional a la carga nuclear efectiva (Zeff) e inversamente proporcional al número cuántico principal efectivo (n*). El arco periódico es una de las muchas presentaciones visuales modernas que se han desarrollado para aumentar la tabla periódica tradicional de los elementos químicos. La tabla se relaciona con la optimización multiparamétrica del átomo de N, la resonancia magnética nuclear y la vida cotidiana. Se desarrollan actividades educativas con evaluación.Ciencias Experimentale

    Molecular Categorization of Yams by Principal Component and Cluster Analyses

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    Wild yam species tubers of Ivory Coast are categorized by principal component analyses (PCAs) of nutrients and antinutritional factors and yams cluster analyses (CAs), which agree. Species group into three classes. Compositional PCA and yams CA allow classifying them and agree. The first PCA axis explains 90% of variance. Meta-analysis allows increasing samples numbers and data variety. Different yam behaviour depends on energy. Most antinutritional factors are grouped into the same class.Especies de tubérculos de batatas silvestres de Costa de Marfil se clasifican por análisis de componentes principales (ACPs) de nutrientes y factores antinutricionales y análisis de agregados (AAs) de batatas, los cuales están de acuerdo. Las especies se agrupan en tres clases. El ACP composicional y AA de batatas permiten clasificarlos y están de acuerdo. El primer eje de ACP explica el 90% de la varianza. El metaanálisis permite aumentar el número de muestras y variedad de datos. El comportamiento de diferentes batatas depende de la energía. La mayoría de los factores antinutricionales se agrupan en la misma clase.Ciencias Experimentale

    Clasificación molecular de los componentes de los aceites de Eucalyptus camaldulensis y de Mentha pulegium

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    Eucalyptus and Mentha remain flavours in agro-food manufacturing. Oils and components present antifungal potency vs . decay of fruits; E. camaldulensis is led by 1,8-cineole and a -pinene, unlike M. pulegium , which is led by pulegone. The antifungal activity of M. pulegium is three times more frequent than that of E. camaldulensis . The phytochemicals present synergy. Categorization is recommended on the basis of information entropy . The quantity of C-C double bonds, O-atoms and cycles cluster structures. The procedure undergoes a combinatorial upsurge. Nevertheless, following equipartition conjecture, one gets a criterion for selection. Entropy allows clustering phytochemicals according to cluster and principal component analyses. In the periodic classification, components in the same column show similar features. Phytochemicals in the same row present utmost similarity.El Eucalyptus y la Mentha se siguen utilizando como sabores en la fabricación agroalimentaria. Sus aceites y compo nentes presentan actividad antifúngica frente a la descomposición de frutas; E. camaldulensis está enca bezado por 1,8-cineol y a -pineno, pero M. pulegium lo está por pulegona. La actividad antifúngica de M. pulegium resulta tres veces la de E. camaldulensis . Los fitoquímicos presentan sinergia. Se recomienda la categorización sobre la base de la entropía informacional . La cantidad de dobles enlaces C-C, átomos de O y ciclos agrupa las estructuras. El procedimiento sufre una explosión combinatoria. Sin embargo, según la conjetura de equipartición , se puede obtener un criterio para la selección. La entropía permite agrupar fitoquímicos de acuerdo con el análisis de grupo y los componentes principales. En la clasificación periódica, los componentes en la misma columna muestran características parecidas. Los fitoquímicos presentan también en la misma fila la máxima semejanza.Ciencias Experimentale

    Géneros naturales, clasificaciones científicas, vida, fuegos artificiales y COVID

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    A difficulty exists in separating the real aspects from the point of view of the researchers. A taxonomic classification is proposed in five kingdoms: plants, animals, fungi, protista and monera. Humans are the only species capable of manipulating the biosphere on a large scale. Behind the light, colour, sound and smoke from fireworks there is a chemical reaction and a table of chemical elements. The history of pesticides presents a set of little-known stories of environmental pollution. What communication and action to take against the climate emergency? Sustainable development is carried out in the food industry: energy consumption, water consumption, wastewater management, waste management, containers and packaging, and food waste. The 20th century advances in molecular biology–genomics are informed: what they are and what they represent for today's medicine. Drug repurposing is reviewed for coronavirus treatment and computational study based on molecular topology. Chemistry and pharmacy might be sustainable. Processing might also be sustainable.Existe una dificultad en separar los aspectos reales desde el punto de vista de los investigadores. Se propone una clasificación taxonómica en cinco reinos: plantas, animales, hongos, protistas y móneras. Los humanos son la única especie capaz de manipular la biosfera a gran escala. Más allá de la luz, color, sonido y humo de los fuegos artificiales hay una reacción química y una tabla de elementos químicos. La historia de los pesticidas presenta un conjunto de historias poco conocidas de contaminación ambiental. ¿Qué comunicación y acción seguir frente a la emergencia climática? Se lleva a cabo desarrollo sostenible en la industria alimentaria: consumo energético, consumo de agua, gestión de aguas residuales, gestión de residuos, envases y embalajes, y desperdicio alimentario. Se informan los avances del siglo XX en biología molecular–genómica: cuáles son y qué representan para la medicina de hoy. Se revisa la reutilización de medicamentos para el tratamiento del coronavirus y el estudio computacional basado en la topología molecular. La Química y la Farmacia deben ser sostenibles. El procesamiento debe ser también sostenibleCiencias Experimentale

    QSPR Prediction of Chromatographic Retention Times of Tea Compounds by Bioplastic Evolution

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    Structure-property relationships model the ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatographic retention times of tea compounds. Bioplastic evolution presents a viewpoint in evolutionary science. It conjugates the result of acquired characters and associations rising between three rules: evolutionary indeterminacy, morphological determination, and natural selection. It is used to propose the co-ordination index, which is utilized to describe the retentions of tea constituents. In molecules, three properties allow computing the co-ordination descriptor: the molar formation enthalpy, molecular weight, and surface area. The result of dissimilar kinds of characteristics is examined: thermodynamic, steric, geometric, lipophilic, etc. The features are molar formation enthalpy, molecular weight, hydrophobic solvent-accessible surface area, decimal logarithm of the 1-octanol/water partition coefficient, etc. in linear and quadratic associations. The formation enthalpy, molecular weight, hydrophobic surface, partition, etc. differentiate the molecular structures of tea components. Feeble quadratic associations result between partition, hydrophobic surface and retention. The morphological and co-ordination descriptors complete the associations

    Molecular Classification of Antitubulin Agents with Indole Ring Binding at Colchicine-Binding Site

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    Algorithms for classification and taxonomy are proposed based on criteria as information entropy and its production. A set of 59 antitubulin agents with trimethoxyphenyl (TMP), indole, and C=O bridge present inhibition of gastric cancer cell line MNK-45. On the basis of structure-activity relation of TMPs, derivatives are designed that are classified using seven structural parameters of different moieties. A lot of categorization methods are founded on the entropy of information. On using processes on collections of reasonable dimension, an extreme amount of outcomes occur, matching information and suffering a combinatorial increase. Notwithstanding, following the equipartition conjecture, an assortment factor appears among dissimilar alternatives resultant from categorization among pecking order rankings. The entropy of information allows classifying the compounds and agrees with principal component analyses. A table of periodic properties TMPs is obtained. Features denote positions R1–4 on the benzo and X–R5/6 on the pyridine ring in indole cycle. Inhibitors in the same group are suggested to present similar properties; those in the same group and period will present maximum resemblance

    QSRP Prediction of Retention Times of Chlorogenic Acids in Coffee by Bioplastic Evolution

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    Caffeoyl‐, feruloyl‐ and dicaffeoylquinic (chlorogenic) acids in infusions from green and medium roasted coffee beans were identified and quantified by reverse phase liquid chromatography. The chromatographic retention times of chlorogenic acids in coffee are modeled by structure‐property relationships. Bioplastic evolution is a view in evolution that conjugates the result of acquired features, and relationships that come out between the principles of evolutionary indeterminacy, morphological determination, and natural selection. Here, it is used to invent the coordination index, which is utilized to typify chlorogenic acids chromatographic retention times. The factors utilized to compute the co‐ordination index are the standard molar formation enthalpy, molecular bare, and hydrophobic solvent‐accessible surface areas, as well as fractal dimensions. The morphological and coordination indices provide strong correlations. Effect of different types of features is analyzed: thermodynamic, geometric, fractal, etc. Properties are molar formation enthalpy, bare molecular surface area, etc., in linear correlation models. Formation enthalpy, etc. distinguish chlorogenic acids molecular structures